Friday, March 7, 2025

Miners strike is illegal-KCM


KCM Miners protesting
KCM Miners protesting

Mining giant Konkola Copper Mines say the work stoppage by miners at its Konkola underground mine in Chililabombwe is illegal.

Operations at KCM’s Business units in Chililabombwe have been paralysed after workers refused to enter the main gates into the plants demanding salary adjustments

But KCM Spokesman Shapi Shachinda revealed that only a handful of miners took part in the work stoppage.

Mr Shachinda said KCM values the cordial relations which exist between the workforce, the unions and management.

“Since 2014, KCM has faced challenges related to the low copper price and the higher cost of power. These challenges have been explained to employees and other stakeholders in numerous forums. Despite these external factors, many initiatives have been implemented to successfully manage down the overall cost of production,” he said.

Mr Shachinda said KCM regrets that a handful of employees at the Konkola underground mine in Chililabombwe have decided to go on an illegal work stoppage demanding increases in pay.

He said this is in contravention of labour laws since wage negotiations are still underway between management and the unions and no dispute has been declared.

“Management has engaged the employees and their representatives urging them to return to work immediately. Management will continue to engage workers’ representatives to find a lasting solution to the problems the company is facing,” he said.

There was no immediate comment from the Mine Workers Union of Zambia but some of the affected miners interviewed said among other things they are complaining is the lack of proper treatment and medicines.

They said Doctors at the Mine Hospital are now leaving in preference to Government hospitals, while Indian expatriates are now seeking treatment at the new mini Indian African Medicare Services Limited hospital in Chingola.

The miners are also unhappy about the decision by KCM increase school fees in Trust schools while salaries for its employees had remained the same for four years.

KCM has been facing numerous financial challenges which has seen the mining giant fail to pay contractors and suppliers mostly Zambians owned firms on time.

KCM Zambian senior staff were not paid their Christmas bonus and their December salaries but all Indians expatriates were paid their salaries and bonuses in full.

KCM Miners staging a protest outside the main entrance
KCM Miners staging a protest outside the main entrance
KCM Miners staging a protest outside the main entrance
KCM Miners staging a protest outside the main entrance


    • Blacks are generally lazy. It’s in their DNA that’s what my fiancé tells me. Although I feel bad that he is being racist I think he is actuall right.

      That why all good things are built by whites not otherwise.

      These striking miners must be fired for me.

      You don’t strike without a union.

      Fire then and open the borders for Congolese or Rwandese who are known to work hard without complaints.



    • You have never heard of legal strike ?

      There you go another confirmed regard.

      Economic strikes, in which employees attempt to pressure the employer to concede to their demands for improvements in wages, benefits or work rules that is a legal strike.



    • Things fall apart under pf..Zambia yasila. Lusaka times staff are also affected by poverty such that they have been bought by pf. Why do you think they have failed to announce best blogger award. Because I a upnd supporter who spoke for the people and truth won it they are now failing to announce. People voted for me and the truth. Nut heads like mushota have been rejected. Lusaka times would rather have a crazy dog like mushota here than some one like me telling the painful truth. Mushota does not work and just claims job seekers allowance at 50 pound a week. Why you think she is always first one to.comment. that pillock is on benefits.

    • Mushota, Chosen One and Nubian Princess all are senior bloggers and whether one agrees or disagrees with them they have been around on this forum for years and their opinions carry weight! Then you have these tuma new comers abena Nez, chilyata and spaka from T.umfweko these cretins think what kanshi? Eh? Your only business Nez is to create division so that your uncle the Hungry Hyena can one day rule which Godwilling won’t happen! Before Nez we had Larry Mweetwa Aka Wanzelu another lost soul that has gone mad in a mental institution ku UK! As for the miners its their right to strike for better conditions as Copper prices rise!


  2. This is not news any more. All civil servants get paid on 40th day of the month, so called expatriates are respected more in Zambia than the owners of the land. This is what Zambians wanted and should not cry foul, am out of there.

    • Frankly, these miners are getting what they deserve for voting PF. Just put your jombos on and go down the nine. The Indians rule and own KCM, okay!

  3. Mushota may be right to some degree. However, particularly in our Zambia, local people with the same CVs with whites get far less than their white counter parts. I mean at all levels. Even at helperlevel a white man is paid more than a Zambian. None of these whites in the mines are employed for what they are. All of them are specialists but work as artisans.

