Saturday, January 4, 2025

Porn and pirate studio in Chunga Compound raided


A house fitted with four CCTV cameras was unearthed which was being used to produce pirated music and movies
A house fitted with four CCTV cameras was unearthed which was being used to produce pirated music and movies

A COMBINED team of officers from the police and Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) in Lusaka has uncovered a concealed studio in a house in Chunga township where pirated and pornographic materials are suspected to be produced.

The owner of the house, a former Copperbelt University student who was found in the house during the raid, was yesterday picked up to help with investigations.

The studio is fitted with a fully-computerised ultra-modern surveillance system comprising six miniature video cameras connected to a CCTV (closed-circuit television) system, an intercom system on all doors and a touch-sensitive alarm system, which is wired to all windows.

CCTV is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors.

It is often used for surveillance in areas that may need monitoring such as banks, casinos, airports, military installations and convenience stores.

Using the surveillance system around the house, the occupants managed to disconnect and dismantle one of the computer hard discs when they noticed the police approaching, but the equipment was later re-assembled and pornographic material was discovered on it.

A plain clothed policeman inspect a room where fake music and movies were being pirated
A plain clothed policeman inspect a room where fake music and movies were being pirated

Acting DEC Commissioner Solomon Jere said the commission was concerned about the pornographic materials, and the discovery would be followed by a seizure of the house, the equipment and all the items discovered inside.

He said some people had already been arrested and more were likely to be picked up as investigations progressed.

Intellectual property specialist Kingsley Nkonde estimated the value of equipment found in the hidden studio to be about US$ 50,000.

Among the items found were multi-media computers with a capacity of duplicating 48 DVDs or CDs per minute, colour printers for printing the covers of the pirated materials, and laptops.

Hundreds of movies on DVDs, blank CDs, copied items, cover printouts and cuttings were also found in three of the rooms in the house.

The house was fully equipped with monitors for the CCTV system as well as different types of uninstalled surveillance cameras.

Mr Nkonde said it took police four days to investigate the goings-on at the house before the raid was effected around 03:00 hours yesterday.

He said although the team disturbed the surveillance cameras by pointing them upwards to avoid detection, the law enforcement officers experienced difficulties in entering the house because of the alarm system on the window panes.

He said the house was conveniently built without a wall fence in order for surveillance cameras to detect all approaching objects and persons.

Mr Nkonde said that because of the suspected illegal activities discovered in the house, the officers believed that the surveillance system was meant for detecting approaching law enforcement officers rather than criminal elements.

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Emmanuel Nyirenda, who rushed to the scene, commended the law enforcement officers who made the raid, saying the discovery was a major bust.

Mr Nyirenda said the Government had for a long time thought that the pirated materials were being imported into the country.
He said the discovery showed that the offensive materials were locally manufactured.

The ministry would now be more alert in detecting the local sources of the pirated materials and ensure that the producers were dealt with.

He urged the public to report whoever was suspected of being involved in the scam, saying the owner of the house and the studio in Chunga would have to help the police with investigations.

The owner of the house denied that he operated an illegal studio and explained that he and his partners were in the process of forming a company related to studio work.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Leave them alone alah! Dingitswayo Banda, Nyama Soya’s son is also pirating stuff from his studio in the State House Tunnels.

  2. #3 Iwe Kelchi, what is there to discuss about that loser’s death. I don’t think he was and is a news maker, unless you just want to celebrate his death. There are more deaths today and why should that be news? Is he your uncle?

  3. There seems to be so much sensationalisation in this story. Imwe people are trying to make a living! Ni shani.

  4. Let him do it.In sweden there is Pirate Bay and no one has sentenced owners.Tell him to register his studio and quit porno.You DEC people are hypocrites,you also watch porno but you are pretending.Those things are legal here in Russia and can be bought off-shelf.

  5. People stop being so mean, even though you never liked castro Chiluba or whatever…you should respect the fact that he has loved ones who cared about him and besides no one is perfect…we all have our short comings and shouldn’t focus on those of other’s.

  6. Mwe ba ku UK is it true that Samantha Mumba is in prison in some Asian country for drug trafficking? Heard something like that on CNN yesterday

  7. Those porno,could have been personal copies and not for sale. its difficult to trust these agencies, how do we know they were not planted?

