Saturday, February 1, 2025

Garry Nkombo challenges Kabwe MP to a physical fight outside Parliament


UPND Mazabuka Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo

Mazabuka central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo this morning challenged Kabwe Central Member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube to a physical fight outside Parliament threatening to beat him up.

This followed an altercation between Presidential Affairs Minister Freedom Sikazwe and Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili following a question Mr Kambwili had asked the vice president during the vice president’s question time why government had allowed the Chinese to take over the block making business when government policy is that this should be left to Zambians, and why the Chinese were the ones renovating Ministers’ houses at the expense of Zambians.

While the Speaker had ruled on an earlier point of order raised by Monze central Member of Parliament Jack Mwiimbu who asked whether Mr Sikazwe was in order to engage Mr Kambwili in an altercation for merely asking the vice president a question, the two continued with their altercation prompting Mr Nkombo to rise on a point of order.

It was at this point when Mr Nkombo rose on a point of order that Mr Sikazwe allegedly called him stupid and a dog sparking an angry reaction from the Mazabuka central Member of Parliament.

And while Mr Nkombo was in the middle of his point of order, Mr Ngulube passed running commentaries which further infuriated the Mazabuka lawmaker.

He then challenged Mr Ngulube to go outside the chamber and fight him if he was man enough.

Meanwhile, Vice President Inonge Wina has dismissed assertions that perceived UPND supporters in the civil service from Southern, Western, North Western and Central provinces have been targeted for retirement in national interest.

Ms Wina who was responding to a question raised by Monze central MP Jack Mwiimbu who on 24th February,2017 raised a question during the vice president’s question time whether it is government policy to punish people based on where they come from in view of the alleged dismissal of perceived UPND supporters in the civil services and parastatals, said the Public Service Management Division under the office of the President has the mandate to transfer, reshuffle and in some instances retire civil servants.

Ms Wina says this is part of the reorganization of the public service in order to ensure greater efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of services to the people of Zambia.

She says the reorganization has resulted in 37 civil servants from a number of provinces being retired in national interest.

The Vice president explained that the transfers, reshuffles and retirements government is carrying out are not based on one’s tribe, but are meant to revamp the civil service for effective delivery of services for the benefit of Zambians who have high expectations from the PF Government.

Ms Wina states that the PF Government does not want to fail on account of a sluggish civil service.


  1. That is the most ridiculous thing , I have read today.

    This personifies a Zambian man. Just a hopeless man, with a flawed mentality.

    This is what drives us away from Zambian men.

    Physical fight? really?




    • Naiwe Mushota type properly too much space between sentences as if its a speech for the Queen of England. You a using too much space lol

    • A lawmaker inviting a another lawmaker to a fight. What are these stupid cretins doing in parliament. No wonder nothing tangible is coming out of our parliament. Is this mkombo not the one who went drunk during amending of the constitution. Upnd retards.

    • So the UPND MP, Garry Nkombo does not know how to debate but how to fight?

      Anyway, maybe he is responding to HH’s call on Zambians to rise and fight.

      What a way to represent the UPND in parliament!

      May be now he has read the UPND manifesto properly.

      Am sure even HH when he was calling on Zambians to rise and fight, he was quoting from UPND manifesto.

      Nowonder even Nevers who had never called on people to rise and fight, joined HH in calling on.people to rise and fight.

      Nevers must have immediately read the UPND manifesto.

    • This fight should definitely go on. For a long time Zambians have been starved of REAL entertainment. I offer to referee it free of charge. ZNBC should televise Live this rare piece of entertainment. We can’t just wait. There has been too much talk. Now is action time.

