Friday, September 20, 2024

Presidential by-Elections set for October 30


Acting President Rupiah Banda says the long awaited presidential by-elections would be held on Thursday, 30th October 2008.

Mr. Banda said government started preparing for the holding of the presidential by-elections immediately Dr. Mwanawasa died to meet the constitutional requirement.

Zambia’s seat of republican presidency fell vacant after the death of President Levy Mwanawasa on August 19th, 2008.

According to Article 38, section one (1) and section 20 of the Electoral Act No. 12 of 2006, presidential elections should be held within 90 days of the death of a sitting president.

“Therefore, I have the honour to announce that the programme of conducting presidential by-election has been finally established. The presidential by-elections shall therefore be held on Thursday, 30th October 2008,” he said.

He said the Electoral Commission has already commenced preparations to hold elections.

He said the forthcoming elections would require substantial financial resources.

“In this regard, government welcomes financial assistance from cooperating partners and well wishers,” he said.

Mr. Banda has since appealed to Zambians to remain calm, peaceful and united during the pre-election period and urged political parties to conduct issue based campaigns in a clean and dignified manner.

At least three political parties have indicated participation in the forthcoming presidential by-elections.

These are the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) and two opposition parties, United Party for National Development (UPND) and the Patriotic Front (PF).

The MMD has elected the Acting President, Mr. Banda as the presidential candidate while the UPND has fielded its leader, Hakainde Hichilema and the PF has chosen its president, Michael Sata for the presidential by-election.

Opposition United Liberal Party (ULP) and the All People’s Congress (APC) will not take part in the elections but would instead support the ruling MMD.



  1. ULP and APC are boot licking arsslickas. MMD in advance i wish to commend you for trying so hard but this time you’re losing

  2. fello zambians its time we chose wisely lets pup HH 4 presido and Sata for Vice: this is the only way of defeating the rulling party. pliz let not vote on tribal lines lets look at someone who can deliver

  3. Where’s the budget breakdown for the cost, as a would be “well wisher” I need to know what I’m paying for. Chibiliti has already said they have a money from non-priority projects so what is RB talking about, ECZ also have indicated they don’t have a problem with election material. Is RB insuiating that they need money to campaign as MMD? Let him be clear!!!

  4. Pliz lets do away with tribalism you backward thinkers we are a new generation, nowadays there intermarriages so there is no Tonga no Bemba we all one as country

  5. Every player has had more than enough time for this and should not give any lame execuse why the defeat.Its not yet rain season. All parts of the country are passable.MMD is more than ready to canvass every part of the Country.Shakers and movers itching for victory while all structures and machineries are battle ready.Regional command have been setup and deployed.Supply lines secured.The battle is for us to win.RB will will cover the whole country to every part atleat twice.Every Province, district,chiefdom and community of 200 will be touched base with.We will listen and work together towards giving mandate to MMD for a Zambia the late has left us move forward.

  6. Antkaso,

    Keep asking, filling petitions and looking for excuses for your pending defeat till Jesus comes.We wish to see you here conceeding another devastating defeat on the night of elections.

    We have time for armchair rants.

  7. Imwe efye lako ba RB has given direct orders for the Minister of Finance and Minister and Energy to immediately sit down and revise fuel prices downwards. Thats a good thing right??or did that whole thing sound like a diplomatic manifesto of good things to come if voted into power.

    Hey October 30 is my bday. Can someone get hold of RB and inform him as spokesperson to change to 31st. I can imangine headlines

    ” Sorry Election date is now yhe 31st october and not 3th as earlier mentioned by the acting president and acting spokesman of ECZ

  8. Mulongoti on MUVI TV (21:49hrs) news says even if HH or Sata wins his GVT will not be able to pass the bills in parliament because he will have a minority GVT. On the same news Sikota Sakwiba also appeared and said his ULP will support MMD for the same reasons.

  9. Ba Pragmatist muliko??Queen latifah on the blog was desperately looking forward to byour views. Kanshi stand for presidency!!!

  10. While we welcome the election date, we should seriously reflect on how out country has not ticked in all sectors. This should not be an emotional decision to let MMD continue just because Levy died in office. It should be a decision that should consider all Zambians. People have no job, many go hungry, the streets are flooded with kids and adults asking for help, economic policies have failed lamentably and people in power have become very rich beyond any normal explanation. For these three years remaining, let us try Sata and his pragmatic policies to stir this country. If he fails, 2011 belongs to HH. Don’t we see how bad things are in Zambia to trust the MMD again?

  11. Sakwiba sikota is like a female dog which just follows wherever there are males; look people when he lost in UPND he accused the party of being tribal and joined sata and even became the vice president but he is supporting MMD the same party he was crucifying what a man without a direction

  12. # 17,

    I’m a technocrat with a bright future in the Quasi Corporations serving you politicians. Though i have very good opportunities to excell in politics, i have passion for what God has placed me.But that does not turn me off from defending the causes of of our country through competitive politics.

  13. Let’s have manifestos featured for each candidate so that we can judge on who is likely to achieve more. I have been to the PF site and got something. UPND site is blocked. Any luck?

  14. 1. I hope this announcement puts an end to the calls for the elections to be deferred as proposed by KAKA et al.

    2.In appealing for financial assistance the government must be very categorical and state where these funds will be applied lest they face accusations of vote buying.

    3.Please keep a close eye on the MMD ,one reason for selecting RB as their candidate was for them to continue to have access to Government resources for this campaign.

  15. RB can be as good as he want,but we know who to vote for,bringing down fuel prices this tym?were has he been all this tym?this is cheap politics not even a blind person wil be cheatead, and has he now bekam ECZ spokesman to anounce election date? pliz let us talk to our relatives in the vilages,they seem not to understand things and may vote wrongly for pipo with NO TRACK RECORDS (oppoturnist)HH IS WITH NO DOULBT FOR 2011

  16. RB President and for President. No experimenting with opposition with minority number of MPs. We will experiment in 2011.

  17. In this generation we require leadership that is in line with our times,RB, Sata, BY, ETC ETC ETC are al;l old school politicians who have expired in today’s world and future.Please lets not go recycling these old guards who dont care about the future as they will be dead by the time their mistakes start biting.We have enough graduates both from Unza and foreign renowned universities with valuable qualifications and experience to run a gvt

  18. What is the fuss about the acting president announcing the elections date. Its not something new. Chiluba and Mwanawasa used to announce. What has changed with Rupiah? Look for serious issues to debate.

  19. The price of oil has dropped so do not be fulled by reductions. I wonder what RB would do if the price suddenly shot up. Vote wisely.

  20. The price of oil has dropped so do not be fooled by reductions. I wonder what RB would do if the price suddenly shot up. Vote wisely.

  21. #37 Its the timely nature of the announcement that has been welcomed because these dates have been closely guarded secrets by the incumbents in the past,if you recall we have had elections during the rainy season making it very difficult for proper campiangns to be carried out.

    I hope you appreciate that the issue is not about who makes the announcement but when the announcement is made.


    P/S if i remember correctly,we voted out Kaunda on 31st October 1991, is RB trying to do a UNIP come back,LOL.


  24. A teenage first lady when your president is 70years old? What a shame….. Vote wisely ba zambia. We have only one zambia. our

  25. # 32 Palabana fimo fimo dont attack Pragmatist over irrelevancies,learn to be issue based.your name suggests a lot about your brain composition,drain the excess water!Behold the day is coming!UZALILA,this is zambia where things are done the african way! # 32 Palabana fimo fimo dont attack Pragmatist over irrelevancies,learn to be issue based.your name suggests a lot about your brain composition,drain the excess water!Behold the day is coming!UZALILA,this is zambia where things are done the african way!


  26. Please stop posting the same comments over and over. Get serious. zambia has always been a peace country and let it stay that way. Lets choice the man that will continue our economical success we have enjoyed at the expense of the instability in zimbabwe.

  27. One day we wil have to xplain to our kids wat hapend on october 30th, 2008 and why we made tht decision so comrades lets vote wisely. Ba palabana blues twapapata. Jst bcoz we went to mine skus does not mean we are less human than you.

  28. Teta once said that when Levy recovers his duties should be reduced. Imwe bantu pilizi, don’t elect another bye-election. Muzivota na nzelu!

  29. i we chi# 53 i thought you are intelligent. Honestly speaking,is this all you can say. ithink you need serious help. You should learn to respect the views and opnions of others. If you think this is foolish show you should think again. open your eyes and see. much as there are a few individuals whose contribution needs revisiting like yours i ve seen great sence in what country men and women are saying

  30. if sata wins i should be filling in my assylum application form.imwe this man can not be president.lets vote wisely HH for zambia.

  31. At last. i hope this puts an end to unnecessary debates over by elections when the constitution is clear, now people want to start debate of who should announce election dates. RB is within his rights as acting president to announce. an important decision is upon us zambians, let us do our homework and find out all we can about the candidates so we can make informed decisions. those who know these people’s manifestos post them here. those who wish to campaign for their choice, do it with dignity, if yo candidate deserves our vote u don’t need to depend on insulting others to convince us, just tell us what they’ll offer this country, and most importantly let us pray for our country and leaders

  32. I honestly agree with Fruitejuice’s comments. The will be no investors left in the country if Sata comes in. Zambia will be into the stone ages again. remember 1978 when the price of copper droped and the country went down hill. PLEASE VOTE WISELY. Dont vote with change in mind, but prosperity.

  33. No more rigging and no more spot check, politicians is you me a chat! Zedian people too wise now and dem overstand politricks.

  34. Let Sata sweep the family tree and plunderers between jan 2002 and 3rd sep 2008 what are you fearing # 59 and others. Are you family tree members?

