Friday, March 14, 2025

Police nab four in connection with Ritual Killings


Police in Lusaka have confirmed that four suspects were last night arrested in relation to the recent ritual murders that have happened in Lusaka and that tremendous investigative progress is being made to bring to book the culprits at the centre of these evil activities.

Police Deputy Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga says last night during their patrols, the police apprehended four male suspects who are in police custody and where found in possession of articles that they are subjecting to forensic examination to determine whether it is human flesh or to the contrary.

Mr. Hamoonga says the police service is working round the clock and as soon as it’s possible they will inform the general public of the results.

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu says he is at pain to learn of the ritual murders and evil attacks against the people especially in some parts of George Compound in Matero Constituency.

President Lungu is of the view that these murders are not ordinary as they are driven by something evil, something alien to the Christian beliefs and culture.

He says as a Christian Nation, these attacks have evoked something profound in the people; to strongly reject such happenings in the communities.


  1. This is good work ZP. I’m convinced these ritual killings are connected to GBM, (HH) and illegal drilling activities.

    • Update us on the bweengwa kidnapping of PF officials, you seem to be avoiding the subject yet you were the most vocal……we waiting bwana…..

    • Shaka, the Bweengwa assailants are people like you, UPND cadres who embrace violence and hooliganism. See for yourself that your George compound ritual branch has been arrested today. Next it’s you. You can’t F0OL the people Shaka. Relying on hunger and load-shedding, fuel crisis and suffering as a way to get into state house? That’s how you people thrive. If Sata dies we will enter state house. If Lungu collapses we will enter State house. It doesn’t work like that. You need to be humble, not proud. Next it’s you we’re arresting for illegal drilling activities watch this space.

    • Where are convicts and evidence and how far has the bweengwa court case gone??? don’t try to dodge the question bwana

    • Kudos actually to me they sound like put up scare tactics but I will not bring myself down to your level and say that they are from your party. These are seriuos crimes and not to be debated by semi educated people like you.

    • @Kudos, what is your PF man Lungu saying????? That ritual killings are connected to Christianity? Maybe it is the fundraising project for The Tarbenacle of all PFs

  2. the propensity to want to be rich without hard work and beliefs in supernatural powers leads to these killings. the stupid prophets and ngangas are connected to this.

  3. ..I hope this is not just a face saver to look like the police s seriously working…..the same happened to Ruth Mbandu up to now we are still waiting….losing 6 souls in brutal killing in just 4 weeks average of 1 per week….just the first two victims could have triggered the Police command to declare curfew in certain parts of Lusaka……this culture of shying away from resignation is eating us up…Kanganja could have thrown in a towel by now…..that stripping of that UPND lady and other incidences including the ritual killing we are witnessing….why announce before the forensic tests are done..??

  4. today past 16:00, a white corolla with 4 men almost managed to kidnap my neighbors son but glory to God they failed. We are still waiting to hear if the taxi drivers were able to trace the white Toyota corolla with tint windows. The only sad part is that, the woman did not manage to get the number plate of the car.

    Please deploy soldiers and police force in the neighborhood, let the church call a fast for 7 days. We don’t want this madness to continue any further.

  5. But this report from Moonga is useless,we need real information not trashed ones!Surely,can human organs or parts be a problem to detect!

    • Organs for humans and certain animals are very similar, that’s why you are able to eat things you don’t know at the bar’s braai stand because of the similarity. Forensic pathology is necessary.. Very necessary bwana..

  6. The problem is that the shanty compounds have grown and are too concentrated to the extent were the police cannot easily penetrate. How I wish we could slow ans systematically start dismantling the compounds. A pity that our govts gone and current have no plan for such areas except to make the duelers miserable and then ask them for votes while making them even more desperate. The police are simply saving the face otherwise we could have already been informed in more details not this rubbish we are being fed!

    • @6 Observer, I fully agree with you! We must have some long term solution to the dismantling of shanties otherwise they will or have become breeding grounds for so much evil. Trouble is too many people wishing to stay in in “town” where they have nothing to do and cannot afford to leave a decent life. Shanty dweller in most cases are the loudest to laugh at villager when in fact have a much more decent or organized life. Look at recent cholera outbreaks, all in shanties and nothing in typical villages where pit latrines,rubbish dumps and sources of water are separated. But just bragging ati “ndine waku Lusaaka!” to scare villagers who leave a much more cleaner life!

  7. GOD has now started answering our prayers, its the work ZP but fully inspired by Gods Mercy to now expose Ba Satana behind these Ritual killings, ba zaulula ma big Satanas, we thank god for his mercy. Zambians please let’s fire prayer so that t hose little devils who have been caught to loose up and reveal the big satanas who are behind all these Ritual killings. I’m sure we all know them who are thirst for power & blood

    • If the desperate PF were not using the police to break into citizens businesses looking for anything to cancel elections, those killers would have been caught long time, sparing many lives.

  8. may i warn lungu remove yo fingers from this matter coz de first muscians wer released frm yo directive,pipo i hear them chanting we want change.

  9. Instead of camping outside a lawyers offices for days, the police ought to be out there protecting residents. There has been a lot of misuse of police time for political ends and this has to stop! It will take a long time, going by the depths this police force has been turned into cadres, but the proper role of the police has to begin to be re-instituted now!

    • @Harold, we need also to revisit the law concerning the recruitment of these police officer. We have scumbags who know nothing and were simply put there through political affiliation and hence no professionalism. It really has to stop, otherwise we are in for more trouble!

  10. Suddenly Lungu is talking Godly to gain political mileage. Let the police and forensic experts do the job. Do not try to manipulate the situation to hoodwink the superstitious Zambian voters. It will turn sour on you. “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name”-Exodus 20:7.

  11. Yaku abantu ubwingi ku chipata who attended Lungu’s rally. so PF has Eastern, Luapula, Nothern, Lusaka, copperbelt, Muchinga

  12. You know, citizens can mobilise themselves too to counter this ugly phenomena. Get Into community sleuthing packs and start community watch groups. Keep your ears to the ground and provide information.

    Identify malicious party Idi.ots trying to get political mileage out of this and out them.

    If we unite against this evil we will scatter the wicked. God ?Bless Zambia and Protect us from this evil.

    • Anyway, I suspect these are mortuary victims being dumped out on the streets to cause fear. Note how no one of their families report them missing before they are found.

  13. Investigations are still going on. Therefor do not comment or else you can be implicated because you seem to know more about the killings. If you really have details GO to the police and help get to the bottom of this nasty thing or just SHUT UP, let the Police do their work.

  14. Male organ transplant is partly the cause for all this. Some people don’t like the way their male organs work and have resorted to transplants with a view to improving performance to sustain their marriages or their promiscuity.

    Don’t show your organ when urinating in public places. Its worse when you are nicely circumcised.

  15. The four people who have been nabbed are they Zambians? If they are, police should interrogate them professionally who send them to crop people as if they animals!!!!

  16. Comment:what is happening in zambia is really scary.road accidents,too much traffdic,ritaul killings,hunger,droughts and over population.minus cement(thanks to angel dangote)so many churches or prophets being formed,tragidy after tragidy.this is the signs and times of the return of our king JESUS!it is all written in the HOLY rebellion,wars,earthquakes,natural disasters,nations aganist nation people will be lovers of money than God.

  17. Comment: comment with facts and proof not from without….let’s just wait for the ZP to do thr job and later they will inform the People of Zambia. Godbless and let law take ts course

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