Saturday, March 22, 2025

RPP Condemns Rising Cases of Incest and Defilement – Calls for Swift Justice


The Republic Progressive Party (RPP) strongly condemns the alarming surge in cases of incest and defilement that continue to plague our communities. These acts are not only criminal but are a direct assault on the moral fabric and safety of our society, especially against our most vulnerable—women and children.

We are deeply disturbed by the heartbreaking case of a father who allegedly defiled his own daughter while entrusted with her care at the Cancer Diseases Hospital in Lusaka. The violation of such trust within the family unit is appalling and must be met with the full force of the law.

Acts of incest are not only criminal but utterly inhumane, and there must be no room for mercy
when dealing with such perpetrators.Equally horrifying is the recent case of a five-year-old girl in Mtendere Compound, Lusaka, who is currently admitted to the University Teaching Hospital after being gang defiled by four adult men.

According to reports, the child was brutally assaulted and repeatedly raped, resulting in severe trauma and medical complications.These tragic incidents are a painful reminder that urgent action is needed to protect our children and restore dignity in our communities.

On behalf of all women in RPP, I call upon law enforcement agencies to intensify their efforts in investigating and prosecuting these cases without fear or favor. No perpetrator of such heinous crimes should walk free. We further call on the judiciary to impose the harshest possible penalties to deter others from committing such acts.

We also urge families, churches, schools, and community leaders to break the silence, educate children about abuse, and provide safe spaces where survivors can speak out without fear of shame or retaliation. Ending defilement and incest is not the sole responsibility of the police,it must be a collective fight for all of us.Let us rise together to protect our daughters, our children, and our future.

Issued by:
Simangele Magodi
RPP National Women's Secretary


  1. You have a point and the only deterrence is stiffened punishment coupled with speedy court process. We must protect the girl child
    Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  2. Isn’t this the party that condemned the way ward ” why me” but failed to condemn the UPND cadres from the violent province of northwestern who have been openly threatening violence on our former President ECL, insulting him and threatening to circumcise him. Though I agree with them that these barbaric sexual abuse of women and children need to end. The only urgent change we require in the constitution is to include a clause to castrate the perpetrators of these crimes otherwise our constitution is okay and does not require any amendment.


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