A war of words has erupted between opposition FDD leader Edith Nawakwi and UPND’s National Women Chairperson for Women Namakau Kabwiku.
Ms Kabwiku has angrily reacted to the claims that her Party (UPND) is making it difficult for the PF to govern due to their continued refusal to accept the out come of the 2016 elections.
Ms Kabwiku described the only female candidate in the 2016 elections as an embarrassment to female politicians.
Below is the full statement as issued be the UPND.
It is so sad that a woman running for public office like Edith Nawakwi with all her experience can sink so low and claim that the Patriotic Front(PF) government has failed to govern because UPND has drugged the ruling party to the constitutional court.
With due respect am compelled to start looking for a reason as to why a person who served as finance minister and having a dream to become first woman President for this country can stop thinking and tell the nation that the Patriotic Front Government is failing to govern because UPND has taken them to court.
Mawee(woe) Madam Nawakwi what is behind such thinking, Are you looking for a contract or what? for you to ignore the plight of Zambians and speak on behalf of the ruling party.
Surely Does President Lungu and his cabinet sit in court everyday or even just once for you to utter such a statement.
Such irresponsible statements are what makes people judge women leaders wrongly in politics.
As a woman you are supposed to be concerned about the high cost of living , inadequate safe and quality drinking water, the tu Dununa reverse worms which have led to most farmers replanting, issues making life difficult and not the PF government.
Please, Nawakwi, if you have failed in politics .You are not dull, be a woman we have always appreciated in providing checks and balances for the suffering womenfolk under Edgar Lungu’s leadership.
Madam Nawakwi sure is it UPND court cases that are causing delay in the delivery of farming inputs to farmers ?
declining economy
army Dununa reverse worms
corruption in awarding government contracts
poor drainages
high cost of mealie meal
PF internal wrangles
Malawi maize deal?
Is it UPND which is telling cadres to share land illegally and run bus stations and markets ?
I wish to call upon Edith Nawakwi to grow in politics and ensure FDD grows its numbers than reducing herself to a PF cadre.
UPND is a big party with a direction to drive this country. If Nawakwi is hungry, the door is open for her to ditch FDD and join PF which she now feels can do better that her party if it was not taken to court.
In case Nawakwi is blind to reality, let her ask Chishimba Kambwili and Kelvin Bwalya Fube who Edgar Lungu she is speaking for is.
Deep down Nawakwi knows that PF has no capacity to run the economy and its leadership is the cause of the brutal economy Zambians are facing today.
Lwakupa) we are begging you to be realistic and serve the Zambian people struggling to live a descent life.
issued by
Namakau Kabwiku
UPND National Chairperson for women
why attacking your fellow woman. Should have left this statement to be issued by HH himself instead of disgracing yourself.
I have just read from Zambia Reports that HH feted hundreds of UNZA graduates at his residence. The report also mentioned that those graduates were beneficiaries of support, not very clear what type of support, but I thought could be scholarships. How I wish LT could cover that kind of news as well. Anyone providing that kind of support to the youth of Zambia should be commended. Politics aside.
Tamwaba nefisuma ba Max. You wanted HH to comment so that you dissect him right? She said UPND and not HH alone, so people from UPND can comment.
It’s true that PF’s failure to run this nation has nothing to do with the court case. That is a Human rights case and not a Presidential petition as some are portraying it to be. ECL is in no danger of being removed. PF is in no danger of being removed. NOTHING will happen even if UPND won. This will just set a precedent for future elections.
People MUST be told the truth by leaders and not lied to because someone wants to fatten their pockets.
No. I disagree.
This is inducement. If HH became President, how far can his money go to ‘feting’ graduates or supporting them? This is what breeds corruption because there is no such thing as a ‘free lunch.’ If anyone of these students were in a position in future to arrest HH, they would not do so because of the katumbuwa they ate at his house.
