Friday, February 7, 2025

UNZA VC justifies purchase of brand new VX Toyota Prado valued at K 1.130 million


University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice-Chancellor Professor Luke Mumba has defended his decision to procure a lavish brand new VX Toyota Prado worth K1, 130, 000.

UNZA Vice Chancellor Prof Luke Mumba
UNZA Vice Chancellor Prof Luke Mumba

In a leaked letter to the three UNZA Unions, Professor Mumba said he asked the university council to procure that kind of a vehicle because it is his entitlement as Vice Chancellor.

UNZA has for some years now been struggling to pay salaries for its lecturers and other workers.

The university is also in arrears over statutory obligations such as NAPSA and owes its retirees millions of unpaid pension money.

The letter by Professor Mumba follows the stance by the three unions to object to the procurement of the motor vehicle.

The unions have also raised reservations over the procurement of an industrial power generator for Prof Mumba’s residence and lodge using university funds.

But professor Mumba has defended the purchase of a brand new VX Toyota Prado saying as Head of the University, he is entitled to a luxury vehicle worthy not less that K1, 317, 289.

He explained that the price of his personal-to-holder car is determined by the University council which he chairs.

UNZA Vice Chancellor's letter to the Unions
UNZA Vice Chancellor’s letter to the Unions


  1. These are pf cadres who cannot use their head. It is your responsibility to ensure that money is used prudently. We are not refusing that you are not entitled to a car but any sane person would ensure to procure a car that is economical in the long term when unza is facing financial difficulties. Let us leave procurement to the finance department who should have the skills to ensure sound economic decisions are made. Go to Europe and see the cars they drive. Small economical and reliable. Silly pf cadres

    • What do you expect in a country where everything has been politicised even education maybe trump will appoint all uni chancellors, Africa is a dark continent and it will remain so as long as you continue have presidents who appoints everyone holding high office. Can you imagine a president appoints police chiefs, permanent secretaries, DCs, high commissioners, etc, how do you put so much power in one man, by the time he finishers appointing and doing all the swearing in it will time for the next election, Just look at the UK PM as an example, The PM only selects the ministers he wants to work with and the rest is left for the civil service to do its work and people are put into these offices based on education and experience.

    • Zambians never sacrifice for their country. Fire this man and let’s see what his entitlement will be. Imbecile!

    • I saw Edgar’ standing in a cheap Toyota.
      Infact Toyota Prado is not nice car. And why was that expensive, you could buy 3 same Prados from that money.

    • Can’t defend that.

      He is a disgrace. He is basically implying the Uni had flaws in their contract and he is taken advantage of.

      A Zambian DNA I have always prophetised right there. Disgraceful.



    • we should do away with personal to holder vehicles in public institutions. Let him use his own money. This is such an outdated concept especially in an impoverished nation. I am sure they can find someone else to step into the position if the conditions are not appealing him. it is not like UNZA has seen any real positive changes since he took office. We have a number of lecturers who would step in. And $100,000 for a Toyota doesn’t make sense. He could have bought 2 BMWs for that and be comfy. This nation is doomed with the amount of greed we exhibited.

    • This is wrong, these are the areas that need serious changes in govt NO MORE LUXURY SUVS IN GOVT AND GOVT INSTITUTIONS!

      These luxury vehicles serve no purpose at all except fanning the vanity of 1mbeciles be they UPND MPs or even my own PF guys. No more please let’s follow in the foot steps of Thomas Sankara who did away with luxury vehicles in his govt! That is the way to go!

      Elo iwe chi Nez (New Evilminded Zambian) don’t pretend your own GBV was guilty of extravagance at the expense of govt resources when he was a minister which is why he was fired!

    • This is what I usually talk about! so this Man thinks he is so important than others(Other UNZA workers) because he is a professor, go to hell and rot you greedy selfish buffoon. How can we have these kind characters in our Country? This man is no different from @house fly who thinks a musungu is a god he has even erected a statue of a musungu which he worships countless times a day.

