Monday, September 16, 2024

Mulongoti orders removal of PF poster in Kaputa district


Government has directed the Kaputa district administration to remove inscriptions on the entrance to the district bearing a Patriotic Front campaign message.

Works and Supply Minister, Mike Mulongoti, says the campaign message which reads “welcome to Sata’s area” must be removed.

Mr. Mulongoti said the inscriptions can divide people and create an impression that there are two governments in the country.

The Minister said the campaign period is over and the district administration should have ensured that such inscriptions where removed.

Mr. Mulongoti was speaking in Kaputa on Tuesday when he called on District Commissioner, Mwamba Njalamimba.

The Minister was in the area to inspect road projects.



  1. Why should they? It is constitutional to campain any time or season. Nifunseko Ma bloggers? When was the last time a minister worked with the opposition on constructive agendas. Did we get independence to be virtually pounded into the stone age.

  2. Ba Mike muli mbushi sana! Its hard to believe that the district commisioner did not see those posters. Learn to fire people who cant think. Ba Monk from Unza would make better district commisioners. Try them.

  3. Here we go again, thats inferiority MR. Mulongot why pick on PF only when there are alot of parties in the country?

  4. Thank God u hav realissed the campaign period is over,equally remove all the dirty posters for RB.They make LSK city filthy…

  5. in eastern province there is a very big vote for RB poster at welcome to katete. we like it up,coz visitors dont get lost when tell then to drop at Nyama soya station.

  6. #9 ahahahaha, i like thats and #4, i quite agree with you……Zoe, how you today? i agree, they should remove every other poster then! doesnt he have more contructive things to do??

  7. Even though i hate the MMD & it’s leaders including Banda,Ka Mulongoti,ka Tetamashimba & other bootlickers in their clique,i agree that it is wrong to have such a poster at the border/entrance of a town as it is carrying the wrong message especially to visitors afterall Sata too is not different from Banda & the rest.What is happening in MMD(thuggery) is a creation of Sata when he was literally second in command during his master Chiluba’s reign.

  8. umulongoti umwenso kwati tauli mwaume sure! and too much inferiority complex. just becoz its satas poster u get disgusted. remove all the posters for all the pipo that stood also. ad why go to nalumangos area when she as an MP was supposed to go there? ofcourse the people who go to Kaputa have seen that poster so many times and since they are more sensible than you,they have decided to ignore it as it does not add a single day to their lives. nomba imwe ati bamimone ati mulepanga news? get lost

  9. Nishani kanshi, is pipes now working for the Electoral Commission of Zambia? Its funny these people we call our leaders would stoop to levels far beneath their offices. Ninshi takwakata inchito iya kubomba?

  10. I dont think there is anything wrong with the poster, the other parties can also have their posters up if they want. This is what is called a advertising. All the parties need to worry about is how they will pass the meassage across to the voters. If you can deliver , it does not matter what other pipo do.
    Stop the skool play ground tricks.

  11. Hi All you Bloggers, Have you heard, RB was trying to come to London for the G20 Summit , but was told that he could not come cos Zambia is not a member. RB was very angry such that he told his pipo to see if they have made the application inorder for him to attend the G20 summit.
    RB this summit is only for member states.
    RB was even telling TB to pack her bags,

  12. Ba mulogoti tabakwata amano.He always says something which doesn’t make sense.He should concetrate on developing the country.

  13. Mr Mulongoti,lets start with cleaning up Lusaka’s Great east road is ful of RBs bilboards esp that 1 at Munali.Why rushing to Kaputa??

  14. #19 Ba Honey,shani mummy That man u r talkin abt all his senses are in his slagging cheeks and ever closed eyes.I dnt blame him,he n TB r an embarrasment in the history of Zambian heads of state

  15. MMD has posters all over Zambia so why cant they start removing those before wanting to remove posters of PF. Ubupuba Ka Mulongoti

  16. So thats the only thing that bothered Mulongoti in Kaputa amid severe poverty from the local people. He can do better by bringing out constructive issues and handling such with diplomacy. I belive he was just trying to intimidate the DC!!!!

