Friday, October 18, 2024

African leaders resolve to deal with causes of conflicts on the continent


Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba
Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba
African Leaders have resolved to deal with the causes of conflict and instability on the continent at the just ended Africa-France Summit in Bamako, Mali.

They have noted that conflicts have continued to gobble huge resources which could be channelled to other key economic development of the continent.

And Minister of Foreign Affairs Harry Kalaba reiterated that Africa needs to address issues causing conflicts and instability in order realise its dream of becoming a peaceful and prosperous continent by 2063.

Mr. Kalaba, who represented President Edgar Lungu at the summit , has since described the just ended Africa-France Summit in Bamako, Mali as a success.

Speaking to journalists shortly before departure to Zambia, Mr. Kalaba said that the leaders reaffirmed their commitment to enhance efforts of addressing poverty on the continent.

Mr. Kalaba also said the summit called for collective action against trafficking of human beings, migrants and drugs in order to dry up illicit financing of terrorism.

Zambian Ambassador to France Humphrey Chibanda and senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also attended the summit.

This is according to a statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Public Relations Officer, Dorcas Chileshe.


  1. Waste of time and resources. Complete wastage of government resources. I have never seen such a continent. The white man was right, dark continent indeed, very dark

    • Conflict in Africa will never end as long as we have selfish crooks like Lungu who want to cling to power and steal as much as possible.

  2. White people don’t care about the poor in Africa. Their motto is loot African resources while making the government leader’s happy with allowances made on conferences.

  3. As long as you keep accepting failures like lungu to steal elections and take you for a ride then you will not solve a single thing. You are all cursed to be so naive as to think you can solve the African dilemma using the same failed dogs in power. We need a revolution on this continent. Until then we will wait for nature to slowly get rid of us less leaders like lungu through death. #Lungu must go

  4. That meeting also discussed conflicts airising from Disputed Elections. Gambia was discussed and ECOWAS and AU have agreed to support President Elect, Adama Barrow who will be sworn in on 19th January 2017as the Legitimate President of Gambia. Once President Adama Barrow is sworn in AU,ECOWAS,UN,EU and Western govts will cease recognising Yahya Jammeh as the President of Gambia. Illegitimate Lungu should take an interest in events in Gambia this coming week. Once the Election Dispute in Gambia is resolved attention will shift to Zambia’s own Election Dispute.The fact that 4 months after the 2016 Elections the UPND Presidential Petition has not been heard and disposed off will become a topical issue in SADC,AU,ECOWAS & UN circles. Without hearing and disposing off the Petition, Lungu…

  5. Kalaba should be honest and tell the Nation that the Gambia Election Dispute was a hot issue at the Meeting. Given Lungu’s illegitimacy who did Kalaba support between President Elect ,Adama Barrow and President Yahya Jammeh? That meeting resolved to recognize President Adama Barrow once he is sworn in. The AU has decided to cease recognising Jammeh on 19th January 2017 and recognize President Adama Barrow. Kalaba is not telling the Nation becoz of his Boss’s illegitimacy. The UPND Petition which has not been heard and disposed off in Court will be on Agendas of SADC and AU. Lungu better brace for the Petition crisis going forward. After Jammeh is gone illegitimate Lungu and Kabila of DRC will be on the Agendas of SADC & AU.

  6. Zambia has always been known, globally as a peaceful nation until Bozo became President. How on earth can a nation have the likes of Bozo for a President expect the country to prosper? Foreign affairs minister…Kalaba, Koma muzambia awe sure!!

  7. why did lungu doge this summit, is it that he is also like gambia ‘s illegitimate president ,he thought he is going to be on the agenda hence the I know vasco dagama well,he likes flying from one country to another he would have been in attendance but hey it was him being talked hence the dogging. if the agenda of the summit was different he would have gone to attend but it was all about election thieves and dictators who impose themselves on

  8. Zambia’s election dispute should have placed as priority as well. The insitutions should have demanded detail from both UPND and PF to assess who legitmately won the 2016 election. We want the truth and demand the truth

  9. Kalaba is not telling the truth. One of the issues causing conflicts and instability in Africa and discussed at the Summit is Election Disputes. This issue was topical becoz of the Gambia Election Dispute. Kalaba is not telling us about the Gambian Election Dispute becoz Lungu and Zambia have their own Election Dispute following the disputed 2016 Elections. Lungu avoided the Summit becoz he knew that his own Election Theft and the UPND Presidential Petition would be discussed at the Summit. On Gambia the Summit resolved that they will stand with the People of Gambia and Adama Barrow the declared Winner of the December 1,2016 Election. The AU and ECOWAS decided that on 19th January 2017 they will cease recognising President Jammeh when his 5 Year Term expires and Mr Adama Barrow will be…

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  11. Kalaba should tell Zambian s what the France-Africa Summit on the following:
    1. The Gambia Election Dispute
    2. The Zambian Election Dispute and the status of the UPND Petition.
    3. The Election Dispute in DRC
    What did the Summit resolve on these three issues and what is Zambia’s stance on these 3 topical issues. Kalaba should tell the Nation about Real issues instead daydreaming about Elections in 2021. Fix the Petition,Fix the Economy and Fix PF.

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