Thursday, January 9, 2025

Serenje parents register children as orphans


Some parents in Serenje district have registered their biological children as orphans at the newly opened Hope Children Care (HCC) orphanage.

HCC director, Pastor Navice Kalunga, disclosed to ZANIS today that out of the 150 registered children, ten were discovered to have their parents still living.

Pastor Kalunga, who described the situation as unfortunate, said after investigations, such children were sent away because they were stealing from the actual orphans.

Pastor Kalunga said investigations were still going on and all those that would be found to have their biological parents still living would be sent away.

“It is not good to try and take advantage and benefit from the disadvantaged children who have found assistance from charitable organizations such as the church. Why cheat that you are dead simply because you want help? It is not good,” he said.

Pastor Kalunga warned that the matter could have been reported to police because this is pure theft from the oprhans.

“Imagine, as HCC we bought all the children school items including uniforms, shoes, books and other clothes and we also feed them only to discover later that some of them were actually registered by their own parents. It it painful,” he said.

He explained that one child met his father behind the market when he was being taken to school by him (Pastor Kalunga) and child started calling his father, much to the surprise of the pastor.

He said he stopped and asked the boy as to whether the man he was calling was his biological father or not, to which he said the man was his biological father and he never lost the mother.

Pastor Kalunga warned that he would not tolerate any lie meant to deprive orphans what is due to them.

HCC has children at Serenje Boma Basic, Kamwala, Miselo Kapika and Handabala Kapotwe schools in Serenje.

It was constructed with the help of two churches from America – Conerstone church, a Baptist church and Brookside an independent church.



  1. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Their ingenuity should be applauded. It is certainly a lesser evil than plunder.

  2. The truth is, for all intents and purposes, these children’s parents may be considered dead. Poverty has robbed the parents of the ability to provide for their own children. Seriously though there is a deeper issue here and this is the “handout” society where people have come to believe that someone out there owes them a living. Meanwhile, I’m told kapoko is now the cell captain in the police cell where he is detained

  3. #4 Mwanalume, What did you expect? Kapoko has the cash to keep all the cell mates and the Police going. He probably spends his nights behind the reception desk and not inside the cells. Money talks, ka.

  4. Those parents must be dealt with and their children must be placed in Child care centres since these parents can’t afford them, otherwise they will become criminals and prostitutes if left with such parents. Why have children if you can’t manage them. Banshi mufyala abana. Twalamisala ubufyashi kanshi

  5. They are just as underprivileged. Pastor dont send them away please. they all need food and a future. Take them as opharns. what are your deatails we can help you.

  6. #5 Moze, you know a guy can buy a lot of cigarettes, talktime and loaves of bread from K10billion. But this pastor kalunga guy’s tone is irritating me. He is coming off all high and mighty about this instead of trying to see what exactly is driving the parents to do this. Meanwhile, for all we know, he may be busy siphoning off the donations from the americans. No shame in poverty.

  7. They simply want to educate their kids with a good and free education. Maybe you can extend the same gratitude to such kids as some parents are better off died than alive. Same thing with bursaries. You find them being issued to rich peoples kids who also passed exams fraudulently leaving the poor , intelligent, hard working Children to cut their bright futures short

  8. Mwanalume, thats what poverty can do. Some of these pastors are number one plunderers of church resources and donations from well-wishers. Am equally irritated by the kama tone in the statement.

  9. #6 do we have a child care centre in zambia? Where i come from when your parents die you call the anties and uncles as parents. In a case where the parents die when the child is still an infant, its difficult for a child to know if his or her gurdians are not real parents.

    anyways nensala naichilamo mwandini.

  10. I thought a Pastor is supposed to open his doors to all the children Orphans or not , the Bible says ” Do not Judge,” please Ba Pastor practice what you preach, Ka God Bless the Kids, cos they are innocent and must not be punished for their parents wrong doing.

  11. ati kapoko balimuletela na gal mu ma cells. probably the ka same one he has a child with aka pa MOH, becoz that one is more vicious than the wife u know the way husband snatchers behave, they want to be recognised. the pastor should not speak like that when he is also chewing donor money

  12. These parents shoud be helped, let Rupiah sell one hammer for Kapoko and distribute to the 10kids they found had parents, coz they just cant help them. ninsala

  13. # 10…. I salute you on that bursaries point! iwe pastor baleke abaiche abo basambilileko nabena wats yo problem? “LOVE doesnt choose ati ni orphan or ati ninani” they are all hungry and need education PLEASE.

