Friday, March 7, 2025

Pentecostals are an embarrassment –Nevers Mumba


Dr Nevers Mumba at the news conference
Dr Nevers Mumba at the news conference

MMD President Nevers Mumba has charged that the conduct of some Pentecostal Pastors aligned to the Patriotic Front is shameful.

Dr Mumba said in an interview that it is embarrassing to belong to the Evangelical movement which he said has aligned itself to the PF which is perpetuating injustices against God’s people.

He said some Evangelical Pastors are failing to condemn the brutality taking place in Zambia because they have so compromised by their close relationship with the PF government.

Dr Mumba who is Overseer for Victory Ministries International singled out Bishop Joshua Banda of Northmead Assemblies of God, Reverand Pukuta Mwanza, the Executive Director of the Evangelical Fellowship of God and BIGOCA Presiding Bishop Peter Ndhlovu as some of the leading Pentecostal Pastors that are embarrassing the Church with their continued silence.

He has since challenged the clergymen aligned to the PF to condemn the injustice that is happening in the country.

Dr. Mumba notes that it has been difficult for the church to diffuse the political tension in the country because some men of God have been compromised.

“I want to ask my junior colleagues in the Church like Bishop Joshua Banda, Rev. Pukuta Mwanza and my brother Bishop Peter Ndhlovu of Bishop to check themselves because the path they have chosen is a very dangerous path. We are ashamed as Evangelicals that our leaders have chosen to remain silent with all the injustices going on in our country,” Dr Mumba said.

He added, “Zambians are expecting more from us but we are failing to call our political leaders to account. We have chosen silence when our people are being oppressed every day.”

Dr Mumba has since applauded the Catholic Bishops for speaking out against increasing political tension in the country and worsening levels of oppression.

“We are so encouraged that there is somewhere in some corner of Zambia where conscious still lies and we applaud our Bishops for coming out in the manner they did. The Catholic Church have really made us proud and that statement by the Catholic Bishops must be read by all Zambians who would want to see a Zambia they can be proud of,” Dr Mumba said.


  1. Ati ‘my junior colleagues’! Speaks volumes about this so-called ‘man of God’. Pride comes before the fall…but then call he possibly fall in lower than he has already?

    • Yes he uses junior so what. He knows why, could be maybe they came to him for consultation when they were junior ministers, yes so he is senior. get a life mudala

    • So pompous!! No juniors or seniors in the kingdom of God. Those who came at the eleventh hour received the same reward.

    • It is all because of that promised PF tabernacle of all nations.
      The Catholics bishops see through things better than any pastor.
      Zambia shall be saved!

    • The Catholic Bishops have set the bar very high. They have simply remained true to scripture and if we are indeed a christian country we better listen to their counsel. Here is a paragraph from their wise statement…..We cannot claim to know God if we fail to respond to and confront the injustices in our society because “to know God means to do justice” and “to do justice is to know God.” Therefore, knowing God cannot be separated from doing justice and from what we do or omit to do to our neighbour. Consequently, people who inflict pain and suffering to their fellow human beings cannot claim to know God, let alone be “Christian!”. ….now can any christian be against the above? Pukuta Mwanza, please tell us


    • He shouldn’t have attacked the pastors publicly cause none of them attacked him that way when he decided to join politics. Pastor Mumba should focus on fighting for what he believes is right rather than speaking against his fellow pastors.

    • The heat is on set by the catholic Bishops. They never spare nor fear anyone anyone and thats how the Bible puts it. Some churches fear to be victimised by the ruling party so shun away to tell off the wrong things the president is doing. The catholics really are outstanding on that part.

    • Dr. Nevers Mumba,

      May is ask you a few questions?

      Where have you got that ranking you have used by saying “my junior colleagues in ministry?”

      At what point and by what criteria did you become their senior? Is it by age or start of service?

      Remember that care and caution must be observed the dealing with the work of God because the Bible says the “first shall be last”.

      You say they have aligned themselves with PF, how have they done so?

      And how have they failed to condemn wrongs? You as a “Senior Minister” have you been condemning wrongs?

