Monday, March 10, 2025

Snake saves Ndola Woman from rapists


cobra-snakeA woman of Ndola, last week escaped a gang rape when a snake emerged from a thicket, scaring off her three assailants. Copperbelt commanding officer Antonneil Mutentwa confirmed this in an interview in Ndola.

He said the rape attempt happened around 15:00 hours last Tuesday,in the bush between the Indeni Oil Refinery and Kaloko township

Mr Mutentwa said the three assailants allegedly abducted the woman and managed to tear her underwear in an attempt to rape her.

He said before the suspects could start taking turns on her,

a cobra emerged from the bush and they all ran way for their safety.

Mr Mutentwa said the named victim also managed to run for her safety and later reported the incidence to the police.

“The woman was only saved by a snake from the three men who ran away when the cobra emerged from the bush,” he said.

Zambia Daily Mail


  1. It can be comedy… This should really be a proof that God really exists. Such is never just a matter of coincidence… God really protects. We are just unconciuos of the protection sometimes he renders to us most times… We ussually say i was lucky… But is it really lucky?

  2. It would have been nice if the big snakes swallowed the ‘little snakes’. The lady should thank God sure. Being raped mukasuba!

  3. Do you remember the serpent in the holy BIBLE? Adam was tricked by the snake. The truth is coming out. What did the snake do to the woman. Its just unfortunate that todays snakes can’t talk, we should have heard more. The BIBLE is really truthful. The snake has now increased the number to 3 of those it can trick now. Remember this Mathematics also?? Which number comes next in the series 1, 2, 6, 42, 1806…???, this will be the exponential inrease for men being scared by snakes in years to come. lol.Good luck our new Eve with three Adams and one snake

  4. Wow, the rapists will think twice next time they want to rape another woman, the snake shud have bitten them to teach them a lesson. They thought they were clever. touch not the annointed.

  5. Iye mwe bantu, I can imagine the rapists scampering in all directions with their pants down. next time better think twice

  6. That waz close! The rapists shud take that az warning sign and never ever do it again. The woman shud count her blessings and honour the Lord.

  7. #14, it makes me wonder as well. Only God knows were we are heading to. Its so sickening to be hearing such news everyday. I wonder why they leave those prostitues in fairview and and land on innocent women.

  8. blogers, i have head and now im passing on.
    In the public hospital of Limpopo last weekend was born a girl with hands joined together, like one who’s praying. the doctors told the parents that they would operate the hands of that girl, and that they would give her anesthetic. The operation was easy because it seemed like the hands were simply glued together, one membrane (Skin) layer apart.
    When they opened up the hands of that child, what was writen was JESUS IS COMING BACK!
    After a few hours she died. so watch out. for more information ask someone in Limpopo not me.

    • Now this is not true, this unconfirmed story happened in UK or Brazil or a town called Brasil in UK and not in Limpopo SA. Please people, let’s stop spreading rumours. Until this has been confirmed, it remains a rumour.

  9. The husband came in form of a snake to scare them. I believe that woman can never commit adultery because the same snake can emerge. She is under protection. If the rapists managed, I believe the first one to do it was going to get STUCK inside!!!!

  10. anyway thank God she wasnt gang-banged!and yeah I agree with # 7 it wud hav been so nice had the snake biten them on their small p.e.n.i.s.e.s!

  11. Mrs Maestro fimo fimo, you need to understand that such people are sick in the mind! Gang raping an innocent woman without even the fear of HIV and AIDS. They are simply perverts and must be castrated. This woman should assist the Police in locating these chaps because i want to believe she saw their faces. Utter madness!!

  12. #23, you are right. The rapist could just marry as well if they wanted ………. so that they could have………. 24 hrs, 7 days a week and 365 days instead of raping and inflicting pain on innocent women. They must be sick in their heads because they dont even care about the HIV status of the victim.
    Mrs Meastro on a lighter note, I think we should be moving with condoms just in case you are attacked by rapists

  13. #30, Actually women in countries where rape incidences are high (e.g SA) are encouraged to insert the Female condom before they leave the house. Carrying one in the bag would not make sense because no right thinking rapist will give you time to put on a condom before the act. That am sure, would then be Consensual sex.

  14. #30 Imiti, Women in countries like SA are encouraged to insert the Female condom before they leave their homes. Carrying one in the hand bag would not make sense as no right thinking rapist would give you time to put one on while he waits!!

  15. Could be she from ABENA NSOKA(Snake Totem). We must not always take snakes as our enemies, infact we should even pass a law against wanton destruction of snakes. These creature only bite to defend themselves mmm! and women?

