Lusaka, Zambia, 17th October 2015 – Mathew Hill, the Zambia Correspondent for the New York based Bloomberg News has sent out what many media experts say is a MISLEADING interpretation of the National Day for Prayers and Reconciliation. In his report, Hill claims Zambian President Edgar Lungu has called for prayers seeking divine intervention in the volatile Kwacha. It is our intention as PF to deal with this deliberate twisting and misrepresentation of President Lungu’s call for prayer by the Bloomberg Correspondent.
Firstly, we wish to inform Mr. Hill and through him, many others, that Zambia’s struggle for Independence was anchored by a relationship between God and the Country. Our freedom fighters such as Zambia’s founding President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda and his generation of gallant citizens looked to God, prayed and fasted and this has been carried down to all subsequent Presidents. Zambians will recall how Dr. Kaunda usually called National Days of Prayer for peace and unity, under the One Zambia One Nation banner.
Mr. Hill would be wise to know that part of the reason Zambia had a bloodless transition from one party rule to multiparty democracy in 1991 was because the church had a pivotal role to bring the ruling party UNIP and main opposition MMD leaders together to pray and reconcile. Further, President Chiluba declared Zambia a Christian Nation and this is enshrined in our Constitution. So in the same way that Moslems observe Ramadan and make the Hajji to Mecca, and Jews observe their sacred religious beliefs, Zambia as a Christian Nation is Christ-like and Prayer and Faith is at the centre of the nation, in good or bad times. PF is committed to this rich history which recognizes the place of God in our Governance system. We are not like other political parties such as UPND which fail to recognize the importance of Prayer and Reconciliation in the life of the Nation. It does not surprise Zambians that in some circles it is believed that UPND, if at all they formed Government, would REMOVE the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation from the Constitution.
Mr. Hill would wish to know that when Zambia lost its entire football team in Gabon air disaster, late President Chiluba rallied the country to prayer and unity. President Mwanawasa called a national day of prayer when Zambia was faced with famine. President RB called the Nation to prayer when President Mwanawasa was critically ill in Paris and our late President Sata vowed to govern by the 10 commandments, all inspired by words of scripture.
Mr. Hill does not need to be reminded of how previous Presidents in the United States have called National Days of prayer and fasting. From George Washington, the First US President to Abraham Lincoln to Benjamin Franklin, proclamations of Christian faith have been part of the American public life. The national prayer day and national Thanksgiving Day are in fact law in the USA. Mr Hill should therefore not lead us into temptation. He is fully aware that Government has not closed bars and taverns in case he wants to go there but we are persuading Zambia’s moral majority to keep away from such!
In conclusion, we wish to state that the call by President Lungu for National Prayers on the 18th October 2015 has been heeded to by all the Church mother bodies, traditional leaders and majority of Zambians. Zambia Shall forever be a Christian Nation in good or bad times. Those opposed to National Prayers and Reconciliation are playing cheap politics and are a minority. We say without regret that President Lungu and PF believe that blessed is the Nation whose God is the LORD!
Issued By: Sunday Chanda, Vice Chairperson, PF Media and Publicity Committee
Mr Chanda: when a person knows something negative about you, they don’t confront you, they go and tell others. Please, you have no control over what other write about Zambia; if your government did something positive, they would write about it. For now, unfortunately, its all doom and gloom; including this your reaction!!
Trust these Bemba thieves to call for prayers after looting the Eurobonds and collapsing the Kwacha. Anybody praying with them should keep his eyes open otherwise they will steal the offertory. #MonkeysInTheMaizeField
Mr Chanda, once again you have displayed the utmost ignorance, prejudice and downright STUPlDTY possible! And the total HYPOCRISY of this so-called “reconciliation” of this day of prayers.
Your comment insinuation of “It does not surprise Zambians that in some circles it is believed that UPND, if at all they formed Government, would REMOVE the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation from the Constitution” is totally contrary, and demonstrates absolutely without doubt “reconciliation” is not your real intention, and just another PF LIE!
Also, the call for removal from the Constitution of this clause has come from no other but the CATHOLIC CHURCH itself! For very valid and logical reasons that you are definitely too dull to understand.
So please spare us your ignorant…
Buck ass Lungu, so ECL is Bemba?
It’s amazing how ECL says we are blessed with an abundance of natural resources, but at the same time we are praying for solutions to our economic woes. God already gave us the brains and the resources, but those in leadership keep appointing party cadres to strategic positions. Shame!