    • Who ever thinks this crop PF cadres appointed by Drunk Lungu are there to serve the interest of the people under them should have their heads examined.

      These guys are emulating exactly what their and his stooges are doing. How come no PF cadre is condemning Lungu himself where all this kind of selfishness is copied from.

      Do not paint all Zambians with the same brush. We have Zambians who have for a long time refused to be under the thieving PF.

      I and most sane hardworking Zambians can not behave like these PF appointed id10ts.

      When is Lungu opening UNZA? UNZA has really gone to the dogs under PF.

      VIVA UPND.

    • This is the nature of corruption we’re now dealing with in Zambia. Corrupt people with an inflated, corrupt sense of entitlement, which causes them to mismanage the meager resources the country needs for development. When UNZA has so many urgent needs that has to be prioritized, this guy feels he’s entitled to a luxury car at the expense of the University. Any sane people out there, please stop this narcissistic, selfish person who has such a bloated sense of entitlement. If the car has already been bought, sell it to recover the money. If he stubbornly argues that you can’t do that, fire him. There are many Zambians with a heart for the country, better qualified than him, who can serve the University for less. If this guy wants such luxury, then he needs to quit that job and become…

    • (Continued)… a businessman. Then he can make millions and buy whatever he thinks he’s entitled to. And that goes for any other civil servants who believe that their offices are a means to immense financial gain, at the expense of the country. What a shame.

    • Surely what is wrong with buying these educated foools Toyota Prius Hybrid Vehicles to save everyone costs especially GRZ vehicles used in urban areas.

    • VC, you are a thief! Is UNZA a money-making or gf organization for you to be so careless with money. Know that the money in question is for tax-payers not your father’s.

    • The prof is very much right, he is entitled to a luxury vehicle. All of you are just yapping due lack reasoning. Let me now correct you, ‘HE IS A PROFESSOR AND HE IS LEADING THE HIGHEST LEARNING INSTITUTION’ if you know what that means. So, do you think he can be moving in a corolla while a non-educated fools so called ministers or MPs are moving in those very expensive luxury cars? Hell no!

  2. I remember this man being very kind when he was my lecturer at unza in my first year. Then he moved to South Africa. Money can really make people greedy. Another reason l will never come back to zed. You can just never develop like this……

    • All of you complaining about this expenditure are useless, hopeless failures. The VC signed conditions of service with the appointing authority that both parties agreed on. A personal to holder vehicle of a given status being one of them. This condition is met and then we have problems: this is extremely stupid of all that are raising dust. Do not compare yourselves to CEOs – that is why in developed countries CEOs have very very attractive conditions of service. This is to make them concentrate professionally on their work.

    • Ba one zambia.

      Where in developed countries does a CEO get a car worth $114,000 or close to £90, 000 ?

      That’s the problem with you black Africans. Zambia is not as rich as Europe but you want better conditions then the Europeans .

    • One Zambia, you’re a complete idi0t. UNZA is a public university run using taxpayer’s money. That means the taxpayers should have a say how the University is being run, and should register displeasure if they don’t like what’s happening. If you want people not to complain when stuff like this happen, then this guy needs to quit the job at a PUBLIC university and join a PRIVATE university. That way no one will care if the private university buys him a Bentley or a Ferrari, or any other expensive car. And you’re fo0lishly comparing Zambia to developed countries, when you know that Zambia is ranked among the poorest nations in the world.

    • LIE-DETECTOR – It’s you who is a total ***** who thinks that the VC should come down to your level – what a useless loser you are, you *****.

  3. Indeed, it’s high time we emulated Tanzania’s new President when it comes to spending colossal sums of public money. With that kind of money and despite the fact that ba bwana Mumba is entitled to such a car, let’s think with our heads and NOT bottoms. Half that kind of money could revamp the once prosperous UNZA Liempe farms where produce could be grown to feed our young university students and sell the surplus to the public. The other remaining cash is huge enough to procure a small van for use by the vice Chancellor, simple.

