Saturday, February 8, 2025

HH thanks the Church for Praying for Zambia


UPND President Hakainde Hichilema with his Vice President Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba during the Consecration of Rev. Fr Justin Mulenga as Bishop at St Joseph’s Cathedral in Mpika
UPND President Hakainde Hichilema with his Vice President Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba during the Consecration of Rev. Fr Justin Mulenga as Bishop at St Joseph’s Cathedral in Mpika
United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has thanked the Church throughout the country for praying for the nation during the many challenges Zambians faced in 2016.

In his New Year message to Zambians, Mr. Hichilema hopes that that this will be upheld this year 2017 and beyond as it gratifies the Lord, God through his son Jesus Christ.

Mr. Hichilema has reminded Zambians that God is not yet done blessing each of them, as he will continue doing so all the way through 2017 and years to come.

He has furthermore encouraged Zambians to continue praying unceasingly as well as praying for those who treat them as enemies.

He has also encouraged Zambians to forgive one another as the Bible encourages people to forgive one another just like God forgives them when they do something wrong.

Mr. Hichilema has advised Zambians to take a moment and thank God for His grace in last year.


  1. There was a convicted thief and a self made business man but people chose a thief, Its like in the bible people wanted Barabbas to be freed, Humans when left alone always go for the wrong things, No wonder Africa is and will always remain back wards, its not the leaders but the people, Its only in Zambia where you get a person who store a clients money to end up being president.

    • 1, 1.1 It’s the vessel that’s important it’s the contents that are important. HH may not be a perfect person but what he’s said here must be taken seriously but all who treasure peace and development.

    • Your thinking is too shallow typical of a tonga man, in America the president elect had his tax work to his advantage as he put it himself and still people voted for him. Is America not developed? Please you like it or not ECL is the president of zambia for all zambians weather you agree or not. Tell your chiefs and your died great great mothers and father’s with tails that the president is ECL and he is enjoying the love of Zambians. You rule the cows he rules the people.

  2. Shooterz, musulunyoko you can’t dream of other things apart from Tonga tribe. That’s why your death will be horrible.

    • I will not die before you do and I can not insult you back because you have been insulted enough, people know you are filthy i think from birth. We sometimes come to this blog with a joking mind and have fun. Next time you insult me, i will rightfully put you were you belong.

  3. HH is fresh breath to this country, he doesn’t need to cause commotion by blaring sirens and peeping through sunroofs to prove his popularity. Man of the people status is not forced on people by lining up kids on side roads but earned through hardwork.

  4. Thanks HH for your timely massage. Church is important at all times, if this had started earlier we would have more blessings.

  5. But isn’t the same HH who was laughing at President Lungu and Zambians when they looked to God and prayed for the Nation?
    Hypocrisy will kill HH.

  6. @5 NEZ, ?????? According to our cinstitution the legal president is the ine who was sworn in by the Chief Justice. Even HH knows this, otherwise what is doing in courts of law? Isn’t he seeking to be declared winner so that the Chief Justice can swear him into State House?
    Baasa ba NEZ naimwe, today is the secind day of 2017, you seem to be the only who has remained a donkey. From HH ‘s message, the leader of the largest opposition party UPND is clearly and unequivocally telling us all that he has changed in 2017. That is why I am no longer mentioning UPNDonkeys. Today the only donkey is NEZ but you can change too. Humans are always welcome back to society.

  7. I have read HH’s new year message above several times. He thanks the church for their prayers for the nation. Looks like like the prayers have finally touched his heart. I think that this is a genuine message and purely full of love and not a drop of malice, compared with all his other messages in 2016. Thank you church and thank you HH, we now have a genuine patriot and opposition leader.
    HH, prodigal Zambian, welcome back to your loving nation. Absolutely refreshing, and I have avoided all the bad language in genuinely welcoming HH back to the rest of Zambia. HH, Happy New Year!!!

  8. Good message H.H .. Politics aside. There is only one Zambia and one president at a time. Even the current leadership knows that time will come when they will no longer occupy there offices.if you doubt this? You may ask K.K or R.B to prove this to you.

  9. People learn to appreciate when some you thought was evil starts demonstrating goodness. Iwe Malinso and Shooterz you should start thanking God that HH (the one you always label as evil) has started talking sense. When some says: Zambians pray to God you Shooterz you say he is telling Tongas. I am a Mambwe from Mbala I will never hate a person whom I have never created or manufactured in a factory. You two are PF Cadres harboring hatred in your hearts. Start repenting today 2nd January 2017. Salvation is personal, Our President Lungu will not go and speak for you in Heaven, neither your PF spokesperson. It is each one on his/her own. That is why dead people are not buried two in one coffin and one grave, but one coffin and grave for each. Ukwali insoke takwafwile abantu (My people are…

  10. I don’t trust HH there is something he wants from church that’s why he has bend towards church. He is a crook that hikainde of yours

  11. HH is Zambia’s next President!!!The Patriotic Front under President Lungu has lost the support of majority Zambians with the embracing of the corrupt MMD which Zambians kicked out of power because of corruption, unemployment and deteriorating standards of living. HH Zambians have now realized that Lungu has no vision just like he said it himself. Ba Sata’s vision wont help him anymore and RB’s vision is corrupt and rejected by Zambians, so the Mutati’s whom he is relying on for vision are leading him into a ditch. HH articulate your vision for employment, economic development and the fight against corruption and Zambians will surely give the mandate. Don’t focus on visionless Lungu but on delivering for the People.

  12. Wow!!! Is this message from HH? I hope this is the begining of dispensing the new begining for the UPND. I hope the UPND is now ready for reconciliation. IfIf this is real, the possibility of getting closer to plot 1 is eminent. I pray that this is not lip service. Happy new year Zambia.

  13. My happy new year to HH still stands unless I hear otherwise. I know that a few donkeys still linger around trying to mislead HH. I encourage him to be steadfast and ignore them, and continue on his new Godly and patriotic path.

  14. Terrible, you are after all terrific!!! HH has indeed been touched by the Holly ghost. Thanks to efforts though many avenues including national prayers. The Lord is answering our prayers. We must pray without ceasing.

    The tact for HH must now be to wear specs which will enable him to see good as good and bad as such. For a very long time now, I have not heard HH praise ECL for any good done. It is not true that ECL has not done any good neither is it true that ECL has been an angel throughout. No. HH when you balance appreciation and otherwise you will be heard better and louder.

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