Dear Anko Charles. Kindly read the full story on Zambia Reports. From what I read HH was feting those graduates who he or the UPND had been sponsoring at UNZA. The feting was to celebrate their achievements. What interested me is that they were hundreds of them. I still wish LT could kindly bring out the details of that story. Sponsoring 100s of young people through University education is not a small thing Uncle Charles (Anko Chalesi). But as i said earlier let the journalists give us the details. .perhaps I misread the story.
Nawakwi was such an inspiration through her years in govt & her stance on FTJ’s third term bid. But since the ill fated UDA she’s made erratic decisions & statements. Its difficult to tell where she stands on most issues.
UPND has a misplaced stance.
It is an illusioned stance.
UPND members have a very strong personality, otherwise if they did not they would feel very embarrassed about their behaviour.
Wapya Munzi! Nawakwi described herself to some Americans that she was the Hilary Clinton of Zambia…..
The lady above is not a caliber that should argue with the President.
You are simply stupid @max. That’s all I can say. Utter foolishness. Ma rubbish bati!
Edith Nawakwi is really a failed politician who at one time many thought was a voice to the voiceless women in the country. Sure she must be doing checks and balances instead of indirectly soliciting for a job from Edgar Lungu. Let her deal with her own party problem.
I assume you would also call somebody who has lost elections 5 times a failed politician?
Nawakwi has been being fired a job from PF since accompanying Satan to Brazil in 2011. Nothing good can come out of her. Mawee! Woe betide her.
Edith nawaki has been bribed by lungu for a long time. She was always attacking UPND as if UPND was in goverment.
Anyone with an analytical mind can see this bribed woman as a time waister in opposition.
Edith is desperately trying to get some financial favours from Lungu. Edith should know that we all have Constitutional Rights to be heard in Court. HH & GBM as Presidential Candidates in the 2016 Election have Constitutional Rights to Petition the Results if they feel there were malpractices in the Election Processes. HH & GBM filed their Petition with Concourt on 19th August 2016 . That Petition has not been heard to date. Our Constitution is very clear. Once the Petition is Noted with Concourt ECZ’s declaration of a Winner is nullified. The Petition has to be heard and determined and a Winner declared by the Court. There is no legal provision to “dismiss” the Petition as Concourt is alleged to have done. After the Petition was successfully filed with Concourt Lungu should have…
Ok this was written by Hic hic and asked chibwiku to sign
And what could be wrong with that? At least he can write something sensible. There are lots of Presidents (Trump and that Ghanaian one) who cannot even write original thoughts of their own.
Dont worry mama nawakwi if you cross over to upnd you will considered exemplary to women. This under 5 after all says your place is in the kitchen he called scot buga opusa but later he said wisdom incarnate so we are used
Would be interesting to see how UPND would defend Kambwili if he was to cross over. Nowadays, would you ever think that GBV ever uttered anything about Tonga oath?
How can she be an embarrassment to women? It has nothing to do with gender. It’s pure politics. On making it difficult for PF, I will not mince words : we have agriculture officers who belong to Upnd tribe who have been putting spanners in the distribution of army worm chemical and other inputs. I’ve seen this attitude by this group and concluded that it’s one of Upnd ‘s “strategies ” to frustrate government.
Change your mental medication….so even the floods are due to UPND caders interfering with the non existent drainage?
I mentioned one specific area and it’s you who have mentioned the drainage. I didn’t mention it which means you’re the one who’s short mental faculties. I gave an example which I have experienced. Like it not it happened to me and I’ll keep on mentioning it.
Ndanje, I am sure you have proof of this and trust me, it borders on national security, food in this case. You will be rewarded for any information that will lead to the arrest of the perpetrators of such a vice.
The risks which can arise out of food insecurity to a nation are high.
If not, you will do well not to utter such allegations without any proof.
People especially civil servants watch out for snitching pf cocoroaches like ndanje in your offices.
@Upnd MP Sorry I am neither PF or a cockroach oh COCOROACH . And for your information I’ve reported this fella not as a cadre but as one who has been inconvenienced. Do admit the obvious.
