Friday, October 18, 2024

Michael Sata Thanked the Copperbelt Residents


Late President Sata Thanking the People of Copperbelt
Late President Sata Thanking the People of Copperbelt

By Jean Mandela

That morning, in Ndola on 2nd June 2012, it was a rather a quiet day, a typical Saturday of that town of Copperbelt ; the sun, covered by the clouds, could not help the matter at all.

However, I had to rush to the completed stadium as it was marked to be officially inaugurated. Two weeks earlier, ZESCO United FC had made history by being the first club to score a goal, courtesy of Jackson Mwanza, in the 20th minute of the match.

The Stadium was named after the late 3rd President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa by the then sitting President Michael Chilufya Sata after he was voted as the 5th President.

It was President Michael Chilufya Sata’s first official visit since to Ndola after he won the 2011 Tripartite Elections. The people of Zambia had spoken through the ballots and the “Man of action” , as he used to be referred to, had realised his dream of being ushered into Zambia’s top public office.

It was the same man who, during his campaign on a Sunday afternoon of August the 14th in 2011 at Mulungushi International Conference Center, revived my hopes of being able to be looked after if he won the elections when he said: “Refugees are human being like me and you, they have been created in God’s image”.

This was the one more reason that could motivate me to follow his outing beside being excited of the idea that Zambia is going to have at last a World class stadium like the ones that left me speechless during the 2010 South Africa World Cup. This could be a catalyst of taking football to higher heights.

Prior to the beginning of planned ceremony, I had a tough time reasoning with my fellow colleague who almost went up in arms with one of the security officer who was not willing just to say “I am sorry” over an “incident” that happened while both were driving to the venue. To make matters worse, I could not find a strategic place to capture the much awaited moment: Plaque Unveiling; since all corners were taken up while I was busy trying to be a mediator.

I had no choice, but to move to he other side so that I could capture President Sata while he addressing the people of Copperbelt.

Before his speech, President Sata started by thanking the people of Copperbelt, and while saying that he went down on his knees; I thought I was dreaming, then I remembered I had a camera in my hands when he was about to stand up, fortunately I captured the moment.

The following day, on headlines on all our daily tabloids, there was a testimony that our posterity will be referring to: ONCE UPON TIME ZAMBIA HAD A PRESIDENT WHO KNELT FOR THE PEOPLE WERE SUPPOSED TO KNEEL FOR HIM.

M I C H A E L C H I L U F YA S A T A Requiescat in aeternum pacem.

M I C H A E L C H I L U F YA S A T A I will always remember you and love you.


  1. and what exactly is the point of this article? That Sata knelt down to thank his voters? So what? Edgar Chagwa Lungu should also go to Copperbelt and kneel down? HH should also go to North-western and kneel down? and where will Edith Nawakwi find her handful voters to kneel down to?

    • Wrongly famed “Man Of Action” yet when given the Presidential mantle he so much sought he turned out 2b “Man Of Inaction” who had no program for Zambia apart from registering his name in Presidential dossier & wasting Eurobonds & Reserve dollars left by MMD.
      In his 3year Presidency he cudn’t even face his people thru Press conferences & left a messed up economy. Lungu can’t just come out & attack his record of messed up economy. ECL just has to suck it up as if all was well for fear of being booted out. Otherwise he left us nothing but a rotten economy!
      He was even lucky to have found $750m Eurobond & $300m reserves left by RB else he wud hav no starting point. Not even a single ‘roads’ wud hav bn done!

    • That a refugee is human as well, was created in God’s image and is being well looked after, although he is so lazy he can not polish his English and speaks like a Congolese that he is…

      (Photojournalist wannabe features writer)

  2. The point s/he is making is that MCS tried to portray himself as a servant leader while the current ton of bricks is just that, a thick ton of bricks.

  3. Are u aware that the same person created all this mess we are in today? He was a very very bad president but a good politician. A chimbwi no plan in short. Thanks.

  4. The meaning of this article is as simple as it is. The writer has just decided to share the momement he saw HE MCS after he was elected to the office of the president as a way to remember him. obviously it means sata is one of the leader amongest other leaders he appreciated. MCS MHRIP.

  5. This article should have just been titled ‘Sata remembered’. Today marks exactly 2 years when ‘King Cobra’ answered the Lord’s call.May his soul rest in peace

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