Thursday, March 13, 2025

President Lungu reaffirms Church support


President Lungu at Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ), Ndola’s Masala
President Lungu at Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ), Ndola’s Masala
President Edgar Lungu has said that he is determined to continue providing support to the church because he believes in Jesus Christ.

President Lungu said that he was not ashamed to work with the church because he believes in Jesus Christ and will continue to serve God.

The President emphasised that he will not allow himself to politicise the church nor allow politics to infiltrate the church.

However, the President hoped that the church will continue preaching the gospel to politicians for them to be saved, as they should not only go to church during campaigns.

“I belong to the church because l believe in Christ,” the President said.

The President said this yesterday when he joined congregants at Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ), Ndola’s Masala Congregation, at a rededication and commissioning service under the theme: “Celebrating Family Life.”

At the service the President committed to support the RCZ, Masala congregation with K150, 000 towards the construction of offices.

The President expressed happiness with Reformed Church in Zambia Synod Secretary Rev. Isaiah Munali for preaching on the need for unity in Zambia.

President Lungu said the sermon was appropriate and timely as Zambia needed to be united under the One Zambia One Nation Motto after the general election when there seemed to be

While in Ndola, the President also joined soccer fans at Levy Mwanawasa stadium in Ndola where he watched the 2018 FIFA Russia Qualifier match between Zambia and Nigeria.


    • Immediately he entered the stadium the guy destroyed the supporters and players morale he is the bad omen to our country

    • “The President emphasised that he will not allow himself to politicise the church nor allow politics to infiltrate the church.”

      Keep it up, you are only fooling yourself sir.

    • “The President emphasised that he will not allow himself to politicise the church nor allow politics to infiltrate the church.”

      Keep it up, you are only f.ooling yourself sir.

    • @HH Lover Nubian Princess, I agree. The mere fact that there is now an intention to institutionalize the Church by creating a Ministry in charge of religion and so-called national guidance is itself a political infiltration – even into people’s private lives…

  1. This man is an agent of destruction and division and tribalism. he is a hypocrite and using the church to buy support with his brown envelopes. Ask Tayali. how can a true Christian preside over an evil administration that is killing innocent Zambians, oppressing the opposition and stripping women naked and he is quiet and no one has been punished for his misdeeds? Inoge is a hypocrite too and a shame to the Zambian women fold. she blames innocent Lesa Kasoma for assaulting drunk policemen instead of blaming the policemen for assaulting her.

  2. Lungu is a bad omen . A negative spirit crested due to his theft and lies. This is why national team had bad luck with him around. Now imagine what will happen to the economy with this chap in charge

  3. This man is a serious fake who pretends to belive in God but we all know the truth is that he is working on the mind of the poor. Where does he get K150,000 to donote to the church. He is an agent of destruction and division and tribalism. he is a hypocrite and using the church to buy support with his brown envelopes.

  4. All comments blogged by one and the same person using various blog names…mwasala mweka bitter guys!..see you in 2021!

  5. It’s time to move on ba Kachema naimwe. Elections are over now forget about the past, 60 months is too short.

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