Ndanje is a PF army worm – inconsequential in stature but destructive nonetheless.
Honestly the reasoning of PF failure to perform as a result of petition doesn’t make sense
Nawakwi is now the PF spin doctor.
It is always women attacking other women. She could have spoken about Nawakwi’s political weaknesses, not bringing her gender into all of this.
The problem we have in Zambia is lack of credible politicians especially those in presidential positions , Nawakwi is riddled with maize scandals , HH is the plunderer of gov’t asserts in the privatisation saga.
I just wonder how people can even call HH a rich man when his riches are based on looting asserts of our nation .
Though these scandal ridden presidents of parties are at the top , yet we have good party leaders at the bottom namely general Miyanda , Chipimo , I fail to understand why Zambians fail to support them to lead our beloved nation.
What are you implying that lungu’s a saint
And Lungu honestly earned K23m in one year as President?
Madam nawakwl y do u always speak on behalf other parties u have very very big mouth ,and this should stop .if u looking for work just go to state house ,they will give work.
In case people have forgotten Nawakwi was the culprit behind the infamous Carlingtongate Scandal during the Chiluba years. Maybe Lungu warned her to start leaking his backside, where it stinks and never shines, lest he revives the case and nails her. Her arrogance though stinks, as minister of Finance in the FTJ cabinet, her husband clobbered her unconscious, for ifikansa, ngambanga or kupusa!
ha Boyfriend Not husband..
Leaking and licking are two different words with different meanings.
Try saying “where the sun doesn’t shine”.
To much vernacular in your thinking.
This is the story that I read about Edith Nawakwi’s comments as reported in Zambia Reports. Where does it say she said PF is failing to deliver because it is being dragged to Court everyday by UPND? The people who are going to starve are the UPND cadres who are wasting time “giving solidarity” at Courts instead of going to the fields. Is there another story that madam Kabwiku is talking about that I missed?
UPND Wasting Time In Court, Says Nawakwi
FDD president Edith Nawakwi has resumed her wars with the opposition UPND by saying that they should come to terms with the fact that they lost the August 11 elections.
Nawakwi has a frosty relationship with UPND president Hakainde Hichilema after their failed marriage in the botched United Democratic Alliance in 2006.
The duo…
And thats what i was hopping LT would do. quote or bring out what our lady Nawakwi said but too much to expect from the journalists of today.
What this bunch of upnd fails to comprehend is the fact that being in opposition does not mean hatred towards everything the ruling class does NO. no wonder people still classify you as under 5 party. There are times to politic and times to work and thats what differentiates FDD from these under 5 parties.
LT give us the extract of what Nawakwi said otherwise this will go down as one of the many irrational reactions from one Ms Kabwiku and shes full of them!
Edith Nawakwi is an opportunist, a sell out and money grabber. The Petition is not just about UPND its about reforming our Electoral Institutions like ECZ,Concourt,ZRP etc. There is no point in voting in 2021 unless ECZ and Concourt are reformed becoz Lungu will rig the Election as he has done in 2015 and 2016. Essau Chulu,Peiscilla Isaac,ECZ Commissioners must be replaced and the Three Musketeer and Night must go for Voters to have any confidence in ECZ and Concourt. The Petition Hearing will expose how Lungu,Chulu and RB rigged the Election in 2016. These Electoral Institutions need reforms and Capacity Building. Edith is seeking some relevance and financial assistance from Lungu. HH and GBM must push and stand firm until the Petition is properly heard and disposed off.
Edith Nawakwi is an opportunist, a sell out and money grabber. The Petition is not just about UPND its about reforming our Electoral Institutions like ECZ,Concourt,ZRP etc. There is no point in voting in 2021 unless ECZ and Concourt are reformed becoz Lungu will rig the Election as he has done in 2015 and 2016. Essau Chulu,Peiscilla Isaac,ECZ Commissioners must be replaced and the Three Musketeer and Night must go for Voters to have any confidence in ECZ and Concourt. The Petition Hearing will expose how Lungu,Chulu and RB rigged the Election in 2016. These Electoral Institutions need reforms and Capacity Building. Edith is seeking some relevance and financial assistance from Lungu. HH and GBM must push and stand firm until the Petition is properly heard and disposed off.
