Saturday, March 29, 2025

The License for Mazhandu Family Bus Services Still Suspended-RTSA


Suspended Mazhandu buses
Suspended Mazhandu buses

The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has issued a statement saying that it has impounded a bus belonging to Unlimited Gift Limited (UGL) for abrogating the ban imposed on Mazhandu family bus services by pulling a trailer belonging to a suspended bus operator.

According to the statement, the UGL bus BAB 7084 travelling from Lusaka to Johannesburg was impounded this morning for pulling a trailer AEB 675 T which belongs to Mazhandu family bus services. The RTSA last week suspended the Road Service License for Mazhandu following a spate of crashes resulting in deaths with the recent one killing 10 people on Great North road.

“As RTSA we would like to clarify that all buses and trailers registered under Mazhandu family bus services remain suspended. We would also like to assure members of the public that the suspension is still in effect and that we shall not allow Mazhandu Family Bus Services to operate directly or indirectly, ” read the statement

The statement further stated: “Members of the public should note that Unlimited General Limited (UGL) is an independent company with its own operators license. However, they are not allowed to use a motor vehicle or trailer without a Road Service License as in the case of Mazhandu Family Service bus which is currently suspended. Therefore, the UGL has violated the terms and conditions under which their operators license was issued by using a trailer that is not under their Road Service License.”

The Statement concluded by saying that from the foregoing, the Agency will act according to the provisions of the law.

Meanwhile,Unlimited Gifts Limited (UGL) Director Justine Mazhandu has said that his company is independent from Mazhandu Buses owned by his father. Mr. Mazhandu said that UGL is one year old and only goes to Johannesburg.

Mr. Mazhandu said that the company only has two buses hence people should not mistake it for the suspended Mazhandu Uses because of similarities in colour. Mr. Mazhandu told ZNBC News that his Scania Bus Registration number BAB 7084 which left for Johannesburg this morning has been impounded in Kafue.


    • Apart from suspending their licence you must prosecute the owners of the business!
      Like is the case with the defunct Zambian Airways!

    • They didn’t break the law. Leave them alone.

      This has a lot to do with your roads than the company.

      I hate this country with every fibre of my being.

      Stop it !



    • I saw a picture of that bus pulling the trailer…you call that a trailer that is a container..I wonder what the maximum allowable tow weight these Buses can pull that come out of Intercity.

    • Does Mazhandu feel for the families of those they have killed. Surely these guys should for now show their human side instead of playing games. In fact they should be sent to prison.

    • I hate to repeat this, but companies will run their businesses any kind of way if you don’t control them with strict regulation. That’s what’s happening in Zambia. Suspension is not enough. You need to slap them with a huge fine, and then on top of that charge them with manslaughter if they caused some needless loss of life. Furthermore, let them face prosecution and a long prison time. Also the families of the victims caught up in these deadly traffic accidents should sue these companies into bankruptcy.

  1. Clarification! Unlimited gifts is mazhandu that only goes to South Africa, just like mmd is now pf, and post newspaper is the mast newspaper.

  2. So its crime was pulling a banned trailer…c’mon RATS, go and use your heads for once and create better policies for Road Safety.

  3. Mazandu, these guys are Zezurus (business minded Shona clan) from Manicaland central Zim that came and settled in Mazabuka. The Zezurus are ruthless chaps when it comes to money. I used to clobber these guys when I was back in the day- the chaps tried to attack me with knives over of a brick of fwaka back when mishanga was like gold. From that day I’ve never trusted a Shona, I will always side with an Ndebele Zimbabwean over these Zezurus- they are the ones teaching abena Hungry Hyena and the United Dunderheads bad manners, every Tonga now adays thinks they are Zezurus.

    • These are the same kaponyas who think building a bridge is an achievement by PF and lungu…….where are the 500, 000 jobs promised, show us one manufacturing plant opened by lungu or GDP figures .

  4. These guys have PF in their pockets. PF lawyers have just advised them to reopen business under another shell company name. Meanwhile lungu is busy scratching his backside and enjoying the kickbacks.

  5. RTSA needs to look at Safety of the Chinese made HIGER BUS.

    The way it disintegrated after this accident &many other accident scenes is NOT the way Scania, IRIZAR buses disintegrate after an accident.

