Thursday, October 24, 2024

Government accuse diplomats of meddling in Zambia’s political affairs


TOURISM and Arts Minister Jean Kapata (gesturing) in a conversation with Muchinga Province Minister Gerry Chanda (centre) and Bank of Zambia Deputy Governor for administration Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula in Linda Township in Lusaka
TOURISM and Arts Minister Jean Kapata (gesturing) in a conversation with Muchinga Province Minister Gerry Chanda (centre) and Bank of Zambia Deputy Governor for administration Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula in Linda Township in Lusaka

GOVERNMENT has accused foreign diplomats accredited to Zambia of meddling in the country’s affairs and conducting themselves unprofessionally.

Home Affairs Deputy Minister Gerry Chanda said Government was concerned about some diplomats who were interfering in Zambia’s affairs by commenting on national issues.

Colonel Chanda said it was Government’s expectation that diplomats accredited to Zambia should respect the country’s laws by desisting from commenting on national issues such as partisan politics.

“The Government is very concerned over some of those comments since they are not good. You don’t go into somebody’s house and start dictating terms or commenting on how that person is running the house. It’s very unethical and we hope there will be an end to it,” he said.

Col Chanda charged that the foreign envoys commenting on Zambia’s governance were overstepping their bounds and taking the country’s kindness and hospitality for granted.

He said the unprecedented meddling in national affairs by foreign diplomats was ‘irritating’ reiterating his call for all emissaries to exercise maximum restraint.

He observed that political issues were very sensitive especially during the current period when the country was headed for elections.

However, he said Government welcomed foreign diplomats and thus challenged them to reciprocate by behaving accordingly.


  1. There is nothing wrong if they are addressing issues that are affecting the common man such as economic hardships,violence and rampant corruption.Besides the diplomats are commenting on issues that everybody is aware of.Only the guilty will be worried.

    • They enslaved your fore fathers, they are giving you crumbs and scraps in form of aid and good governance and you still praise them. Africans, you will always be slaves. If you think these people have your best interest at heart, you are gravely mistaken. Wake Up.

  2. Go to their countries and do the same and see how you will come back. All the same King Solomon will handle it because he asked for wisdom not money.

    • Do you supplement their budget, do you donate millions for their elections…if you do then you have every right to question as you are a stakeholder!!

  3. To a certain degree Diplomats must have a say, these are the same people organising donor funding for Zambia bwana so they can’t keep too quiet. My suggestion is just for you as Government to up the game.

    • Their say is diplomatic not talking like a cadre. They are not our representatives. They represent the affairs of the country they come from. Our diplomats in their countries are as well representing zambias affairs and talking to those govts regarding mutual benefits.

  4. In one hand these selfsame empty tins are accepting money from the donors for elections, supplementing the budget and they say they are meddling when they are giving you their taxpayers money..dont accept their money and they will stop meddling…go and read the teachings of Thomas Sankara or Lumumba or where the Tanzanian president is trying to take his country.

  5. Shut up Jerry Chanda. State house should stop violence, corruption and cutting deals at statehouse. Stop harassment of the opposition

  6. Our diplomats are out their with begging bowls & looting our country while their diplomats are finding something useful to do.

  7. We have heard such baseless accusations of diplomats before. Don’t expect them to remain quite when you are showing extreme bias against the opposition. I expect them to talk more about leveling the playing field. It is completely wrong and uncivilized that public media doesn’t provide coverage to the opposition.

  8. Just deport them and we can drink Tarino and apply for permission to own 100 US dollars while government loots the country for another 27 years

  9. I have allowed another Man to come and stay in my Visitors cottage. He is now responsible for 55% of my household budget. He has also sponsored a few other things like my last honeymoon and paying my son’s lobola.

    When he donated some money for my kids’ school fees, I got part of it and topped up on a new Range Rover Evogue. I also bought my wife a Jeep Cheroke 4 x 4, and the chap went nuts. He says he is even pulling out because I am mismanaging resources! I did adjust by taking the kids to Government Schools after diverting the money so it’s not like they are not in School. The chap is now meddling in my home’s affairs, ungrateful fellow. I have welcomed him in my home now he wants to have a say in how I ran my affiars. It’s important to stay away from another man’s home. The…

  10. Western diplomats are masters at deception!! DIVIDE AND RULE IS THEIR NEW SYSTEM OF COLONISATION IN 21st century Africa… be very careful with America and Britain.



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