  8. All government officials are hypocrite, we know you watch porno on the internet and don’t make big deal of this story. What the govt need is to rehabilitate these boys and redirect their studios to more legitimate and legal use of other noble activities. And shame to the Govt that is failing to put to good use the talent that is coming out of our institutions. No wonder they resort to such illegal activities. There are no jobs in zambia and no policy and incentives on manufacturing..shame the MMD govt. I blame them for all this.

  9. # 5 Whether castro was a loser or not other people would want to know even when there is nothing to discuss, if you hated him sorry but others didnt, remember a soul has left this world, it doesnt matter whether a looser or not

  10. This guy deserves to be in Hollywood,he makes DVDS and CDs? Tht is untapped talent,ba buju why not support the young man?

  11. 48 DVDs per minute?The guy is a genius na CCTV,alisambilila umu guys more than the likes of Tetafimofimo, Mulongoti and RB wamene…….Potential

  12. #10. I agree with you. i feel for bashi castro because he has lost a son. no parent wants to bury a child. and who would blame him for being such a nuisance when his dad became president? he was young at the time. some people in the diaspora nelobali muma 60’s balya breakfast, lunch, dinner, mu strip club!!!!!!! better yet make that 35.

  13. KADOYO, Its not true that Samantha Mumba is in prison for drug trafficking. There is an African Nigerian British citizen who has been in prison in some country called Loas and apparently now pregnant. The the issue no SAMANTHA.

  14. ba buju bafunako che tuma surveilance cameras! kabili they dont have. So they will confisicate them, put one in the IGs office, another in his official car (ZP1), another in the female officers toilet, another in the Female officers change room! Who are they kidding? Leave that young man alone.

  15. Job Well done DEC. This is a very good bust.

    The Zambian laws are very clear. Possession of pornography is illegal. Anyone found watching or in possession of pornographic material must face the law.

  16. The cops are just jealous coz they dont have CCTV. Having grabbed those surveilance cameras, they will now proceed to put one in the IGs office, one in his car and another in the female officers change room!

  17. #23, The question is, Is she pregnant? If so, who is responsible? The prison officials nangu shani. At what point did she have chance to ntwenu??

  18. #25. what is bad about porn? with regulations, this is a big money generating business. if the zambian government would legalize porn industry they would generate alot of tax income. in this recession period, porn is thriving. you are free- market -economy, you should know better.

  19. #30 dalitso

    Though I am a huge supporter of a free market economic system, I must also realize that every society has got laws which it must adhere to and every country has got its own code of ethics.

    Legalizing pornography in a country with huge HIV/AIDS rates would be counter productive towards the fight against HIV/AIDS.

    We must also not forget that we are a christian nation. If we start by legalizing porn, what next…homosexuality then same sex marriage.

    We must keep the morals that keep our society functioning. We cannot copy and paste everything the west is doing.

  20. This is as a result of no jobs for graduates. These are smart guys graduating from universities and need to earn a living. The govt need to do their part by creating jobs not just blaming these guys. Infact there are a lot more of such happenings in Lusaka. Hunger is a root cause of this.

  21. #29 because no right activities come free and with no complications and as long as life is like that illegal activities will continue in the name of fairness……..Peace!

  22. #32. so you would rather be fine with people producing porn material illegally, and watching it illegally and evading tax in the process. i am a huge believer in upholding the moral culture of society. porn is in zambia. people are dying of HIV/AIDS due to lack of education, medication and just plain self gratification. we can not deny the fact the porn industry will penetrate huge in third world countries. sex sells, period.

  23. Who is at loss here? Can someone tell me how GRZ losses if I pirate a hollywood movie? I buy one movie, pirate it, I give it to my cousin to go and sell, we make some little money to buy ka pamela, life goes on. what is good, get a job as a coin security guard, or maybe start stealing, is it what the government want us to do? Is there anyone who is forced to buy porn, we all choose what to buy and what not to. LEAVE THE GUY ALONE, THERE ARE NO JOBS IN ZAMBIA!