  35. #14 where did you watch Muvi TV? Is it there on the net? I would really love to be watching the news coz they keep it real? Please help teach us how to access the TV Station on the net

  36. HH is for the future at 44 he is too young to rule now may be when he reaches 50 plus for now he can learn from the cobra venom.MMD kuya bebele

  37. If Sata or HH win they can still form government, all they have to do is poach from the other party MPs by offering them government positions and also nominate his own.

    Mwanawasa’s cabinet was full of such people, Nyirongo, Teta, Masebo, Nzowa and many more. Don’t be fooled by what Mulongoti and co. are saying, they will gladly move over to the party in power. Very few politicians in Zambia are prinicipled!

  38. Imwe! Imwe! Imwe! we are all in the Noah’s boat. Sata is not a seasonal man, he companed the followed day he lost the elections. Who is Sikota! By the way “sikota” in lozi means “chimutengo” guys. HH for 2011 or now if possible!

  39. Good timing of thr date but I think the MMD still will use govt machinery in their campaigns. They should allow free media debates among all the contesting presidents. This will allow people to asses candidate on issues that affect the people. Good Luck to all the zedains and vote wisely.

  40. I am itching not 2 vote for MMD because of the proposed salary increament. There selfishness should haunt and boot them out of GOVT. Let us show them that we the Voters are their employers not the other way.

  41. Hay not Sata, HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH for presido if you want another good chapter in our politics and development. He is the better evil among the three.

  42. Sata, now that the date has been announced, go to your convention and choose a Presidential candidate. Other parties have been to conventions and have elected their leaders but WHO has ever elected YOU? Democracy MUST be democracy everywhere and NOT when it suits you. You are the person who wants to be president at all costs but knowing you and how illiterate you are, zambia does not need you at all. What would you have done if Mwanawasa hadn’t died? You are too old with a half functioning heart and you still want to lead. Go and die in peace and remember, no one goes with money to the grave. Stupidy muselela kwakaba! Stop the nonsense and allow fit people to stand and NOT you!!!

  43. Yes, RB for president for now definitely and we can get a good race in 2011. Do not inherit what you never worked for or you were never part to. Be gentle, plan, analyse and define your vision. Don’t be opportunistic. Levy could have booted out Chiluba legally in 1996 using the law and the facts he had about Kafupi’s parentage, but did he do it? NO. It had to take Kafupi himself to reflect on how genuine Levy was before he proposed his name. But I guess Kafupi did it for other reasons. Tough. Crooks don’t win with men of integrity. No gold chains or yellow shoes but honesty and hard work. Shame on you Kafupi! Your Children have no future in Zambia. Lishamo sana!!!

  44. #67 who said someone should not rule until they are 50? How old is Barack Obama who is contesting the US presidency? About 70% of the Zambian population is youthful, we therefore need a youthful president. I support recycling but having SATA (3rd term promoter) or RB is being retrogressive. We need to move forward. Joseph Kabila became president in his early 30s. VIVA HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  45. MMD = Huge salary increments for ministers, high fuel prices, high unemployment, high power-cuts, high family tree, high bus fares, high food prices (mealie-meal K50,000?). Vote wisely


    5th Year

  47. Thanks RB!!! I just don’t see the logic in the opposition fielding candidates who even if they won would be ineffective becoz the MMD holds the majority in parliament. Its common knowledge that with our partisian polictics currently in play in Zed a president needs the majority in parliament to be effective. I would put resources into 2011 elections. Anyhow its a free country & wish them the best.

  48. My early comment above about the suitability of RB making the election date announcement wasn’t meant to divert people from debating the “serious” issues. However, as a country we need to be determined to move in the right direction and this means doing things right. Its illogical for a blogger to post comments like Chiluba/LPM were doing it and so RB should do it. Give us the authority not this nonsense.

    The Electoral Act defines a Polling day in a by election as “a day appointed by the Commission ( i.e. ECZ) for the taking of the poll in a by election”. The same Act gives power to the Commission to prescribe a date for the holding of a by election.

    RB was ill advised bcoz …

  49. I agree with #79. We need a youthful president as is the case everywhere in the region at the momemt. Look at Odinga in Kenya, Kikwete in Tanzania, the Russian president, the french president, the Australian prime minister etc. More importantly we need somebody educated in state house. There is no substitue for education. Levy did well because he was educated, he understood isssues easily. Chiluba was a disastor because of standard 6 certificate. When experts said privatise the mine now he refused and ended up selling the mine for a price equivalent to the price Barcelona paid for Ronaldo. Ignorance is dangerous.

  50. RB was ill advised bcoz what he announced was not a date for a general election. The Act does give the President power to prescribe a date for a general election but not a by election.

    So fellas lets debate in accordance with the law otherwise the President will now start announcing results of the elections and we won’t see anything wrong with it.

  51. seems HH has a lot of support on the internet, i wonder if the majority of zambian’s without internet are supporting HH.

    i think its time for a change, we need a man who will continue from where PLM left. MMD is a joke right now, it time these old politicians went. non of them is patriatic enough to serve Zambia but they have their interests before the countries interests.
    its HH this time!!

  52. Let us not get addicted to criticism. Some bloggers here criticise anything and everything. Objective criticism is always welcome. I’m not an RB fan but i thank him for announcing the election date. The set date, october 30, appears quite suitable for all the political players under the circumstances. I also thank him for encouraging issue-based campaigns.

    Sakwiba Sikota’s lack of political morals never cease to amaze me. I will be in great shock the day he will be declared president of Zambia.

  53. Vote for Rupiah “Robinho” Banda.
    Folks I’m officially giving Rupiah Banda a nickname that should help him during the campaign.

  54. 90# dont be foolish and others, wat makes u think yo HH will deliver? is one of the chaps dat benefited from privatisation of the mines, where do u think did he get his 45 billion at 44? we dont ned expert thives with calculators.infact it appears to me dat u dont even know how it fels paying tax,we can allow these chaps to be stealing our moneis.campaign wisely not cheap politics.

  55. I think the Chief Justice as the returning officer for presidential elections must be very careful this time around to follow the requirements of the constitution to the letter. For one, Sata is a clearly sick man, in flesh and mind and for this reason should not be allowed to run. One does not need to be a medical doctor to know that if a 72 year old chain smoking heavy drinker suffers a massive heart attack, its all downhill from there. Levy was 12 years youger than Sata but look how long it took from his first one to the end of his times! Please the bench, spare us another by election or else you will not have a bench to sit your backsides.

  56. Ba MMD Ngatalipo bonse nibangwele.All these escort parties exist to legitimize MMD victories.They enter the race to spoil a few votes, throw up a few useless stone, insult, crushed then back to chibuku and blogging fantasies.Real power belong to the MMD until the day they will internally resolve to transform into another party using different new name.That is what exactly happened in 1991.Its not the heart clogged Satas that retired UNIP. Its the same drivers of this pending victory that after getting done with UNIP, opted to form UNIP version 2 with MMD name.

  57. Biggie Jim,
    Why should you think someone for doing something that’s a constitutional requirement and for which they are paid to do? It is such kind of stupid mentality ‘ati muzungu wa new one anikode’ most Zambians revile. Please, keep your unintelligent party cadre mentality to yourself.

  58. #93 you are not the only one that pays tax so dont kid yourself. you are a typical Zambian that feels jealous because HH he is rich and successful unlike you pretending to be obama or in America sweeping the streets.

  59. #24 Chengelo Alumni, be realistic in your thinking. HH cant win this election. Reason being he made a fatal mistake of habouring regionalism. Pipo ve a lot of doubt in him as a state president. But he can win the 2011 elections. And the best way to that victory is for him to support and work with Sata in this election. Then come 2011 the two parties PF and UPND campaign for him. And by that time he would have gained so much experience and probably they would have done a good job in govt so that even doubting Thomases would ve been baptised. He would ve a smooth slide into presidency. Lets pack our personal interests in our bags n advise voters correctly. Mind u Sata will not die…

  60. …tomorrow. He survived his heart attack for a reason. To come and sweet the country clean before he departs mother earth. Just in the similar manner Mwanawasa survived the accident. It was for a reason. We can even dream our friends becoming presidents. But, lets look at the practical part of reality. UNIP is coming back if pipo are not wise in their ballot decision. If they do. Then we should even forget about the young generation with fresh ideas ruling our country. Coz am pretty sure the next president after RB will be VJ. We can bet that. VIVA ZAMBIA.

  61. Okay all comments heard and appriciate. Now someone help a felow Zedian outside the country access Muvi TV or ZNBC? For NEWS updates Kaili. PLEASE HELP!

  62. #30 NAMWELEPETE, that used to be a nickname 4 my girl cousin. Goodname. Now, u dont need 2 b in Z 2 vote. I am voting thru my family n friends. I have reasoned with and asked them to vote for my preferred PF. In fact most of them just told me that they are voting 4 PF even b 4 I asked them. They rightly say they want 2 kickout MMD/UNIP out of govt. So other chaps can do like me, too.

  63. #3 i agree with you totally. The acting president is not supposed to be announcing the election date, that’s the ECZ’s job. By him announcing, sends a signal that they already own the election. Shame on the ECZ, they’re just out to make money off the tax payer. No matter how exposed these so-called leaders are, they still behave primitive and dictatorial. One would expect RP’s exposure at the UN taught him how democracy works

  64. #87 Raila and Kikwete youthfull leaders???? Whats the defination of a youth here? Check your facts right, Raila is above 60 years and Kikwete is the agemate of the late Mwanawasa about 59 years old. Are you telling us Mwanawasa was a youthfull president?

    Therefore Chris and others lets not look at the age of the president to be but at the ability to deliver, the maturity and seriousness to national issues.

    Its time to change the MMD government. MMD have had a fair share already and they have failed the Zambian economy going by the macroeconomic indicators on the ground.