Aside from the USA most fundamentally religious countries are also some of the most impoverished. Is this a Bloomberg assertion or what? Look it up yourselves…
Sunday Chanda and his confused PF party are ashamed to know that the world,through Bloomberg,has been told the truth.PF is a party of liars and untrustworthy men and women,no amount of praying can save this useless party.Zambia needs pragmatic policies and good governance and not the so-called ”national prayers” and ”reconcilliation”.
Aside from the USA most fundamentally religious countries are also some of the most impoverished. Is this a Bloomberg assertion or what? Look it up yourselves… actually in actual fact the USA is not fundamental in its religious approach; they just believe that we need not WAIT for heaven to be PROSPEROUS.
Kalok that is not exactly true. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, The Emirates are all prosperous religious dictatorships
@Zedian at peace, this is EXACTLY true. I said MOST not all. Having said that, I would not look at a parochial aspect of GDP and resource-base (accident of Geography) in ascertaining prosperity. Saudi Arabia is not the model I would even use for a “prosperous dictatorship” unless your insinuation is that the dictator is prosperous…
Give us your examples. Zedian has given us his
The US is not a fundamentally religious country. In fact such countries no longer exist except in the middle east so Zedian at peace’s examples are what can be found. They are certainly not an accident of geography but a product of societal dynamics.
Most western journalist deliberately twist narratives about Africa to fit in their racist mind-set and characterisation of Africa and Africans as buffoons. That is what is at play here. simple.
We are buffoons if we think that God can change our fortunes after we squander our resources. We are buffoons because we do not know how to manage our resources. Yes we are buffoons because we remain the poorest people on earth despite that many our our countries are endowed with abundant natural resources.
Sorry@jenkins, don’t see any twisted narrative here. The guy has writtten the truth. What do you call it when your country has gone to the dogs and all you do about is pray instead of rectifying the problems? Buffoonery, no?
@ Jenkins
Are you DELIBERATELY saying that we are PROSPERING in Zambia?
Please, accept reality and stop day dreaming and hopping that Almighty will hear and act on your misplaced hypocritical prayers.
As to prayers for “reconciliation” (lol), ask fat jack-ass Chama if he can reconcile his lust for one party state with the tenants of democratic society?
Ba Chanda ifyo mulelanda chimo nokweba ati “Iam not a prostitute. I just charge men K50 for one round.” Zambia is seeking divine intervention for the Kwacha to stop falling. Why are you ashamed to be seen as praying to God for help in stopping the Kwacha’s fall if you believe in God? No wonder these prayers wont be answered
Mulu you are a brainwashed azhoe
@mainza, You are a troglodyte that should never have been born. Your mama should have spayed. Obviously you can’t reason so you insult. Grow a brain.
He started well but the moment he mentioned upnd thats whn every word became nil and void.
did sata rule based on 10.commandment?he said zambian presido call for prayer and fasting both in good and bad times but he only gave examples of bad times.Dora said sata will bring gay and lesbians did he?nobody will stop the wind of change.i kno a king in the bible whose son was very sick he fasted and prayed but the king son died and the king organise a feast.pipo asked why he did that he said God answered his prayers .so if upnd wins next yr ,Our prayers wud hav bn answered.
Reminds me of an exchange between Margaret Thatcher and Kenneth Kaunda, as reported in British media, during one of the conferences leading up to Zimbabwe’s independence. Kaunda is alleged to have said ” I hope God will help the people of Rhodesia attain their freedom”. Thatcher responded, ” No, not God, I will help them”. There you have it, God gave a brain so you can solve your own problems.
This man can not finish a sentence without mentioning HH/UPND, its a shame, what has UPND to do with this?
Any way the blame goes to Lugu for continuing fearing the micro phone. Lungs should have clearly explained the prayer call without fear. Now everyone makes their own story due to lack of leadership
Sunday Chanda, please do not take it all out on the Bloomberg correspondent. This is covered by numerous media sources around the world and they are all saying pretty much the same thing – even our neighboring countries. For a quick overview, you may read the Zambia watchdog. Incidentally, you mention American’s days of prayer; were they praying to save their collapsing economy and currency or were they praying to thank God for their blessings and prosperity?
If you dont see the folly in this day then there is no point in elections and you are simply docile!!