  24. This guy is a genious. Just look at that the equipment and the security around the house, more advanced indeed. But MUVI TV showed more than what LT has put across. What govt is supposed to do is just to employ this guy and put him in govt’s high security firms such OP and the like. If they can’t take him there, even taking him ZNBC will be much better. He might improve the boring graphics of ZNBC. These guys have just played him. All these things the buju have found will end up in there homes. They’d have found for themselves free porns collections to watch in there homes. If given chance these guys would even go there to participate in the same porn movies. They act as though they don’t porn in there office and homes. To h**l with all ya!!!!!!!!

  25. ha!!ha!!ha!! Ba Moze… you are right about Zed Police not having CCTV, ala bwafya… benzokumbwila tefyo??? lol

  26. The guy is educated and they no jobs, he should have put his studio out of the compound, it would have been safe for him.

  27. Pleas, China and India were built on reverse engineering. Let the pipo learn how to pirate. This was not a poro studio it was just a pirating studio, to copy DVDs and other software so poor pipo can afford to use. That permanent secritary has nothing better to do. He should be looking at encourag the citizens to produce local progremmes not rushing to block a few pirated DVDs., what a loser. That is the problem we have, our leaders have wrong priorities.

    That guy should be given a job at ZNBC.

  28. Pleaese leave him, atleast we can aford to buy pirated ones, pirated or original kutamba nikumozi!!!! lol…..

  29. dalisto

    so you would rather be fine with people producing porn material illegally, and watching it illegally and evading tax in the process.

    I never said this.

    Porn is illegal in Zambia and must be treated like every other illegal activity in Zambia. Must we legalize porn just because it is already in circulation in Zambia? No. It is like saying we must legalize every other illegal activity just because it exists. Murder exists, drug trafficking exists, theft, arson, homosexual activities all of which are illegal. Must we legalize that too??

    This is why we have some of the best public safety institutions (ACC, DEC, ZP) to enforce the laws that have been put in place. To reduce to a minimum possible all illegal activities (porn included).

  30. The guy is just dull. If he had taken his studio to ‘mayadi’ non of this would have happened.He is a genius but on the location of his studio he blundered…..

  31. #40 I like your thinking. All these so called legal laws are all nothing but in favor of the rich. That is just pure selfishness. And that’s exactly why chine decided to take them rich countries on. Lets not be blind but wise.

  32. Ba monk ba pa CBU tabaleka pipoz choice! hahahaha Viva monk! Bani pase chabe vi porno ivi! Larry Flint na Mandingo bakamba not forgetting Black Ice…..

  33. i agree with those seeking to legalize porn. sometimes people do things out of curiosity the more illegal the more they want it. the truth is even though we are a christian nation these things still happen in hiding. why can’t government make a bit of money from these people and reduce PAYE? besides not everyone is a christian in Zambia and the rights of the minority are suppose to be protected too!! This guy was just trying to make a living too bad he was caught but i am sure there are alot more people doing so in the country may be with the help of DEC officials.

  34. let he who is innocent among u cast the first lot!! as much as it may be a bad vice its quiet a profitable business venture. i see intelligence in the young man. leave him alone or employ him

  35. #38 Emma, our cops are a problem. So, that equipment will not even be surrendered. Bazayamba ku tamba yonse ma porn. After that, they will start producing clandestinely.

    Lets not blame these people too much. They were simply trying to make ends meet. Manje nabeve, Surveillance cameras mu komboni? How daft. Not smart after all, eh?

  36. Zambia is a christian nation and we must make sure that we strive had to make it in our doing by not just going to church alone, it is a sad revelation but I would be more COMFORTABLE TO KNOW THE COURSE HE UNDERTOOK?

  37. Unlucky. There are people with bigger studious than this one in Chunga. But do they get “nicked”? No! Pa Zed!

  38. #42 we are talking about money making ventures. how does murder or arson benefit a country? lets not confuse things here.

  39. What is even more sad is the mentioning of the High learning institution of CBU which I dreamt of going!

  40. We all watch porn live, after all we are all actors and actresses porn in one way or another and how many of us act with their eyes closed???

  41. #51, I totally agree with you. If we were to take proper scruitiny, you find that even these same so called law enforcers are running the same kind of studios. This guy should actually be given a job at state house under secury. He has proved himself a genious in CCTV.

  42. While offensive piracy should not be tolarated, I feel dealers in so called genuine products are taking Zambians for granted. How for example do you justify the price of a DVD at K300,000 ($60). The price of these items is less than half what we are buying them for. While we should curb piracy, lets also condem exploitation as it is the one fueling this piracy.