    • Nkope Shinyenga, do You honestly think majority of Zambians who believe Edward Chagwa is doing “A Great Job” would demand or expect a leader of Mugufuli’s calibre?? DREAM ON FELLOW CITIZEN!!
      In fact the client’s Cash embezzling, visionless, Corrupt Lawyer is in the process of r@ping the constitution & extending his visionless & corrupt reign beyond 2021.
      ALL I CAN SAY IS MW@NYA KU ZAMBIA, & continue ku Dununa!!!

  4. Prof if you have done the right thing avoid blowing your own trumpet. Let your employers respond. Mostly those who talk and talk and talk are not well informed. The employers are responsible for your condition of service.

    • The prof’s calibre is so similar to that of Mupanga Mwanakatwe of Zamtel. The first thing he did is buy vehicles for himself and the entire management team from the money lapgreen left. Right now the company is limping


  6. Awe, you can’t have a country where every thing is disorderly. You have an entitlement which is lavish and you are heading an institution which is paralysed financially, and you still go for your lavish entitlement. Where is the personal sacrifice?

  7. …………………./´¯/)
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´
    …………..\………….\… THE PF AND LUNGU

    • And you call yourself the best blogger for 2016! I beLieve you also came second in the Best Irritating Blogger for 2016 now I know why! Congratulations for BIB2016

    • You will find that the majority of Zambians feel that way about pfs disappointing rule. Twalema. If you and your family are receiving favours from pf remember that we cannot feed ours using your inducements. Ukose

  8. This man is supposed to lead by example, to embark on austerity measures, seeing the university is in financial quagmire. But no, he wants to perpetuate a culture of quiet enjoyment and entitlement. Given his arrogance and greed, he will fail to win the hearts of employees towards transformation and reforms. What a shame that he should even say it’s his entitlement when many employees have not received their entitlements in many years.

  9. Without doubt, the professor is well learned. But he has his priorities upside down. UNZA has a myriad of problems that require finance without which the institution will continue to nose dive in all areas one may care to look at. We do not begrudge him his entitlement, but perhaps he can enjoy that at other more affluent universities? Can one really have a clear conscious driving such a vehicle in the midst of ruin? However, much of the blame for this fiasco should go to the government who are the ultimate owners of the institution. Lopsided funding priorities to universities are what will discourage quality men and women from reversing the brain drain by coming back home to improve learning standards.

  10. The timing is all wrong. If Prof Mumba had shown the nation that he had indeed created wealth, if he had turned the university into an entrepreneurial institution, then he would be justified to his entitlement. But in this moment when UNZA is struggling financially, he is unwise to buy this expensive automobile which only fosters his culture of comfort and consumption, at the expense of productivity. And this sends a wrong signal about his character and ability to be a catalyst of organizational change anchored on the university’s motto of service.

  11. why cant these people buy vehicles from their money – all these stupid entitlements should be removed or at least be based on performance, ba Luka Mumba mwasebana

    • These guys in Zambian Public Companies are spoiled to the point where they are given company loans to buy top of the range Jeep Grand Cherokees as its an entitlement…its shocking!!

  12. Do vehicles recognize the status of the person driving them such that a corolla would refuse start and move if a high status person live Professor Mumba attempts to use it ?

  13. With this letter, Prof Mumba has just shown that he lacks soft skills to lead the people side of change at UNZA. In fact, his letter is a demonstration he does not understand organizational pain and distress at UNZA. He is only the VC for his own comfort and joy, only to take, not to give.

  14. Country men and women ,why the fuss over the purchase of of a simple Toyota Prado for the vice chancellor of Zambia’s largest university? Parastatal chiefs, even loss making ones drive VX Land cruisers,not to mention MPs, judges etc. His predecessor had a Vx Land cruiser even when UNza was in a similar or worse financial position than it is In’ now. If we are to criticize him then this should be extended to all and sundry

  15. 1.13 million Kwacha would have been channelled to more urgent and productive areas at UNZA, not his personal consumption.

