Wednesday, January 29, 2025

ACC is being used by people who hated FTJ, it should be dissolved-Chileshe


Late Former President FTJ Chiluba
Late Former President FTJ Chiluba
PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu should fire some of the officers or dissolve the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) for being used by the cartel to continue pursuing late republican president Frederick Chiluba even after his death, Patriotic Front (PF) member Mubanga Chileshe has demanded.

Mr Chileshe has charged that it was unfair and morally wrong for the ACC to continue being used by the cartel to confiscate Dr Chiluba’s assets even after his death.

He said some people who were bitter about Chiluba still harbour hatred for him even through he was no more.

In an interview with the Daily Nation, Mr Chileshe said the cartel through ACC had only opened a Pandora’s box and it must be thoroughly investigated.

“The most painful thing is if you look at the Audior General’s report, how many people have been mentioned but are still working? Nobody has been suspended, nobody has been taken to court.

“But FTJ must be pursued even after his death; yet from the time of Mwanawasa people have been mentioned in the Auditor General’s report. So what is so special about Chiluba that he should be pursued even after he has died or even bring back his discussion even after his death?” Mr Chileshe said.

He said the issue of president Chiluba must come to an end and the ACC must own up.

“I am challenging the President to actually fire (some of the officers) or dissolve the ACC and bring in credible people.

“The President has issued a statement that there is a lot of stealing in Government but which people has ACC taken to court? Which people are they pursuing seriously right now? They have not arrested anyone and people are quiet in this country,” Mr Chileshe said.

He said Dr Chiluba was a ‘‘defenceless person in a defenceless status’’.

“So let the President act on this matter and bring in credibility in the ACC and we are demanding that late president Chiluba be honoured, not in the village.

“He should be honoured like the way they have honoured other presidents. We cannot go and call a school in the village after him and yet his successor has been called Levy Mwanawasa Stadium and Levy Mwanawasa Hospital,” he said.

Mr Chileshe said he expected Government to have named the Society Business Park after the father of democracy “FTJ Business Park”.

He said it was like some people never wanted the Chiluba’s name to be remembered, adding that it was a sad state of affairs.


  1. I have to admit, even as much as I disliked that man for firing my father, I am grateful for the sale of government houses to sitting tenants policy. We benefitted as a family and continue to do so. So for that I will say thank you to him.

    • You should also thank the Zambian people because govt houses were public assets. Yes that was a good policy by Chiluba administration. However his family can’t claim assets which were proceeds of crime.

    • Free jobs are in ACC and ZNS. I don’t understand what they are for. Must be boring to work there, I prefer to go team children social studies.

    • Very useless reasoning. Now you can understand why corruption will never be conquered in this country, surely this is the level of reasoning by someone who masquerades as a law maker? Just because others have committed the crime and have not yet been charged, then Chiluba must be acquitted posthumously?
      Why then are you wasting the poor tax payers’ money in hefty allowances, salaries and gratuities that you draw for making the same laws that you feel should not be applied? Awe kwena ubusushi bulanunka.

    • Be detached when talking about politics. The little asso stole no need to defend him. Just because others have not been brought to books doesn’t mean he should get away with murder literally given the people who died because the country had no money for drugs. Chiluba enriched himself. Same for banda and hh

    • Chileshe! Who ever you are, this is called Karma. Do you remember what Chiluba did to Kaunda? In Kitwe he changed Kaunda square to city square and removed the statue along independence avenue. Just let the law visit him even in his grave.

    • A thief is a thief, whether he’s alive or dead. While FTJ cannot be sent to prison, because of his deceased state, we still have to recover the assets he stole from the Zambian people. Whatever good deeds he may have done, they’ve been overshadowed by his crookedness. In that sense he doesn’t deserve to be honored — sorry Chileshe. And that should be a warning to Lungu, too. If Lungu tolerates corruption, or even participates in it, he too should know that his time will come when he’ll be held accountable by the law. And by the way, does Lungu have the power to dissolve the ACC all by himself? If that’s the case, then parliament should come in quickly to correct that mistake, or some law should be amended somewhere. As long as a president wields such power over the ACC, the…

    • (continued)… Commission can’t be effective. It should be completely independent from the president’s influence, if it’s to have real teeth. As for all the corrupt people mentioned by the Auditor General’s Report, Mr Chileshe, blame that on your president for not doing anything about it. Ask him why he hasn’t done anything about it and let us know what he tells you.

