Thursday, January 9, 2025

Councillor laments high number of deaths among pregnant mothers using dilapidated Zambezi/Chitokoloki road


oxcart A civic leader in Chitokoloki in Zambezi district has complained about the state of the Zambezi/Chitokoloki road that is dilapidated.

Area Councillor, Stephen Sajolomba, complained that only small and utility vehicles can pass through the road while heavy duty trucks are unable to pass.

Mr Sajolomba lamented that the 45 kilometre stretch road from Zambezi Boma to Chitokoloki takes more than one hour instead of just thirty minutes.oxcart2

He complained that there is a high number of deaths, especially among the pregnant mothers traveling on the road.

The councillor explained that patients referred to Zambezi district hospital are forced to be transported by ox-carts because some motorists have allegedly shunned using the road.

He appealed to government to repair the road so that goods and essential services are transported to the area.

The civic leader said that a good road network is vital to accelerating development.



  1. There is another thread reading “Poor road irks Chitokoloki councillor” . It would have been better to make just one thread out of the two. Anyways as I wrote on the other thread Govt should work towards completing the decentralization of Govt asap so that local Govt can take care of their own infrastructure – funding without going to Lusaka.

  2. Getting irked without any action towards rectifying the situation is regressive behaviour. In this era dying because of lack of proper road network to get to the health centre on the right time is shameful

  3. the truth is nobody really cares, as long as”dem bellies full” and own bank accounts are filled is what is more important than the voters plights!
    Tactic is to keep them poor and miserable that they dont have time to complain or protest but to struggle every single minute. Gov’s which cares for its citizens has all the facilities needed for everyone’s interest, and not just empty promises. On the other hand, jet setting to all parts of the worlds catching up on making a record on how many places they have visted, while the nation looks on and starves. Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. As an elected councillor, your ward is looking to you to provide answers and you are looking elsewhere for solutions. Start providing solutions without, necessarily depending on national government.

  5. Greed is what causes all these problems. are you guys telling me that since 1964, we still have places in Zambia without a road to take women to the clinic? come on people, what type of a country is this? Rubish, get rid of these policians and try to bring sanity to this nation.

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