  16. I remember a friend of mine who works for ZANACO narrating to me that when the Bank was sold and the musungu boss came in he was asked to sign for the new Directors vehicle. The white guy was bemused and asked what was wrong with the 5 year vehicle parked outside..he was told there was nothing wrong. To which he replied if it was good enough for the previous guy I see no reason to purchase another vehicle.
    These are the selfsame questionable purchases of company vehicles the AG had highlighted in that report…we can not move forward with this mindset of recklessness.

    • Oooh the black man does not feel shame. He can steal non stop from orphanages or steal all medication while patients die.

      As long as he has an air of entitlement there is no other consideration…….that is the case with fraud convict lungu jetting around in a jet while people are going hungry and kids can’t afford to pay school fees.

    • The Professor said he asked the university council to procure that kind of a vehicle because it is his entitlement as Vice Chancellor….only in Zambia can someone have the audacity to give such an answer as we ourselves are to blame for perpetuating this culture of Personal to Order vehicles, car loans, fuel allowances etc….I can picture the professor admiring the vehicle a magazine and picking up the phone to call the council.
      This is what happens when the Head of State and Ministers are very wasteful..everyone follows suit..this can not happen in Tanzania under John’s watch.

  17. Zambia is in a mess, can’t you see even on this forum, a guy from a tribal party is insulting and yet he is calling himself best blogger. And that’s why I insist both ruling and opposition parties can’t take Zambia anywhere.

  18. The name tells it all – Mumba. Bembas are menace to the Zambian society with their in-born greediness, corruption, nepotism, & tribalism. This rascal should be over fifty years old & must have worked in many organizations – surely, you mean all his years of working elsewhere, he hasn’t bought vehicles of his own. One thing is clear though – he is only after his tummy (bell) being well rather than UNZA itself. This is the ultimate PF philosophy that many Zambian fools voted for. The guy doesn’t care about UNZA, but only concerned about his entitlements being met – with this mentality, he will surely take UNZA no where – probably by the time he leaves, UNZA might even be worse off than he found it.

    • @Storyteller
      And you think that is cheap to the company…. handing them a loan at 0% APR at discounted price for depreciating asset yet the company is paying the Toyota /Jeep/ Land Rover dealer upfront.
      Why dont they simply send their director’s to the nearest bank…lets see what they will say to that?

    • @jay Jay, you are out of touch with reality… It’s happening in Africa, even poor organizations like African Union are doing it on a large scale… you have been cleaning toilets for too long in the diaspora so you have lost touch with happenings back home

    • @Storyteller
      African Union is funded in a completely different way more like the UN, these are international organisations…how one can compare that to UNZA is beyond me and speaks volumes about yourself. You are blessed today with internet as you post BUT you young ones completely ignore this knowledge at your finger tips and would rather make complete imbeciles of yourselves by posting claptrap.
      Its now 2017 and you still think people are still cleaning toilets in diaspora…really laughable …if that comforts you; continue with your delusions as you sip your chibuku shaky shaky.
      Wake up from your folly and your silliness!!

  19. He should tell Zambians the importance of going to school and becoming a professor and starting to put his priorities upside down. Will uneducated Zambian admire such kind of a professor??

    • Zambia is full of educated foools…look at what happened at ZRL with Prof. Chriwa and the ZRL Board.. the real losers from that debacle are the Zambian people!!

  20. It was said might be his entitlement and has cleared the suspicion from UNZA Unions.
    Trouble is few care to find out what is contained in the VC contract.
    PF should not continue to victimise professionals they want to employ in the first place, as you did with Professor Clive Chirwa.

  21. Can we plz comment on the issue at hand…! How does Pf or Lungu come into this..? Most of u, put in the same post would do the same if not worse…! Lets change our mind set as Zambians if we are to develop..! Lets first do away with these colonial civil service inherited entitlements and bring fairly equally favourable incentives..!

    • @Munene – UNZA is a Public institution funded by tax payers…the same taxpayers who pay those numerous luxury allowances to Lazy Lungu and his ministers, do you not see the correlation here? Did you not browse through the Auditor General’s Report?