    • George Shawa – Mushota is wrong to all extents. The fiance’ boasted about is enjoying life in Europe/US because of the hard work from Africans. If you are not good at history am afraid you can brag like shortage (Mushota). Do not believe anything that come out of any white person’s dark mouth just because they are your fiance’. Stop bootlicking that fiance’.

  4. But this mine is in Zambia for God’s sake! Why are blacks and whites on the same level not being paid the same wages? Are we still slaves to foreigners 50 chakuti years after independence? Are there plans to equalize the status quo or we have given up?

  5. Zambia is like a proverb, only used as an example of a rich nation in resources but one of the poorest in the World in almost all sectors. God help us.

  6. Us who works in mining industry will suffer coz of one group so far no mining company since 2011 has improved in conditions of services. Why before 2011 things were OK?
    Why Zambians work up!

  7. Comment:Imwe bafikala if you don’t have anything gud to say beta you shut that stinky anus.Do you knw how many years those pipo have sufferd with these dogs kod Indians without increament?Mwilaisuka usukafe matole yenu especially u chi Mushota.

  8. Mushota, with your claimed GBP5000 salary, comment on things you know.
    I hope you work as a doctor/accountant etc. as a junior office normal salary in the UK is GBP1400 less NI and PAYE.

  9. Things fall apart under pf..Zambia yasila. Lusaka times staff are also affected by poverty such that they have been bought by pf. Why do you think they have failed to announce best blogger award. Because I a upnd supporter who spoke for the people and truth won it they are now failing to announce. People voted for me and the truth. Nut heads like mushota have been rejected. Lusaka times would rather have a crazy dog like mushota here than some one like me telling the painful truth.

  10. Times are hard and will get worse as we move deep into the last days of this wicked world. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 explains the situation especially with men being greedy and lovers of money rather than God. Unless government protects it’s citizens, greedy international corporations will continue exploiting our perishable mineral resources.

  11. Next it us abused workers at zambia state insurance general insurance md and his cartoons living large us who make the money struggling how dont say you havent been warned

  12. The government has no heart for its people there interest is to get brown evelop and full there porkets, if you care for the people can you honest allow a foreigner mistreat your people

  13. The weakness of UPND and its cadres is that they criticise everything and anything such that you cannot tell sense from rubbish. As we all know, just like food, sense mixed with rubbish = rubbish.
    I am sure that UPND has its rare, very rare, moments of sense but in the vast majority of cases all you hear from them is gibberish. Given that they they have already messed up their electoral chances for 2021 how they hope to gain the confidence of the people for 2026 or 2031 is anybody’s guess. It probably does not matter since the party will not be there anyway.

  14. Blacks are generally lazy, it is in their DNA?

    And that coming from some informed or is it ill-informed Bloggers. Wake up, that’s what white racists and imperialists do.

    Brainwash you with inferiority complex and suppress your self-esteem and blame it on your biological and physiological make-up so that you start settling for mediocrity.

    And it works almost all the time with half-wits and not with the enlightened.

  15. A strike can be legal and there specific steps to follow before you call for strike. Problem is that our union leaders are both illiterate and compromised.

    • It is not the unions to be blame. It is the union members. They have stopped listening to their unions and started a wildcat strike instead. In effect, it is impossible to have a legal strike in Zambia because the procedure is so cumbersome, all designed by Chiluba and group when they realised in early 1990s that the unions could paralyse the MMD govt. That’s how they encouraged splinter unions in individual industries and also FFTUZ against ZCTU (divide and rule).

  16. Also employees of Mopani copper mines at Mufulira Golf Club had their contract terminated without the mine issuing official letters of termination of contract to the employees.
    Where are going in this country?

  17. It’s folly and f00lish to say strikes are because of PF. We have had strikes since time immemorial. During our fathers days a strike would take months to end. People could even be killed for defying a strike. According to my grandfather a Tonga by the name of Spencer had his head cut off for reporting for work during a strike. Then we had the Mukuba strike, the FTJ 6ft vs 4ft. There has never been a government that has not experienced a strike. So Bwana NEZ try a new tactic to promote your HH. This one is a non starter.

  18. This is the problem of having coward union leaders who are busy praising government at every turn in the hope of being the next labour minister. Its unheard of to go four years without a salary increment. Just how stable is this economy? The miners should start by removing the moribund union leaders and put those who will look after the miners interests.

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