  65. HH did not steal. He was given a job to do as laid down by privatisation agency. The privatisation job could have been given to international consultants like Deloite or KPMG but was given to Grant Thorton. Even the Nchito brothers have a contract worth K100+ million per month to help the task force so there is no way you can call them thieves tomoeeow. Government contracts a well paying and that is why you see this international companies fight for them. The only thing HH and Nchito brothers did is go to school and when an opportunity arose they were ready. Even Zambia has opportunities which our keaders can’t see because of mediocrity.

  66. #96 Dini Zulu,

    Thank you for taking time to respond to my comments. I thanked RB for doing something that is a constitutional requirement because from my limited political observations of African politics, most leaders opt for unconstitutional means in their quest for power. It should therefore be obvious to you that if he had done something unconstitutional, i would have condemned him outrightly. I’m not an MMD cadre, please bear that in mind. For telling me to have a stupid mentality, i wish you all the best in life. May God bless Zambia.

  67. #6;Got it! HH Presid & Sata as Veep that would be the best possibility for the opposition; otherwise it will be the usual routine of legitimizing and escorting the the ruling party. And they should not cry foul. If it is malpractices all do it. But kaya if those two especially Shikulu think that way?

  68. pipo lets be serious,do u still need pipo like TETA,VJ,MULONGOTI,RB..KAUNDA ERA,and the rest?wat hav these pipo done for the country apart frm amasing their own pokets with national tresuary,wen as zambians going to learn? levy was unique frm all the MMD crop,look wat they did in his absence,increase their own salary and today u are being told they hav yo interest?wake up,enough is enough,we need to go foward,not backwards,vote wisely.

  69. 105. Spot on as regards Coopers and Lybrand getting consultanc contracts in the nineties. The questions people ask concern their conduct as they went about their work. That he was a good consultant does not necessarily mean he will be a good president.

  70. Let RB Lead the Nation … He is the only person with LM’s plan for the future. sata wants to chase the chinese, is that part of mwanawasa’s plan?

  71. #106 Musimbi.
    Don’t be blinded by what you read on LT. Ask people in the shanties and the marketers. These are the people with inside information on how popular these presidential candidates have become. Also take time to check out the web sites of the contending parties and read about their manifestos in addition to what they are planning for this election. From what I have noticed, Sata is in the lead. Wait and see.

  72. Latest Sata has asked HH to form a pact and he (Sata) has offered to work in the background as a vice president. Read the post now if you can. What do you say guys?

  73. Once again lets vote for somebody who can deliver. Michael Sata has a record. HH has nothing on record apart from him being an elite. This type of people have brought down U.S.A. and we have learnt a lesson here in the U.S.A.

  74. Winning formula!! HH president and Sata vice president with limited executive powers!! No doubt about crucifying the MMD for good if we go this way!!

  75. #121 HH is not a presidential material. We had enough experiments for example FTJ who destroyed the economy further. Michael Sata has a record.

  76. # 117, ” which post is this? Sata can’t sink so low with this looser”. How many post papers do we have in Zambia Mr? Anyway, Sata is not a god as you regard him, he is just human like anyone else. However, he has put this request across. Its up to you to judge whether this is sinking or not according to your vocabulary . I haven’t forced any words in Sata’s mouth, I just reported what he said when he was in Monze. Take it or leave -who cares.

  77. #112 You think Sata can think so low as to kick out chinese? You are out of your mind. You keep dreaming your LPM. We need to move forward. RB needs to build himself in order to win Zambians.

  78. Does MR rupiah banda think properly to fix 30th october as by-election date.polling stations are schools and polling agents are teachers .GRADE SEVENS will be busy writting exams on this date.RB you are not fit to be PRESIDENT .this is confusion you are bringing before you can even go to state house.SATA must be tried ZAMBIANS

  79. After last elections Sata continued to monitoir the Government and HH went into deep sleep. I have seen the behaviour of HH through the pipo he sent as receivers – the way they behaved is a true reflection oh HH – so sad.

    They used to come with two vehicle and fill them up with fuel full tanks but wanted a doctor to justify why he should get 5 litres of petrol. For this it will take time for me to think HH is the right man for the job. Sata is far much better

  80. #18 Xavier man its just like the dream i had today and the same thought.Lets give this term to Sata as he says his a man of action.He has been doing things in 90 days when his in power.Lets try him for tis 3 years if he doesnt do well HH 2011.
    And you have brought about excellent points.It shouldnt be a matter of lienency or emotion, or pity that MMD should get into power.It should be by Merit. We need people like you my friend in society for us to continue to build our country to the very height and statue we are to reach in development.
    Sata is Scheduled to have a rally today.
    This is when the real game has started.lets see how it goes lets hear their manifesto’s.

  81. Hey guys, lets vote wisely. Know the back ground of the person you are voting for well. Do not allow the MMD guys mislead you. Those guys are aiming at there own interest which will benefit them and not the nation.

  82. If Rb becomes president it means UNIP comes into power again.who likes UNIP?Banda has no minifesto 4 da country.The man is a flop who knows nothing in general except the word stable.In zambia we’ve stupid leaders who choose presidents from nowhere.Banda has never been ready to run zambia.How can a man become ready within 2years?He was chosen by lavy because MMD won eastern province.If we’re just choosing leaders from parts where da ruling party wins then that’s stupidity.Why can’t they choose a person who can deliver from any province?That’s why sometimes whites say african have low IQ.Always we end up having presidents who are not ready just because some people want to benefit.

  83. RB, HH, Sata the choice is yours Zambians.
    I hope the campaigns will be issue based and not mud slinging. As a nation we need to develop as we have wasted so many years in terms of development

  84. Ministry of Education, please start changing dates for Grades that are supposed to write exams during that period. Dont be caught napping!

  85. In zed we’ve to be careful, sometimes we vote in tribal lines even if the leader can’t deliver.Why can’t we elect a president who can deliver?So long as we continue voting southern 4 HH Northen 4 Sata eastern 4 RB then Zed is died.As a result MMD end up rigging election seeing that tongas can’t support Sata or the other way around.
    2001 mazoka won presidential election but notherners didn’t support Him.2006 Sata won ,southerners didn’t support him.U know what happened MMD rigged all da 2 previours presidential elections coz they know how stupid we’re on tribal lines.There’s no way a person can win election after losing lK &copperbelt.villagers vote according to these 2 provinces.

  86. Thnx for lating konw the date in good time.

  87. Its all up to us to cast that vote. Not so much of a choice we have though but unfortunately w have to make do with whats on our hands. Tuipekanye bane. Fwayeni utuma voters card.

  88. Ba # 3 don’t u know that election dates in Zambia are announced by the president in consultation with the Electro Commission.Currently RB is acting in that capacity so sadly whether we like it or not the man had to be the one 2 announce the date.

  89. Ba russia moscow,when are we getting paid by our dull Government?they say that we are students but they forget about us then why do they send us here with no money in this freezer!!!!!!!!!!

  90. I’ll feel bad if Rb will be elected.
    Zambians can no longer continue being ruled by MMD.I can’t see what MMD has done 4 the past 6 years.The economy they talk about is paper economy just beacuse $ was depreciating in all countries except Zimbabwe.We haven’t seen anything from these stupid MMD apart from increasing their salaries.Let us have all presidential apirants on debate atleast 3times,maybe we can see who can deliver.But i think Sata knows what zambians need.let us give him a chance 4 3years then HH 2011.we’re just tired of MMD with it’s robot RB.
    A president just because MMD won eatern?Atase bane we’re not ignorant.

  91. #46 how about LPM who was also awaken from sleep also, but turned out to a good leader. Just let the people vote whom they want.

  92. From the flags on this board, it’s sad to note that over 90% of the bloggers are foreign based. I will admit that most of the posts do make sense but the whole debate is just between us people in diaspora. And none of us will even cast a ballot.

    We have more information on the current state of affairs in our country than most people on the ground. The results from the upcoming election will definately reflect that. Ver very sad indeed.


  94. according to one of the wibsite SATA is coming to state house viva sata viva PF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  95. Fred M’membe and your collogues the Nchito are not ashamed of yoursevels. You are crooks of the croked. You want to potary that Zambains are concerned about the collapsing of the Zambian Airways and yet you are fabricating stories for yourselves. Even the letters to the Editor is being written by your staff. Justify why government should come to your aide when there are lot of private comapnies who are also facing similar problems.

    You just want to satisfy your interests. One day tiome willcatch up with you.

  96. I wonder why Fred M’membe’s Post Newspaper have continued refering to RB as Vice President. Why being jealousy. The man is acting president. Evenif He wont maje it that will still go down on his CV. Do not be petty.

    I am sure you are jumping up and down now that SATA has agreed to be covered because you ran out of sources during his absence.

    Muzachimawa imwe one day.

  97. Zambians are good at making mistakes there goes another mistake!!You spend time talking and having petty jealousies but moving backward on the same speed of light.

  98. Hey forks is time to vote. Too bad for MPs their expected signature from RB to assent increment of their salaries will have to wait because we are using the same billions for elections. Woooo! MPs, Wooooo!

  99. Imwe mwebshikala pa zed some comments are not worthy let us voters talk Ni pa bwato.Last night RB didnt know what to say and he went into levy’s archives to prepare his speech and wrote this,that it was mixture of a speech.He’s wrongly advised and is ever reading without even understanding anything is mentioning.To be honest Rb is not presidential material,sata is far much better than RB.Besides RB also had suffered a stroke once,so dont talk about health god knows!

  100. Dear RB,I hereby apply for ajob as a toyboy at state house.That 20 year old looks too hot for you and will surely need my services.

  101. If Robert Mugabe was standing I would have voted for him, any of these guys HH, Sata, RB are not my choice.


  103. I have already talked to my family members in zed to vpte for HH,coz am not inspired with what i have seen on the front page of THE POST(Sata and RB)are joking they cant rule Zambia.It will be a very big drawback to zambia.I put my FOOT DOWN NOMORE OLDIES HERE!!!

