Friday, March 21, 2025

Two Worlds of President Hichilema: Will Zambians Resist Another Constitutional Manipulation?


By Kapya Kaoma

If one follows President Hakainde Hichilema closely, it is evident that he inhabits two worlds: one known to the average Zambian and another that exists solely in his mind. In the former, nearly everyone chants, “Bally has destroyed it! Bally has destroyed it!” However, in his own world, he hears a different slogan: “Bally fixed it! Bally fixed it!”

My daughter reminds me that Donald Trump is a strategic thinker, fully aware of his every move. I believe the same can be said for Hichilema. How else can one explain his fixation on constitutional amendments if not in anticipation of the looming 2026 elections?

President Hichilema is acutely aware of his dwindling reputation; each passing day presents a battle against a tide of insults. Even his pets seem to mock him–they are now ashamed to be associated with him. The idea that he considers himself the most beloved president in Zambian history indicates a terrible disconnect from reality. It is implausible to believe that he thinks he can win fairly in 2026. I suspect he even questions the sanity of his supporters who think so.

As the days count down to 2026, fear consumes him daily. The only apparent way out is to move the goalposts to create an opening for victory. The challenge? The people are the goalkeepers, and Hichilema must find a way past them. But will he emerge victorious?

“Imingalato” has become Hichilema’s tactic, but he must take the final shot—changing the Constitution. This is his only path to securing power. The Constitution itself isn’t the issue; it’s that it no longer serves his interests.

This reality is unsettling, especially considering that Mr. Hichilema has already undermined the integrity of the Constitutional Court when it did not align with his agenda. He dismissed judges and installed loyalists to prevent former President Edgar Lungu from contesting the 2026 election.

Recognizing his misstep, Hichilema is now seeking to grant himself a last-minute penalty—amending the Constitution. Ironically, he claims that the Zambian people mandated this penalty, yet he is the only player on the field. He wants to be the shooter, the goalkeeper, the referee, and the linesman all at once. Will it work?

To be clear, the amendments seek to accomplish the following:

First, eliminate the 50% plus one requirement: Hichilema knows that achieving more than 50% of the votes is unlikely. A simple majority is all he needs, especially with multiple parties expected to contest. If he retains the 50% plus one clause, he risks returning to prison, as smaller parties are unlikely to form alliances with him to meet that threshold.

Second, increase the number of MPs and grant them the power to elect the president. Drawing inspiration from parliamentary systems in the UK, South Africa, and Botswana, Hichilema aims to ensure that the party with the most MPs forms the government. His administration could create new constituencies in UPND strongholds, diluting the influence of the PF and paving the way for a safer route to a second term.

Finally, amend the rules regarding by-elections for MPs switching parties. Mr. Hichilema understands that merely increasing the number of MPs and winning with a simple majority won’t resolve all his problems. If he achieves the presidency but the opposition outnumbers his party in Parliament, he risks removal from office through impeachment. Protecting his administration means finding ways to retain opposition MPs through incentives, as those who resign often do not reclaim their seats.

Despite the misinformation circulating, the amendments are solely about securing Mr. Hichilema’s personal interests. It is, therefore, a fallacy to assert that the Zambian people have empowered the UPND to amend the Constitution. History has shown that Zambian presidents have manipulated the Constitution to cling to power. Hichilema’s barring of Lungu illustrates this troubling trend, and he is now testing the waters once again.

The pressing question is whether Zambians will allow this to happen once more. We’ve seen this scenario before, notably during the Kaunda regime when the Constitution was amended to bar Nkumbula and Kapwepwe from challenging President Kaunda. We witnessed it in 1996 when Frederick Chiluba succeeded in amending the Constitution to prevent KK from running against him, only to face resistance from his own ranks in 2001 when he attempted to change the Constitution to seek a third term. Notable figures like Godfrey Miyanda, Edith Nawakwi, and Michael Sata stood firm against Chiluba’s power grab.

Will the UPND and its members join the Zambian people in defending our hard-won democracy from President Hichilema? Kaya!