    • The same fate awaits EL! I am told he wants to name everything after himself by force, eg Bwengwa school in Monze I am told will now be Edgar Chagwa Lungu. But don’t worry. That name won’t stick. If Adam who named all the animals were to use the same approach, a dog today would be called Adam…kikiki. A thief is a thief and no one would want their place or institution associated with a name that steals Widows and Orphan’s money. Your sins today become generational curses for your children and grand children. ACC’s work has been made difficult by corrupt statehouse agents. This is the folly of having statehouse as the appointing authority for ACC office bearers. How do they bite?

    • All properties accumulated in criminality should be returned to the long-suffering Zambian citizens.
      It has nothing to do with the criminal who committed the crime is dead or alive.

    • So Nonsensical these cases have been ongoing and this was the conclusion of a long term case. PF has such dunderheads its unbelievable they dont care for posterity…. you a proposing to dissolve ACC for one dead thief ??????

  2. Chiluba disgraced himse4.Honouring the thief will be sending a wrong message.The fact that the thief is dead does not make him deserving of any honour.

    • Some tribes have such low morals that even Nigerians would be shocked. Nigerians are still recovering funds that Sanni Abacha stole 20 years after his death. The is that a thief is always a thief whether walking the streets, or enjoying himself at State House or rotting at Embassy Park. And NO, no national asset should be named after him.

  3. Why not advise the one who is there now. Let the dead bury themselves. Its shameful that an individual could embezzle ludicrous amounts of dollars for personal aggrandizement and pure greed while the masses are wallowing in poverty.If you have seen what has happened in Gambia were a president runs away with colossal amounts including luxury cars worth millions of dollars leaving the national coffers empty? Is this the kind of servitude that you want your vision-less leader to eave behind as his legacy? The answer is an emphatic NO. If his children could not fight it who are mongrel to lecture us on what to do with our money? Your time is running out, watch out.

  4. The question is was Chiluba ever cnvicted in the Zambian courts? The answer is NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
    He was AQUITED by the courts of LAW. Then why do people for mr Chiluba a thief? The answer is that some one hard said Chiluba is a thief in a newspaper. It is because he hard 50 pairs of shoes. Is those reasons enough to call some one a thief? the answer is NOOOOOOOO. I believe most of these accusations are as result of political witch ant and hartret for certain tribes.

    • Chiluba was convicted by a Commonwealth court in London. It is just that his friends in Zambia, RB and Co, made sure that the case could not be registered here. A dead thief is still a thief. Why do some cultures have these crazy beliefs about all dead people being innocent (that don’t talk evil of dead people)? These people may even believe that Hitler was a good person just because he is dead. What nonsense!

  5. Nothing wrong with ACC returning public assets to the republic of Zambia Government. Just urge ACC to pursue other alleged thefts.

  6. Chiluba’s cases were exaggerated beyond doubt by one Fred, take your time and study his(Chiluba)’a cases and court records. Am not saying that Chiluba was a saint, but maybe he didn’t steal as we were told by sown enemies.

    • There is nothing like stealing small. If you steal a bicycle, you are as guilty as stealing Mercedes. You are a thief. Chiluba was a thief let off by Rupiah Banda. That’s the truth!


    • Speak for yourself mate! Chiluba did nothing for me, but stuck his fingers in the country purse. He stole! What is so complicated about the word thief? He took what did not belong to him.

    • Ftj empowered two generations of poor Zambians with some basic housing….he gets the credit. The real thief was busy scheming,stripping under valuing and selling state assets to themselves and their cronies kwati ka tonga god ka hh. m******mwe……

  8. Wooaa!!! so Patriotic Front (PF) member Mubanga Chileshe is instructing his boss what to do, practically giving him guideline.

    I think this is a lesson learnt, and it is a warning to those in power now, steal now, but you will be haunted for the rest of your existence even in your eternal resting bed.

