Thursday, March 20, 2025

Bravo Romeo Kangombe; Ministers, MPs take heed!


We would like to doff off our hats and applaud Sesheke Member of Parliament, Romeo Kangombe for his candidness and forthrightness. He has shared something that exactly resonates with what we had tackled a couple of days ago regarding what’s obtaining ‘pa ground.’

He wrote the following on his Facebook page, “We need to help the President if we love him. Those that speak the truth in any case are the true Lieutenants. We will speak until you sit up and do the rightful thing. Leave those offices and jump on busses, you will go back home stressed.”

We’d like to appeal to our cabinet ministers and indeed MPs from the ruling party to heed Kangombe’s timely advice. Hop on a bus to Kalingalinga and check on the creative welders plying their trade there…..take a ride to Matero to grab your favourite steak….get on a bus to Kabangwe during peak hours….visit the hair dressers in Chibolya…..engage the marketeers at Soweto market….interact with the street vendors trying to sale cheap Chinese wares….We know it’s the job of a politician to talk. However, we’d advise to remain mute and eavesdrop on the conversations of those you encounter and take an inventory.

Once you get back to your offices, do not sugarcoat anything…..compile reports which will help the President prepare a distinct THINGS TO DO LIST

Time is of the essence; do not wait for the last minute imwe ma bwana!

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst
Mayeng’u, Zambezi


  1. Not too sure what Bo Kaping’a is really trying to say here! But, to borrow from DRC’s Joseph Kabila, a prezdo can be a problem and/or a solution…

  2. I read somewhere where this young a MP is telling off some GRZ official to leave alone those who are buying fuel from Malawi where it’s costing less than half the price we are paying per liter. He was so frank to the extent of telling his party fellow members to stop misleading the president. What a great man

  3. OMG as if these informal sectors have not been operating the in this manner for years,
    So what is new ???
    Sometimes it’s better to zip it !!!

  4. Romeo Kang’ombe is the presidential candidate UPND requires for the 2026 elections if they have to get even 20% of the votes, the incumbent stands completely no chance. And they stand the chance if it is done now, look at how Biden delayed to give way to Kamala Harris and costing them the vote. Kang’ombe is forthright, he does not lie, what a contrast and a sigh of fresh air


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