Tuesday, February 4, 2025

President Lungu in Lundazi


President Edgar Lungu addressing marketeers at Lundazi Market
President Edgar Lungu samples some market merchandise during the tour of Lundazi market
President Edgar Lungu flanked by Sister in Charge Sr Mbaga during the tour of the Hospital after he officially opened a male surgical ward at Lumezi Mission Hospital in Lundazi District
President Edgar Lungu flanked by Sister in Charge Sr Mbaga greets a patient during the tour of the Hospital after he officially opened a male surgical ward at Lumezi Mission Hospital in Lundazi District
Eastern Province Minister Makebi Zulu seated on the bed listens to President Edgar Lungu after he officially opened a male surgical ward at Lumezi Mission Hospital in Lundazi
President Edgar Lungu cuts the ribbon to officially open a male surgical ward at Lumezi Mission Hospital
President Edgar Lungu sleeps on the bed when he officially opened a male surgical ward at Lumezi Mission Hospital


  1. His Excellence on tour of duty visiting his subjects to make sure work is being done. Keep it up ECL. 2021 wina azalila nafuti.

  2. How do you allow a mob of unproductive people choke a hospital ward..surely does a leader needs that mob of people to escort him to such visits????? Productivity at risk again. I agree, no news here bane ..next item please!!!

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