  16. #30, moving with condoms is as good as looking foward to being r.a.p.e.d.. Instead we should be parying for God’s divine protection, coz, thats the only answer. #32, FTJ, My husband is fine, thanks, he’s been very busy with work lately. My regards to your wife, Regina. Have a great day!

  17. # 36, Dont you think that policy of moving with a condom stuck inside your…. can encourage rapists as they are sure the woman is psychologically ready to be raped?

  18. #13 You are not worthy the name you are using. This incident is purely physical not anything to do do with the BIBLE.

  19. #32, My dearest husband is fine, thanks! He’s been busy with work lately. And how is your precious wife?

  20. #14 Some people are psycologicall impared. For the discussing(Ukulansha umwanakashi)love with a woman does not have the “kick”. Its only when they cause and see pain in another person that they feel satisfied. In short they are sadists.

  21. The hand of the Lord at should repent and be prayerful…to good the chaps couldn’t sodomize you woman!!

  22. #44. How do I know you are worth the name you are using yourself? Do you even read the bible you S^CKER?

  23. The poor woman was very lucky. Am sure that the incident was still traumatic for her. I hope the police are still looking for the men as attempted rape is still a crime.

  24. #50 Dont discuss bible issues with me, because I finished the whole book Gen to Rev by the time I reached grade 4. I have also read the hidden texts. So its not nice for to use insults. Just respond positively and defend your postings with facts and not insults. Know that on this web, you could be exchanging insults with your inlaws.

  25. Bushes are not for rapping bane !! Cobras live there and they do not tolerate humans who use there territory for ungodly behavior!
    Thank God animals continue thinking where humans fail LOL!

  26. What was the snake’s motive? Not to join in ofcourse or be number one! I agree with the previous writers that it was by God’s grace that the lady was saved. Rapists place is in hell. That should have been a glimpse of hell. They should have all been spat on and biten on their b***s.

  27. There’s no evidence that the snake was from God. Why? If it was from God the woman would most likely not had to run away for her own safety, Like Daniel in the lion’s den. It was just a matter of chance that she escaped being raped that particular day.
    As for the rapists, well we don’t need to think hard about where this world is going, for this is part of what the bible says would the sign indicating we are in the last days.

  28. Ba mwanawasa . . . ama theory yabufi . . . the Bible is clear on Eve/adam & the snake . . . whatever happened- the lady was just luck . . . but i wish the cobra did something to those three snakes . . .

  29. To God be the Glory indeed. Remember God is not limited in wonders. This should awaken us and force a stiffer bill on gender violence immediately. Re-tooling of the police service is required. As men we need to lead the fight against such evil.

  30. Women should also avoid using tu ma paths twa shaddy shaddy. Simumvela naimwe bakazi. Why mukonda musanga? Use recognisable routes so that people can see you. She probably went to catch a pee, elo fyamwikata. bamambala! Ufwele ka mini then you use the bush? Lwenu!!

  31. Ba Moze, kwena mwatusoka…though i dont really think she was in that situ…mini, catching a pee and all…i think it was rather..she doesnt have transport to get on a taxi and using the main road to go home is like 3 times longer the vector than passing pa fiso ko soko… We try as women to be cautious of these things but sometimes u just get caught up and u are forced to pass in a shappy route..One love!

  32. Miss Daisy, awe lelo ndemisoka. Chachilamo naimwe bene. This world has sick people ka. I just dont understand why mukonda musanga! Nangu ni vector fimo fimo mama. Its too much. Better to take the long route and stay safe than the short bush path which leads to destruction. Life is precious. Now imagine what a field day those b.u.g.g.e.r.s where going to have. Yenze pwando!!

  33. Whats with sneaks and women? Very good buddies and yet women still pretend to be scared of them, even in bed.

  34. #74 3RqU, 20 pin mudala? Thats a lot of money for the ordinary Zambian. Things are so bad that women even do ntwane pa n’kongole! If you are charged 20 pin…ah, ninshi ulibe mwaiyi. Nafishupa ifintu mani. Ati 20 pin? Teti!! Nkhani ya sea side, teyakwesha nokwesha, pantu chaps would literally be camped there! Nolya! Alelolelafye.

  35. #78 Ba Moze that`s funny! Very funny. ati pankongole? Then one has to be a good customer!

    Hope you are not telling pokies like you did with “people standing on Zambian Airways”. lol!