Did this guy even go to school? The writer is using the metaphor of “praying for the kwacha” to generate an interesting headline! Whether it is on good taste is a different question. Only dull people (like this dimwit Chanda) can read the article and be “misled” by it. Now this guy comes banging a tin ati Bloomberg is UPND kikikikiki. Also deport Moody and Fitch! Muppets
…Mr Hill is not far from the truth at all….
Reading thru the above article..Chanda does not come up with the specific agenda for the very prayers…he has referred to RB calling specifically to pray for LPM…FTJ called specifically for the Gabon disaster gathering…KK called for peace and unity and what are ECL prayers for if not for the ‘disarray’ economy…’volatile’ Kwacha…to reconcile with who…??
Chanda is hoping that all zambians are semi-litrate with his laughable propaganda. You can only fool die hard PF kaponyas but the majority know better through thier hardships. Unless lungu is a miracle man, the current downward trend will continue until the elections.
I always get irritated by the postings of this Sunday Chanda. If he wants to clarify a story, does he have to write a dissertation? Only the guilty go about long winding statements thinking one extra word may emit some truth. It is just a story by Bloomberg and you are already panicking? What kind of hypocrisy is this? PF has stolen and mismanaged the economy and now starts to insult all those refusing to close their eyes. I am a believer in The Lord Jesus Christ and I perceive this whole episode is a deception by the gullible.
Bloomberg Correspondent, Mathew Hill is a devil worshiper so what can he write, tell me, some of you you are spiritually blind. so you are just opening your mouth any how. we prayed for one, including you .
A day before prayers you are neither repentant nor forgiving, demonising UPND in answering a comment from a USA commentator concerning the day prayer just expose a wolf in sheep skin in the whole issue of prayer & fasting. Did you really mean it when you called for prayer.It looks like it is competetion on who is more rightous between PF and UPND. But if this is a motive it will backfire, coz people are hungry & angry, we will pour out whole heartedly our suffering to God and in his infinity mercy will hear the cries of the poor and he will fight everyone who is the cause of our misery.
Chanda what has UPND done to you? what is the essence of prayer and fasting with so much hate in PF camp for UPND. Do you think God will hear your prayers? First seek reconciliation and apologize for the wrong you have done to UPND and your prayers will be answered. That is the starting point.
Its sad to see a member of the clergy prostituting himself for crumbs from a politicians table. Sad.
Chanda, sober zambians can see PF s record is an abysmal one. In 4 yrs they have dragged the country into $6 billion dept despite presiding over some of the highest copper prices. It took UNIP 27 yrs to go $7 billion in the red. The kaponyas will point at roads and clincs but UNIP practically build Zambia including a manufacturing base, railway system, UTH, UNZA, CBU and secondary schools in all provinces and free education for all and only left $7billion dept. PF builds to ma roads and tu ma clinic and build up $6 billion dept in only 4 yrs and they are signing and dancing.
As for me and my family we shall attend the prayer and fasting, and the good Lord shall heal our land Zambia.This Mathew Hills wants to sow the seed of confusion in our great country but Zambia shall be saved. We are a generation that will always seek His guidance and providence and no weapon fashioned against Zambia, its people and leadership will prosper.
Sir, so the forgiveness does not cover Mathew Hill and the UPND?. Just wondering Sir. If so, its rather strange that friends sit together to pray and to forgive each other Sir.
@Mautta, Malilansolo and others, please kindly spare Sunday Chanda, and its you showing your ignorance on the world economy, climate and politics. The economic malaise that Zambia is going through is a world wide problem due to market forces that the price for metals is down both at London Metal exchange and Shanghai market. The effect of climate change caused by industrialized countries as not spared Zambia. Why is it that now HH and group have joined in prayer and fasting, and its because he as seen the mistakes he made as under five politician by the way Zambia is bigger than……………………………..Long live our great nation Zambia, long live citizens, and long live the leaders.
@lastman please read and understand what this so called Mathew Hills is talking about. Its all about intelligence creation and blackmailing the people. In 1990 during the prayer and fasting a prophecy came through the late man of God that we shall have a new President with free and fair elections.
Ahhh!! Ba Pio please just sit down. You’re easily fooled by cheap tricks and anyone envoking the name of God. It is true that the issues facing Zambia are world wide so why is zambia the worst hit. Poor governance. Our neighbouring countries are doing just fine. So is Chile another copper dependent economy. The problem is that ECL increases govt expenditure by ministry creation in the midst of all these problems while his friends reduce, ECL continues building unplanned roads so he can easily campaign next year where his friends prioritise their country’s projects. lets not blame God or nature for problems caused by bad governance.