  43. dalitso

    #42 we are talking about money making ventures. how does murder or arson benefit a country? lets not confuse things here.

    You are right. Murder and arson does not benefit a country.

    He might have opted for a money making venture but the venture was still illegal. Theft is a money making venture, so is drug trafficking, so is human trafficking all of which are illegal and all of which govt can get huge tax revenue.

    He has talent in studio equipment. If he really wanted to make a good business venture, he would have structured his business this way (I will explain in probably the next two posts).

  44. in SA they no longer have problem with Pirated international materials, but local ones. So you can get you latest movies i.e X-man, e.g for only R10 (dont know how much that is in Kwacha)

  45. #44 the reason why he set up this studio in Chunga was for security because it would not be easily spoted. Chunga is quite a distant from from Lusaka town centre and no one would think a studio like this one would be found in chunga.

  46. 1. CCTV security consultant as well as installation services of CCTV security technology.

    2. Zambian Music distributor. In charge of putting the music on CD’s and selling them. Done on a contract basis with various smaller studios that feel exploited by Mondo Music’s distribution pattern.

    3. Licensed Distribution channel for Nigerian movies on the Zambian market. The Nigerian movie industry is a big industry even here in Zambia. Most of the DVD’s that make it on the ZAMBIAN market tend to be pirated. He could have opted to be a proper distribution channel.

    4. Licensed Distribution channel for Hollywood movies.

    5. Licensed Distribution channel for non – Zambian music.

    6. Offer distribution services like distributing Zambian music on itunes.

  47. Leave these crafts alone.GRZ should help these boys get a license to operate freely.Well done boys pa Zed, atleast you can use your cash and brains to make money

  48. OMG these pipo(police) jus exaggerate things,tht is jus a pirate studio and no PORNO involved.Why do u owez want to spice up yo jobs? Reporting on useless things tht do not exist,the man is aware abt porno being illegal,for him to own such a big studio.After all u can never find a buju watching rather listening to a CD frm sounds,lyonse ma compilation mumfwila,ati Zed-Mix

  49. i never knew such high tech material was available in compoundss…his a genious indeed..

    But some one snitched…

  50. Those are just some of the suggestions I have in the way he would have structured a legal business with his talents.

  51. Lets not lose sight of the main issue here. Pono is just one of those (probably if we checked your collections, you may have one or two such DVDs) the issue is piracy. The guy is only responding to a supply gap (of non porn DVDs) because those so called genuine ones can only be accessed by pipo like you bloggers who can afford to part away with a $60 for a DVD. Lets learn to look at the positives of this entreprenuarial spirit, as the others have already said, this is reverse engineering upon which most of the emerging Nations have thrived on.

  52. Someone just wants to lay his hands on the equipment. 48 DVDs or CDs per minute. Wow! That is full blown industry.

  53. This guy should be given the post of minister of Information. He could do a better job than pink nose shikapwasha!!!

  54. Now thats the investment we want from Zambian. CCTV AND the Machinery. Doubt if our if our if you pay it will show have it

  55. Knowing our cops, they’ll store all that precious equipment in some dump hole & will all be completely useless in a few days. What a waste! Crime does not pay (to the criminal) but when a criminal is caught, society must benefit. We need our laws to have fasttrack options where if a guy like this admits guilt, we just take away his equipment & give it to a public institution like UNZA & let him go and start from scratch again. It is enough punishment for him. No need to lose such an asset to AIDS from our filthy jails.

  56. Mama mia , this guy is a genius, why not use such talent on a legit business? He could have made a leaving from something legal, but you know how it is ba genius. This is the same thing with Drug dealers, the ways they use to traffic drugs is such genuis. I hope the police didint ward themselves with copies of porn from the raid.

  57. #75, I totally agree with you. Already, pink nose shikapwasha knows that his job is on the line. He will do whatever it takes to make sure that this guy goes in for a long time.

  58. am a very big participant in such activities and not a spectator. no need to mass produce porno. who is it meant for. those people who do wahaps or what.

  59. This chap made a lot of millions . The business may have been immoral but very smart indeed. With all the free torrents and lack of freely available internet in Zambia to access such materials this fella was sitting on millions.