    Or maybe they are too incompetent/LAZY to realize.

    Just Google “higer bus accidents” and see how many fatal bus accidents this bus is causing

  6. The DAY & TIME when LUNGU made the 666 hand symbol is the same as when the accident happened.

    These innocent souls were sacrificed by LUNGU.

  7. @7, kikikikiki…..unfortunately for you UPNDonkeys, His Excellent Chagwa Lungu is your President until 2021. Of course you are in order to have your own president (small p) but the bigger President remains the one carrying the title of His Excellent….kikikikiki.

  8. This abuse of the law must be stopped! Mazhandu does not care any more about people’s lives and the laws of the land! He should be banned from ever registering any company under the Zambian laws! Our leaders should be serious about protecting Zambian lives against these careless operators! Don’t wait to be a victim! Boycot any government manouvre to sneak Mazhandu through the back door!

  9. even when priests repeatedly preach that there in only one God, we still have milions who still worship idols. it was there in the days of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Lot, Noah, Jesus, Paul and still exist even now. If millions still worship idols with so many churches every saturday and sundays, it would be wishful thinking that people would not worship idol presidents. There will always be one president and many idols as has been the case in religion. the choice is yours to worship either idols or spirits (evil spirits in this case) or the only ordained and sworn in president.

  10. CR Carriers knows better….Mazhandu ask CR how accidents can ruin your reputation…. you are an under 5 in this game….We moved from UBZ,came CR carriers with the first Marcopolo pa Zed ‘Don’t hate the player, hate the game”.
    CR was a “Nation wide” bus….but today CR is not doing fine,Why? Poor safety record…CR holdings includes Virgin lux,Trans routes,Lux Raider etc” But once Accidents increased with loss of lives, Zambians knew every bus owned by CR regardless of hidden identity.
    They began to shun their buses for fear of been the next accident victims.

  11. Yeah CR was big back in the day,they could acquire about 9 Scania marcopolo buses at once.I remember CRH 1 to CRH9….but their buses were constantly involved in accidents…..Pipo could no longer feel safe with CR,actually very popular so much such that some bus stations are still known as pa CR in all the provinces. Now Mazhandu…. your customer service is second to none at the station premises,no kaponya mentality only challenge is over speeding pa road by Kaponya drivers.

  12. Mushota
    No matter how bad ( impassable ) the road could be, I’ll never cause an accident. Accidents are caused by Human beings, driver in the mazhundu bus.

  13. its neither a trailer no container but a dangula, However if its independent from Mazhandu let it be
    its like the case of the Post and the mast

  14. Businesses belonging to a certain tribe in Zambia are always questionable. Too much evil and Satanizm attached to them. They have surcrificed enough blood to the devil.

  15. Zambians are not resilient entrepreneurs like Zimbabweans.
    Most private bus companies in Zambia where owned by Zimbabweans. Gandire Buses LK001, Moyo Brothers, Matambanazo, JC Ndlovu, Juldan Motors LK13, washala washala, white Horse, Lion Transport, Mazhandu, LY30, Kanongobere Buses, Enjoy Iceland, Lusaka Modern Buses etc.. These were pioneers in passenger transport.
    Only a few Zambians Managed to Compete the the ZIM boys. These were Road Master LK11, Fiataxis LK007, Roan Motors(Coloreds) LK14, Kashembe Motorways LK008, Roan Runner LK44, chebechebe LK488, Diab Brothers, Chaona Motorsways and RPS. The other prominent one was Senegalese owned company called JAFUNI.
    It took the other coloured named CR Carriers to take the bus business by storm. The introduced Volvo B7 ( ARMANDO & GLORIA…

  16. Gara Wakateya you seem to know a lot about the history of some transporters.Great stuff! Mazhandu has been around since the 80’s but CR was the game changer.I remember CR marcopolo buses called Elizabeth & Dorothy,very popular between Lusaka & Kopala….CR drivers lacked defensive driving techniques and the business got to their heads,they lacked care & respect for their customers(passengers) big mistake…Mazhandu has a lot to learn,study case CR Carriers

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