Sunday Chanda, just concentrate your attention and effort on fixing the Zambian ECONOMY that this PF Government has fcuked up, and leave religious matters to the Church!
The Zambian people did NOT elect you to pray for them! Or make excuses that our current disasters are caused by GOD!
I expect you to to earn your salary, paid by me, the taxpayer, to fix the water problem, the Zesco problem, the mealie meal price problem, the unemployment problem, and the nosediving Kwacha problem.
Not waste your time writing rubbish like this!
Separating Religion from State affairs is a key element of liberal democracy, including socialism. Any journalist is free to criticize any attempt to lay a claim on religious beliefs to justify political or economic failures. Chiluba took a drastic move by declaring Zambia a Christian Nation. Religion is everywhere, in everything, including diet, dress, music, etc. However, when it comes to governance, using religion to justify the unjustifiable is irresponsible. Religious fanaticism is not sustainable. It will create a lot of pressure on the international scene for the country.
It is a dangerous path to mix religion and government affairs. It will create pressure at international level for the country. It is like creating Islamic republic in reverse. That kind of attitude automatically raises eye brawls in Western media. It is better for the country to avoid appearing holier than thou. Opening prayers are helpful but forcing people to fats and kneel and proclaim a person as savior leads to pressure.
Economic problems in the nation and the government calls for prayer what kind of nonsense is this that millions of Zambians fall for it, i swear ive never been more embarrassed to be Zambian than today shame on you all
Ba Sunday Chanda. If our prayers are to be heard, heed the counsel at Matthew 5:23,24 “If . . . you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away. First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift.” Your perpetual hatred for HH/ UPND does not show repentence and the entire National Day for prayer will be nothing but a mockery to our creator, God. What is the relationship between Mr Hill and UPND?
Is this a PF programme or government for Sunday Chanda to react.such overzealousness will backfire iin his face.just tone down we know you are trying to get the attention of the powers that be to confer to you the position left vacant by Hapunda
Mr George Washington was not the first President of the U S A. Please get your facts right
1715 to 1783 it was John Hanson was the President of USA and he was a black man
1715 to 1783 it was John Hanson who was the President of USA and he was a black man
Don’t know what glasses Mr Chanda uses but me and the rest of the world are with Mathew Hill on this one. It’s just your blind followers that believe otherwise. Even the BBC is reporting the same way.
Zambians why waste your time on Sunday Chanda. Kambwili told you dat this chap is very dull and is a newcomer to PF. He is trying to earn a living thats why he is always talking stupid things. To him he thinks we are vry dull like him and are all UPND cadres. No we are Zambians who have eyes and brains to know that the PF govt has stolen thru the massive development of roads and buildings (it shout about). Can they do an audit and show how much its costs to do a Kilometer now and 4 years ago.
So God said steal and pray. Its like you dont study and then ask God to help you pass an exam. You foolish plunders just accept you have no clue what to do because the Eurobond money is about to finish and after that nobody is going to Lend you anymore.
So to prepare us for the worse you call for…
Stop[ showing your ignorance on the world economy, climate and politics. The economic malaise that Zambia is going through is a world wide problem due to market forces that the price for metals is down both at London Metal exchange and Shanghai market. The effect of climate change caused by industrialized countries as not spared Zambia. Why is it that now HH and group have joined in prayer and fasting, and its because he as seen the mistakes he made as under five politician by the way Zambia is bigger than you.Long live our great nation Zambia, long live citizens, and long live the leaders.
God gave you the brain to use, but you still want God to sort out your problems. Ka Chanda, you do not represent Government, in your small mind you think you do. Kindly talk about party matters not Government. You are embarrassing us the Civil Servants. Learn to draw the line between Party and Government matters. You want to comment on anything, you are not the President’s Spokesperson, remember that. blah blah blah. It is too much. Who even elected you as Media person for PF.
Chanda is very dull. Ati Benjamin Franklin? Ben Franklin was never a president dummy and what does HH have to do with Bloomberg anyway. THis day of national prayers has been a great embarassment. What were we praying for if not the kwacha mr Chanda? With who were we reconciling since it wasnt UPND and PF. Basically We didnt study for our exam and we decided to pray to God to make us pass thats whats going on here. If not that, Lungu saw the need for the masses to be pacified and quickly used the opium of masses religion… Shame on you all. Very ashamed to be Zambian right now.