    • As usual, you guys busy debating on a useless topic concerning Nkombo`s challenge to fight. And that is where your focus is. And your politics here and your dislike of Zambian men.
      Key topics tat require attention are, for example, that
      1. Chinese have taken over the block making business
      2. Chinese are the ones renovating Ministers’ houses at the expense of Zambians. REALLY???
      3. The transfers, reshuffles and retirements government is carrying out are not based on one’s tribe. REALLY??? These are more serious issues than Nkombo threatening another foolish PF guy after he called him a “dog”

    • Doesn’t Nkombo know that he only enjoys parliamentary immunity inside the house? Nga mwaipopona kunse ninshi ni assault yama!


    • @Lelo Its a calculated move by that cow! So that only her comments will be visible until you scroll down! Cunning fox (vixen)!

    • Iwe Nkombo kubulwa amano uko stop being an empty tin we don’t pay you our money to fight in Parliament grow up use your mouth and Brains to fight, mulebatumako kuma conflict resolution courses aba Bena-mushi ukucema ing’ombe kwalingila mumulopa because He thinks the way He slaps those cows is the same way he will fix his enemies “Bala Ng’ombe” chose street fighting if you want to follow into his foot-steps go into the streets.

    • mushota Zambian men are driven away from you. White men can be just as abusive. It is. Myth to thing all white men don’t abuse their women just look at Trump

  2. “While the Speaker had ruled on Garry Nkombo an earlier point of order raised by Monze central Member of Parliament Jack Mwiimbu who asked whether Mr ….”
    I cant follow this sentence..

    • Follow the gist, he wanted a fight like is that his purpose at parliament, eating tax payers money and think of starting a fight…

    • @steve – you are not the only one. We are not even told what Mr Sikazwe said to Mr Kambwili to start all this. Its not easy to write a story that makes sense. This is why people go to journalism school.

  3. An example of misplaced energy and direction…..When a man losses direction and thinks he will still find his way. He can as well join Oriental Quarries Boxing team. Seat down and give the house some direction and sensible comments did your people send you to parliament to start fights???? You should be ashamed of yourself. VOTE WASTED

  4. Who is Senile Sikazwe to call Nkombo a “dog”? Do we need alcohol testing in Parliament? Meanwhile foreigners like Chinese are busy stuffing their pockets

    • Not only alcohol testing, but ifyamba as well.
      You will discover that dirty Cadre Sikazwe is also stoned out of his Stone age Cadre skull, which is saturated with Cannabis Sativa.
      Now Nkhombo should learn self restraint, & not respond to every dull P.F cadres provocation, or he will end up like Namulambe.

  5. This is nothing, in the far East parliament is always physical fights and extremely normal. So nobody should display her ignorance here to say fights are a preserve of Zambian men

  6. Its about time a fight broke out in the house. Too much hiding behind Parliamentary etiquette when there are serious matters being addressed.
    Developed countries do slag it out right inside!

  7. So the UPND MP, Garry Nkombo does not know how to debate but how to fight?

    Anyway, maybe he is responding to HH’s call on Zambians to rise and fight.

    What a way to represent the UPND in parliament!

    May be now he has read the UPND manifesto properly.

    Am sure even HH when he was calling on Zambians to rise and fight, he was quoting from UPND manifesto.

    Nowonder even Nevers who had never called on people to rise and fight, joined HH in calling on.people to rise and fight.

    Nevers must have immediately read the UPND manifesto.

  8. Now you see how these pipo take us for fools….Even Lusakatimes is in the mixed of things….Kambwili asked a valid question..but all we hear is fighting…We needed an answer to tht question..Both sides of the Assembly including speaker are useless

  9. Now you see how these pipo dont take us serious….Even Lusakatimes is in the mixed of things….Kambwili asked a valid question..but all we hear is fighting…We needed an answer to tht question..Both sides of the Assembly including speaker are useless

  10. Why didn’t the speaker ask the lawmaker who insulted to withdraw the insulting words? That’s one of the easiest ways of making peace between two people.

  11. So of all the bad things in that article the Garry Nkombo inviting someone to a fight is what was appropriate for a headline? Making Garry appear bad when the article’s main man is Mr Sikazwe who started an arguement with CK who merely asked a question. And then you have Ngulube making running commentaries against Garry Nkombo which is not allowed in Parliament.