  1. HH overates himself but it appears he has now started smelling the coffee that citizens are clearly at variance with his incompetence. How does the guy go to a Egypt, a foreign country and goes to say out of the 7 Presidents Zambia has had, he is the only one who opened the mine that was closed for so many years. Why didn’t he also say out of the 7 President Zambia has had he is the only President with the worst economy Zambia has ever had, with mealie meal price being a record K400 per 25kg bag, fuel price being a record K35 per litre with the worst exchange rate Zambia has ever had since the formation of the country

    • You people who honestly write what comes to your minds, do you ever have any sense of objectivity in you? Can you start from what was the state of economy when you great guys took over?
      I can remind you since you and Mr Kaoma has selective memory: mealie meal K50; Dollar 5; inflation less than 10 and debt USD1.5.
      For completion purposes HH took over debt USD14.5b and defaulted! Mealie meal at 250 and kwacha at 24! What the man has done in 3 years is to stabilize and negotiate your mercy. If you can see reality, get a life…Ba Kaoma, be ashamed really. All your articles are one sided and never objective. Do you know how many children are back in school? 2 million!!! You left them in the cold. Write something about it

    • He is obsessed with who’s who contests.
      When he was doing skewed statistical data presentation with graphs in gloves, he said he is the most hard working president Zambia ever had. But from 2021, the KPI’s say a different story. Meanwhile, even when he fails to open his own bedroom door, he will blame the PF.

    • This Joseph Mwansa guy needs a serious lecture. When his misfiring President was campaigning he knew what he was getting in, he promised voluntarily, in some cases even giving time frames like being sworn in at 10hrs and kwacha picking against the dollar at 14hrs, the reality is that it has worsened. With the same conditions that PF had like huge debts, the economy and price of essential goods was much more affordable than now. We never even queued for mealie meal like now, and the decline of the economy started way before the drought.

    • Ba Kaoma does not need to get a life. The one who needs to get a life is Joseph Mwansa who in his mind, in his mind only thinks the economy has been stabilised. For those who do not know failure, this government has failed. Period. If in doubt, check economic stats between PF in government and UPND in government. Still in doubt?


  2. Joseph Mwansa

    If the president has the confidence with what you have said as his achievements, he does not need to rewrite the constitution to win the league. We all know about the debts Zambia is in. Do we need to fidget with the constitution to take back the two million kids to school? Constitutional changes he seeks are for personal preservation and not meant to benefit Zambians. Our referee, linesman, penalty striker and the goalkeeper; all in one. Outrageous!

    • The chap is not even Joseph Mwansa, we know his name starts with H and he is just trying to confuse us. What ever your name is, please note that PF economy was by far better than the UPND economy.

  3. So many *****s above who can’t think beyond their nose.Pf borrowed without thinking how to pay back.Part of that money ended up in their pockets.Yet few *****s are blind to this closed the mines which HH is trying by all means to open up…our *****s above can’t see this.Many pensioners died without being paid their money not until HH took over.*****s can’t see all this.Farmers couldn’t get their money for supplying maize,sick *****s can’t see this…University students couldn’t get their meal allowances,*****s ignore all this because they hate where HH comes from these tribalists.He has cut all the nichekeleko and ubomba mwibala business.P@nyo panu including the writer of this nonsense

    • Is it any diffirent now ?? Why is the National debt ever given to us
      are they ashamed ??
      HH is a good businessman but ranks very poorly in pesidential qualities
      Let’s hope for a challenger to come forward

    • Signs of a failed argument, resorting to insults, and mentioning the parts he also has. I am not PF but i know PF was also paying farmers and pensioners. A bag of mealie meal was K120 to K130. I am not PF but PF with its many faults, life was much more affordable. There is a provision in the constitution to resign if one fails. Show him the clause

  4. Now that we have seen the video on how Jackson Kungo was murdered in cold blood by Upnd caders and that a Upnd youth leader has openly confessed that they killed Jackson on behalf of the Upnd, can the police spokesperson say something about these videos? Or is he waiting for permission before he can say something about it?

  5. So people think by calling themselves Mwansa and Musonda they will hide their identities! I supported HH but like all Zambians, our people are suffering. I am ashamed to look at the T-Shirt I wore with pride when we won. Kaoma is one of the most objective contributors at Lusaka Times. I wish we heeded his word.

    • Wakangiwa uyu munthu, tapali nokwaku fisama. Alabeja. Let him go, we try another one, though no one identified yet.

    • What I call myself does not matter much only to a tribalist like you who still think being called Musonda you are superior to the minority. I can call myself Inganeyendoda if I want. Learn to travel and stay outside the country, it will open up your dwarfed mind. When the only place you know is Mansa and Lusaka its a problem



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