  104. We all know that the devil you know is better than angle you do not know .We have know all the weakness of MMD lets give it a chance to RB .We have being happy with MMD .Let RB go through .we are happy for you .HH and Sata .please give a chance to MMD to finish we will support you in all make sense .Lets hope your ambition is not out of selfness.

  105. WE need continuity in speech presentations. However, we shall shift from past wise and good points in bad speeches to funny unidirectional imposed bad speeches. is that a continuity do we all need?

  106. Iwe # 59 from which fruit are you made from. I think you are made from impundu.’ichimuti ichishaibipila’.
    Respect our future president; do not just talk rubbish in public like this.
    HH will never rule this country believe me.


  107. Sata will never be president….NEVER NEVER NEVER like EVER….RB continue to unite us! and let the economy move forward… Why should a party like PF lead us when they don’t know their own policy …. today is no China! tomorrow is more China!… Total disorganization. If the man can not manage to run a club like PF then what makes you think he will run a country!… His own MPs and councilors have seen how much of a lunatic he is, then who are we to follow him!!!!!

  108. If LPM Died on the 19th August my calender tells me that we should have had the elections on the 17th November. Does this confirms that LPM died long way back in Late July or early Aug.pipo pliz help me om getting confused, kabinga Mpande even said the funeral was announced on the 19th Aug. Help


  110. #172, it says within 90days. 17th is the last possible day the election could have been held. 30th October is within 90days. hope this helps

  111. Sata is the man, he has kept the goverment on its toes since the last elections.I think we all have seen for our selves what sata is capable of doing to this country.He is the man of his word let us him this 3yrs.

  112. Those who have access to the Post I hope you noticed Michael Sata’s regular use of the word ‘comrade’…remember how so many bloggers attacked RB for using this word during his acceptance spaech last week?

  113. # 163 Thats your right, but you are in a wrong country.Firstly,Pipo are right by saying PF and UPND should unite to remove MMD.But knowing that politicians hold selfish motives this will not happen.Who wants to be the Vice, not one, ask Sata and HH they all want the top seat.Secondly, we always think pipo who need GRZ help are in the shanty townships, think of the poor pipo in rural areas, who depend on GRZ season in season out, thats where MMD wins its elections its NOT rigging.They make sure they travel the whole country and campaign with no opposition there.And these rural pipo keep their promise, if they say they will vote for you, they will.PF will repeat this error again.

  114. Its time for MMD to go, we have had enough of this only those in government are doing well what about us Ba Sata and HH do something it is your time now chipata people and the people at large don’t vote because you feel compassionate.

  115. #130 you may be right to a certain extent but i feel satas “old” time way of ruling and HH’s good education and “modern” way of doing things will complement each other to make a good team to lead Zambia. if HH is calling the shots – Sata being “controlled” then this will work….MMD has had its time…its over bane

  116. Fellow bloggers u’re bringing out grt points but over 70% of u are abroad & so wont take part in the elections & sadly very few Zambians have access to the internet.These elections are between Sata & RB,i’d rather HH won but with the vote split with Sata & vice versa i see RB carrying the day.Sata & HH will do very well in urban areas while MMD have a reputation of getting the rural.One wonders were these numbers in the rural area come from,with the rural urban drift.The way to go is 4 Sata & HH is team up at lest 4 now.Sata can have the 1st go while the 2011 be reserved 4 HH.Sata can return the honor of being god father of Zed politics after that if he plays his cards right.

  117. we all know that Levy just adopted the PF manifesto(visa vie taxes). just tell us what your prefered candidate is going to do. lets not mislead pipo. being a young candidate is not a manifesto

  118. MMD should bring up young, intelligent and fresh leader up their ranks now, if they win this election a vice presido should be appointed.PF does have alot of openess in terms of a young leader coming thro the ranks, not holding a convention since inception tells many stories.Sata should promote young leadership in his party.The expulsion/suspension of the Mps in NCC tells what type of leadership PF has now, no other opinions except the leader himself.And its disadvantage PF right now.Instead of uniting in these times, those 20 MPs will move thier votes somewhere else.These are the reason I think our opposition is weak for these elections.

  119. if sata & hh dont team up. then sorry i will not vote. and my vote is crucial.

    i dont wanna waste my vote. its better not to vote, than to vote for the losing team.

    viva hh+sata, and go back to the land you old and tired banda.

    we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change, we want change,

  120. Sound the drums, let the music begin, let the beer flow

    This time around I have told my fellow villagers at home to expect the Politians.

    No chance this time, Ian in the process drafting a letter of demand to be presented to each Politician visiting.

    No ma 1pin, minimum 100 pin reads part of the letter.

  121. Iwe Mwine Mushi#171, Nikwisa wamwene Mwine alesosa ukuti Ubwato Bukabunda elyo ichimana tachilafungaulwa. Sata is our best bet at the moment. Aba Bambi chimo naba Mwisa. He might not be a perfect choice but I can assure u, even among three ugly ladies there is one who is atleast. Compromise yesu Bwato.

  122. dear country men and woment, we need move forward with the nation, not backwards.why should we go back to sata and banda,these two guys are unip,they worked together,they are too too old to run this country .hh for president.we can not wait ofr 2011.god bless our lovely country.

  123. #182 gud points,what u’re saying is true but whats on the ground is that Sata stands a better chance this time around to beat RB with GRZ resources @ his disposal.Yes HH is the rite man but the current situation would favor Sata teaming up with HH if these 2 go it allow then its MMD to carry the day, sadly.

  124. LT – Can we have an eletronic Poll on this Site. Bloggers or site victors will vote for their prefered candidate. something like this;


    RB O
    HH O
    Sata O

    ‘See Result’…

    I suppose you guys are ‘clever’ enough to implement this by CoB today. We are tired of opnions, let’s quantify the forecast.

  125. Last time these Polititians left me gasping for dear life. This time no chance.

    Iam putting everything in place.

    No chance this time!

  126. Ba DC10#183, Ututwine utuma flag tulemichita deceive ati we are abroad. Twaba munomwine. Its people like u portraying a wrong picture about our african situ. We have access to the internet and most of the bloggers who frequent this site are actually Zambians. Akutwebeni fye efyo twala oba mu bwato.

  127. How do we vote for a leader whose half of his brain is in his genitals? How do we vote a leader who can’t even control his mps? A man whose lunacy is evident? The reconciliation with The Post is just a gimmick to get coverage in the campaigns. Remember he locked Mmembe on stupid charges of contempt of Parliament.How do we vote for a leader who doesn’t see his tribalist leanings. Does the chap think he can rule Zed from Monze alone? To me none of the 3 musketters deserve any vote.Lets not just vote on account of no credible candidates!!

  128. Dr. Musa#190, If HH had started earlier, in time and with the right voice he would have been ideal to take over as a young generation. In Zambia u just don’t pop up from somewhere and become someone. Imwe bene u keep calling on fresh blood when u can’t get involved. Change starts with u as an individual. Moving forward needs u to come from somewhere, nomba imwe Ba Musa where are u coming from?

  129. #196, I pitty you that upto now you do not understand the tenets of Democracy. All the well thought out commnts ubove are aimed at enriching our Democracy. A cry for boycott is seriously the most unproductive measure one can think of. The rest of us will vote most of of us not for MMD. So think twice before you comment.

  130. #119 i fail to understand you though you criticize me with insults. surely, even now when the all nations, people from various sectors agree to let by election happen, you still preach not to go for by election. i think that is shallow mind MR. TIME WILL TELL. i sure hope you that time shall not tell to call off by election and get ready to quench your bitterness over this matter.

  131. Just as much as i would want to vote for a young person for president i cant vote for HH lets face it this man became rich because of the deals he was making with investors when Zambia was going through privatization,if this man can steal from Zambians what makes any sensible Zambian want to vote for him? Can anyone tell me if they have ever seen HH smiling? The Man looks like he is hiding a big secret,He is a crook.Vote wisely vote for Pf

  132. # 119, is an MMD stooge, Provoker forgivehim/her for She/He does not know what She/He is talking about. RB already anounced the Election date and his supporters still think an election should not be held. We are voting and not for RB

  133. Always i keep on saying background is very important.If HH wanted to be a president from da beggining he would’ve stated with Mazoka .Unfornaterly the man remained quiet until mazoka’s death.He never did anything 4 UNPD during mazoka’s time.No one even knew him if he was UPND member.He was known when UPND supporters(southerners)said we want a tonga to succed Mazoka e.g mwananjiti.And at tht time UPND wanted a man with $ to help the party.That’s main reason why HH is da UPND president.Sikota & chisanga were better to succed the late Mazoka.So the issue of saying HH is a young man to lead zambia is useless.yes i agree he’s young but he can’t take us anywhere.He’s a young man without ideas.

  134. Iwe Bullman#205, Ifyo ifya HH did this and that will not work. We all have a past and some of us even filthier. What we should dwell on is ability to deliver and from the look of things Niba Sata fye. Although the man needs to be termed his performance speaks volumes.

  135. The opposition better have a fat budget to carry out their campaigns. It will be easy for RB to go round considering state machinery at his disposal, but for the opposition will face an uphill battle coz the death of LPM was so unpredictable to create this vacuum at short notice and now its Oct. 30. All the best.

  136. we should start giving our children good names for their future fortunes. names of RB have favoured him very much at our curent situations:

    Rhupiah means money. he will have a lot of money when he becomes the president.


    SATA means who talks anything. though the man can say something serious, his name may hide his intelligency and let people see nothing in what he says. they will say aba nabo baleSATA fye tapali efyo bakacita.


  137. Who announces the Election date is a matter for those sitting in the NCC to address as they review the constitution.The President,who is also a candidate,has traditionaslly announced the date so RB is merely doing what those before him have done.

