Sunday, September 8, 2024

Human Rights Commission condemns PF cadres action on Miles Sampa


Commerce, Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Miles Sampa
Miles Sampa

The Human Rights Commission condemns the action of suspected PF cadres in Ndola who prevented Matero Member of Parliament Miles Sampa from landing to address a media briefing in Kitwe, reports Pan African Radio journalist Hermit Hachilonde.

Below is the complete statement issued by Mweelwa Muleya the Chief of Information, Education and Training


24th January, 2016


The Government should take firm action on curbing continued Political Violence

The Government must take a firm and decisive action on curbing the continued political hooliganism and violence which is infringing on the fundamental freedoms and human rights of citizens to freely participate in the public affairs of the Country.

The conduct of political party cadres at Simon Mwansa Kapepwe International Airport in Ndola on Saturday where they blocked the plane carrying the Matero Member of Parliament, Mr. Miles Sampa and his team from landing and go to launch his political party constitute a gross violation of his political rights. The illegal action also violates the constitutional rights of citizens who may have been interested in receiving information and ideas from him in order to make an informed decision and consequently choice in their voting.

The Commission is particularly concerned that the disruption of political party meetings by political party cadres is becoming a growing and systemic pattern of human rights violations in Zambia which needs high level political intervention to stop. The invading of an Airport demonstrates the high and dangerous levels of impunity of political party violence and undermines the rule of law. It is a political problem which requires a political solution in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the majority citizens and other political players.

The fundamental freedoms and human, rights of citizens to participate in the affairs of the country without any form of interference are enshrined in the Zambian Constitution and various International Human Rights Instruments which Zambia has ratified.

Zambia is a multiparty democracy and Article 60 of the 1991 Constitution as amended Act Number 2 of 2016 guarantees the rights of political parties to disseminate information on their programmes and ideologies. Articles 20 and 21 of the Constitution under the Bill of Rights guarantees the rights to freedoms of Association, Assembly and Association.

It is therefore the inescapable duty of the Government, through various state actors, to enforce the upholding of the Bill of Rights, and abide by its international obligations to respect and protect human rights.
The Commission has noted with a sense of encouragement the positive statements made by President Edgar Lungu against political violence and the need be the Police to apply the Public Order Act fairly and firmly. It is however worrying that the Presidential pronouncements and direct seem not to be implemented on the ground as evidenced by the continued violations of political rights and freedoms.

The Commission has also noted the positive efforts that are being made by the Zambia Police Service to orient the officers in basic human rights and in particular the application of the Public Order Act through the on-going training in which the Human Rights Commission is involved. The Commission is however concerned that such positive efforts may just end up being an academic exercise if they will not be supported by high level political direction to stop the cadres from harassing and assaulting citizens, regardless of their political affiliation.

There should be evident and effective sanctions against cadres involved in breaching public order and peace as a deterrent measure against such undemocratic and criminal behavior.

The protection and promotion of freedoms of expression, assembly, association and movement are critical as the country prepares for the 11th August 2016 General Elections. There is need therefore to treat the on-going violations as a threat to a conducive environment to free participation of all the electoral stakeholders in the upcoming general elections.

This appeal goes to all political parties to respect the rule of law and specifically and publicly reprimand their members who engage in violence and other illegalities. The Zambia Police Service must also play its constitutional mandate of upholding the rights and freedoms of all citizens without any form discrimination, particularly political affiliation which has for a long time now been a source of rampant violation.

Participation of citizens in public and political activities is a fundamental human right in a democracy as it facilitates the ability of citizens to make informed decisions to vote for a party or candidate of their own choice without any form of intimidation.

Mweelwa Muleya
Chief of Information, Education and Training


    • PF are in serious trouble with the new party DF.
      DF need sue PF… Lets try law suits, the lawyers are broke because PF stopped checking on corruption cases.

    • The law is applied unequally in Zambia as evidenced by the speedy arrest of UPND cadres that disturbed Lungus recent campaign rally in southern province while those PF cadres that caused confusion in full view of the police for Miles Sampa in Ndola are free

    • Sampa has successfully launched his family party and is free to realize his pledge of destroying or finishing a serving President, the ruling party and the country within 6 months. I can only advise him to develop a thick skin and realize that in his pledge, he may be taken literally with some countering measure some being of overbearing impact on his dream of destructions. I doubt PF would choose to take him on with kids gloves but political will and purpose. Walila mvula walilila matope.

    • Zambians have not seen the full extent of Bemba chaos. This is just the beginning. Zambia is headed the way of DRC and Burundi. Basically in these countries you kill whoever you don’t like especially for political and tribal reasons. Davis Chama has already shown how low PF can go.


  1. Good on you ba Human Rights Fimo Fimo for the ka unexpected brown envelope you have just received.
    Keep on chewing I would do the same if I was you

  2. “Humble” Lungu condones cadre violence. The savage thugs threatened to slash with their pangas anyone standing in Lungu’s the way to state house. Lungu didn’t do anything to show he didn’t approve of the violence. Now he ordered a plane carrying his political foe not to land, if this is not a murder attempt tell me what it is. This guy has all the hallmarks of a vicious dictator. Behind his friendly and charming facade lurks a streak of ruthlessness that rears it’s ugly head at the drop of a hat. Watch out.

