Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Government condemns violence against journalists by UPND cadres


HH and GBM gestures during the UPND news conference
HH and GBM gestures during the UPND news conference

Government has condemned the violence against some named journalists by United Party for National Development (UPND) cadres at the party’s secretariat.

Journalists from the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC), Radio Phoenix and Millennium Radio were attacked during a press briefing addressed by UNPD leader Mr. Hakainde Hichilema.

Chief Government Spokesperson Mulenga Kampamba said barbaric act was not only primitive but a serious assault on the freedom of the press.

Ms Kampamba said the media are key in the dissemination of quality information which is a fundamental prerequisite in a democracy like Zambia.

“It is shameful and unfortunate that the UPND has failed to realize this fact and have instead turned against people they are supposed to protect and support.

“This type of hooliganism and barbarism cannot be condoned and should be condemned by all peace loving Zambians and true democrats.

“Government, therefore, calls upon law enforcement agencies to investigate the matter and ensure that the assailants are brought to book,” reads the statement in part.

She reiterated Government’s commitment to upholding and defending the rights of Journalists in the country.

She said there need for Journalists to do their work without fear or intimidation from any individual or political party including the UPND.

Ms Mulenga added that Journalists have a responsibility to their audiences to gather news objectively and report facts.


Government strongly condemns the violence against journalists at the hands of United Party for National Development (UPND) cadres at the party’s secretariat in Lusaka today.

Journalists from the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC), Radio Phoenix and Millennium Radio were attacked during a press briefing addressed by UNPD leader Mr. Hakainde Hichilema.

This barbaric act is not only primitive but a serious assault on the freedom of the press.
The media are key in the dissemination of quality information which is a fundamental prerequisite in a democracy like Zambia.

It is shameful and unfortunate that the UPND has failed to realize this fact and have instead turned against people they are supposed to protect and support.

This type of hooliganism and barbarism cannot be condoned and should be condemned by all peace loving Zambians and true democrats.
Government, therefore, calls upon law enforcement agencies to investigate the matter and ensure that the assailants are brought to book.

I reiterate Government’s commitment to uphold and defend the rights of Journalists.
Journalists need to do their work without fear or intimidation from any individual or political party including the UPND.

Journalists have a responsibility to their audiences to gather news objectively and to report facts.

Hon. Kampbamba Mulenga, MP

28th March, 2017


  1. That was good. Why did they go to look for news from people who were not allowed to assemble? Kapembwe you must think just abit.

    • Way to go. Bembas say “paku akana ubunga tapaba insoni”, they also say “tuka filila munsenga”. We only have one Zambia. We either stand together & protect her or together we destroy her. We can not afford to leave everything for the enjoyment of Chagwa & his cohorts. We all are human that feel pain. The blood that flows through Kennedy Kamba is the same blood that’s in Gilbert Liswaniso. LET WAR BEGIN.

    • They are still investigating the matter concerning the police woman who was battered by Kaiser Zulu.

  2. If it was PF cadres who had done this, the government would have said, ‘We are investigating the matter.’

  3. Mulenga Kampamba should be grateful that UPND is civilised and your PF cadre journalist were asked to leave the conference venue in peace. Turn events, UPND journalists present at PF conference addressed by PF almighty ECL, PF cadres would have buttered them to death. Zambia knows PF has a high propensity to kill as they killed a ZAF officer recently and almost killed Gary Nkombo a few days ago.
    UPND is civilised than other parties known for killing innocent Zambians.

  4. What do you expect from retired prostituties? Just a puppet for government. I cry for mother Zambia being lead by drunkards and cadres Shame and shemuna.

  5. I wonder what they talk about when they hold these unending press conferences. Bwana HH and GBM please move on and have a life. The campaign period is over and its time to work. We see you in 2021. I saw the assault on innocent journalists and this act must be condemned.

    • There are trying very hard to remain relevant to their party. Instead of fighting police, Garry Nkombo should honestly fight HH for real now. These guys are playing cry babies tricks on UPND membership. There are attracting sympathy from their party so that they do not face inter party politics. There are diverting attention within their own party. UPND you have your own enemy within and not the rest of zambia and the earlier you wake up the better for you. This country is moving forward and it’s only you guys in UPND who are not moving. You are being crooked by these two business men

  6. Going by 1 and 2 Upnd are worse than PF. So anything evil done by their cadres is holy and a virtue. As long as HH is warning the bench, the result to them doesn’t matter.

  7. The sister of all liers.

    Where is the footage ? What kind of journalists move with no cameras ?

    Ohh yah it was like the bweengwa kidnapping of GRZ jernos who had no cameras or witnesses or suspects.

  8. “The devil (PF) you know is better than the angel (upnd) you dont know”.Zambians,we are in safe hands under PF than under tribal upnd.HH never said a word at his meaningless and endless press conference about his violent cadres who beat up journalists today.that is hh for you-he is double tongued!he only blames what does not suit his regional party upnd.WHO IN ZAMBIA HAS EVER HEARD HH BLAME OR WARN HIS TONGA FOLLOWERS?NOBODY!!few days ago his violent cadres were jailed in Choma,but to date HH is quiet about this issue.WE ALL HEAR EDGAR LUNGU BLAME AND WARN PF CADRES WHO ARE VIOLENT.THIS IS HOW A GOOD LEADER MUST BE AND NOT HH!!HENCE,I CAN NEVER EVER VOTE FOR HH IN MY LIFE!!

    • I second that!
      Bishop Mambo, Sarah Longwe, Linda Kasonde…the list is endless…they did’t see or hear this???? Oh, it’s not PF thugs!! It’s MODERATE PARTY ACTIVITY-PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE IN OUR DEMOCRACY. Besides, Tongas and the UPND are not so bad…WHAT WERE EVEN THE PF THUGS EMPLOYED BY ZNBC DOING THERE….what hypocrisy.
      EVEN 2021, NJIMBU, DUNUNA REVERSE!! PF IS STAYING IN POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Kampamba you should be the last person to comment on rights of journalist. Just look at your news cast from ZNBC, Times and Daily mail. Its all propaganda. Am sure Joseph Goebbels is your hero and role model

  10. It was a move in a right direction.If you think only PF has the power to fight then you are mistaken.Every body has the right to defend themselves.This is a timely warning to PF that every body has the power to fight back.
    Even Police your days are numbered very soon the public will repel against you.

    • Sudan,dark skin people ….kekekekekekekekekeke stop misleading people. Policemen and the armed forces are under the president, when they are unleashed on you,you will sheet blood. It’s easy said then done. that’s why everyone here is using fake names like bemba man, Sudan, cry the beloved zed etc. Stop fighting a fight you can’t finish,just stay home and enjoy your sweet life. HH and GBM are rich and ready fly out like that Post director, whatever his name is. Relax HH and GBM’s fight ain’t yours. They will use and dump you.

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