    We hope for an issue-based campaign period.Candidate’s age,wife’s age,health status etc should not take center stage.Rather we would like to hear what those vying for plot one have in terms of plans for adressing Zambia’s governance and development issues.

  138. we all know by now that we can talk and try to influence others to vote for this and that person.but remember on that day u will be alonw in the both to dont waste time to insult and call names for other participants who are taking part in this race.If all the three major contenstant are condemned then who will be the perfect person to led us?
    Let us just not look at the bad side of the person but also the good side.

  139. What is important is to vote for the right person in office. Why cant people in diaspora vote? Because in anycase we will go home and invest the little we’ve reaped abroad. We need the electoral commission to allow us cast votes. Maybe i dont know. Someone advise if we its our constitutional right to vote in diaspora.

    God bless Zambia. Tiyende pamodzi ndi mtima umo.

  140. #6 Having HH with sata is like putting new wine in old skins. And you # 70 sikota in Lozi is not “Chimutengo”. Chimutengo is not Lozi.

  141. I read these comments with shock from you guys supporting ka SATA. SATA is just an opportunist. Let me remind you. After 2006 genaral election he said we shall change the local GVT in 90 days since the councils have been dominated by PF.

    Now what change is there in the councils? You are still preaching changing things in 90 days…. Haaaa kaya. The only change he can bring in 90 days maybe is chasing Chinese investers and make pipo jobless again. Zambians think.

    RB is the man of the moment whether you like or yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  142. # 130. This kind of attitude will not take us anywhere, u are scared, scared of the unknown, to me its like u would rather continue votin for MMD, u see we all have pasts no one is perfect, people change, even the people in MMD they have somthing to talk about, but should we continue with the same people even when they are bunch of(thieves)just because u are scared of voting to someone else, lets try someone alse its only for 3 years if that person does not deliver, we try someone else again. All we want is change and its up to us to make that change.

  143. Let the truth be known “the Past makes the present and the Present makes the future” that why whenever your are looking for employment they will ask about your past experience in the job.Therefore we need to look at both sides of a person that is the good and the bad for us to a conclusive decision.If i was to be asked you is the best person among the 3 guys standing for election i will say none but will can say among the bad atleast Sata can deliver therefore i will give him my vote.

  144. for this coming presidential elections, please let us not look at the tribes, names or ages. but look at moral characters, past achievements, personal caliber, political positive skills, capability to control technocrats, international influence and personal presentation.

    Let sorrow about our late president not influence our thinking in voting because while we feel sadness others are seeing opportunity.

    try to check the history of each presidential candidate before you make your decision. if you don’t know his past characters better you vote the one you know a bit about him. history is a guideline for the future prosperity of our nation. NO GOOD HISTORY, NO GOOD FUTURE.

  145. #146 russia. I have some good news for you. Actually everything has already been done in Zambia but the delays are coming from Moscow. I have certain information about the crooked operations at the embassy in Moscow. It is my intention to release this information tommorow. I am going to expose their dealings in my blog tommorow. Watch the space.

  146. A vulture and a hyena normally unconciously collaborate when a lion has made a kill.

    Without a lion, that colaboration becomes a fight.

  147. Allow HH,SATA and RB to debate on national television to enable us make an informed decision.For a change let us do it the America style… media

  148. zambians, here we go again arguing who should win the elections- here is my ideal situation. MMD lose the election HH wins as the best option since sata & RB are recycled politicians.Sata & RB are UNIP at heart. that can’t change. RB was woken up from slumber to become veep. he is not presidential material. he is already campaigning using state machinery. i am told that RB has sent OP to appoint polling officers. Sata is power hungry, he is not diplomatic in his speech. he is has shown dictatorial tendecies before. there has never been an election in PF. he runs the party as if its his farm. is that the leader you want put in power.but then theres no ideal situation in zed. vote not sata/rb

  149. #255- Way to go provoker, i couldn’t agree with you more. Looks like you woke up on the right side of the bed today. Thumbs up!

  150. Its been of great fascination and intrigue in my study and observation of preys, scanvengers and predators of the wild.

    How close the interactions of the above resemble human interactions is just incredible.

  151. #129 can u explain how HH became UPND president if it’s not tribalism?He had no post in the party but he became UPND president.Hell Noooooooo twakana!!manager-president from nowhere!Those are jokes i’m sure he can’t make it.

  152. Analyst #219 you are right! RB did what he’s traditionally obliged to do. Who announced the date of elections in 2006? If my memory saves me right, it was the late LPM and RB being the acting President, I take it he has the mandate to do just that. At this stage we need to analytically scrutinize those vying for the top most office in the land and not talk cheap about their wives, tribes, and age may be health status my be of sound to me. Zambia needs a realist, pragmatic and focused leader to lead this nation out of economic doldrums. A visionary leader who can foster development in all sectors. One who’ll bring smiles and sense of pride on the faces of majority Zambians. This is a CHALLENG

  153. apa guys dont wait time ni boat ya ba sata chabbe. Ba MMD voted for chi Rupia Banda becoz they know that they guy cannot challenge them like mwanawasa used to. rupia cannot make has own decisions. the guy is dull i mean dull for sure!!

  154. For instance, if truth be told, as someone has said who would expect or intertain the collaboration of HH and SATA if the BANDA factor was out.

    Yet, thier idealogies and backgrounds are miles apart with no thought of ever merging.

    Unconciously nay deliberate since the human factor is present colaboration is in the air.

    Not at personal level only but culturally and ethnic wise are the two at extreme variance which sentiments you could pick from ardent several supporters, even on this blog, of the two.

  155. #237 cont’d

    The circling(sic) around a kill by the hyena and vulture is especially because of this enemity.

    You see, whilst the hyena is eyeing and salivating the lions kill, at the same time it is trying to keep away its rival the vulture.

    Yet, the focus is on benefiting on the kill.

  156. MMD’s advanced politics,

    First strategy, coffin to go round all provincial centres.

    Second strategy,elections can be forgone and save money.

    Third strategy,RB to lead soccer fans today at konkola stadium when Zambia takes on Togo,Nice one.

    at ba opposition uku pwalala.

  157. #240 cont’d
    The prey exhibit extreme excitement when a kill is about to be made, but once the kill is done, there is a relief as if a chance for them to relax.

    The chances that a kill will be made twice are very slim indeed. The prey as it were observe the going ons around the kill and this makes them susceptible to other scavengers about.

    Notice in our case, development issues will never be the focus of this election. It is myopic to think so. The majority of our people are busy trying to just have enough food in the stomach.

    The politician knows that very well!

  158. Sata and Rb are former freedom fighters. Their time is gone. They liberated Zambia and we commend them for that. The leader we are looking for now should manage the economy of Zambia and non of these two can do it. Let us give chance to women and men who can make our economy tick.

  159. If Michael Sata even tries to go campaigning, he’ll be a risk,he had a near fatal heart attack a few months ago. Apparently RB’s speech declare the end of national mourning was mature and factual. Not even once did he mention all the insults and stories that have been written by the press. He just praised Zambia for upholding press freedom. The Post is carrying a story that Sata will defeat RB because RB is a tribalist. Question: if he was such a tribalist would he have married a bemba woman? This is what separates RB from other political leaders, they have attacked him since day one and he has not retaliated, he is too mature for such politics. We should be very wise with our votes.

  160. does it not concern you that your beloved MCS does not have a consistent position on anything?

    Yesterday the Chinese were the scourge of Zambia who needed to be booted out, but today he embraces them.

    In 2001 Sata employed all sorts of underhand and violent methods to support FTJ’s 3rd term bid…today he claims to be a democrat.

    2 weeks ago The Post was considered vermin, today he is back in bed with them.

    Regrettably too many Zambians have been taken in by SATA’s ‘go with the wind’ expediency, but let him into State House and the real SATA will rear his head…Sata the vigilante who sponsors mobs to violently crush dissent and terrorise inocent citizens.
    We deserve better!

  161. Concerned Mbala man, RB is only going to serve out Levy’s term the man has no desire to go further. He might be old but his vast political and diplomatic experience is what has led Zambia through an extremely difficult time. Just look at some of the clumsy comments some politicians have been making. Let’s us go back to the times when Hon. Sata Minister without Portfolio and the people he assaulted. With HH what political experience does he have. Has he ever been a councillor, MP? I don’t know much about him. Let’s ask ourselves who is the better candidate going by their track record to steer Zambia out these uncertain times, in a mature and proud manner?

  162. Technically, this seat is for Michael Sata….Remember, he was robbed of it in 2006. It’s only right that he assumes his rightful place.

  163. #59 fill the assyllum forms fast because SATA is winning.Besides you are outside zambia so dont even come back.You are already a refugee.If you want HH he shuold first explain how he amassed the wealthy that is attributed to him.If this is not done we risk bringing a thief in state house.

  164. RB, tell us the exact day LPM died. With these games you are playing am convinced that he died at the time Zaza told the South Africans but then you were just trying to put your house in order so you can catch the opposition unaware.

  165. I wouldn’t risk my vote on someone who nearly died sisx months ago. The first stroke Levy had is when he should’ve retired and look what happened to him. For Mr. Sata’s family’s sake, I really hope he thinks about what he is doing because, campaigning is not an easy task and a heart attack is something not to take lightly. I am certainly not prepared to put a man’s life at stake and rob his family of a father and husband, when we all know he could have died 6 months ago. My concience would not let me.

  166. #256, how was he robbed of it? The man campaigned in 5 provincial capitals and you call it robbery. Sympathizers of PF please tell us how the man you support is to be trusted after his numerous flip-flops.

  167. Unfortunately, Sata is in for a rude joke. this is not 2006 anymore. The MMd will get a sympathy vote.Sata’s time is gone, he is sick, too old and politically unstable. He is very unprincipled and has serious dictatorial tendacies and runs PF as his personal organisation. Sata will neva be a prez of zambia!

