Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Zambia donates US $ 3 million to the Global Fund Against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria


Global fundZambia has contributed US$3 million dollars to the Global Fund to go towards the acceleration to the end of AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria as epidemics.

This is according to the list of pledges released by the Global Fund 5th replenishment and made available to the media.

Zambia is among the Ten African countries that has contributed more than $30 million to the 5th Global Fund.

The other countries named are Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, and Zimbabwe.

Governments, private donors and advocates from around the world gathered in Montreal, Canada to replenish the Global Fund for the 2017-2019 grant cycle. In total, more than $12.9 billion was pledged, nearly reaching the Fund’s target of $13 billion.

The Global Fund set a target for raising US$13 billion for its next three-year cycle of funding, which is expected to save 8 million lives and avert 300 million new infections, and will lay the groundwork for potential economic gains of up to US$290 billion in the years ahead


  1. Show us the cheque, I will only believe this when the Organization produces a statement acknowledging receipt of the funds

    • PF are being reckless with public funds to buy international goodwill, playing goody- goody. Zambians are dying daily from lack of medicines, facilities, equipment and caregivers and instead the same govts intends to give away money to international causes. Zambia is the street kid that donates money to help other international street kids. #TheHeightOfStoopidity.

  2. Zambia is $3 million, how can she donate $3 million. Bawiso niba 3 million, kuti ba donata shani $3 million?

  3. Good gensture Government. It is important to play your part in the global community.

    Now please remember those poor former civil servants who have not been paid.

    • @Buck Tooth Lung, sometimes better to shut your trap. Look at this as an investment into the country’s health system.

      Zambia receives grants running into hundreds of millions of dollars from the GF. For instance, at the beginning of this year Zambia signed a grant agreement worth some USD 234m to fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria. Mind you Zambia is a top performer in meeting it’s target in the fight against those deseases, hence the goodwill from GF.

      The GF is a global ‘pot’ funded by a lot of institutions including USAIDS, UNICEF, UNDP (please not that NGO run by a wooden idol!), UNFPA, EU, Sweden, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation e.t.c. for global health programmes designed to fight the afore mentioned deseases. Who wouldn’t what to be part of such a prestigious and worthwhile…

    • contd., …grouping?

      From the USD3m investment, Zambia will reap it’s worthy rewards in terms of Grants to help eradicate the menacing deseases of HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria…

      So Buck, please go and comment on the item about your wooden idol and his blob being tear-gassed, this topic is too technical for a pillock like you…

  4. Even ZIM, we know that they use dollars but them donating, hahahahah! Just like Zambia? Its like Funds is bunch of thieves. How can they come claim the same money they give to us?

  5. Good to give although this is a requirement from Zambia otherwise Zambia would have not given anything. Lungu has wasted many millions than this

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