  60. Tiye! boma ni boma walakwa iwe. Bushe CBU ichita offer Masters Degree in Porn Production? 48 CDs per minute is way too high for your high security in house studio. Achimwene mwachita over apa.

  61. Can education be respected, be it UNZA or CBU….I am a product of that not fake Economist/Capitalists

  62. With unemployment and the cost of living so high, people will become as creative and craft as ever. Criminals will always be two steps ahead of the authorities. The porn industry is worth billions of dollars today and no law/regulation can stop the supply of such materials. The porn industry like drug cartels, prostitution and organised crime. What the Coppers got was a lucky dip. One group is arrrested today another one will mutate into something sinister. With no resources to curb such activities, the Zambian police force has a long battle on their hands. Remember that the masters of piracy and cheap products are roaming around the streets of Zambia disguised as credible investors with full Govt. support. This isjust the beginning. Now LT, give us some news worth talking about!!

  63. they should also stop the pirated stuff from India and China coming in, this guy is just a small time pirator

  64. Its interesting to see just how some bloggers pretend not to love porno. Some of you simugona pa porno! Munagula na TV yaku bedroom. Telling the kids you are watchin Liverpool, meanwhile busy touching the ntwane!

  65. We africans, we are trying so hard, first it was Somali pirates and then you here of porn pirates, whats next.

  66. Remember the song Paul Ngozi sung about the Indians sorry I can not write Local Language of Zambia fully though am pure Lozi

  67. Those of you who want to know , it is true, FTJs son Castro is dead. it is in most of the local papers,


  69. Castro Chiluba has died
    Castro Chiluba, son of former president Fredrick Chiluba has passed away.
    Castro’ s father Chiluba is currently in South Africa at Garden City Clinic for treatment. He is an outpatient.
    Dr. Chiluba’ spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba told the Watchdog from South Africa that Castro (33) died at UTH in Lusaka.
    He said Castro died this afternoon (Tuesday) after being rushed to UTH this morning.
    According to Mr. Mwamba, Castro has been on treatment in the past few months.

    Dr. Chiluba is scheduled to return from South Africa next Sunday but Mr. Mwamba told the Watchdog that in view of the son’s death, he may return sooner

    Two years ago, another son of Dr. Chiluba Tito died.

  70. HA HA HA AHA….this is so nice…uni graduate, no jobs paying decent money, the lads r pushed in a corner to make a living, what u expect ’em to do?? they use their initiative!!! tell those fu*kn politicitians & the zoo keeper to sort out the mess…otherwise, pipo will always run into questionable businesses to put some chow on their tables… Bwezani, Levy & FTJ are to blame for this sh!t…..

  71. this what we call survival of the featest, look at the pirates of Somali, then the Porn pirates of Zambia.

  72. #106 Zoe, old news is better than no news, mama. someone was asking so i did some research and found that info

  73. Zoe , you sound like you have subscribed to the porn stations, why diss your pal? iam pi—–ed off.

  74. #94 how do I do It ,stranger than fiction yes wonder never cease in the be loved country called Zambia. Cry the beloved country …

  75. Ba Honey, mwati muli bwino lelo? First, you step on me and Zoe, then you bring stale news, yashani iyo? Is there something we can do to help? Ine nakamba ma facts chabe. Why are you defensive? Nagwila pa kulu?

  76. Those of you that still watch porn , I suggest you step your game up and get girlfriends that satisfy you.

  77. You can be too smart to commit a crime but not smart enough to cover up the crime! i was smart, all i did was remove the hard drive and put it in the microwave oven and bum, no evidencio!!!

  78. Castro Chiluba dies
    Written by Patson Chilemba
    FORMER president Frederick Chiluba’s son, Castro died yesterday in the University Teaching Hospital (UTH).
    Castro, 33, had for the past few months been receiving medical treatment in UTH .

    Chiluba’s spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba confirmed the death, adding that the former president, who is receiving treatment in Johannesburg, South Africa would have to cut short his schedule at the hospital.

    Mwamba said Chiluba was supposed to end his medical treatment on Saturday and return on Sunday.

    Mwamba said Castro was Chiluba’s fifth child.

    He said Castro’s funeral was being held at Chiluba’s former wife Vera Tembo’s residence in Kabulonga

  79. This chap is so intelligent …he’s more advanced than ZNBC…we need such challenging braisn…just legalise his industry and see how we could develop our industry1!