  168. Imwe please mwebantu, time up for cho na chise. tulevota pa sate kwati pachi bwato, echilemonekakofye promising pama gon’ga tukwete as options. Nomba tiyeni mukutamba bola, naumfwa ati adebayor afika.

  169. #261 someone told me he is not planning on doing a nationwide campaign so he sure is aware of his limitations unlike LPM who chose to die for the country.

  170. When Sata was in prison for theft RB was studying economics
    When Sata was a constable RB was a Ambassador to London
    When Sata was a hustler RB was a still ambassador
    When Sata became a labour consultant RB was foreign affairs minister
    When Sata was a ward councillor RB became GM Namboard
    When Sata was an estate agent RB owned Allen west and RobertHudson

  171. Where is our pride, our presidents bills in egypt paid for by egyptians, our presido’s bills in France by the french including transporting remains of presido, casket and tomb materials including works by chinese. Our elections we need corperating parners the same for the coming budget 2009. Where does our money go someone to explain pliz.

  172. VIVA # 255…RB is the Man…SATA is a thug….remember how he supported Chiluba’s third term only to dribble himself…all the panga wielding thugs of Kanyama were created by Sata..He is a marketeer from Kamwala market…

  173. Typical of PF like their ‘President’ (self appointed I must say), they are just full of nothing but generalisations, please give us something of substance, I have been asking a lot of questions but the sympathisers keep on “Pa Bwato! Pa Bwato! Pa Bwato!”, #265 I agree with you in totality, Sata’s time is up and the heart attack just crowned it all.

  174. Fred Mmembe is a shrewd little rascal. He quietly married kamuzake yet not a finger was lifted at him. As for the Zambian Airways let it pay for its sins. Chimo ni chimo.

  175. When sata first become MP for KABWATA RB had been MP for MUNALI for TEN years and was chairman for bola bola the fore runner of the Soccer fans association of Zambia.

  176. Let’s see what happens. One thing for sure we’ve just learnt and confirmed is the fact that sickly and past unstable candidates must not even be thought of as future presidents for our country. One warning is enough for those of that are wise. Please twapapata mwebantu, voteni nokwibukisha.

  177. When Sata was in prison for theft RB was studying economics
    When Sata was a constable RB was a Ambassador to London
    When Sata was a hustler RB was a still ambassador
    When Sata became a labour consultant RB was foreign affairs minister
    When Sata was a ward councillor RB became GM Namboard
    When Sata was an estate agent RB owned Allen west and RobertHudson


  178. Pulizi sure, do people want sata to show them a mended heart to believe that he is sick.

    Just ask him to do a 100m dash and you will see what will happen. Yaba

  179. Hey. Mvelani. Zambia is for us all. Let us act responsibly. FACT: We have one Zambia and nothing like it elsewhere. Elections are here and so let us vote very wisely for ourselves and our children, I mean the future. I like your diverse views but must we be callous and use vulgar language. Zambia is but a Christian nation and so let us always live up to those standards. Obviously namumfwa. GOD bless abena Zambia. Mphuuu!! Love ya all.

  180. Funny how SATA supporters never have a response for the factual, documented sordid history of their beloved Leader of the Opposition, that makes him so unsuitable to be President of our Great Republic.
    Zambia deserves better!

  181. #277 & Others you are afraid of Man of Action it is SATA is time , that is why RB has called VJ ti do something , but it won’t work viva basata viva PF . Abashi!!!!!!!!!!!#277

  182. I can never give Sata a vote because he is a bad joker, dull comedian, a ruffian and all those words that can define negative human tendencies and traits

    Everyone remembers for how he teamed up with those thugs from the streets to beat up people in Chawama. Seriously a man of this calibre to be a president. Its blasphemy. No.

    We deserve better.

  183. As an observer I find it very strange that you are all so worried about the candidates’ character at this time, while last week when the country had a chance for real progress with an incorruptible candidate in Magande you were all celebrating when rb bought the MMD ticket. Anyone that have ever dealt with Magande in business or in government knows that he does not take short cuts, and typically does everything by the book, hence because his refusal to play dirty politics he was lock out. So if rb bought victory last week was so sweet, why now the question?

  184. #77 umuchinshi usuma,are you African or what?how do you call ba Sata at his age iliterate?stick to the point and not insults,it just shows which home and society you are coming from,am disappointed with you and by the way ba #276 do you know that all the companies RB owned have closed down because of mismanagement?God help us,please tell me one of his(RB) companies that is succesful and now compare with Sata and HH

  185. 283 Sata is the man and the next President. You have all the rights to vote for anyone you think is credible but Sata is going through whether with or without your VOTE!!!!!!!!!

  186. #280 good point, but #287 has a point equally, the man is a bit on the stubborn side to accept this, but again he might just do that since Banda looks more trustworthy than you know who!

  187. When Sata was busy marrying and divorcing RB was still with the wife of his Youth Harriet Mwansa MAKULU.
    When Sata’s street kids(children)were raising themselves, RB was nursing his wife who had breast cancer and educating his children

  188. #292 have your facts right before you say things, Dora herself is so intrusive right now she is fighting with the Tazara Board what are you saying? #284 is spot on, for me Magande presents a man of integrity, I read why some people are attaching him to the Zambian Airways issue, two statements “Please I urge all Government officials to fly zambian airways” 2nd issue, “Please let the airline operate up to five years in order for it to stabilise” all this was said within the context of it being a zambian owned airline.

  189. 296 PROVOKER
    I support RB with a lot of facts and not blindly. And you can you tell Which secondary or tertiary college Where your president SATA went to. And what are his professional qualifications?

  190. All can say whatever is at their disposal…But in the end when all is said and done…..Sata WILL take the day and become the fourth President of Zambia.

  191. Sata is like Chiluba their records only appear from adulthood. non of them can mention any of their classmates or teachers. Kaunda who is older has a very clear background.

  192. Today’s Post; Sata says RB is a known tribalist! What rights do these chaps have to call anyone seeming to be a threat to them a tribalist? I wonder really at times with the behaviour of some of our Bemba colleagues.Lets no hide in this nosense every now and then.Discuss real issues and tell us what you have to offer once put in office.Do not hide in calling others tribal.Who knows, you could also be tribal in some aspects.You see small things in others and you forget that you have a big log of it in yourself. Be objective and campaign nicely.

  193. I hope this under declaring of AGE has not permeated our political arena.

    Come to think of it, KK looks yonger than some people.

  194. RB is the worst dictator and very much arrongant, choosing him will be a mistake. he has no direction and fails to make decisions and easily controlled. Kindly try Sata or HH and see how they perform.

  195. The fact that one belongs to a certain tribe other than bemba is bad enough in this country. And I would imagine all the tribal will usually emanate from the Lozi’s or Bemba’s this is just emperical data, no science principles applied.

  196. #77, Sata and his PF clearly said there will be no convention for the PF because of the little time for elections. This means PF is undemocratic and is a threat to the achievements Zambia has made in democracy and the economy.

  197. VJ has woken up beware of his actions. I thought he said that he retired, VJ to hell with your other thieves. You have done enough harm to Zambia. Find time to rest and look after your health. Your time is now over. You belonged to the colonial era not now.

  198. #303, Sata himself is the biggest TRIBALIST I have known in Zambia. He points at others as tribalists with one finger while the remaining 4 fingers point back at him.

    Sata initiated this tribal talk we are always hearing and readuing about.

    So, let us all well-meaning Zambians make sure Hon. Sata does not get anywhere near Plot 1.

    Viva HH or RB.

  199. Thanks for announcing the election day.we will vote wisely.Pliz let us enjoy our right to vote the leader we want.peace!!!!

  200. Above everything else principles must be held.

    Not this wishy washy kind of mentallity.

    To day chinese go tommorrow chinese stay

    Today Post you are nice tommorrow Post you are bad

    Let me use correct English ‘Am I a children’

  201. Sata chief tribalist thats why he can’t win elections in Zambia.I wonder how ready this dreamer is ,he need to hire an ambulance and experinced staff to give him medical carein case things get too hot for him,remember he’s got a heart problem.

  202. Comrades, i think we’ve had enough of these plunderers. The truth of the matter is RB can not perform. Voting him in would mean awakening UNIP and i guess thats the last thing Zambia needs right now.
    My prayer is that Sata and HH enter into a concrete arrangement and sign a MoU that will save our nation.

    People, can we speed up change. Shall we put an end to RB and his camp.

  203. Number 303. What does ‘Wako ni wako’mean and which people have been saying it of late? Down with tribalism from the Eastern Province. They want other ethnic groups to vote for them and yet being so tribalistic.

    Tribalism is a big issue and no tribalist deserves to be in State House. If you have evidence suggesting that RB was not practising tribalism at NAMBOARD why not just present it instead of getting so worked up.

  204. I think everybody would wish for the election debates to be issue based but thats just wishful thinking becoz right here and right now on LT people are already debating on petty issues, who cares about RB’s wife’s age? and for the record his wife is in her late 30’s – yes she looks young but she is not a teenager nor 20yrs old. As for me, well I have personally met and talked to the 3 presidential candidates with their guards down and I can only say this

    A’Banda for President.

  205. The Post have have been Promised protection by SATA.

    We know of course the reason.

    But, however, moreover SATA never keeps promises.

  206. Some names have a connection to someone,Lets look at in the past.Chiluba, meaning destroyer, he realy destroyed the economy,Sata meaning satan and Rupiah meaning money. Lets vote wisely.

  207. Lets face it the attack on RB is basically because he was being supported by the wrong chaps in the MMD. The crooked chaps are the ones who are making RB look bad. I still feel he is not the right person for president.