  14. but OVC naimwe ba pastor the children may not be orphans but are equally vulnerable mwandini have a heart at least try to come up with concession with such parents doing this look at their financial situations but these kids are still kids.

  15. that’s also true Jacks the way what happens to the so called “seized properties”…pipo are crafty ka?they can plunder the forfeited assets again….like 1 Chitoba Ryan!

  16. F.T.J Pa Zed people will plunder what has already been plundered. tababa lazy. as long as chapwalala…finish. Abena Chitoba ni no size. Ama hafu yalipwalala bena balya again!

  17. things are bad. i salute them for the initiative. this is better than going to steal. # 6 vimachitika. in the rural areas there is no intertainmant, sex is the only toy to play with. God help us.

  18. #25, If there is one thing i have in my life, then its a sense of humour. But really, that one clearly baffles even a mental patient. Try another one…may i suggest you use your mother toungue?

  19. Moze what`s a toungue? If you live in a glass house do not throw stoones! What is a toungue batata?

  20. Got to finish what I am doing now Moze. Nice weather. I have a few pints waiting. Namalasha ninkwata mudala. Chill! You can not change Zambia. Many have tried and just ended up with fat pockects.

  21. Kawambwa, its people like you and their attitude that really dont give the poor Zambian any hope. Any way enough said. I could be dealing with a plunderer!

  22. Moze just chill mudala naiwe. Do not carry the country`s problems on your shoulders. Some of you worry more about Zambia than your uncles. Tell you what, if all Zambians where worrying like you, Zambia would not be where it is now. You won`t beat them Moze, so just join them!

  23. we are all orphans…every zambian child is an orphan coz govnt has failed to provide jobs for the parents. How can a jobless parent provide for his children. Wait for me I will register all my children as orphans. If here govts provides for the aged and jobless why cant the Zambian govt do the same?? You want these NGO’s to be plundering the money? Well done Serenje parents coz you are showing govt that you have no jobs.

  24. ba Kambongolo i think you can do better than that. dnt bang for the pleasure of it and let the government take care of what follows later. to be honest most of the zambians are just lazy. we have enough bare land in zed why cant we use it ? am disapointed in you ba Kambongolo

  25. I don’t believe that Hope Children Care (HCC) orphanage is unhappy about such a development. If they really have the heart for helpless children they should learn something from this. Let them save all needy and hopeless kids. 10 out of 150 is tolerable in my opinion for such cases.

  26. WE CAN….. I agree with you. If such a thing happen, you can learn something out of it. So please Ba Postor do not send these children away, imfact there are some orphan who can be supported by there relatives but because they heard of the orphanage they decided to bring them. But some parents have no where to lean on. Please help them.

  27. That’s the best plan for the children to get educated if there are no other means of suppoting them. let the children get educated and later on they will appreciate this move. Education is Power!

  28. children no nothing about education. Therefore, I think it is right to register them as orphans if finances are a problem. They will think it is bad when they realize but on the other han they will also appreciate because they will get educated .

  29. Why have kids when u cannot handle them! Relevant officials should move in with family planning solutions ASAP!

  30. ” Pastor Kalunga, who described the situation as unfortunate, said after investigations, such children were sent away because they were stealing from the actual orphans. ”

  31. #17 is right. If Ba MMD cared enough about the people that put them where they are now, they would know best what to do with the hungry. now look at what hunger in the MMD regime is producing. parents abandon their children for other people to look after them. it is very sad indeed. I hope this pastor sends this information to the government. Bakazimvela nsoni naabo.

  32. I did’t know about it. Shame ba Gov’t we. Now since by-Elections are yet to come, pliz ba Z try your level best to choose a gov’t that will help such families mwandi. ‘Palyansa’ would be the best coz he was once poor so he understands what it means. shiiiiiii donchi kubeba ati nipa JANZA, Pakuboko 2014! The time that you have always waited for has come…..

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