  3. Cadres are more powerful than the PF police. Why not let Miles exercise his democratic right and fundamental freedom to dissociate himself from the PF and associate himself with the newly formed DA? Is this the democracy we fought for in 1991? we saw this coming after the shameless former father bwalya ordered miles to restrict his activities to matero.. This frank bwalya you are let loose and giving a blank cheque to do as he pleases will leave u muli mwamoneni nombaline fye. He will plunge the PF into chaos and by the time you realise it will be too late. Bonafide and true greens are being bottled up because the former father seems to be at the centre of everything. Wake up ba PF and watch this man before he uses your party as a trojan horse..

  4. Edgar is now becoming stupid! How can he allow people like fatherless bwalya to start frustrating founders of PF. Fatherless bwalya had no regards for our beloved president Angel Micheal… He called him names, I don’t even want to mention because it is so painful that the fool is now enjoying just because he failed to sustain his ABZ party… Come 11th August, 2016 Lungu will be shown our displeasure on the copperbelt. Go sampa go!

  5. Ba Lusaka times are you also symphasing with the PF on the depature of Honourable Miles Simpa you I say so because you seem to be so mute on this development every online media reported about how SAMPA was being attacked and how he was prevented from landing in Ndola but you reported nothing.
    You have just told us this story about human rights cominsion without the authenticity how do we know.

  6. Come on Commission! Zambia is a Multi-Party nightmare. Because of the criminal elements of the participants. In a poor country, where everyone thinks the Office of the President is the only port of call or rather the only destination for an opposition Leader; you get this type of mess. Supporters are mobilised to commit crimes against others and then lift their ‘innocent’ hands in mocking honesty. They are all as guilty as the other. SO WE NOW AGREE, THE POA must stay in place to control this virulent political illness.

  7. I’m PF but what I don’t like is this unhuman way of treating our opponent with pangas and guns,
    If we have done enough ground work interns of development it will speak for us rather than attacking those who are disagreeing with us.this kind of politics it’s long gone

  8. Edgar is now becoming stupid! How can he allow people like fatherless bwalya to start frustrating founders of PF. Fatherless bwalya had no regards for our beloved president Angel Micheal… He called him names, I don’t even want to mention because it is so painful that the fool is now enjoying just because he failed to sustain his ABZ party… Come 11th August, 2016 Lungu will be shown our displeasure on the copperbelt. Go sampa go!

  9. Isn’t this a violation of IATA regulations? How, for goodness’ sake, do we allow cadres to disrupt operations at an airport. How did we get here?

    • @ itizi turu, “How did we get here?” We got here with our eyes open, treating our leaders like gods who will perform miracles for us! We are a people who do not hold our leaders accountable… we easily get intimidated by these cadres who now seem to be a law unto themselves. This coupled with politicians who won’t stop at anything to retain power, then you get to where we are today!

  10. Lungu is abusing the defense and security systems. He is passing intelligence information on opposition activities to party cadres who in turn go ahead to disrupt their programs. This is the worst kind of abuse never seen before in Zambia’s history. If this kind of harassment continues then the 2016 campaigns will be bloody because the Zambians will react. Worst still he has proved to be a tribal leader and I can see the ‘Bemba’ and ‘Tonga’ ethnic regions reacting violently to his moves. Lungu should go back to history to know about who was behind chachacha and eventual independence. He is really pushing his lucky beyond reasonableness. Let opposition leaders campaign peacefully after all your Frank Bwalya says they are not a threat.

  11. Lungu is abusing the defense and security systems. He is passing intelligence information on opposition activities to party cadres who in turn go ahead to disrupt their programs. This is the worst kind of abuse never seen before in Zambia’s history. If this kind of harassment continues then the 2016 campaigns will be bloody because the Zambians will react. Worst still he has proved to be a tribal leader and I can see the ‘Bemba’ and ‘Tonga’ ethnic regions reacting violently to his moves. Lungu should go back to history to know about who was behind chachacha and eventual independence. He is really pushing his lucky beyond reasonableness. Let opposition leaders campaign peacefully after all your Frank Bwalya says they are not a threat at all.

  12. It is quite clear that political thuggery has become a very lucrative business in Zambia. Witness how the victims of political violence suddenly become perpetrators once in power. Time to nip the repulsive habit in the bud, if real peace and unity is to prevail!

  13. How can Kadansa Binyuna condemn violence wen he himself is a product of violence. Him believes in political violence in order to achieve his political goals. I am only disappointed with Boma Inonge coz i thot she was a woman of high integrity, alas her greed for money has revealed her true character. Violence can only be caged thru violence. If PF is violent, let every be violent. The opposition is foolish coz it has condoned PF’s violent tactics to remain in power. Call a spade a spade. Enough is enough. A bone for a bone, thanks!

  14. Lusaka times ,you have become like times,daily mail,daily nation and Znbc.Why failing to report on yesterday incident where Miles Sampa was prevented to land ?PF you sr gone,i strongly regret of having voted for you,i thought that you were peaceful party.Viva opposition

  15. I condemn in no uncertain terms the violation of Miles Sampa’s human rights. I also condemn the behaviour of the PF police and especially Kaganja who is able to instruct for the police to arrest UPND cadres but fails to arrest PF cadres at Ndola airport. i condemn PF for instructing ZESCO to switch off power at muvi studios while HH was there. i finally congratulate Miles for launching his party. When a govt becomes oppressive to its citizens, we should reject it.


  17. Sadly this is the way the country has been since the one party state. In 1971 Mr Kapwepwe was attacked at Matero market by UNIP cadres, after leaving the party to form UPP. Nalumino Mundia was harassed and arrested. To break out of this situation will be tough. ECL did not create, although a beneficially. Poverty will continue to fuel the disregard for cultured behaviour, exploited by low calibre politicians. Let’s see how it pans out for Miles. He may be the one to watch.

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