    The Americans are right now talkin about why should they move away from taking “RISKS” by voting for the Republicans and we are talking about not taking a risk by voting for RB for continuity. Are we going to continue with the devil you know mentality when the World is moving on? No wonder countries around us are moving faster than us apart from old mentality Zimbabwe and thier Mugabe.

  208. Bane, let put Sata as Prezdo and HH as veep. They’ll make a good team. They might even perform better than bamwisho balevy. Don’t worry about the infestors, they’ll always be here, because we’ve got the copper, nickel, uranium, cobalt and the land. Besides, some of these makeshift infestors will leave and create room for Zambians. Just imagine, infestors rearing chickens and welders at some of these mines. Some jobs are supposed to be reserved for Zambians. VIVA ba Sata na ba HH. Please Sata and HH, unite quickly.

  209. SATA still using old tricks, thinks has made a cunning move by being in corhorts with the Post. Rubbish into the bin, simply rubbish.

  210. The constitution states that the election date has to be announced by the chairperson of the ECZ?
    So where was this chairperson? It is not a duty of the president to announce it, even if Mwanawasa did it also. This shows how much the constitution is worth..

  211. Fellow Zambians an opportunity has been presented to you once again to vote for a president who will either destroy our beloved country or a president who will continue from where Levi left. Let us vote with our minds and not our hearts. We should not use emotions when voting, let us look at issues and see which of the contestants will attend to those issues successfully. We trust that as zambians who will participate in these elections you will represent us faithfully.

  212. #316, thank you very much. take care and let make sure our relatives at home and all villagers we can reach for for anyone other than the biggest tribalist, I have known in my whole life, of all times Hon. Micheal Sata.

  213. Even an old COBRA loses the lus’tre. It fails to as high as before and when it spits the spit goes half way its previoos length.

    Ask the ‘snake charmer’

  214. Even an old COBRA loses the lus’tre. It fails to stand as high as before and when it spits the spit goes half way its previoos length.

    Ask the ‘snake charmer’

  215. #334, thanks for everything including the addition you put up. Thank you to all those who hgave and will see the SENSE I have outlined on #315.

    Let us for once built a new and just Zambia where we will stand with our heads up high as economically independent.

  216. MCC, The President is already known,the one who announced the election date.the others are better off as watch dogs to the govt.

  217. Would it not be a good idea of RB to team up with HH and select him as his running mate? Then HH would have a good chance to become President in 2011 and RB could be sure that a young and dynamic man who wants to put emphasis on education and health will be enriching his term of office. From what I gather this could be a good team to keep others in check.

  218. the guy who is saying that lsk and Ndmola are for HH i beleive he’s still fast asleep and having a very bad dream. consult properly. your conclusion will be tha lsk and ndola are still for President SATA. he has the heart for the people of Zambia, And he does Understand What most Of these people in Employment are going through. More money in our pocket and reduction in tax. Surely 35% PAYE Is that normal, Sharing with ZRA who are just missusing our money. That is every one’s food for thought.

  219. Count Down to the match nomba. Ifya ba RB naba Sata na HH twalaisa chita continue. someone tell me, is it on supersport??? kwati bale chita advertise before postponement.

  220. Imwe, let us put somebody in state house who can produce results for the benefit of the nation. Not academicians we have tried them before. We need a man of action for us to move forward. HH may be intectually qualified than Sata and actually artculats economic management theories better. Butn this won’t put food on yo table. Sata is result oriented and am sure if elected his ministers will be on there feet to deliver to the people. Atleast ordinally people like most of u people on this blog would see the development and devlopmental sermons preached by Magande and the so called professionals.

  221. #343, this is what I have been conversing about with my gallant blogger friend on LT – name withheld for quiet some time now. Let the ‘new-deal’ MMD partner with the UPND’s HH for they have more in common – NCC and the economy. This a better option than a UPND PACT with jokers in PF – which has never held a party convention to elect leaders since its inception in 2001 or so and whose leader Hon. Sata CHANGES positions like I … would rather not mention here. The latest is: The man just said he will not deal with the POST some two weeks ago, now just yesterday Hon Sata has apologised to the POSt and wants to work with them.

  222. #349, the Americans (US) put men on the Moon in Outer Space because of theories and calculations and not by accident. Europe and America are where they are technologically and economically because they have faithfully used economists, engineers and scientists – and not by chancers who boarder their arguments by using TRIBALISM.

    So please, talk from the objective point of view than guess work. This time ni door-to-door to bring people to being alive that hon. Sata is the most serious time-waster Zambia can ever have as President if such a mistake is made.

  223. Flyers on glossy paper saying @HH for President 2008@ are already being distributed. I don’t know if what is being said here is having any imapct. For now it looks like HH is going it alone.

  224. Thanks Dupree #354, please keep updating us on what is happening at home. I know for a fact that when I left Zambia some 1 and half weeks ago, Lusakans were shifting their attention to HH. This is the only way to go for now.

    Viva HH or Rb (if all goes to the worst).

  225. Hhehhehhehhe #356, the Tsunami which MMD and the UPND should make must drown the Bwato similar to the Titanic event in history. I am now enjoying the circus and drama of these election events upto 30th October 2008.

  226. sata is too dictatorial 2 b president. he was a good minister of local govt and all, but not bukateka. kuti atuletelela!! besides, he had a stroke or was it a heart attack?. let him rest. kuti chamoneka shani another stroke at statehouse??

  227. #283

    So you remember well, those thugs that SATA sponsored eh. The man is a THUG. That day, bood was shed, pangas and all kind of weapons on display.

    I even wonder why people can even think of voting for him.

    He is nothing less than THUG. I am being very honest and fair here.

  228. Remember back in chiluba days, If there was anyone to be selected by chiluba to succeed him it was going to be SATA.

    But chiluba with all his misgivings decided to choose ba late.

    Just Imagine one devil thinking the other to be to bad to succeed.

    Now, if Chiluba so a problem with SATA why should we let the lives of our children be put under SATA. NO, a thousand times NO!

  229. I had a dream that some 3 months from now, I attended a press conference addressed by His Excellency, President Michael Chilufya Sata (conqueror of the Chinese Empire). At his inaugural press conference, the President unveiled his first cabinet. I did not get the full portfolios but these are the names I remember:

    Prime Minister (with full executive powers): Dr. FTJ Chiluba (necessary to unify the nation after a persecuting regime)

    Ministers of Finance: Francis Kaunda (Macroeconomics) and Faustin Kabwe (Microeconomics)
    Minister of Defence: General Kayumba
    Minister of Internal Security: Xavier Chungu
    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Attan Shansonga
    Economic advisors to the Preside

  230. Economic advisors to the President: Donald Chanda and Stella Chibanda
    Bank of Zambia Governor: Samuel B Musonda
    Minister of Transport and Commnuication: Willie Nsanda
    Minsiter without Portfolio: Peter Machungwa
    Minister of Women Affairs: Regina Chiluba (Mwanza)
    Minister of Works and Supply: Richard Sakala
    Minister of Health: Dr. Christine Sata (1st lady)
    Minister of Justice: Mathews Ngulube

    Minister for Privatisation: Hichilema Hakainde (HH)
    Minister for Youth and Sport: Vernon Mwanga
    Chief Justice: Robert Simeza
    Attorney General: John Sangwa
    Prisons Commissioner: Kashiwa Bulaya
    Zambia ‘s Ambassador to the United Nations: Moses Katumbi

    I am worried. What if the drea

  231. I watched one clip on TV of SATA’s office. I saw with my own two eyes a curving of a COBRA on the desk.

    What kind of a person would do that? The guy does not just smoke these ordinary cigarrates.

  232. IF ba Magande was to stand i would have thot about MMD but look Mbita chitala is back VJ is back Na ba Tembo .dont you pipo think Katele and Mabenga had to do with RB bein nominated?? this might be the end of Task Force against Corruption. cant you pipo see it?? all what Levi tried will shift.the plunderers are Back.

  233. Sata has no principles and morals, all he has is morale. Remember the third term for Chiluba, now he is asking his “sacked” MPs since they threatened to dicampaign him in the coming election. Sata knows no democracy his behaviour is purely dictorial ask MPs attending NCC

  234. #308 Simukonda is right, Bembas are the most tribalist group. If one is not a bemba then he is tribalist what kind of thinking is this. In 2006 all Bembas voted for sata (CB + Northern) and nobody called them tribalist cos thats what they are, when Southern voted for HH, they were called tribalist. whats the diference?? Let HH and Sata unite and remove mmd, this is not time for parties to divide.


  236. Thanks #373. Please keep us updated.
    By the way, whats the website for the ‘Go Chipolopolo Go Zambia’.
    Anyone to advise.

  237. May all the emerging winner of the by-election be all accommodating, mature and ready to serve the people of the Republic of Zambia.Let him place Zambia first b4 self.Godspeed to all





  240. GOLIATI #377 is right and I think you are a party CADRE because your reasoning is unbelievably shallow if not compromised. No wonder you go by that name.

    Be objective or sign out

  241. you bredren on this blog agree that Sata and HH should unite.But you cant agree who should be president similarly they also cant agree. So what to do.Ok at the moment sata has more surport but even his own party is divided UPND is solid under HH. So who is a better leader? Sata has a bad record and he cant unite his own part becoz he is a dictator and has no diplomatic skills. sata surports mugabe that is why HH should lead and sata should be VP.Sata is a politician who can play rough HH is soft like most Tongas.So they need each other Sata is the enforcer HH is the brain.Viva HH and Sata as VP.

  242. Iwe Ka Joe#370 the fact that Bemba remains one of the most widely spoken languages in the country does not make everyone to be Bemba. Don’t tell me that you do not know that AbaBemba are not found in Copperbelt province.At the time of last elections, we should all admit that Sata was popular. He might not be the best man to rule but he’s probably better than the other two candidates that we have. Nshaishiba why young guys like abena Mutati can not be groomed into becoming Presidential material. We need such leaders, we need that generation to start taking charge. This one is a close call between Sata and RB. HH achili ukutali, still far from even trying in 2011. His tribal behaviour….