  9. The thug must rot in hell. He destroyed Zambia and its future by selling off our national assets instead of improving our management. Do we throw away pots for cooking poor relish? Don’t we stop and think on how to use the pots better? Stupid *****!

  10. Mubanga Chileshe

    You should know that one bad deed erases all the good you have done. There’s a lot of good things that could be said about Chiluba, he was the VOICE when few could openly speak against the fiendish KK govt. But a few acts of dishonesty by Chiluba completely erased all the good he did. He is now known as a thief and sadly that’s the legacy he has left. You don’t honour a guy with a reputation like that. He stole and there’s USD 46 million in an account overseas to prove it. And those Zamtrop accounts! Lets face facts: Chiluba started with lots of goodwill and a good name but then via shameless thieving, destroyed it himself. He died without redeeming himself, so he remains a thief, like Lungu.

    • Good observation 13! Even the bible is very clear. A little folly outweighs ALL righteousness. This kafupi died a shameful mutototo overdose death!

    The reason Africa NEVER develops @ the pace of other Continents, is due to the African capacity of reasoning like Mubanga”s being really Substandard.
    What I believe is the President should NEVER have appointing powers over such organisations like A.C.C, as it makes the organization a useless toothless party tool, & thus used as a witch hunting catapult to bring down enemies of the President & party, whist party Cadres, & sycophants go Scot free despite their corrupt misdemeanours.

    • I have to agree! That Kafupi chap is directly responsible for so many deaths amongst them : Paul Tembo, Ronald Penza, Wezi Kaunda, Miyanda, Baldwin Nkumbula (possibly), possibly even the late great AKM – Anderson K. Mazoka.
      Kafupi is also directly responsible for creating monsters such as the Hungry Hyena (HH) an apprentice of the Chiluba and one time chola boy for Kafupis Zamtrop account!
      I will always say Chiluba was the very worst thing to ever happen to Zambia, even if it means you owning a house and the country falls under then what is that? Things were better under Super Ken that that short wife stealing dictator!

  12. FTJ may have made mistakes here and there but was not acting alone. The man opened many things we thought were impossible but became possible. Many Zambians never knew the culture of building own houses it was just waiting for life for local authorities and NHA to build units for rent and thus bread a lot of corruption. Yes FTJ and his govt. killed ZIMCO where I held a good middle management position and has not been paid my benefits to date at least I have managed to build myself some dent houses . Which was impossible before FTJ came to power. A lot of things happened during FTJ’s regime and to date I have not seen fruitful results from TAST FORCE other than individual officers who were attached are the key beneficiaries. What happened to Acess Finance Services etc up now BOZ has not…

  13. ACC are most corrupt institution. When a senior officer is being corrupt in a public officer and they are informed about it, they simply go and tell them that senior officer ati ‘listen to what your employees are saying , be careful’, just for a brouwn envelop or any reward. Nalibasula they are useless. They only investigate enemies, their friends and friends friends ,,no they can’t investigate them. I agree Lungu dissolve them

    • It’s the appointing authority that has made ACC not to tick. Unfortunately the ACC officers have bread and butter issues to worry about and so they try to endure the rot. The President should cease to be the appointing authority but Parliament whose laws ACC must enforce. How does ACC deal with statehouse corruption today which has become worse than what we had under Kafupi?

  14. Iwe ciMubanga Chileshe, uzisunge ka! If kumyenu ku Katanga you go around honoring death thieves, its you own stinking “kaca” and don’t try to engender it here, luhanile! The SOB was wicked and plundered our coffers & other people’s wives! No wonder only a fool like him could die of an overdose of mtototo! Myele kanamunungu yali too much.

  15. Actually, we should exhume that stinking thief from Embassy Park, cremate his rotten remains and dump them at the Terminus public toilet!

  16. Let’s accept he made mistakes like everyone else has.And forgetting everything FTJ did to mother Zambia,the democratic values being enjoyed today is unfair. I respect all past presidents despite their failures but one thing we can not take away from them is that there saved Zambia and let’s honour them whether dead or alive.Lets not allow hurt to define us a nation.

