Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Government Printers Ready to Print 2016 ballot papers -Yamfwa Mukanga


Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga (left) addresses new Zambia Railways Board members at his office as the new Board Chairperson Davies Chama looks on in Lusaka
Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga
(left) addresses new Zambia Railways Board members at his office as
the new Board Chairperson Davies Chama looks on in Lusaka

GOVERNMENT is working on ensuring that the printing of ballot papers for the 2016 general elections is done by the Government Printing Department.

Minister of Works and Supply Yamfwa Mukanga said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday the Government Printing Department has already procured a printing machine which has capacity to print ballot papers.

He said, however, that the printing of ballot papers at the Government Printers can only be permitted if the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) approves of the facility.

“ECZ has to confirm whether the machine that has been installed at Government printers has the capacity to meet the requirements to print the ballot papers,” Mr Mukanga said.

Last year, the ECZ published advertisements inviting bidders for the printing of ballot papers for the 2016 general elections.

A source says Government Printers submitted its bid through the Ministry of Works and Supply.

The source said the machine at the Government Printing Department has not yet been fully installed as the institution is waiting for a few more imported components.

The source added that once the components are installed, the machine will be one of the best in southern Africa with the capacity to print ballot papers for Zambia and its neighbouring countries.

“Once the machine is fully functional, the Government Printing Department will be able to print ballot papers within a space of one week,” the source said.


  1. A word of advise to HH if he wants to win the forth coming elections. There are only three people who can add value and bring votes to UPND and propel it to victory. These three names are, GBM, Sampa and Guy Scott. Of all the three, GS is the best, not because is a white man but he is the man easily identified with the popular late president- forget about past differences, pick him as your running mate and you have an easy victory. The beauty with GS is that he breaks tribal barriers, he is the neutral popular man with no tribal tag. GBM and Sampa can also help in that they would somehow also stabilize the northern vote for UPND. The resultant of picking these two is that it may lead to an improved fortune for the party in PF strongholds. Another plus is that GBM has got the financial…

    • Kikikiki,ati adopt Muzungu opusa as a running mate because he’s easily identified with the late president,ala wansekesha. Even if HH was to adopt Obama as a running mate he would still lose the forth coming elections. Mukose ba under five politician. EL all the way.

    • Encouraging news at least to save money. But the people must open their eyes to avoid premarked ballots being stuffed in ballot boxes.

      Any funny scheme by PF rig can only be countered by voters register audit and an effective parallel vote tabulation closely monitored by international observers.

      I trust the Zambian people. When they say enough is enough no amount of rigging will help PF. Any scheme being planned will crumble. If ZAF and police copters will be involved transporting fake ballots in favour of lungu they shall crash under the forces of nature.

  2. muscle to put in a splendid campaign challenge minus depending on the party resources while Sampa is popular among the youth and is a good organiser.
    If HH does not go with any of the above, then we might as well forget for good of ever taking over. C Banda is a good man, but is not a well known politician among the masses and not capable of bringing in financial resources as GBM is capable of. Nawakwi is also great, she has built a solid foundation already among the grassroots, question is, would she agree acting second fiddle to HH once more? Maureen is damned good and very intelligent but picking her will bring the Bantu Batantwe talk from the PF during the campaigns and see the northern vote dwindle!
    Its Guy Scott, GBM, Sampa or never for UPND!!

    • Great Analysis, some facebook discussions are supporting Dr Canasius Banda because he has been with the party for some time, however the goal should be the results that one can bring in especially now that there is the running mate clause , with the old constitution of appointing a vice president maybe this could have worked because the President appointed a Vice President after elections.

  3. Local printing of ballots is a must, more so much that our currency is strained as it will lower the printing costs.When i look around isee a lot of ways we can produce quality goods and services cheaply by using a local resource base. To cite one example; we have trained engineers in government, army and Zambia national service (LDB)who can be contracted
    to build cheaper and quality roads better than the Chinese kambunjunjus.But you know what? corruption. Governments contract these private companies at inflated bids and plough the kick backs into ruling parties for campaigns. Wake up Zambians see beyond tribalism. In fact in future it should be mandated for political parties to declare a threshold of resource base in terms of capital and adminstrative manpower.To dull cadres let it get…

    • Yes, the printing of ballots locally is a good move. A process needs to be developed to ensure that there is transparency and all local stakeholders are confident of this process which also needs to be audited.

    • @Eliminator: Which Zambian engineers are you talking about!! You means these semi trained mechanics who have never invented anything!!
      They can even maintain simple drainage systems or seal pot holes and you want them to tamper with ballots – just go to the house if you have diarrhoea – Arsewhore!!

    • @chilyata, stop irritating people, you sound poverty stricken vagabond………..yenda kumwa chibuku ku chibolwa

  4. Good idea, but I don’t trust the man talking: Yamfwa Mukanga. This is the man who kept telling us that the national airline will be established by June 2014. He was 100% sure! And Sata called him at one time “icipuba”.

  5. Oh no, i hope hh will not win the election coz if he wins its sale sale at government printers.
    The little government has will go.

  6. How this icipuba as Old man Sata called him is still in-charge is beyond me….a company like Gov’t Printers should have been completely separated from govt and made to operate as a separate govt subsidiary; It just needs re-machining and modernizing by govt. This company once printed all the papers, exam papers in the land; it is capable securing international orders and making a profit for taxpayer; it just needs the best people in the business running it and not overseen by a dull minister as Mr icipuba in the photo who will appoint his dull cadres.

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