Thursday, October 24, 2024

Joshua Banda castigates Malawian prophet for predicting war and bloodshed in Zambia.


National House of Prayer Advisory Board Chairperson Bishop Joshua Banda speaking during press briefing whilst His Vice Chairperson Rev: Pukuta Mwanza (r) and Board Member David Nama (l) listens
National House of Prayer Advisory Board Chairperson Bishop Joshua Banda speaking during press briefing whilst His Vice Chairperson Rev: Pukuta Mwanza (r) and Board Member David Nama (l) listens
NOTHMEAD Assemblies of God overseer Joshua Banda has castigated South African-based Malawian self-styled prophet Sheppard Bushiri for predicting war and bloodshed in Zambia.

Bishop Banda said it was absurd for a man calling himself prophet to only be interested in speaking doom about other countries leaving out real issues in the country of his origin.

“We reject and reverse words of doom over Zambia and I would like to advise Zambians not to be unsettled as our country is under a spiritual covering of the Lord Jesus Christ, as written in Isaiah 60:18 ” Bishop Banda said.

Prophet Bushiri recently posted on the internet his prophecy over Zambia that he was seeing a wall that represented Zambia and a big crack in that wall which eventually collapsed and killed a lot of people.

According to his interpretation, the crack in the wall represented civil war in the country that would eventually claim many lives.

Bishop Banda said it was not the first time foreign men of God were predicting doom over Zambia but because of the good stance the country and its leadership had taken in God, all the foretold doom never came to pass.

“So these words should be rejected by every Zambian as we the prophets of Zambia have not seen anything in those lines,” he said.

Meanwhile the DNA Zambia has appealed for calm and peace among political players especially during the lawful incarceration of opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema so as to prove the false prophets wrong.

DNA Zambia spokesperson Spuki Mulemwa said cautioned especially the United Party for National Development (UPND) supporters to respect the law and exercise maximum restraint to avoid any confusion.
He also rubbished prophet Bushiri’s prophecy over Zambia describing it at a cheap opportunistic move to earn self glorification.


  1. Bushiri is just warning you so take preventative measures before war breaks out. You should avoid anything that can trigger a war.

    • All the three have lost credibility. They are not different from Bushiri and Imakando. They are all using the name of God to amass wealth. Disgrace awaits them and it will be soon.

    • Warning who??? Bushiri is a bussineman and a crook. Why do you think he has changed the tittle of his church to Bushiri investment Ltd?

    • Come on, the man is warning us. What will happen if it happens. Sometimes it’s not good to be in denial, If Joshua Banda is serious let him pioneer a dialog between HH and EL, our country if not careful will truly see war looking at the state of affairs. PF and its leadership have failed Zambians.

    • I would rather no listen to both!
      Sometimes l think the most dangerous people are politicians and the so called prophets!
      Bloody thieves and crooks

    • “Bishop Banda said it was absurd for a man calling himself prophet to only be interested in speaking doom about other countries leaving out real issues in the country of his origin.”


    • “He also rubbished prophet Bushiri’s prophecy over Zambia describing it at a cheap opportunistic move to earn self glorification.”


    • Bishop Banda you are just a tribalism eating from this setting and we can see through you. Which cover do you talk about when on your own church you fail to pay fairly your junior pastors. Shame on you

    • Are Pastepots relevant in Zambia which once used to be a Christian Nation? I thought that right now Zambian Pastors, like Judges are either in Lungu’s pocket or they are making money by unscrupulous means like Pastor Imakando or Lungu himself when he used to be a dodgy lawyer, respectively and building lavish houses

    • Forget the self proclaimed and self acclaimed men of God busy taking from the poor of the little they have and preaching fear damning to fictitious Hades’ realm yet living a heaven on earth! Take your Bible read it and teach yourself to pray and you’ll grow your spirit and wisdom to understand what God wills of you! If we all took time to think deeply and make analysis of who these so called ‘Men of God’ purport to be we’d have second thoughts as the Bible they profess with is readily available to each and every one who asks for it! One does not need a super brain for insight into how the church has bred an opportunistic breed of wealth seeking pastors of questionable morality! They are out to reap where they’re not sowing! Pick a Bible and teach yourself to know God!

  2. Bushiri is a satanic agent. He keeps his congregation devoid of the true word of God.
    Actually they share the same cultic father and plays on dull minds that fails to grasp the finished work of Jesus. For man of us ,bushiri is a scumbag and a fraudster!

  3. Please understand what freedom of speech is. If your country Zambia is now a dictatorship under an illegal president it doesn’t mean the entire world has to succumb to your idi0cy iwe ka Joshua. When you are done licking lungus hairy munyel0 please clean your mouth and keep it shut for your own sake

    • Your insults make us enjoy seeing HH spend easter in hotel small room. You are an example of a bad follower and you irritate!

    • NEZ or whatever you are called, you are an *****, void of any good manners or good morals.

      You are the kind that has been the cause of discredit to the UPND and HH. You are turning people and political fortunes from the UPND.

      Stop it yourself before you are stopped.