    • which democratic values are we enjoying. Its only you who is enjoying a stolen victory and to you it does not even cross your mind that you are harming this country but these actions. The only past president who could deserve some respect is may be Mwanawasa and may be Kaunda. Even these I am not very sure. In my view we have had undeserving leadership and that is why we are where we are. Honor should only go those where honour is due only. Death is not an excuse. Death does not wash away sins. It is only the blood of the son of God that washes away sins. If you think that you can sin as you wish here on earth hoping that death will make you a saint, I pit you.

  17. Yes Chiluba did a lot for Zambia but what he stole using state resources must be paid back. A crime is a crime, no two ways about it

  18. Chiluba stole from Zambia, therefore recover everything that was stolen. Chileshe needs to keep his mouth shut or dance the same tunes too when we put a microscope on his stealing too.

  19. stolen qualifications and forged, stolen identity and forged nationality, stolen wealth and destroyer of the national economy, fake worshiper, but master of corruption. What makes him father of democracy? Unless some bloggers here choose deliberate ignorance. The legitimate father of democracy is Dr. Prince Akashambatwa Lewanika who crafted an institution to oppose the one party state and that institution became a legal entity called Movement for Multi Party Democracy (MMD). Formed in Eastern Cape RSA and announcing over the radio by phone that he has formed an official movement to fight for democracy. VIVA my mbuya Lewanika from your cousins bamutamba chalo-Kaonde waiya. Not the legacy thieves.

  20. What honor do you want for a thief. Actually what is being recovered is nothing compared to what he stole. More could have been recovered had it not been for RB. Chiluba should save a lesson for those who want to leave a bad legacy of stealing whilst in power. Its only that corrupt people like RB saved Chiluba he could have served a prison sentence as well. These crimes do not end unless one seeks forgiveness and returns all the stolen property while they are still alive.

  21. President Mwanawasa our greatest president until this day, charged President Chiluba with the floating and externalizing of Zambia’s resources and assets illegally. He represented every Zambian, not just one angry person. This PF Chilese man should keep quiet and seat some where. There is always that one person that thinks thieves are cool.

  22. mususa mwapa – I don’t like commenting but reading comments from people like you my heart bleeds. No one is pursuing Chiluba. Before he died those assets were under the custody of ACC and no one claimed them to be his or hers. It is on record that Faustino Kabwe testified that the owners of those assets were not in Zambia. So when did they become Chiluba’s assets? After the supreme court forfeited them to state that is when the Chiluba’s family and others came on Board to claim that the assets in question were their fathers which he did not claim when he was still alive. So who is pursuing Chiluba even when he is in the grave? Read facts and do not comment with emotions. Ya ba pa Z it will really be difficult to develop. Every ma politics or tribe.

  23. The long and short of the matter is that Mr Kafupi was a thief of cleptomaniac level. No one in their normal sense can honour him, it’s a shame that someone (Chileshe) even suggests such nonsense

  24. The reality is in some regions, people take stealing as the rule not the exception! A thief is a hero, clever fellow. U can never convince them against stealing. This is why both kaunda and mwanawasa had differnt approach to theft- check the DNA of zambians on stealing. To some stealing
    is a birth right. Now whn such people get political power u can imagine the level of impunity in abuse of public resources!

  25. but how come none thanks chiluba for giving them m’wasa? was it it by sheer divine pulling that chiluba had to settle for the most disparaged and ridiculed leaders out of the many ‘favourites?’.it’s also funny that while they accuse others of trying to honour chiluba basing on the sentimentality of death they themselves refuse to see a similar effect in them towards m’wasa. what a load of phobia is this?