Proof positive UPND has lost purpose and direction in their eternal dysfunctional theory of Disruption as effective Opposition. This rumbling rhetoric is self defeating as it proves to sensible citizens the loss of direction of UPND. Honestly, this far out of the just ended election period, people are still holding out for realistic resolution out of ‘going nowhere’ court cases?
She’s right in one thing, Nawakwi is wasting her time commenting on eternal losers.
OK mpombolistic English, just use pidgin English iwe.
@Patriot. Is not you who lost direction a long time ago by always siding with lies. Your hatred for certain sections of the Zambian society is blinding you and that is how you lost direction. Get it bwana that UPND means business and we will not just live your chakolwa like that. The day of reckoning will come.
@ Chando 17 is right beyond any trace of doubt. It is impossible to hold free and fair elections in Zambia under Lungu with ECZ in its current make with people like like Priscilla Isaac, judges like Essau Chulu, some Concourt judges, ECZ commissioners and Zambia police controlled by PF cadres. The elections in 2016 were rigged and stolen an appeal before the courts of law were denied to Zambians under our judicial system. The confidence in our courts is diminished. An effective judicial system directs the process of justice in the matter in before it and see it to its logical conclusion. A Judicial system does not set snares for grieved party/parties before it to fall into and thereafter claim justice has been accomplished. Justice has to be seen and not only heard. The 2021 elections…
What’s the name again, Namakau Donkey Kabwiku? Just look at her, and the UPNDonkey female thinks that she is smarter than Nawakwi. My God its a tragedy to be a UPNDonkey, you simply do not have to think, just hiho hiho hiho the name of HH and you have done your work.
So the UNZA students that HH feted are the ones that he recruited and sponsored to create disturbances before abd during the elections. As usual the underfive thinking did not work, and you can see the frustration in HH.
Yep these were his stooges all from southern province drawn from all villages to induce votes from chiefs and their subjects and it worked wonders 90% a janza except dundumewzi who saw through the goon
TERRIBLE the journalist is back obviously he can use a dictionary because he can spell DONKEY and hihohiho….TERRIBLE its heehaw heehaw. Have you ever met a DONKEY
When Mbumba za Hichilema speak, nothing comes out except sour grapes. Nawakwi has spoken wisdom and maturity. Take it or leave UPND is headed for another resounding defeat, even if your cadres display HH’ s portrait in their shops instead of ECL’s. You will swallow your words. Last time she told HH that there was no Party called UDF, he threatened to beat her and shortly thereafter the alliance of UNIP, UPND and FDD disintegrated. He blamed Nawakwi for having lost the 2006 election
Bitterness is poison! There is too much poison in our politicians today. Even Edith is bitter after losing many times! Please give chance to others in FDD like Antonio Mwanza! The young man is very articulate and can give FDD a better chance to govern.
Nawakwi has been a useless opposition PF cadre for a long time. And what she has said shows how dull she has become.
I am PF but aware that FDD’s fortunes have dwindled and they want to side with us to gain some traction. Sorry we don’t have room
Upnd woman should consider being asexual in her comments. Bringing Nawakwis female nature into her comment brings your female cause into disrepute.
This statement was not written by Kabwiku, she has no capacity to put even one sentence together, let alone a full statement. I see HH all over the document. Losers!
Like someone has already said, if Edith flatters HH, Upnd will call her the greatest woman in ZAMBIAN politics.
This woman whatever her name is a big embarrassment herself.
@wary. Her name is Nawakwi.
@Daniel, maybe he means Namakau Kabwiku.