  22. If younza can afford to buy a car at more than 1m then it cannot fail to meet its obligations including free tuition to all students.

  23. Just to divert : Malawi police have surrounded the building where a major media company is housed. People here were giving praises to the Malawian justice system after a judge granted an injunction against a minister.

  24. Hehehe, go to management car park for UNZA or CBU; you will see brand new cars. A deputy VC at CBU has had a Prado for many years now. The mentality is that for as long as I am in management, I will procure anything I cannot afford from my own sources. These cars are maintained by the University; besides, they tend to be technically depreciated just in time to get sold off to the holder when their term ends!! In developed countries, your pay is all you get; the rest you need to sort yourself. Many professors cycle to work; and they hold very high positions in Universities. Its a curse of a Zedian.

  25. With his education he deserves that car.should only ministers with the grade 12 certificate be the only ones to drive expensive cars?

  26. Zesco, please we have lost power yet again as usual in Kabangwe and surrounding areas. We stayed for two days without power not long ago. And even if we report to call center now, they will come tomorrow, very bad attitude

  27. Breaking news kambwili survives assassination attempt in road accident master minded by pf secret intelligence. #Lungumustgo

  28. This man was hired by Emmanuel Mwamba here in South Africa to go and run UNZA as a token of appreciation for his contribution in the rigging plan.On that day,i posted here on Lusaka Times that this is just another typical PF cadre,pretending to be a professor.And you people did not listen to me!here it is now……you ve witnessed it.By the way,this is just the beginning,wait until his companies take over supplier tenders at UNZA,when his starts building his properties.It is very true that its his entitlement,yes u agree,cos he was part of the Emmanuel Mwamba Rigging Plan.

  29. The president of University College Dublin, one of the most prestigious Universities in the world come for work on a bicycle and this applies to so many profs and docs in this global institution.The only official vehicles the University owns are university police cars.The university runs so smooth and both students and lecturers fly around the globe excuting official duties effectively. Visit this college and find out how it is prosperous without VX car for the president who always looks happy on a bicycle. UCD is now enganged into building 100 000 000 Euros worth students residences for the year 2017. The money is generated by the University.I recommend you visit such institutions and Learn from them or remain in that greedy atmosphere forever. Someone to take a bitter pill and Zambia…

    • They would never learn from such great institutions. To them, now is the time, so we need to take as much as we can even if the institution collapses.

    • White priests used to cycle to church and live among their flocks in townships. ZAMBIAN priests demand 4 x 4s and reside in high cost areas. It’s typical of us.

  30. When Prof Mumba’s son was getting married in Pretoria, Emmanuel Mwamba was the guest of honour. That’s when the plan was hatched to hire Mumba. So it’s not surprising that this VC has gone on a spending spree. He thinks he is connected to ECL.

  31. Politicians have set a very bad precedent in this country no wonder every Jim and Jack will plunder at an opportunity. You have an institution struggling and you can allow for such mediocrity. The vice chancellor is not in that institution to serve but to reap as much as he can unfortunately. It is a pity that he is taking advantage of a failing university to make himself comfortable. Where are the ethics in this man called a professor really? Then you wonder why the country is poor and crime is high 😀 !

  32. Being a third world country does not mean every one should drive cheap cars like yours. They are only 3 Public Universities in Zambia with 3 vice- Chancellors respectively. Surely what do expect them to drive with their enormous achievements? These are VIPs in society, they are a source of inspiration and an example of achievers to the youth. Most of you losers don’t know what it takes to be Prof/doc or VC. You reap what you soul. If I had such Powers I can buy them the latest SUV Benz (G-Wagon) not even Toyota Prado.

    • Absolutely, I would do that as well; except I would use my own money, not that of an organisation I work for!! As a professor, I would concentrate on offering public lectures, and research output that could inspire generations; and help solve societal problems; ooh, in addition to driving my own lovely car.