  4. National House of Prayer Advisory Board? is it even a job? Religion and politics do not mix. there is nothing like clean politics. If you are religious avoid politics because it involves blood shed, lying, slander, and all things ‘ungodly’.

  5. Please don’t kill the messenger. The man is just warning you of what he is seeing. So if you are real men of God which we all doubt, pray hard to thwart what Bushiri is warning you about

  6. Bushiri is stupid and very silly. You can’t support an individual who thinks using amafi y N’gombe. For the moment let him be there.

  7. It is because of these men of mammon that Zambia is in a mess. Burshiri is right whether he is a man of God or not. At leas he has some bloodshed which has come to pass; yet these men of mammon have not seen anything brecause they have been blinded by born envelopes,instead of telling Lungu that he has gone too far they attack Bushiri who is telling the truth.

  8. Never mind prophets of the Belly, this Malawian so called prophet has run away from Malawi and now all he hallucinates about is blood shed. Shame on him.

  9. Terrible i am still waiting for an answer regarding the legal status of the matter where the presidential political advisor embarrassed the president and zambia at an international sports event that was viewed worldwide. Surely KAIZER ZULU must be at least aware of his outrageous behaviour and apologize to the pipo of zambia for bringind us shame

  10. Lewis kabwe

    I wish to air my view over what is happening in our country zambia. It is true indeed that Zambia is a christian nation. The word of god says that for those who will believe they will face trials and tribulations because the devil will not be happy to see people pronouncing a country like zambia as a christian nation . The seat of presidency in zambia will be hotter than those of other countries because the devil is interested. It is upto to the president to give himself to god for whatever he wants to do for the country because the country has been bought by christ with his blood which was shed for all humanity and especially those who have believed.

  11. NEZ is a real definition of a blind follower, this guy has no brains of his own, apart he is in Zambia apa he is somewhere else, grow up you buffoon and stop insulting us Zambia, you are not intelligent you are very dull and foolish

  12. This advisory group is very quiet on the abuse of Zambian citizens perpetrated by the PF authority, we have political prisoners arrested without trial, unwarranted harassment of citizens by state police, use of live ammunition by the PF compromised police on unarmed citizens. I would have liked them to give counsel on this than waste time on commenting on some prediction by Bushiri.

  13. Let’s stay calm. All is well. The law has no eyes. Therefore, I still feel we need to wait for justice to prevail over the current political developments. God loves all. Remember he has said that all souls are his. He has equally said that he does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked. You may not know how dear HH is to President Edgar until you see him in the streets walking freely.

  14. Kapatu voyager,
    It’s sad that on eater day like this one you still have that cursing, that you forget these Bishops of yours benefit from the tithes that your other tribes you hate so much put in, that there is no thing as chosen by God, because the end does not justify the means, that a country like Rwanda had people like you cursing other tribes for the rightful claim when injustice prevailed, that now when the tables overturned, like they always do as we have seen in Iraq, soon will be in Syria, and the whites and blacks in south africa, life is like that…do not call others animals because the same God you claim created them in his own image. If the Bishops really only appear during elections and staff like this and yet they are building the “church” of Zambia, even the most…

  15. Ba bishop please just pray to God so that he gives you Wisdom on how to guide the nation but don’t castigate your fellow prophet,I should not remind you that the bible says touch not my annoited therefore we are human and we can not judge which one is right or not because you should know that there sameone who do not believe in you.
    Please guide well this nation with God’s Wisdom.

  16. It’s blasphemous of this mwine Chipata Bishop fimo fimo to claim that Zambia is under a spiritual covering of the Lord Jesus Christ. If a stinking Sodom and Gomorrah of Zambia is indeed what represents Jesus’ spiritual covering, then I wonder what Lucifer’s devious covered nations look like. I mean, the president himself is addicted to alcohol and adultery, nearly all his ministers except Veep Wina are serial adulterers and fornicators of the stinkiest order, and ordour! What’s happening in Zambia is nausious to the good lord and to claim this is what he intended for Zambia is stinking blasphemous. No wonder all they do at Assemblies of God Northmead is nothing but adultery and fornication!

  17. The prophet is a man of gold hence the fake prophecies. HH is not the first to be arrested in Zambia infact those who made it in politics the likes of Mandela and many more were once jailed yet they realised their dream and made great leaders. If a politician is inciting violence because of police interogation, he or she is not fit for plot one. The blood of Jesus Christ will save our great nation and we reject false prophesies and violence in Jesus name. He is risen only those with spiritual blindness can trust doomsayers than the triumphant king.

  18. Anywasy, I think its not by coincidence that is was in Barotseland that HH’s problems with Lungu all started and I can also agree with prophet Sheppard Bushiri wa kumawa that Zambia is disintegrating. North Western, most of Central, Western and Southern Provinces are breaking away from Zambia to form their own country. Mukashala mweka ba sakala imwe mwalitumpa saana!