Nawakwi is just trying to be objective. I have observed Nawakwi develop into a more constructive and articulate politician, unlike the stone-throwing militant some people want her to be. Here is the thing and it is for all politicians and followers to seriously consider, there is a lack of strategy in the politicians of today because they spend all their time trying to get to or maintain the position of Plot 1 (President). By the time they secure it they are deflated and devoid of ideas.
First President has outlived all that came after him because though not perfect (as you would expect with any man or woman) he was motivated by a vision. All who came after him have lacked what is in him. We are not trying to wind the clock back but we can build on his legacy. He is still around so we…
Are you talking about KK? Stop right there, that man is the one who has brought us to this misery we are suffering. How can you even conceive that evil idea that we emulate him, do you know how many people he killed and how his Shushuushuus covered the Country in numbers to pick up whatever anyone was saying and how they whisked away innocent people who were tortured and killed. You must have been born in the nineties
JK, I agree the Shushushus were oppressive. However, I did mention that just like anyone including yourself, KK is not perfect. But there are surely a number of things he left that we can build upon. As for when I was born, well let us not digress from the issue at hand but I can assure you that I have personal experience of pre-independence and post-independence life. KK has been gone for so many years, long enough for serious people to make headway. We will not move on as long as we keep looking for someone to blame. Look at privatisation of the mines for example. A very unwise decision. KK nationalised the mines but the managers became corrupt. We have many Zambians that could run the mines at a profit but most of them have a culture of abusing their positions for personal gain. These…
The earlier UPND realize that they are wasting time with these court matters the better as pipe will begin to consider them sane. Otherwise the whole issue has connotations of madness and bad judgement
Surely UPND, can u blame PF for army worm attacks? No wonder HH will never rule this country.
Forget about Nawakwi. She is another road show prostitute,the likes of Dora Siliya.She has been soliciting money from PF for her third term bid. They are all clitorious itching puppets.
I cannot agree more with the UPND Chair lady, she has said it all, Nawakwi and Dan Pule and his three friends are not only a disgrace to the opposition parties, but also a danger to democracy. Nifingwele fye ifi.
@ Chilankalipa, I too totally agree that some of these opposition parties have completely failed and are now trying to warm towards the ruling party so they can be given jobs–what a shame. They are so shameless, have lost all decency, ‘ni sebana wikute’. Because Can you imagine 4 opposition party leaders urging the Concourt to declare that Lungu is legible to stand in 2021 when that’s not the case. That’s desperation at its height
Nawakwi is looking for a job from Lungu. She also has hatred for HH. Zambian politics has changed, Politians only fight for their belly and not to serve the people who voted for them. Why be in opposition if you are always siding with the ruling party? I thought you are in opposition for checks and balances.
Mm ati Ms Kabwiku widow or never married before?
@Upnd MP, I am not PF or that misspelled thing you have called me.The guy in question has already been reported.
Edith Nawakwi and Elias Chipimo jr got jobs from late Michael Sata, remember were part of visit to Brazil. Job under Yedigar Lungu has delayed beyond her belief that has turned her into ‘chipante-pante’.
This explain why Zambia is not yet ready for a Lady president. Look at how they tear each other apart. True reasonable and politically mature women in Zambia are very very few in our country. The men go to court and leave space for their colleagues but this one,! they would tear each other apart until the country comes to a stand still. Let them be confined to chairpersons of women’s in their respective parties?
The UPND lady Namakau Kabwiku is way out of line.
Doesn’t she know that asking Edith Nawakwi to practice moral politics is like asking the hyena to guard your chickens – you are asking for too much! Nawakwi has absolutely no morals, both in her private and public life. Where is the Carlington Maize Scandal? Who installed a 24-carat Gold bath-tub in her Ministerial House when she was Minister of Energy? Those talking about Nawakwi as if she is a Goddess falling from Grace do NOT know her – in fact, she has always been desperate, irrational, immoral, tragic case of a politician all her life.
Ma upnd is full of bitter animals, the problem is that we easily forget…HH dribbled Nawakwi in a pact in 15-13 years ago, this is the reason why Nawakwi can’t work with the de.vil worshipper besides even if you call are names she is more intelligent than kalusa, some of these sa.tanic party are hell burnt.