  33. This ***** deserves to be shot! Amidst such funding woes the institution is going through, that’s when the SOB thinks it’s time to santa klaus himself with such expensive auto wheels at such a colossal opportunity cost to the nation! And the president, minister and UNZA council are standing akimbo, watching. Butoto bukenezi naha sha!

    • i over 100% agree with you, these are the same professors who were on pro simukanga and prof mutale, pushing them over and around telling them that they were mismanaging the institution. they are given an opportunity they are extravagant and worse. you can be entitled but you have took at the context or the situ at hand and also the morality of the action. surely UNZA has been in financial problems as ably highlighted, should yu go for the maximum entitlement? you can still get a good executive vehicle at half the price you spent Prof Mumba. think of others too. if u bought an executive vehicle say for K500,000; the other money yu can clear 3/4 of your juniors in retirement benefits. may God help us at UNZA

  34. Educated fool.

    This so called “Professor” cant apply simple commom sense and basic kogic thinking..

    Is it coz hez copying fro hopeless Chakokwa Edward ,

  35. Befitting his status, you say. So the status measured by the size of a car?
    I think that all the vehicles should be sold (Cost insurance duty and freight) to the users and the money be taken from their benefits and salaries (no salary adjustment). Then we will see what cars these army worms and locusts will drive.

  36. One only has to see the dilapidation of staff houses and roads in Handsworth where Professor Mumba lives to understand how self-centered and insensitive to the plight of others this professor is. Add to that the fact that the Commonwealth Youth Centre has an open sewer line that generates a strong stench which inhabitants of Handsworth living near the Commonwealth Youth Center and Marshlands have to endure.

  37. LT, what is the rubbish you have attached at the end of the article for? No one can read the blurred letter, please just don’t attach if you can not reproduce it with quality. And not 1 of your so called bloggers sees anything wrong with that? Zambia = substandard.

  38. Yes he’s entitled to that expensive vehicle as the boss of UNZA but then also the retired workers are entitled to be paid their benefits in good time(before they die of depression).Infact in an economy such as ours this government should have been buying second hand vehicles


  40. If indeed we have credible leaders, let this dimwit be retired with emmdiate effect! … This is recklessness. He chairs the council that determines the price of his vehicle????? WTF is wrong with us Zambians. Am sure that same council even seats and gets sitting their A$$ allowances! What a shame. Buys these fools standard vehicles at no more than K200,000.00. Infact start by removing this car loan bull crap starting from Ministers and MPs right down to all GRZ institutions! sha!

  41. Gents I am non partisan but we should learn to drop the blame culture, it was only a few weeks ago when Trump cancelled the multi billion dollars contract with Boeing to manufacture a new Airforce 1. And there was a protest from some quarters in the USA who complained that CEOs get salaries which are 500 – 600% more than the ordinary workers. But here in Africa, we want our Learned Professor to move in a mini car.
    Europe, you are even boasting about been abroad forgetting that the knowledge you acquired was all the work of the Zambian taxpayers money, if anything you are worse than the Professor because after graduating you ran away from the country which sacrificed its little resources to educate you. The same Professor pumped some knowledge in you.

  42. He is still a yobali at heart, maybe he wants when he goes to these shopping malls, teenage girls to notice him.

  43. Though a lot more people have already commented on the matter, i still feel like adding my opinion to the subject at hand. when recruiting someone, the employer comes up with budget for that position. I do not support wastefulness but what is agreed upon during the time you are recruiting someone must be respected and fulfilled. For this man to leave the job he had, he looked at the package that UNZA were offering. Therefore, the blame should not go to the man but the employers.

  44. One Zambia CEOs get very attractive conditions of service, why? They need to ensure efficiency, adequate management and make profits for the shareholders. Most importantly they are held accountable ie VW scandal emissions scandal, MPs expenses that so resignation. In the west CEOs/MDs actually use public transport ie Trains not $100,000+ cars. In which department can they claim that’s a necessary expense? Please spare us

  45. Sorry Professor, but cant you see that the issue is not about you being entitled or not .It is about the ability of UNZA to afford such a vehicle now among the numerous urgent and competing needs at UNZA. Surely you should have first improved the financial position at UNZA before thinking about Prados. As it is you are milking a dying cow.Shame on you!

