Friday, March 14, 2025

HH and GBM to hold a Rally in Kanyama


HH and GBM in Kitwe
HH and GBM in Kitwe

UPND Lusaka province officials have notified the Zambia police that UPND President Hakainde Hichilema and his Vice Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba will on 2nd April, 2017 hold a public rally at Twashuka grounds in Kanyama.

According to a letter received by the Zambia police and made available to the Media, the UPND will talk more of issues affecting the nation.

And the UPND leaders will also thank the people for voting for them in the last elections.

Twashuka grounds has a capacity of over 10 thousands and the UPND says it has already marshals to maintain law and order.


    • It’s time someone started talking about the problems Zambians are facing especially starvation when there is enough rainfall and land in Zambia.

    • You will hear from that useless IG that the police has no manpower to manage such a huge cloud. This time we are unstoppable and the only way we can restore sanity is by fighting back. No peace is achieved without war. We are ready to battle with the PF police carder

    • Is HH and GBM campaigning for 2021 or they will be campaigning in reverse for 2016?

      Which one are they focusing on, because they believe that we are not yet done with 2016.

      So campaigning for 2021 will imply acknowledging that the 2016 elections are over and we move to 2021.

      Campaigning for 2016 will imply campaigning in reverse, with intent to incite people to anarchy, because no one campaigns in reverse.

      You don’t campaign after losing, because that will have no democratic effect on your loss.

    • Feel sorry for most Zambians, They look malnourished with no hope and EL seems to have nothing to offer apart from prayers that do not work, HH is the only one who can faka pressure on this RB/EL government.

  1. Yes. Mr. President please address our people and things affecting them not busy traveling and spending more on useless things like 2 million zmk on consulting if Zambia is to decide on oupting out of the ICC. Why is Lungu scared of even thought of an international intervention through an independent legal opinion.

    • If addressing our people means calling on them to rise up and fight, then there is no leadership qualities in the one calling for such.

      I hope they don’t plan to call on people to rise and fight.

      No politician in the history of this great country after 1964 has ever called on people to rise and fight.

      The first one to do so was HH post 2016 elections, and he believes Zambians will embrace that type of leadership? I doubt.

      No one has ever gone to state House by calling on people to rise and fight.

      In fact the ordinary people did well to show leadership by refusing to hid his call.

    • Ati Erections, Kikikikiki. PF00Ls are real dunderheads.

      On a lighter note, it reminds me of story about Vera when she proclaimed at an MMD rally.

      “in the next ERECTIONS, women will be on TOP”

  2. observer whilst your erection maybe over we the people are not happy with the elections of last year and for your own information Zambia is a democracy and the application has been stamped by police;

  3. HH is talking opposite to thank them for not voting him to be a Zambian President. Rabid dog backs even sees dragon fly flying. 2021 he is going to lose again maye sorry mwe chitima chandigwila

  4. The best our Vice President can do is to stop answering questions from those who don’t recognize our President his Excellency ECL. Madam Wina, please stop taking question from UPND MPs.

    • Iwe the veep is recognised by UPND MPs not Lungu! CAMIKALIPA SHANI BA PF? That will continue untill you know that with stealing you cannot have a peace of mind.

    • @ 6.1 MONK,

      Typical of UPND thinking:

      ” This cow does not exist to me.
      If they kill it I will not eat it’s meat because as far as am concerned the cow does not exist.
      Anyway as for its milk, I will take because the milk from this non-existent cow is very tasty. ”

      With UPND everything follows a ‘Dununa Reverse’ path.

      Ati ‘we recognise the runnimate to have won the elections but not the presidential candidate.’ which votes did the running-mate qualify with!

      It will be a grave mistake for anyone to think this type of thinking is madness. No, it is not madness. It is below that.

  5. Viva H.H. and GBM! Zambians are in need of message of hope. People across the nation and from all walks of life will this IM memorable and mammoth rally. People want to be delivered from poverty they are going through. Lets support the UPND!

  6. the terrible two out to cause trouble and get some attention…people have better things to do than to be mocked my two useless millionaires

  7. We need a better opposition than this! Ba General Miyanda and Mr Sinkamba please hear the call of the people and join hands! You are the only ones articulating the real issues!