  80. Big thumbs up to the “Anti-Piracy Crack Squad” that has busted this cartel. The audio/visual industry in Zed is being undermined by such unscrupulous people and our society is being flooded with toxic porn movies which just corrupt young minds of Zambians. Let’s not allow this scourge to continue. DEC & Police should be commended for fighting countefeit and illicit stuff like porn and hurmful drugs. Hey Kinglsey Nkonde & DEC Commissioner Jere, go for them with full force! After all they don’t even pay tax to govt apart from distroying the promotion of Intellectual Property in Zambia.

  81. This is pathetic! Who are the masterminds behind this? I suppose they are based outside Zambia.

  82. I am surprised at the number of bloggers supporting this mess. This just shows how tight the Devil has his grip on this present generation.

  83. #112 Wiseman-reborn……………….P*rn is bad because it confers an image on impressionable youngsters on what sex is. Most of the stuff that happens in porn is sick i.e DP, anal, ATM(use google images if you don’t get abbreviations),etc and whatever sick stuff . Zed youths are impressionable and like to emulate whatever the west tells them to emulate. Porn is one of those industries that has an agenda to impose sick decadent forms on sex onto the world. When the youths emulate the stuff you see in porno expect a lot of undesirable results as you see in the west just add the HIV and poor family planning factor into it.

  84. #177 before you shower praises on DEC do you realise the root cause of such activities. There are no jobs around and people are trying to survive. Its not only porn material that were found there, there was Zed and foreign music and movies. Life is rough pa Zed I cant afford to buy a CD costing K195,000 from sounds I would rather get it at 15pin from the boys and life gones on.

  85. What undesirable results… you know that the rate of HIV in teh west is lower that in the one continent of africa???….Children here are educated well about sex…closeting children makes them impressionable…thats why we have a higher aids rate in Africa as a whole

    I personally dont think there is a problem with it…if you watch you watch it….it has nothing to do with me…further about styles of sex…again i think those should be peoples ligitimised views….I dont think the law in Zambia is set to create a welfare state….we are ademocracy and people have freedom of expression and I think that should override a few peoples ignorance….Further…i think closeting arguments in notions of religion….confusses peoples arguments….

  86. Note : I am not saying religion is bad…..just that…porn may be viewed as a fundamental freedom a woman or a man may have….and therefore the idea should be completely separate from that…

  87. If the guy is so brilliant at committing crime, is it not possible that even the CBU Certificate he holds in whatever he purports to have done there was pirated?

  88. Imwe #122
    Do yourself a favour and look at the rate of HIV in certain states in america DC for example has a higher HIV rate than Africa whats your excuse for that.? The undesirable results have nothing to do with religion it’s simple common sense. When women start to do 2 girls one cup will you call that a free democracy and a free state if thats your daughter, sister or cousin doing that. the problem with people like imwe is that you think just because your jerk yourself to hide the loneliness and get a smile at the end then it’s okay. Do you even know how many people in the west are having anal prolapses because they think anal sex is normal?

  89. Zoe and Ba Moze, i am not saying anything now, cos anything that i say , you guys twist it and add seasoning , spices, ganish, and fimo fimo. just check out the cooment by #125

  90. Simple supply and demand rules; if there was no demand he would have gone bust within the shortest period of time. This is definately thriving business, imagine for a second replicating 48 CDs at a go!!! Why produce large quantities, if there is no demand for the product? Get rid of demand which in my thinking is practically impossible, the sad reality is that as we debate this someone else has taken over the void that has been created!

  91. 125…

    people in washington dc how have Aids have not been educated but aids predominantly and are mostly poor….aids there is not brought about through porn…that is entirely another issue…my point is that…its a democratic right for people indulge in porn if they feel its a form of their expression…hence the provision for freedom of expression in the constitution…what people do in their bedrooms, should not be a means of denying people of their rights….

    You talk about being normal..whats is teh general precondition of the term normal???…what I mayother people and you terrm as normal differs…..

    Besides aren’t there better thinsg to worry about that watching what people read…when it comes to porn mags…what happens to freedom of teh press..???