  46. You may be entitled to such conditions but morally speaking it is not right. Infact from the biblical point of view, this is defined as greed. You should have sorted out the dues of your employees before buying such an expensive car. The biggest problem we have is that people are full of education in the head but no reality in the heart.

  47. He is the chair of the same University council that sets these conditions. Why couldn’t he have suggested changes – starting with his own conditions?

  48. If Zambia could have less people of “One Zambia’s” caliber and thinking, probably the country’s economy would improve.

  49. A white man can wear and walk in worn out khaki shorts and nobody will bother .But when a Black ZAMBIAN walks in the same attire everyone will say the guy napena. So for us not to be mixed with the “scum ” we must carry a status symbol that goes with the magnitude of our jobs.

  50. so what all this halobalo about professors in Zambia last time it was Clive Chirwa,most recent Kandu luo,and now this so called Professr Mumba at Unza.if they is a club of these professors in Zed what similarities could you draw?

  51. Going through the posting above it is interesting to note that most people supporting the move by the chancellor use his position and power of negotiation as an excuse for his abuse of said authority.
    I note that people are posting that the man deserves to abuse the institution because he is learned.
    This is the sad mentality of thug based thinking. Get a position so that you can abuse the position because you are entitled some how bt virtue of the position to abuse it.
    This is seen as well with politicians like Kambwili, GBM and others. They believe that national positions are like ntemba’s to be abused

  52. My big questions to the backers of this strange situation:
    1. For those of you that are parents or guardians of younger girls and boys in your homes. Why don’t you have se xual intercourse with them. After all you feed them, clothe them and pay their bills? Would you say that it’s against the order of nature or that you have a social responsibility as a steward and moral guide?
    2. When you are asked to take your kids to town to shop for uniforms and pay school fees, why don’t you just go in a suit shop and buy yourself an expensive suit and damn your kids future? It’s your money, is it not?
    The post Chiluba civil service is a cesspool of greed and corruption. Now people are shamelessly taking public funds for self aggrandisement. Academics have become vultures and destroyers of…

  53. With all authority, comes responsibility. Social services have a higher responsibility than others. Health and education are responsible for shaping or deforming a country’s future.
    If the VC was wanking in the privacy of hos home or getting a blowie from his wife, that his own issue.
    When he decides to take office money and pay for a blow job at the expense of others, then he’s ready to be sacked. Even if his conditions of service allow him full service from a prosti tute every Friday.
    If the doctors at UTH decide that because the endured 7 years at UTH and 5 years interning, they should be entitled to massage with a happy ending. Then they are fukcing with you money and your life.
    This muther freakin VC is doing both. If he has mid life issues. Let him get a loan and go buy a…

  54. I think there is something terribly wrong with black African people. Now I understand that the problem is not lack of education, It’s something no one may not understand especially that education has been eliminated by this Prof. vice chancellor, That’s the reason we have so many prophet who are taking advantage of this mystery to make fortunes.

  55. When you have people entrusted to run Institutions on our behalf and they come up with such nonsense of “entitlement” when financial distress has already been issued for same organization – then that person is not fit to be heading that institution. How do you sit with the disgruntled lecturers that have not been paid their rightful entitlement “a salary for service rendered” when the know that the money you squandered on a vehicle for yourself could have paid at least 3 months wage bill.
    The Head of State has sacrificed his own salary by 50% and given it to his own chosen good causes. Am not saying this is what everyone should do but seriously a saloon car for a fraction of the amount spent on the GX could have sufficed. This professor must be fired

  56. everything have been said. Bwana Mumba, you and your kind are a disgrace to humanity. So you think it is okay for you to be bought an expensive car just because it is your entitlement, while your staff go without pay? God will punish you.

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