Sunday, September 8, 2024

Mentally disturbed person allegedly sets fire to some stands at a Livingstone market


Part of the remains at the gutted Green market cooperative in Livingstone.
Part of the remains at the gutted Green market cooperative in Livingstone.

A FIFTY seven (57) year old Livingstone mentally disturbed person has allegedly burnt some stands at Green Market in Zambia’s Tourist Capital.

Southern Province Commissioner of Police Godwin Phiri said yesterday that Mr Sikota, 57, who appears not to be of sound mind, set fire on some stands at Green Market in Livingstone on Tuesday morning.

Mr Phiri said the suspected arsonist, who had sores all over his body, had since been arrested.

“John Lufunda aged 73 of House Number C237 of Ngwenya in Livingstone reported that yesterday about 00:45 hours that Ken Sikota aged 57 also of Ngwenya set fire on some stands at Green Market.

“Total values of properties and goods burnt in the inferno is not yet ascertained. Suspect is in police custody and appears not to be of sound mind with sores all over his body,” he said.

Mr Phiri said the security guard of the same market saw the suspect under the market stand almost being burnt by fire as well.

And a Times of Zambia reporter, who rushed to the market yesterday, found the affected marketeers picking up of what had remained of their products from the rubble.

Newly elected United Party for National Development (UPND) Akapelwa ward councilor Margaret Mutale described the incident as unfortunate and called on perpetrators to be brought to book.

Ms Mutale called on the marketeers to be calm as an amicable solution was being sort for and emphasised the need for well wishers to come to the aid of the marketeers.

Green market cooperative chairperson Shadreck Kabika said the incident was very shocking and called for an emergency market board meeting to discuss means and ways of how the affected marketeers would be assisted.

Stella Hanyinda, one of the affected marketeers who couldn’t hold her tears after the unfortunate incident, said all her goods were destroyed in the infernal.

Ms Hanyinda said she had no other means of survival and called for immediate help from well wishers.

Another marketeer Mbozi Kokwe complained that the loss she had suffered would make her life miserable as she was the only breadwinner in the family who was responsible for paying school fees for her siblings.

Part of the remains at the gutted Green market cooperative in Livingstone.
Part of the remains at the gutted Green market cooperative in Livingstone.


  1. Mental illness is real in Zambia. if it was in Lusaka, PF would have blamed it on UPND. Police should take the man to Chainama than police cells. Government should compensate the marketeers and build the a modern market

  2. I pray that the church takes its rightful place of being a true prophetic voice for our great country Zambia. The leaders should look to the church for direction in every area of human endeavour. We believe that those voted into office shall be faithful, humble and committed as our servants because they are God’s own choices to serve mankind for His own glory.

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