Monday, September 16, 2024

Government calls on stakeholders to help help young entrepreneurs


Zambia International Investment Forum 2016 Launch: Zambian Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Margaret Mhango Mwanakatwe delivering her speech
Zambia International Investment Forum 2016 Launch: Zambian Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Margaret Mhango Mwanakatwe delivering her speech

Government has called on various stakeholders to come on board and help young entrepreneurs for the growth of the country’s economic base.

Speaking during the official launch of the Zambia Entrepreneurs Forum (ZEF) in Lusaka, Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe says there is need to help young entrepreneurs in the country if the country is to record steady progress in many areas.

Ms Mwanakatwe says Western African countries have embraced young entrepreneurs saying Zambia should emulate them so that young entrepreneurs can grow and help many youths seeking jobs in the country.

She states that the lives of the young people can be transformed by embracing innovation.
She has since challenged the newly formed Zambia Entrepreneurs Forum to bring on board youth entrepreneurs that are crying for a platform such as this to bring out their ideas and move the nation forward.

Speaking earlier, ZEF Chairman Moulen Siame says the country’s entrepreneurship focus needs to be broadened as well as integrated in order for the country to increase the levels of entrepreneurial activities and experience noticeable economic and social impact.

Mr. Siame says this requires all corporate institutions, SMEs, Government, Business and entrepreneurship societies, men and women and all entrepreneurs in the country not to work in isolation but to cooperate in entrepreneurial endeavors.


  1. Hon. Minister,
    What has Government in general and YOU in particular done to help local entrepreneurs?
    Sometime is better to keep mum, instead of reminding us about your absolute ineptitude as the Minister of Trade, Commerce and Industry.

    • @Hung them High; All she is saying is that rich and capable private citizens of Zambia need to invest in young Zambian Enterprenuers. How do you think the Bill Gates or Zuckerbergs or Kalanicks of this world made it? They solicit from private citizens who see potential in their projects. It has nothing to do with the government. No wonder Africa will remain poor with rich and not wealthy individuals because instead of growing businesses by helping upcoming Enterprenuers, they are busy buying luxury cars, chasing skirts and criticizing the government.

  2. I agree with@ Real Olivia Pope. On my sisters’ last visit in Zambia, she visited one of her good friend who happens to be a brilliant cake maker. People where in and out of her house to pick up their orders. She indicated to my sister that if she had one of those shape molders, she would make a killing. My sister sent her one and her friend did so well that right now they are putting finishing touches to a confectionery shop as equal partners. My sister is the money and her friend the talent.
    All they did was engage a lawyer to draw up the contract and registered the business and paid the required fees to the government. I think that is what Ms Mwanakatwe is talking about.

  3. BRAVO @The Real Olivia Pope and @Dalitso…. well said…you’ve explained it all in very simple and clear language….it cannot always be government this government that….most of the wealthy in our country cannot even support their own relative’s small businesses….rather skirts on the streets….its sad


  4. Africans will remain poor becose there don’t gate it ? My be the minister should start speaking in venacular , allowed blaming government , even when the government is trying to solicitor for them there remain coderming the advocates

  5. i see this move ll help young zambians that have the skill to do business hence the government should not only lunch it but it should also ipmlement its plan.

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