Friday, March 14, 2025

Facts about condoms



Why are we seeing such a declining trend in condom use?

At the individual level condoms remain unsexy. Many men won’t use them because they believe they reduce sexual pleasure and many women are afraid to ask their partners to use them for fear of being called names and possibly facing violence.

Are condoms really effective?

If used correctly and consistently condoms are highly effective. They act as a barrier to prevent one partners getting into contact with the sexual fluids of the other partner.

Is it true that some condoms burst during intercourse. What may cause condoms to burst?
Condom bursting may be due to:

· friction caused by lack of foreplay
· incorrect use such as failure to squeeze the air out of the tip when putting the condom on to create space for the semen,
· Using the wrong lubrication i.e. Vaseline or other oil-based products which weakens the rubber

Is it necessary to use condoms when one is HIV positive?
· Yes, even when both the partners are infected, to avoid re-infection. Everyone’s virus is slightly different, using your own DNA to replicate. Re-infection add strain on the immune system, weakening it.
· If one partner is negative and the other positive it is important to maintain condom use to ensure that the HIV negative partner does not contract the virus.

Why do some people develop irritations when they use condoms?
Some people are allergic to rubber/ latex from which condoms are made. However, in circumstances where irritation continues seek medical attention or access condoms which are made of other materials such as polyurethane (plastic)

What should you do if a condom remains in a woman’s vagina after sex?
You can avoid this situation by withdrawing immediately after ejaculating, before the penis becomes flaccid. If it does happen, don’t panic. Tell the person to squat with knees wide apart and insert two fingers and pull out the condom. Don’t worry; it will not go further than that and it will not affect your partner’s health. You or your partner can remove it easily with your fingers.

Does using two condoms at the same time provide double protection?
No. One condom if used correctly is enough to provide you with adequate protection.

Does using both a male and female condom at the same time provide more protection?
No. A couple can decide to use either a male or female condom but not both at the same time. The friction between the two rubber surfaces can lead to damage

Is it okay to apply Vaseline/creams on a condom for lubrication?
No. Vaseline and other oil-based lubricants such as baby oil weaken the rubber and cause the condom to tear.

Can a condom be ineffective before its expiry date?
Yes. Depending on how it is handled/ stored, a condom can lose its effectiveness before the expiry date if stored in hot or damp place or exposed to direct sunlight. Make sure you don’t keep condoms in your wallet.

Can an expired condom offer protection if doubled?
No. Condoms should have lost their measured effectiveness three years from the stipulated date of manufacture.

Do condoms cause cancer?
No. There is no scientific evidence linking cancer to condom use.

Can one condom be used more than once?
No. A condom should be used once and disposed of.

Can a condom fit small and big penis sizes?
Yes. A condom has the capacity to expand and fit all sizes for adult sexually active persons. Men with large penises might find larger condoms more comfortable and ICON™ condoms were specially developed to ensure that even very well-endowed men can enjoy very sexy safer-sex in comfort.

For how long can one condom be used in a sexual intercourse?
A condom remains effective for one round of sex.

Can one get infected with STIs / HIV during the process of removing a condom after a sexual intercourse?
It is possible for infection to occur if you have wounds or sores on your fingers which might come into contact with sexual fluids or if one cleaning cloth is used for both partners.

Is true that some people get infected with STIs in spite of using condoms consistently?
Using a condom correctly and consistently protects from most sexually transmitted infections. It is possible to be infected during other sex acts such as oral sex. You can also be infected with some STIs through contact with infected blood.

What should a person do when a partner objects to condom use?
Ideally, be assertive and say “No condom no sex!!” Try to educate your partner on the great benefits of condom use, such as prolonged erection.

Should married couples also use condoms?
Yes for several reasons. People may not be aware of each other’s HIV status, one of the partners might be cheating, condom usage is encourage in couples that are sero-discordant and condoms are also an excellent form of birth control for couples choose to space out their pregnancies.