  8. Empty tins make most noise.On ZISC take over,everyone was quiet but a few intallects contributed.Mention HH and u will c insults and words like erections instead of elections

  9. Way to go HH & GBM. Get ZAF to help beef up security, but don’t egange that chap called Chimese. He is like Kaganja. Talk about ICC too

  10. Is HH and GBM campaigning for 2021 or they will be campaigning in reverse for 2016?

    Which one are they focusing on, because they believe that we are not yet done with 2016.

    So campaigning for 2021 will imply acknowledging that the 2016 elections are over and we move to 2021.

    Campaigning for 2016 will imply campaigning in reverse, with intent to incite people to anarchy, because no one campaigns in reverse.

    You don’t campaign after losing, because that will have no democratic effect on your loss.

  11. Vasco da gama will also be holding rallies in muchinga province, so no muswa, let the kanyama rally go ahead.

  12. Yes the UPND president has the right to address his supporters and sympathizers. When is Excellency ECL addresses the nation whether you voted for him or not, whether you like him or not, he is addressing you. That is democracy the majority rules.

  13. HH I can stand, nomba ba mabumbooo? sounds like a marriage made from sheol itself. Get another running mate, that guy will land you in problems ndekwebaa?????

  14. No government shall put food on all your tables but some. Tell the Zambians how you made your money out of sale of companies and close the chapter otherwise speculation shall be the order of the future. What were the benefits of the exercise? Who else became fat after the sale of the same companies?

  15. I am too busy to attend an April fuuz aftermath. After church I will be working on something that will put food on my table other than listen to two losers. A tribal kid and the fat friend who I can already predict what they will talk about. Let the people with nothing to do go waste their time being lied to.

  16. I wonder what Mushota does for a living. She is ever online. My experience, UK/SCOTLAND/WALES NO phones are allowed during normal working hours.

  17. 1. Letter is dated 23 March, only 2 days before rally assuming letter was delivered same day. My take is that it was delivered today, knowing the UPNDonkeys which served petition summons late. That 1 day is not enough notice to enable police to mobilise sufficient security for 10,000 whose leaders are bent on causing maximum mayhem.
    However I believe in their freedom of expression so I will ask IG to postpone rally by one week.
    2. On the other hand this letter could be fake. Remember UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka claimed that “his” letter on boycott of parliament was fake? No letter from UPNDonkeys seems to be genuine….kikikikiki

  18. As Adolf with his self proclaimed fame walks around seeking a new past time as he is tired of the court room, we the genuine upnd members shall be in Dundumwezi to visit our colleagues that were attacked in the aftermath of the elections. The last time we read the Electorate Act of Zambia campaigns are over. We are also aware that Adolf and fat Albert claim they are still in court that’s why they re not thinking of a convention to iron out our issues. Adolf is on record that he has spent a lot of his personal money on the Party hence his continued refusal to seek a fresh mandate. However 2021 is nigh and wonders will never cease….Zambia Forward 2021 under new leaders

  19. Parents and guardians, protect your daughters, its sacrifice time again for UPNDonkeys, remember the young lady Chibulo? Up to now UPNDonkeys are refusing to give police information about some suspected donkeys/cadres.

  20. But a rally by the UPNDonkeys sounds more refreshing than their boring chorus of a petition which is neither here nor there.

  21. IG of Police should not allow UPND to go ahead with the rally. They are after something… Let them wait for SONA to make a ruling on their behaviour in Parliament.

  22. Yes Mr President keep the flame burning until the Petition is heard. Desperate and Illegitimate Lungu will probably disrupt the Rally thru his notorious IG. Let them do that and whole World is watching. The International Community believes in Constitutionalism and are insisting that the Petition be heard and disposed off without further delay. Lungu abrogated the Constitution in handling the Petition In so many ways and is scared that the ICJ Verdict will go against him. Let the Petition be heard without further delay.

    • Don’t say until the petition is heard.

      Say until in our old age.

      Because HH threw away the petition in preference to preliminaries,

      And the petition is expired.

      It will never be heard.

  23. For your information bloggers – there is no date in 2017 that is 2nd Arpril, 2017!!!!!!! Fortunately our police can’t read.