    To be honest, its this kind of mentality which will keep sinking most Zambians down. Man want to see Garry to be the wrong here when Mr Sikazwe called him a DOG AND STUPID. Which Parliament do they allow such language?

    Our country is really on auto pilot. The Speaker doesnt have the capacity to discipline the executive anymore but he is busy making the lives of the opposition MPs even more difficult which is so bad.


    • Now which befitting names can you call a retard like garry apart from dog or stupid.? That is even elevating him. He is worse than that.

    • Matibini is most useless speaker that will ever exist. Sikwaze was using terrible language and the speaker didn’t here. Tutwa was leaking from his mouth, the speaker couldn’t protect Garry and Kambwili. What kind of a speaker is that!!!! If someone doesn’t feel protected they attack as Garry did.

  12. People can lose tempers in parliament. We didn’t send angels to parliament. There is a lot that goes on in there only that its not reported. Some of us in our respected professionals have lost it at one time or other but we were lucky it never leaked to the media. I love Garry I love Kambwili. Its just one of those things in life.

  13. The two should consult the Zambia Amateur Boxing Association and see how they can fight a legal battle in the ring. We need to watch it live on ZNBC sponsored by K3s.


  14. The PF theives in parliament caused a fight because they wanted to divert attention from being asked why Chinese are allowed to make blocks which is work reserved for zambians ??

    You will find the same PF theives in parliament are share holders of the Chinese companies making blocks, that is why they are allowed.

  15. The speaker said he did not hear the insult from fossil sikazwe hence he could not ask him to withdraw or apologize, very predictable of the speaker when an offence has been committed by a PF zealot!

  16. Guys let them fight, what’s the big deal. They get a lot of gratuity for nothing, let them work each other out. Who cares? You think the MPs care for us.

  17. U should have listened to parliament radio. Its that stupid Freedom Ci Sikazwe who was so foolish in the house and later ka Lunshi pa mafi kaTutwa ka neighbour. Ala nalikeshiba kasushi kamambala.

  18. Funniest comment is @Peace for Zambia. Quote ‘UPND MP, Garry Nkombo does not know how to debate but how to fight, maybe he is responding to HH’s call on Zambians to rise and fight.’ Quality.

    I’m cracking up laughing! We can’t accuse our MP’s for lacking Passion or showing Perverse Duty of Care for their constituents.

  19. Kuba ponona boyi garry especially ka lungu. That is only way these thugs understand things

  20. Guys,
    Probably, development might come to Zambia…AT LAST
    You can now control your natural resources
    You can stem your brain drain
    You can curb corruption

  21. Zambia would be such a nice place without these UPNDonkeys. When you expect them as opposition to show high exemplary standards of behavior the donkeys starting from top to bottom are just showing off their droppings otherwise known as cow dung. Zambians now can’t see the difference between the donkeys and the people they criticise as uncivilised and clueless. All politicians are now the samevwhen we expected hh and his followers to show us the difference. Ati ba economic manager, look at them, just donkeys.

  22. And this Gary Nkombo is bitter and frustrated that after so many tries by hh he is still not a minister. Well mr Nkombo, the answer is not far to find. A useless underfive politician like hh cannot and will never be President of Zambia. It follows that all those who associate or follow hh will never become ministers.

  23. “wantu womenyana” it could remind us that one must be careful not to take things literally otherwise we will find ourselves in problems – government must stop joking and WORK. That is not a matter of opinion but facts

  24. The PF theives in parliament caused a fight because they wanted to divert attention from being asked why Chinese are allowed to make blocks which is work reserved for zambians ??

    You will find the same PF theives in parliament are share holders of the Chinese companies making blocks.

    You find the PF theives at the heart of all corruption and stealing in zambia. Diversion from hot issues is Thier speciality.