    • @Louisa. This is chiluba’s darkest side if you don’t know. He rigged an election in 2001 thereby denying Zambia quality leadership. Chiluba was a wicked person indeed and This act is probably his waste crime. I know that you find fake reasons to disagree with me on this just because of your tribal inclinations. Those who could have done better than him, he stopped them. He will be answerable to God on this and don’t you dare simplify it because you will just be a partaker to his crimes. This exposed Chiluba to be a hard core tribalist and I believe a person like that should never be a leader in the first place. Chiluba cheated naïve Zambians for 1o full years and they could not see his hypocrisy that he was destroying the country till towards the end. I am not sure but I heard that…

  26. Please fellow Zambians! This is a median for us to interact and debate matters affecting us so that those in positions to do the right thing can take a clue from us. Some of what we exchange on our social media is so silly that even childish is far much better an expression.
    Good night

  27. Judge not so you are not judged harshly. It appears most commentators where either too young or were not born when Chiluba ruled this country! He was a tremendously sweet guy. His cases where disposed by the time he answered to the Lords call. It is morally wrong to appeal and open up the cases 2day. When a person passes on, everything is discontinued. Be it debt, marriage, etc. Even when a key witness dies, an accused person is released, as in the case of Paul Tembo’s death! Mwebantu, let us honour our heroes! RIP Mr. President.

  28. Mubanga Chileshe should declare his interest in the proceeds of crime by late FTJ Chiluba.
    A criminal act does not die even if the one who defendant dies. After all, Chiluba died a convicted person in decided criminal cases tried in courts of law. Chileshe may be an accomplice in the remaining cases where government has repossessed properties out of criminal acts by Chiluba. The best way Chileshe to defend criminal Chiluba him who is alive to come to court and contest the prosecution by ACC. Chileshe is part of PF government and to demand for the disillusion of ACC is like legitimising thefts done by Chiluba now under further investigation. Thieves are not honoured, better name Chiluba village where you hail from.

  29. This MP should wake up and quit sniffing his own excrement. FTJ ran a systematic plundering of Zambia. How the fukc does Valentine Chitalu claim innocence and sit on boards of companies he under valued and flogged for a pittance?
    Name a public toilet that you build using your own money, Mr. MP.
    That crook and his thousands of shoes shirts and properties all over the world belong in infamy. People should be allowed to piss on his grave and crap there too.

    • He is also said to have stolen an election for Mwanawasa. But Mwanawasa, a product of theft is said to be the best. Was Mwanawasa clean that an election was stolen for him and he accepted? Where is the morality here? What happened to the family tree which became a family forest under the man of action? Open your eyes Zambia.

  30. From debates on these online media. It is clear that our Zambian world view, the lenses through which we see things has shifted from witchcraft to seeing everything through lenses of politics and tribe. Political inclination and tribe has come to define what we do and why we do certain things. The perception has now become, you behave in a particular manner because you belong to this tribe and this political party.People who share certain political beliefs have become homogenous. They behave and think in a similar way. How cheap and uncritical?

  31. Chiluba was not only a thief but an adulterer and murderer as well! Remember Penza, Paul Tembo, KK’s near miss? Remember how he confiscated someone’s wife to become his? There is no honour to such a name. Only fellow characters will want to honour him. ACC has been very good under the now suspended DG. They have been very uncompromising and that is what has been giving EL and team sleepless nights. The suspension is a pretext to put some useless chap to protect corrupt statehouse and government agents. Corruption by public officers should be classified as economic crimes because that is the direct consequence!

  32. It amazes me that there people like Chileshe who can even dream of Society house being named after that crook, Chiluba Frederick! Please don’t miss lead the young in Zambia that Chiluba was the father of democracy! How? Chiluba jumped on the MMD band wagon after he was invited by the Chair person of MMD, late Arthur Wina! Unfortunately or fortunately, they gave him chairmanship of party mobilization! Crookedly he went to all parts of Zambia not to recruit members but to campaign for himself while Arthur Wina was busy enjoying litapi in Mungu! That’s how he won the presidency of MMD and later the republican presidency! Six months into his presidency, the people of Zambia realized that they had chosen a play boy for presidency! And ooops the economy got destroyed faster that it had…

  33. Why use a company registered in BAHAMAs to buy the property if he wasn’t using stolen funds? If it was bought genuinely, the money trail would have exonerated him.

    This is a lesson to corrupt LUNGU & his thieving minions. The law will still be applied on your poor family even after your death. We already know your properties in Dubai & RSA.

  34. Happy that the thug is being roasted in Hell! We must remove his dirty remains and burn them before tossing them into the garbage pit or in the sewer ponds. Rubbish must placed where it belongs!

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