  243. Check where you put your voter’s card to ensure it ia available or else you will not vote no matter how loud you speak.

  244. Great stuff Chipolopolo boys. Hats off – that was a great job for Zambia in this time of new resolve. All the best in the future games too.

  245. All those supporting PF are doing so blindly or if they see wat sata is all about then the tribal veil is applied to their faces.sata is a dictator thru and thru,corrupt to the bone.LPM left GRZ coz of this same man.He has terrorised his MPs from day one.I know mr sata and ive had one to one conversations with him…he is just a sweet talker. RB cannot be taken on board at face value too,there are alot of things that are not straight about him but if he continues with LPM’s team then maybe after 3 years all shall be known about him. But as for sata pls,pls his first presidential assignment(GOD FORBID) wud be to kiss FTJ’s little feet out of court cases.Eatthat those of you who are tribalists

  246. Zedians vote wisely. Its HH and our two forefathers can take up the role of advisors. We value them for that. Times have changed and we need to move with the time.

  247. My dear country men, lets put this tribal issue aside and choose wisely, after all only one person per time.
    Think before you cast!!!


  249. Ba Muzo2! I also want to say something. VIVA BA HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Change we belive in and real change is with HH!

  250. Age/tribe are not issues. Can the news forum arrange for a real hot debate for HH, Sata and RB.Let them tell the nation what they will do to make Zambia a better place to live. Enough of partisan politics we have not benefited,it’s have issues tabled and the the men battle the issues out.Again let it be on record so that we can have some reference points for the future.

  251. Only HH, as Zambian President, has the capacity to carry on with Levy’s programmes with Magande as his minister and probably Maureen as Vice President – since that position will be free for now. the rest of the ministers can be keep but those who will not cooperate can leave before 2011. RB’s MP nomination can end if HH assumes power.

    Go Zambia, gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

  252. 377 PROVOKER
    Instead of waffling useless words. Just answere the following

    Which school did Sata ATTEND?. What is his profession?.
    Just mention one of his former classmates?
    Like Chiluba this man’s life is a fraud.

  253. Sata only like to be called a president but he is not fit for that position. A leader should be one who is humble, Sata is to proud. When voted he can be a dictator. Watch out Zambians when you see a person who is talkactive and proud you have to be careful, Sata is like Chiluba, you find all investors gone or selling all the companies, he one of the chilubas who sold the companies.



  255. Look , about six months ago SATA was thanking the late for saving his life. There you are trying to push him.

    You are so cruel eh.

  256. This election will be unique in alot of ways. What i see is Ministers campaigning freely for RB. Who will stop them? They are SERVING Ministers with programs to run. Remember parliament has not been dissolved. So when smart guys like Sakwiba Sikota tell the nation the way forward, it is because they have seen what lies ahead. There shall be alot of crying from sata and HH. This is an election where govt ministers will openly campaign for RB.
    In fact RB will do very little campaigning as Ministers will try to outwit the one another for cabinet positions. Watch the drama unfold brothers and sisters.Are the Taiwanese going to continue pouring their dollars into a bottomless pit in 2011?

  257. Ba LT, we are looking towards you for an online poll that we suggested not too long ago in one of the other blogs. We hope you’re looking into it. It will be very interesting.

  258. Koma, you people you surprise me. Have you seen how washed out HH is looking on his billboards! And you want him instate house? I would rather have sata for president. VIVA PF VIVA Sata. For all those calling you sick, they have no details on others. Have you wondered why Rupia has kept quite on Satas sickness? Dig deeper!

  259. Anonymous 420,
    I now understand your crazy and misplaced comments. You dont see what others see in SATA coz you are blind and deaf. Please accept my pity and sympathies.

  260. DC10 # 183 you have tabled a very interesting outlook on the possible outcome of the election. It’s objective and unbiased. We have some intelligent people in Zed you people.
    The fact is most of the bloggers may not be able to vote in October as they are away from home.
    Secondly, without a merger Sata and HH are ruining their own chances of emerging victorious. One of them will have to make a compromise and humble themselves.
    Thirdly, the figures from rural areas leave much to be desired. DC10 keep coming with the situation on the ground.

  261. I for one don’t want another state funeral. As long as one is over 70 years of age will not see my vote. The old folks had their time and I don’t think the young ones are that stupid and senseless that they can’t deliver. Can someone tell me how old the Cabinet Ministers and their President in 1964 were, yet they built this country until SATA and his coleagues under Chiluba destroyed it. VOTE WISELY!!!!! Go HHHHHHHH

  262. #424

    Dont come and call me a prophet of doom when the time comes.

    Ba SATA is simply not OK.

    He is able to hoodwink weak minded fellows. Even if he became President, which is impossible, it will not be for the nations benefit.

    Thats my opinion.

  263. #150 what do u expect when the opposition consists of pipo like HH who think yhey can win coz they are ypung but without an interractive personality,sata who recently had a heart attack etc.
    viva RB.MMD rocks

  264. I am surprised that an online newspaper like yours can allow comments and blogs which are abusive rather than reflective. Let me say from the outset that I have taken oath on being admitted to the Bar to uphold and protect the Constitution of Zambia. On both occassions when being sworn in as Member of Parliament again I took an Oath to uphold and protect the Constitution of Zambia. Should a lawyer breach this oath they are liable to be disbarred from the legal proffession if reported to the Legal Practitioners Committee of the Law Association of Zambia. Similarly to breach the Parliamentary Oath is a breach of Parliamentary Priveleges that can lead to someone losing their seat in the House.

  265. If anyone after reading this comment still feels that I called for the breaking of the Constitution I would encourage them to make formal complaints to these two bodies.
    In the first place it is clear that a majority of the people making commentary on this issue are not aware of the full provisions of the Constitution of Zambia. I would urge those who have access to the Constitution of Zambia to look at the provisions of Article 34 (7) of the same.
    I will take the liberty of quoting Article 34 (7) of our Constitution, “Where there is only one qaulified Presidential candidate nominated for election, THAT CANDIDATE SHALL BE DECLARED AS ELECTED WITHOUT AN ELECTION TAKING PLACE.” (my own em

  266. (my own emphasis)
    The Law Association of Zambia have commented on this issue and confirmed that in such circumstances there would be no need for an election. For this to happen there would be a need for a conscious decesion by various Presidential candiates not to contest these elections. Indeed a number of potential presidential aspirants have chosen to take this route such as Mr. Ken Ngondo, Ms. Edith Nawakwi, Mr. Ben Mwila and others. It is indeed their democratic right to choose to either contest or sit out the proposed elections. To elect not to participate does not infringe the Constitution.
    To try and convince others not to contest does not breach the Constitution in anyway at all.

  267. Turning to our call for others to consider not standing are set out in the official statement which the ULP sent to the press on the 4th September and signed by our Secretary General. The reason we set out in our statement was that we considered it irresponsible for a party which does not command a workable Parliamentary majority to seek the Presidency as this is likely to lead to instability in the country.
    MMD has 83 elected members of Parliament and even if you were to aggregate all the opposition parties including the Independents they would have no more than 74 Members of Parliament. Of these Members of Parliament there are a substantial number who are estranged from their party and ar

  268. Of these Members of Parliament there are a substantial number who are estranged from their party and are currently in Court against their leaders. It is fair to assume that their allegiance cannot be relied upon by their leadership. If this is taken into account it is questionable whether or not any opposition party or combination of them can even muster a qourum (which is 53 Members of Parliament) necessary to conduct business of the House.
    Serious political watchers are aware of the Constitutional crisis which gripped Malawi for the entire year over failure to pass the budget as President Mutharika does not have a workable Parliamentary majority. President Mutharika had to threaten the Pa

  269. President Mutharika had to threaten the Parliamentarians that he would call in the army if the budget was not passed!
    It is crisis situations such as this which make us feel that Zambia’s interests are better served by letting the remaining term be served out by the MMD. The money issue is not the reason for our call though it could be a consequential benefit.
    As Zambians we should learn to analyse issues rather than engage in abusive language. Not everybody has base reasons for what they suggest.

  270. I respect that some people may not agree with our position and I respect them for that I expect those who do not agree with me to at least respect that it is a genuinely held view. Discussions at this kind of level are what will help us develop our democracy and find solutions to the challenges we face now and will face in the future.
    I hope you will print this response from me so that we can get the debate to a higher and more fruitfull level.
    Sakwiba Sikota.

  271. Good comments SAKI, advice please leave Politics and concentrate on your firm. Zambian Politics will not fufill ur dreams trust me on this one. We need you to forget from the legal profession and not from Parliament. I for one being an honest person dont see you ever being the president or a force to reckon in terms of influencing the politics of Zambia….its rather too shallow for you. And we dont look at issues here in Zambia we look at which tribe! how much money you have and how dirty you play, so plz i urg you get back to the firm…..mwavela imwe ba saki

  272. Sata or HH no problem,but anyone in MMD cant move Zambia forward this I have prove….civil servants cant you see…????.
    you are denied a simple housing allowance and pipo are busy suggesting another formula of making themselves billioniares,
    what a leader……..!!!!

    Zambia will never move as long as MMD is still championing, same pipo same interest, besides what happens after completion of Mwanawasa’s Project cause all they preache is Implement Mwanawasa’s no dream of their own.
    You have got eyes, but you cant see and ears you cant hear the real issues coming from HH and Sata.
    Dont say I never warned you, cause I warn you this time…….!!!

    MMD 714,967 40.55956632
    PF 682,725 38.73050073
    UPND 351,458 19.93796085
    HP 13,608 0.771972103
    total 1,762,758 100

    MMD 714,967
    PF 682,725
    diff= 32,242

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