  17. Zoe, the posters are ok, just tell all pipo to do their best for for pipo, whether post or no poster.
    Like they say , you can not judge a book by its cover.
    So thats that.

  18. Mulongoti you went there to inspect roads and not posters. With or without the poster, it will always be referred to as Sata’s area. With your comments about the poster now, you have indirectly campaigned for PF in the whole country. PF should thank you for the propaganda. :-j :-j

  19. Mulongoti has a point.This aint election time and besides these posters just dirten our towns.Mulongoti should also order the DCs in Kabwe,Kapiri,Ndola and Kitwe to remove those bid billboards of RB.I found them thisjanuary when i was home.

  20. Nkole wa fimo fimo! Am calling you out! You took a cheap shot at me yesterday knowing fully well i had already left the bloog. I have, on countless occasions agreed with you on several pertinent issues relating to this beloved nation. So i dont understand the unwarranted ranting you exhibited against my personal opinions, which i’m entitled to. In the spirit of respect, i expect you to retract the word “bugger’ and apologise to me within the next 12 hours. I always read your comments with keen interest and as such your attack on me was totally uncalled for. Please note that i reserve the right to respond to that ranting in any manner i see fit! Your call.

  21. These Parties believe the posters can do the work for them,, they are wrong. Pipo are not going to vote for somone who does not deliver. So they must go to these places and talk to the pipo, they should not only wait for the election , before talking to the pipo. engageing with the pipo is the first rule.

  22. #36 Sharp Shooter, Ine nili che mushe boyi. Naiwe uziba. Uyu Nkole Wa fimo fimo has really pissed me off. No man worth nhis salt takes pot shots at his friends when their backs are turned.
    nakalipa maningi.

  23. Ba Moze,
    No need kukalipa so early in the day. Muyibaleniko uyo.. Its not good for your health…Cheer up…

    .We care……

  24. These dictators should start by removing their own rulers “RB” posters. Ka mulongoti you are such a devil kamudala iwe. God will judge these dictators one day especially the outrageous TETA and MIKE. Things are not good in Zambia economically. When the economy is underperforming even our social life is affected. You can’t even afford an extra chick.

  25. Grreat ACTION, man of action, Minister Mulongoti. Such a message is not only a campaign message but a wrong message. Does the Undereducate own that area of Kaputa? Does he have a title deed to it?
    Let us be serious as a people and do things in a sensible manner.
    I hope this behaviour of using the term “stronghold” must also begin to subside. Let those who win at some place just enjoy their win and work for the people in that constituency instead of sending Nation dividing messages.
    I personally do not support President RB Banda, but I recognise him as my president and give him his due respect in light of the fact that he won by a majority vote convincingly. How I wish all would do the…

  26. 44 continued.
    On the otherhand, let GRZ make sure that all constituencies across the whole of Zambia remove campaign posters and endeavour to put up nicely designated places for placing the upcoming 2011 tripartite elections campaign posters.

  27. People of Z..lets get real. Why talk about petty issues such as removing of posters? Can’t we talk about economic issues? Ba Mulongoti please lets get serious…leave the posters alone and focus on economic issues.

  28. They should also remove those I saw last time I was in Kabwe. One at elephants head hotel and dallas

  29. The inscription welcoming people to Kaputa & informing them that this is Sata & PF stronghold cannot, will not be removed. If it was to be removed, it would have been removed immediately PF didnt make it. When I visited Luapula Province & incidentally Kaputa, I realised what PF diehards there are in Luapula. All along the Tuta Road from Mansa to Kashikishi there were Canoes with the above inscription. So Mr. Mulongoti, just concentrate on the reasons u went to Kaputi & stop politiking u MMD Failures! Chiwamila mbuzi kuluma galu?

  30. Whether you like it or not, it might be on posters or not, Northen na Luapula ni ya SATA wagwilako a pya.

  31. Mulungoti amano nga imbushi weshilu we tawakwata ifya kulandapo, of the place in zambia that contains campaign poster wabutukila ku mwesu, akachila kambushio kasengula apo kekala start by cleaning were you live you dirty minded man chi mike.

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