@kobili and the scandals kalusa is involved in during privatisation! Ask kalusa to explain his wealth! It’s foolishness to condemned Nawakwi when kalusa has done a lot more damaging things then Nawakwi…
Yayaya!!!! Up N Down. We are tired of your rhetoric. Are you telling us that the Army Worms have been caused by PF in Government? Very shallow thinking. It may be true that elections may have been rigged in certain quarters as some places like the three provinces recorded almost 100% Voter turnout whereas in the seven provinces had recorded almost 50% and below as voter turnout. Now, the question is; Which side was the suspected Master Rigger belong? Could it be possible for the three provinces to record such a higher Voter turnout? Also, why was the so called crack squard, Mwalitetas and group intercepting electoral officers? I personally can smell a rat here. The rest, you can judge by yourself.
If one on earth still wonders why HH lose elections,then the above article confirms why!!!SURELY CAN A NORMAL PERSON SAY ITS PF WHICH BROUGH ARMY WORMS?LOAD SHEDDING,ETC?this is pure madness from upnd.so upnd think voters would hate PF as being the ones who brought army worms?kkkkkkkkkkkkk-amazing!!so with hh in state house,we could have not faced army worms or load shedding when mmd spent 20yrs minus investing in power generation?PLEASE UPND GO INTO 2021 ELECTIONS WITH SAME REASONING AND YOU WILL SEE IF YOU WILL WIN!!!LIES OR FAKE CRITICS WILL NEVER MAKE HH REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT!!!!
Nothing good can come out of UPND’s foul mouths. Vizalusa Hagain.
Nawakwi is just saying the plain truth, showing her massive experience about how government is run and must operate! UPND as usual out of so much hate for Edgar and PF! UPND are just waisting their resources and money going to court, because they are actually the real riggers of the 2016 elections! How do they surely want to convince us that they can rule Zambia by falsely winning in 3 provinces, out of 10? With Dundumwezi having 25,000 more voters than those registered! Even in most other areas where they tutored the results!
Anyone criticising PF then you are a hater! You PF cadres what do you use for thinking? When Rupiah Banda left government: Mealie-meal was K45; Kwacha-to-Dollar was around K7.50; Petrol was lower than K8.00
Now PF comes into power: Mealie-meal is at K90 – cheapest price; Kwacha-to-dollar is K10; Petrol = K12.60.
And you want to tell me that if I complain then I hate your stupid PF party? I’m not as dim-witted as you who wants to keep supporting somebody who is enjoying a 5-star lifestyle while you wallow in poverty and daily hunger. If you want to die poor, please go ahead and help yourself — but I’m not dying with you. Lungu and PF must work hard to take things where they found them when MMD left office. In a private company PF and its Lungu would have been fired long-time ago for…
No wonder PF now are crawling back to MMD for ideas. PF has completely no ideas how to lead this country. They have now resorted to running back to Rupiah Banda. Then, let us just bring back Rupiah Banda, or even better bring fresh blood like HH. This country is not a ka-ntemba; if somebody is not performing he must leave office. I don’t care who won elections last year, I don’t eat somebody’s win, I eat food. Lungu’s win is meaningless if he keeps making things worse. If by 2021 the economic situation remains as bad as it is, this country will run into civil strife if PF and its cadres will want to steal votes again. Those that want to continue dying in poverty for somebody who is enjoying will be allowed to do so; the rest of us ho want progress will not allow the situation to go on…
Nawakwi sold out. Sold herself to the highets bidder (PF) to do their bidding. I’m so over her. can FDD have their convention already so that we move on.
Time to provide checks balances, madam yes, but stop the squabbles, settle down and provide these checks and balances constructively. Five months after election and all you are loaded with are bitter retrogressive utterances. Nawakwi has noticed, you are bent on wanting power to your self and not on building the national economy. It’s shameful.