  24. This upnd rally in kanyama (an area which upnd always hope for to win in Lsk because it has a lot of tongas) wont happen because the police IG will not allow can upnd start campaigns for 2021 when they still do not recognize ECL’s 2016 victory?this is pure nonsense.moreover,what new things will HH and GBM talk about?it will be usual nonsense of name calling (PF this,ECL that,etc).LOOK,HH IS UNVOTABLE IN 6.5 PROVINCES.AS USUAL UPND WILL DREAM,BUT AFTER ECZ ANNOUCENCES 2021 RESULTS,UPND MEMBERS WILL BE IN TEARS AGAIN-MARK MY WORDS BECAUSE NO PARTY WORLD-OVER CAN KEEP ON GOING INTO ELECTIONS WITH A 5TH TIME LOSER AND HOPE TO WIN AT 6TH OR 7TH ATTEMP-THIS IS PURE MADNESS!!!UPND MUST REPLACE HH IF THEY ARE TO WIN ONE DAY.

  25. Now we will see what the PF police’s excuse will be. They will first run this with that ugly president of theirs who will then direct them to come up with a reason to refuse the permit. This is life under this dictatorship. Lungu is a scared coward who knows he lost those elections. Many people will turn out to hear the legal president his excellency Hakainde Hichilema give them update on the state of the nation. I will be working tirelessly with our UPND team to ensure a smooth and violent free rally. let me take thisopportunity to warn the pf thugs hoping to cause trouble, that we are prepared with our own marshalls to discipline you. We thank you president. viva zambia

  26. @Terrible. U may not like the Petition but its here to stay until its heard in Court and disposed off. The International and Regional Bodies including SADC are unanimous that in terms of the Zambian Constitution the Petition has to be Heard without fail in Court. Lungu abrogated the Constitution in many ways and that will not do him any favour.Concourt did not declare any of the two Presidential Candidates a Winner.On that basis Lungu is an illegitimate President who is in State House illegally.#Let the Petition be heard.

    • Don’t say until the petition is heard.

      Say until in our old age.

      Because HH threw away the petition in preference to preliminaries,

      And the petition is expired.

      It will never be heard.

    • I have confidence in lungu’s leadership but I just want him to recongise gay rights and marriage so that I can marry and settle down with my long term partner based in sweden called jupe. Most pf members want gay rights. Let us unite please and be civilised . The world has changed. so what if i love a man?

    • @ 39.2 Ndanje khakis,

      Even dogs, birds, all other animals, and insects are above that madness.

      Even cockroaches are able to know that that this female, and that is male.

      And a human being has his/her brain blocked.

  27. @ 39.2 Ndanje khakis,

    Even d.ogs, birds, all other a.nimals, and insects are above that m.adness.

    Even cockroaches are able to know that that this female, and that is male.

    And a human being has his/her brain blocked.

  28. Any way since he is not yet president material like RB who is going round at any opportunity marketing our country for development that will reduce poverty, the under five president of the UPND thinks that the people will eat rallies (Campaigning for 2021). This man does not know that 2021 is very very far the average Zambian electorate have very very short memory. So all the lies of HH at the April rally will be forgoten by May 2017.

  29. Why does this letter have police stamp? The police stamp should not be there because it was not the police that wrote it. The police stamp should only be on that letter if it bears a police stamp with “RECEIVED” mark on on it otherwise it is not right for our police to just put a stamp on the letter with un appropriate stamp. Forgery is rife in our land so we must guard against the obvious.

  30. PF Bloggers are naive. The 2016 Elections are not over until the Petition is heard and disposed off. As of now Lungu is in State House illegally becoz he was not democratically,legally and Constitutionally elected and inaugurated. Period.

  31. The problem with Upnd dunder heads is that they think that the majority of Zambians are with them No!!! Only 3 provinces are with you the rest are with ECL and PF . . Your ka god HH after elections said Zambians should rise up , did it happen? Just try and see if you can last even for five minutes

  32. The two are only our hope because they are true sons of th living God, not these PF thieves who stole our Maize,their headman stole money from a poor woman whislty he was practicing as a layer and instead of buying meali meal for starving Zambians who were injured at OYDC in stampede,they have stolen K2m to use on useless counsultation of exit from International criminal court.You have seen how scared criminals live. Their criminalty is making them scared day and night beacuase they know that one day they will the face the law.This is what forced thier headman to cling on to power during the petition,other than relinguishing power to the speaker. But they should remember that God is watching.

  33. Are all upnd supportors seventh day. Hh will go to church on Saturday and he wants those who worship on Sunday to drop their programs so selfish.

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