Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Police Chief urges public to be security conscious during festive season


Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja has warned the general public to pay attention to their personal security and safety during the festive season.

Mr. Kanganja explained that during the festive season criminally minded elements are also going about their business and looking for an opportunity to take advantage of unsuspecting people for their valuables.

ZANIS reports that the Police Chief also advised people to drink responsibly and avoid engaging in gender based violence during this season.

“With a growing trend in gender based violence, I would like to advise people to drink responsibly as they celebrate and avoid abusing alcohol which may lead to their inability to reason,” he said.

Mr Kanganja added that parents must also guide their children as they celebrate because it is during such periods that the Zambia Police record a lot of juvenile delinquency.

“According to 2015 statistics, the country recorded a total of 2,089 juvenile convictions for offences as compared to 2,029 juvenile convictions in 2014, showing an increase by 60 cases representing a percentage increase of 2.87 percent,” Kanganja disclosed.

“In 2015, Lusaka Division recorded the highest number of juvenile convictions with 1,055 convictions followed by Copperbelt with 719 and the least was Northern Province Division with 15 convictions,” he added.

The Police Chief pointed out that most prevalent offences committed by juveniles include affray, assault, rape, defilement, drunk and disorderly conduct and burglary and general thefts.

Mr. Kanganja further advised Banks to put up strict security measures inside and outside the banks to protect their clients.

“I’m advising all those making cash transactions from banks and automated Teller Machines (ATM) to always be alert and avoid exposing security information and monies withdraw,” Kanganja advised.

Mr. Kanganja has since assured members of the public that the Zambia Police will collaborate with citizens in the fight against crime in the coming year and beyond.


  1. I like the man unfortunately he happens to be worst IG since 1964. He is so partisan and believe it I am PF. He has not treated our colleagues in the opposition well. Any small thing that can be resolved amicably, he resorts to tear gas

    • …im also surprised and shocked that he is still the IG…..with that mediocre and below par performance before and during elections….just after the calamity of shooting deaf that innocent lady…this guy was supposed to be shown the door..

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