  36. #81 3RqU, lol! You are still on about the Zambian Airways thing? Ni true story ilya mani. Ya n’kongole nayeve niya zoona. If you are lucky, kumankhala naka discount olo kambasela round. Nikumvelana che. Nkhani yama kiss yeve….Teti!!! Kulibe olo one.

  37. # 83 ba Moze, mwansekasha,ati kuma nkala mbasela awe mwandini mwe naseka sana, iyo mwalikwata sense of humour

  38. #84 Observer, Right in the sense that these people actually know what they are doing! They are not dumb, you know. Their moves are usually calculated…unless of course a cobra happens to come along!!

  39. #85 Imiti, Ayo ma facts bakamba. Life is funny i tell you. The things that happen around us…awe tesana.

  40. Right place wrong time. Good Job snakey.

    we need more of such snakes. maybe we will mange to keep our secondary virginity.

  41. At least nothing happened if she told the truth coz some ladies can lie that they didnt manage just to hide from the shame..even wen its not her fault..but anyway things happen for the purpose

  42. What you all have not recognised is that the lady in question is the widow to “Sugar Kiss ne Nsoka”

  43. The power of God at work. That is a miracle and a testimony the woman will live with for the rest of her life. All defilers and rapist in zambia should always have their pipes cut off as a punishment surity that they won’t do it again. I like the story in our local drama (Banja), where if you are found or reported of such cases, your pipe will straight away get cut. That is the reality we need in Zambia. Yash!!!!

  44. Yaaaaba! I wish that snake was my very own “mini-conda”. After scaring those chaps away nga nali ingile ninebo!

  45. #5 Shidada says: i differ with you though i may accept what you have mentioned as truth on one angle. Its true that the snake in some parts of the bible has been symbolised as evil while in other instances as a symbol of life. In the creation story the snake symbolises evil/satan while during the liberation of the children of Isreal in the desert Moses told the Isrealites to look at the snake and they will the snake is a symbol of life. In this case of the woman God would have used the snake to save life. God saved that womans life, this shows that that woman has been saved for a purpose that God himself knows. And its also a lesson to those who were trying to rape. They may even stop raping women…God works in mysterous ways…touch not my my prophets no harm.

  46. It all boils down to failed privatization.I know Ndola well,if the industrial area there was as vibrant as it was in the 80’s,i bet my last ngwee that there wouldn’t be a bush where that lady was attacked! Now take a stroll in the once industrial hub of Zambia today, its a shocking sight,the only reason why there r not that many muggings is that most of the muggers have moved to Lusaka!

  47. This story is hilarious & sad at the same time. I can’t help but laugh out loud at some comments here…imwe bane mukanjipaya nenseko pa LT.

  48. I blame it on privatization. If Ndola’s industrial area was as vibrant as it used to be in the 80’s,there would have been no bush today where that woman was attacked.Take a stroll around the industrial area now,the only reason one would survive a mugging is because most of the would be muggers have relocated to Lusaka!

  49. Divine intervention. It should have gone all the way and beaten off the puny rapists’ ‘snakes’

  50. So these bastard rapists were afraid of being harmed by the snake yet they wanted to harm the poor lady for life…I think rapists should have very long prison sentences as they are just evil.

  51. Thanks to God i ndeed.. this woman was lucky… Ba # 6, Mwatisekesa mwee…
    Ba #14.. tu ma ‘little snakes’ ka?

  52. #77 Kadoyo, iyo yeve niyikali iyo analyzo! I hope you are not afraid of mine here… Coz Gravator yako ine yanichita kuyipa!!!…


  54. #115 Your gravatar looks one of the tools that were to be used by the rapists. what were you thinking of when you were arranging the ess and the

  55. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    Thank God all are safe and unharmed following the appearance of a Cobra snake. I hope some PF characters will not use this Cobra snake serving case as one that could be used by them to save Zambia from collapse.

    Taking blogging to another level for the betterment of Zambians.

  56. For Christians, everything is to be justified to the convenience of their belief even when it`s practically inappropriate. This is mere coincidence .To say that god in this particular case sent the serpent (which happens to be Satan’s trick star agent) to save the lady’s day is anything but ingenuous. What about the unfortunate thousands who are being raped successfully in Zambia and may other places such as refugee camps. This kind of reasoning is absurd and paradoxical to say the least. Blogger Christians here are confirming that god connives with the devil as he did when tempting jesus, just like top contending politicians do. Abash Christianity, a religion full of holes and irony; what an Antiquated belief. “Viva SCIENCE!!!!!!! “ we are reaping and enjoying your fruits.

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