Sunday, September 8, 2024

Pictures of the week


President Lungu during the Presentation of 4th Quartely Report by Ministry of Transport and Communication at State House
Zambia News And Information Services (ZANIS) Director Patrick Lungu flanked by Zambia News And Information Services (ZANIS) Deputy Director Victor Hachimbi welcomes Palastine Ambassador to Zambia Dr. Walid Hasan when the Ambassador paid courtesy call to ZANIS
Zambia News And Information Services (ZANIS) Director Patrick Lungu confers with Palestine Ambassador to Zambia Dr. Walid Hasan when the Ambassador paid courtesy call to ZANIS
Zambia News And Information Services (ZANIS) Director Patrick Lungu showing Palestine Ambassador to Zambia Dr. Walid Hasan the Map of ZANIS office in Zambia when the Ambassador paid courtesy call to ZANIS
National Council for Construction Principal Architecture Chance Kaonga confers with National Council for Construction Executive Director Mathew Ngulube during the meeting at Protea Hotel Lusaka Tower
Minister of National Development Planning, Alexander Chiteme (second from left), launches the Strategic Plan for the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi for 2017 to 2021 at Ibenga Secondary School. Looking on are Provincial Superior for the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi, Sr. Theresa Chisanga (left), Ndola Diocese Director of Social Development, Fr. Francis Mukosa (right) and Catholic Relief Services Country Representative, Juan Sheenan (far right).
Minister of National Development Planning, Alexander Chiteme (right), launches the Strategic Plan for the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi for 2017 to 2021 at Ibenga Secondary School. Looking on is Provincial Superior for the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi, Sr. Theresa Chisanga.
Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary, Bright Nundwe (right) speaks to Anthony Goddard when he visited Ndola Teaching Hospital on a familiarization tour on
Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary, Bright Nundwe (second from left) talks to a patient at Ndola Teaching Hospital while Senior Medical Superintendent, Dr. Alex Makupe (left) looks on



  1. Ba LT. Why expose a sick man in bed. The poor guy probably was incognito and now the whole world knows he’s sick and out of commission. Some situations are private please mkxxsts.

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