  25. @samba. You afe correct DO any of you biased bloggers ever get away from partylitical rantings. YTerrible I dont think I have ever seen u addres an jssue but just rant n rave about donkeys hh . Ehat good are you doing to encourage a UNITED ZAMBIA


    TERRIBLE as Hon KAMBWILLI is founding member of your PF you should have picked up on what he was saying that is a bigger problem than the crap diatribe that appears here. Do we want a ZAMBIA or do,we want be an ATM for another Country

    • @Masakamuso..wish therealotof your pains me that pipoget easily taken away fromthe main issue……so from yesterday upto now…didnt hear how Bo Wina answered tht important question

  26. Most useless and stupid adminstration who are running down country its the petition served us from this mediocrity and corruption.
    They are all a bunch of thugs with no interest of the countrys well being like Rb their puppet master and King of looting which has ECL on his string doing his bidding.
    They have stolen even an election to protect the puppet master RB

  27. These Dundumwenzi thugs are rough and need to be taught a lesson.Lungu is even tolerating them alot…..if i were the Presido,i was going to retire all of them.Up to now there are a number of PS’s and Directors eating double with ba UPND at night and during day they pretend to support PF.Next time,i will publish their names on this platform… is quite annoying for us who know them.

  28. This Hon. Garry Nkombwe is really a FIGHTER,Why didnt he persue BOXING OR KICK BOXING AS A CAREER. He has been notorious in Parliament for a long time now, how about , he gets suspended. This is very Ridiculous indeed. Off this fighting topic: PLEASE FAZ COULD YOU MOUNT BIG SCREENS FOR PEOPLE TO WATCH SOCCER OUTSIDE THE STATION TOMORROW, YOU COULD MOUNT OTHER SCREENS AT THE SHOW GROUNDS. To avoid TEAR-GAS, DAMAGE TO THE STADIUM AND DISQUALIFICATION.

    • You are a funny guy. The headline should have read “Church of Christ distributes food in Lusaka” and not “8 pipo die in stampede” or another news should have read “mapatizya receives heavy rainfall” and not ” Mapatizya bridge washed away”

  29. If someone called me a mad man and I reacted like a mad man, the on lookers would think am really a mad man. Life is funny. in 1997 one man called a friend a serial killer ( he meant a diseased man sleeping with women anyhow) and in reaction the accused got an axe and assaulted the friend. The following day the assaulted guy died. Todate pipo in my village are thinking he is really a serial killer. They have all agreed with the deceased that he knew what he was saying. let those with ears here.


  31. If the transfers, reshuffles & retirements government is carrying out are not based on one’s tribe, why is that nearly 99% of all those retired are either Lozi, Kaonde or Tonga? Look at the new board Mutati appointed yesterday, its 99% Bemba/Nyanja. Well, only time will tell but these tribally bigoted hirings and firings are tearing Zambia into two.

    • All PF appointments are tribal. It is so obvious. It is like suddenly some tribes are lepers who must be kept away. PF is so suspicious of some tribes that they just can’t bring themselves to create a One Zambia, One Nation. The Vice President has been reduced to ranting cheap shallow blanket political rhetorical responses that don’t address any of the issues raised. Living in denial does not change the facts. You may hoodwink the gullible for some time but your time of reckoning will definitely come. History has shown that a day always comes when the veil of deceit that dishonest politicians use to blind the people gets lifted and usually it is sooner than anyone would think. People are God’s creation. Leaders are called to treat His creation justly but they forget so easily and let…

  32. the upnd mps are in parliament through juju not popularity very useless garry nkombo fighting when there ‘s public act and the same nkombo is leader of the opposition.

  33. Nkombo has never won a fight in his life he would lose again and yes the only specialty he has is courting other peoples wives including his once close friend who owns lodges…Can you imagine what this trained secondary school teacher would be like if his third political party Upnd had won the presidency and he was minister? You wouldn’t drink water let alone speak when he is around

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