  19. Joshua, Joshua, Joshua – I hope you read this. You have taken sides on what is happening in the country and because you are being fed by one, you have clearly lost the your way. PLease go back to the Lord and seek his guidance and wisdom. Do not be deceived by men

  20. The three in the photo ain’t nothing but the proverbial “the three musketeers “.They have fallen from grace,and are now walking in shame.

  21. i dont think joshua is man of god. its unfortunate not to see sense in what shepard bushiri is saying only boot lickers can continue to deceive their masters. as for spuki mulemwa i think he is asking for a job from mr lungu he wants to be singing along side others who praise pf. please be serious things are tense in the country.

  22. These are same men who cheated Guy scot to bend down to their wishes
    Mr Lungu even handing power as per constitution to scot was an issue . At the time of petition as well he refused to hand over power as per requirement

    So these wakoniwako northmead blokes are just money hungry

  23. I thing can say is let love of God prevail in this land. What I know about prophet Bushiri is God reveals things to him in order to redeem. So God revealed so that he can pray against it. If he has announced it to zambia it’s because he wants you to join him in prayers. Another thing is counter check the posting because so many people are coming up with fake fb sites in the name of Bushiri and are making fake posting which are not coming from bushiri.

  24. Now the prophets are at war with each other let see who is a Christian or after money war to you so called Bishops you are after riches your sins will find you out watch and see

  25. Prophet Bushiri spoke of a crack in a building in construction which would collapse and kill many. His instructions are to pray…Secondly the days of a particular person are numbered and again he said this is regarding a person. What the Pastor/Bishop needs to do is listen to the whole prophecy and pray. A prophet is warning us and all we can do is pray. Is that too much to ask?
    Personally I have concerns with people who oppose Prophets of God. But for the sake of the Zambians who know how to honour the Prophets of the living God, Zambia will be preserved. AMEN

  26. Joshua Banda has exposed himself here. Is the prophet encouraging war or he is foreseeing war? How can a Bishop castigate a Prophet? That’s the problem of chewing money from Politicians, you have even forgotten your calling!

  27. I wouldn’t drop a dime in Banda’s offering plate and I would close my eyes when he’s praying.
    Banda has ZERO Credibility, he’s a cadre plain and simple.

  28. Reminds me of the false prophets in the Old Testament who issued similar attacks against the true prophets of God. War is not Rocket science. War has seeds. When you plant seeds of hate, injustice, selfishness etc, you will have a sure harvest. Zambia is not immune to war. Who knew that Rwanda could erupt the way it did? Better to take heed and make amends! What if God is warning us through the person we despise? Wise up you men of Gold!

    May a true Christianity prevail over Zambia. not these imposer christian followers that have flourished in recent years.

  30. Prophet Bushiri is a fake prophet that only talks about money and comfort. We have tested his prophets; they are useless and of no value. Let him talk about his HIV-infected island. Did Jesus christ have body guards? May God judge your words fake prophet.

  31. Someone once told me that the most dangerous thing is this world is ignorance but what could be more dangerous than ignorance is knowing a little bit of information on something and actually opening your mouth. At no point did bushiri predict war and blood shed in Zambia. Did you watch the video on YouTube? The title is misleading and if one takes the title on YouTube but does not listen to the content, you will mislead people like this ***** has done right now. The only thing he said is there is a building in Zambia that has developed a crack and will collapse. It is very embarrassing at your age to expose yourself like this man of gold. In fact it’s shameful

  32. 30 pieces of silver can change a once respected pastor. Pastorpreneurs, Men of Gold. Instead of advising chakolwa to tone down his hatred & evil, they defend him as if he’s their small god.

    Pastors are still being hunted in Rwanda 20 years after the genocide bcoz of the things they said. Stop supporting an evil PF regime.

    • Well said these bishops must preach peace and salvation not ambushing brown envelopes avoid the spirit of Judas and serve God in truth and spirit

  33. We reject and send back to sender any evil against Zambia. Zambia is a Christian nation and whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world (1 John 5:4-5). We can not allow lawlessness, which Mr HH & Mr GBM seem to be promoting; we are country with laws in place and therefore let the law take its course. That is why these false prophets are now taking advantage and beginning to prophecy doom over a blessed nation. Psalm 33:12. God bless Zambia!

  34. *****ic prophet. How many people has this deceptive snake won for jesus Christ. This fake prophet talks more about money than the Kingdom of God.

  35. @james, you are a lost soul. Zambia is not a Christian nation, a Christian nation does not behave like what your Ka Lungu is doing, and don’t misquote Scripture. God will judge you for supporting an evil person in the name of ECLZ.

  36. Bushiri said he is going to born the second jesus, what happened to his wife,she gave birth to a baby girl, forget about this small boy

  37. He only becomes fake when he says something against u. But u yoursef Joshua banda what have u prophesied about Zambia considering the full plate you getting from these powers. Tell us your prophecy just eat quietly man. U think we don’t know.

    When your kings are making this country safur do ever warn them.
    You cheat man but u can’t cheat God. Wait and see the drama

  38. Joshua Banda – a serious carder,why is he quiet about real issues that can cause civil nothing but a carder.atleast bushiri the church is even big

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