  92. and when people watch porn doesn’t mean you have to touch your self…..(what planet are you from?)…and if people do…there is your cure for aids???(Pun Intended)

  93. #125

    I am glad you feel that religion isn’t part of it…because seeing as zambia is a christian country…people like to avoid issues….by playing the religion card…and frankly sometimes i am tired of it…..

    I understand your conservative views…..however…i think the porn problem…since it is so hotly debated…..should be left as a rights issue…to enable people to exercise their personaly freedoms when it comes to sex….simple…

  94. Good work LEA’s but get on top of things and get those big time looting politicians who are getting away with crime in broad day light…there are too many scams in govt that must get you to work!! you can do more that this…

  95. Everyone one is entitled to their opinions, no one should be force to belive in things they dont agree with, its a democracy innit…..

    Hope the IT guys are fine…..

  96. I am alittle disappointed by how a lot of men have reacted to this article; we are supposed to be behind the authorities on this one. My heart goes out to some women for these are your future husbands on display blogging. lol.

  97. Its shocking at how low some men can think, we can’t have such men and expect Zambia to develope, its these same men that go round raping kids when they get desperate after watchin porn. Porn is evil, and the women and men that do it dont do it because they love it, they do it because they are desperate for the money and they have found themselves in situations like this due to the poverty levels they are in. when you talk about luck of employment who do we wait for to creat employment, its time we woke up and became resposible as Zambians and initiated, businesses and developmental ideas. If that guy had all the equipment why didn’t he just do a legal business? maybe promote the movie industry.

  98. Try to redirect the knowledge to something viable … don’t just condemn. The guy has some good head start!

  99. Great stuff..wrong direction.. Why can you form a digital and network company sure instead of doing nonsense at home with illegal stuff

  100. If you lock up this guy, its the country that suffers because it spent some money in form of bursaries when he was at CBU. Let him be employed by these same state security agencies so that all the knowledge that he has can be properly channeled for the development of our country. You may lock him up but you will never take away the knowledge that he has and once released he may probably go back to his business. Simply harness that knowledge so that the whole country benefits. Am sure even some of our intelligence officers dont know of such technology so let him be of help to them.

  101. Chimz, whats so surprising about, 48 CDs in a minutes, theres nothing good about this guy, yes the machinery is good, but he wasnt good enough or sharp enough to use it in a possitive way.

  102. What about Somali Pirates, are they in this category? Bloggers, is it a crime to have one porn material in your USB to help you get an erection as it can benefit your partner?


  104. Zambian officials are hypocrites. They own ponographic materials in their homes. They also have them on their PCs. Leave the guy alone. Give him a job, and he will quit that bull.

  105. please dont send them to jail .make use of them by having a very nice studio to protect the industry in music …….ba minister ba pa zed if u dont think this is the time to start thinking

  106. For those who want to give the DVD guys credit on the basis of “Making a living,” yes it’s true they are and it’s pretty smart of them. BUT that doesn’t make it right. If someone walked into your house and robbed you, arent they trying to make a living as well? To steal takes effort and courage, but you don’t hear anybody saying, “Oh they are just trying to make a living or they are very courageous(a very good virtue by BTW).” According to the laws of Zambia, stealing is a crime, just like pirating or pornography. Yes those guys are very innovative, but they can direct that effort to other areas.

  107. Section 177 Sucks!!! There are so many rules and regs. we drown in them. One of the reasons Zambia has failed to compete in the real world is because it is a prisoner to its own rules.

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  109. Peter we are a cultural and etnuadiocal non-profit in Ghana, working to host a design charrette in Accra in 2012 on designing urban spaces for children. It will be the first of its kind, and will be focused on a 2 acre prototype. Our circumstances of course in some ways mirror those of Zambia in terms of the mix of planned and non-formal settlement patterns. We are interested in reaching many minds around the world in multiple disciplines to partner with counterparts in Ghana to do this. If you can think of any professionals or organizations who would find this worthwhile challenge, please pass on the information.

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  111. After all the government did say youth should fend for themselves ahahaha! These chaps are more educated than the Kambwili’s we have as ministers who only use insults and threats to get to people. Bet you some people at the broadcast don’t even come close to the skill set these guys have. I say give jobs to educated people or let them survive in which ever way they decided to earn revenue. They at least use their brains than some ministers who sleep their way to the top.

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