Why do some condoms have bad smells?
The bad smell may be due to chemical compounds which were not washed out during the production process, some condoms have a rubber related smell unless they are scented.

Which is the best condom to use?
Which is the best soap to use if you need to get clean? All condoms distributed by the Department of Health and HIV organisations are effective. Make sure they have not expired by checking the date stamp before use. There are lots of brands available so try different one to work out which ones you prefer.

Do condoms make sex less pleasurable?
No. In fact many people report feeling freer and more relaxed during sex because they aren’t worrying about infection. There is also the added benefit of prolonged erection for many men. Used properly and consistently, condoms can actually increase sexual pleasure.


  1. Aluta continua, the struggle continues and meanwhile, the makers of CONDOMS are raking in millions of Dollars. Let’s ask ourselves first; how did our ancestors/forefathers manage and avoided sex when not in need? How did they treat diseases like; bola-bola, tuswende etc., and without these “poisons” in the name of antibiotics mwebantu? Zambia my country, my home, my pride is up for grabs indeed. Everything mudzungu says, we just jump shame….

  2. One day, Mushota a top Zambian lawyer went in to buy a packet of condoms. An teller behind the counter, Silit, could see that Mushota was new at it. She handed him the package & asked if he knew how to wear one. He pretended not to & answered, ‘No, this is my first time.’ So she unwrapped the package, took one out & slipped it over her thumb. She cautioned him to make sure it was on tight & secure. He “apparently” still looked confused. So, she looked all around the store to see if it was empty, it was!. ‘Just a minute,’ she said, & walked to the door, & locked it. Taking his hand, she led him into the back room, unbuttoned her blouse & removed it. She unhooked her bra & laid it aside. ‘Do these excite you?’ She asked …

  3. Well, he was so dumb-struck that all he could do was nod his gurumutu head. She then said it was time to slip the condom on. Ashe was slipping it on, she dropped her skirt, removed her panties & lay down on a desk. ‘Well, come on’, she said, ‘We don’t have much time.’ So he climbed on her. It was so wonderful, that unfortunately, he could no longer hold back & KAPOWWWWWWWW, he was done within a few moments.

    She looked at him with a bit of a frown. ‘Did you put that condom on?’ she asked. He said, ‘I sure did,’ & held up his thumb to show her. She fainted.”

  4. Chapona was getting ready to go on a trip to Joburg for the first time, and was talking to his mentor Kanisundila.
    Kanisundila: “While you are Sandton, there is a bar that you have to go to. When you walk through the front door, you are handed a free drink. Then you can go to the back room and get laid. Come back up to the bar, and you get another free drink. Then you can get laid again. It goes on like this all night.” Chapona: “That sounds unbelievable. Have you really been there?” Kansundila: “No, but Silit Dorious has.”

  5. What does a condom have in common with an irresponsible government? Both halts production and destroys the next generation

  6. Genesis 1:28
    And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
    Please dont use condoms Marry and produce children that is what God wants

  7. Wow the level of stupid among Zambians has reached an alarming level. No wonder Zambia accounts for millions of deaths due to AIDS. Stay away from unprotected sex, in fact abstinence is better. What happened to abstinence iliche? You people will die with an erection if you are not careful. Nina nyenga mahule yambili kuno kuAmerica(vibazungu, mafirika american, vimamexican vonse) and I tested negative to all stds in HIV, thanks to condoms and you *****s are busy saying Live is better? Go aheard, you will learn.

  8. Wow the level of st**p!d among Zambians has reached an alarming level. No wonder Zambia accounts for millions of deaths due to AIDS. Stay away from unprotected sex, in fact abstinence is better. What happened to abstinence iliche? You people will die with an erection if you are not careful. Nina nyenga mahule yambili kuno kuAmerica(vibazungu, mafirika american, vimamexican vonse) and I tested negative to all stds in HIV, thanks to condoms and you ****** are busy saying Live is better? Go aheard, you will learn.

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