Socialist Party (S.P) Copperbelt Provincial Spokesperson Reagan Kashinga has said Zambians must unite and reject the planned constitution amendment being championed less than two years before the 2026 General Elections.
Mr. Kashinga said there is neither consensus reached with the majority of the Zambians nor wide consultation to warrant the amendment of the constitution.
Mr. Kashinga said the Socialist Party agrees with other political parties, the Church and civil society who have called for the postponement of the amendment process until after elections.
He added that constitutional amendment is a noble process that needs people’s views and must be done in a clear manner.
“The Socialist Party in the Copperbelt Province joins the voices of many Zambians rejecting the UPND regime’s maneuver to amend the Republican Constitution in a hurried and haphazard manner. We agree that at some point the Republican Constitution which is the supreme law of the land can be amended but we totally disagree with the timing and the selfish motive behind the UPND’s appetite to change the constitution,” Mr. Kashinga said.
Mr. Kashinga continued:”There is no road map provided, no wide consultation, no public sitting and no consensus reached with the people of Zambia to warrant Constitutional Amendments. Major stakeholders such as political parties, the Church and civil society are all in the dark over the proposed constitutional amendment being championed by the UPND and their minions. We can’t allow a secretive constitutional amendment to go ahead in a democratic country. Constitutional amendments must be people driven and not UPND driven.”
Mr. Kashinga charged that the UPND administration is championing the constitution amendment agenda to dubiously stay in power.
“We wish to emphasize that there is a lot the UPND is hiding in their draft constitution as they try to conceal it in the name of delimitation, youth, women and persons with disabilities representation enhancement. We refuse to be cheated again, how many youths, women or persons with disabilities has President Hakainde Hichilema appointed in key leadership positions? If President Hichilema wanted more youths, women and persons with disabilities in leadership he should have demonstrated that by nominating them as Members of Parliament.”
He concluded:”The Socialist Party in the Copperbelt Province calls on the people of Zambia from all walks of life to unite and reject this questionable planned constitution amendment just a year before the 2026 general elections. Why the rush? UPND just wants to prolong its stay in power beyond 2026 but they won’t succeed. Zambians have already decided to vote out this government and to replace it with the people’s party Socialist.”
I think the message is loud and clear and trust the UPND has already backtracked. Hopefully, they have learned valuable lessons – not to ambush we the people in constitution making!
This guy HH is nothing but trouble!! He should have remained a cattle herder ad not close to matters of state. Selling our electricity, our food, our environment, our freedoms to foreigners. Now he wants to stay in power forever in spite of not performing and plunging Zambians into poverty. He even claims that no Zambians have died from hunger!!
Imagine they want to use the views of the Mung’omba and Mwanakatwe commissions which were gathered during the stone age era. We want fresh views, a lot has changed between then and now.