      When HH refused to give way to the presidential motorcade was he right or wrong? If he was wrong, did you condemn the wrong?

      Do you want the said men of God (“your juniors”) to join you in calling on Zambians to rise and…

    • Do you want the said men of God (“your juniors”) to join you in calling on Zambians to rise and fight?

      How do you compare yourself in attitude and conduct to David with regard to his conduct and attitude towards Saul?

      What is your approach towards authority and how does that tie with the word if God?

      Dr. Mumba who is Overseer for Victory Ministries International is a total sham for drawing the credible men of God into cheap hand to mouth politics. Mumba ran away from the church due to his insatiable appetite and greedy for power and money. He lauds catholic Bishops for their support for tension in the nation and their serious omission in offering solutions and formally engaging the rebels and Government. Majority Zambians have refused to be drawn into confrontation. Men of God please forgive this lost sheep. Don’t engage him. He is a miserable loser.

    • No any black people who uses religion as a moral guide is an embarassement to Afrikans and knows nothing about history!!

    • I am totally tribal not withstanding my pursuit of higher learning. It conflicts my conscience but so what? I hate all other tribes period. Why wasn’t everybody born Bemba like me. My smelly Fa(k hole. Joshua Banda and others have a reason to support ECL and why should they advise him differently and risk to appear to be supporting HH. Am smarter than Dr Mumba just wait for my title to be awarded no one will cough down there.

    • Indeed,the conduct of some pentecostal leaders leaves much to be desired.Selling morality & integrity for few pieces of silver.No wonder they have even started a ‘church’ at State House that meets on Sundays afternoon,and it’s run by a Committee without known Pastor-in-Charge.You don’t run the Curch/Congregation through a committee.

    • There is nothing wrong with the statement Junior. He is older in Ministry than them. This is not pride my dear brother/sister

    • Nevers,
      All I can say about you is Ichabod!

      The glory of the Lord departed from you a long time ago.

      Also, stop calling God’s servants your juniors – they are not. You must drop your sick paternal attitude.

      I remember your plagiarized sermon, if not in the late 90s.

      No glory!

    • Flashback

      On 20th June 2016 Lungu said: “HH nga akakana ukusumina ama results akamona efyo nkamucita (If HH refuses to accept the results, he will see what I will do to him).

      This treason case is about vengeance, pure evil of lungu. This is the type of childish leader who abuses police & justice system, the Born-agains to carry out his vengeance.

      If you notice all three BIG-SHOPS are from Eastern Province as is the case with most PF defenders here.
      The tree “musketeers” have no integrity all, for them preaching is just another job. No moral responsibility for society.

    • Fake clergymen being paid to say things suitable to the powers. For instance J Banda is enjoying a lavish life thanks for making appropriate statements.

  2. Joshua Banda is useless and certainly not all Pentecostals. He worships mormon with insatiable love for money and opulence. President Lungu who had his relation now in diaspora survive a murder attempt on his life by Percy Koloni Joshua was using in satanic ritual killings almost 2 decades ago should know better that Joshua is useless. Dig dipper what led to mass desertion fron Northmead Church to growth of miracle center. Then senior police officer Dr. Malama served the face of Jushua by covering up the criminal act. Remember yales of his Lazarous foundation? Rev Njobvu is clear christian leader.

    • Just look at the names: Banda, Mwanza and Ndlovu. These wakos will do anything to support their fellow wako, Lungu, to loot and r@pe Zambia. Anyway, Pentes, including Nervous Mumbwe himself, are just money mongers who will do anything for a few more ngwees in their wallets.

  3. An embarrassment is you Never who left the church for political Gold. Leave those still leading churches alone.

    • I hear your comment but Dr Mumba if he was another Jim and jack he would be back on pulpit longtime. The man made more money during victory ministry days and even if he went back he would be up there and not even these joshuas of zambia would match him. He is in politics leave him along and not just judging people behind a keyboard. get a life. Mumba is different from Dr Pule. Dr Pule is back asking for mula on TV

    • MaPente are just hungry money mongers, selling holy water in gibberish gobbledegook to hoodwink the fibble minded.

    • It is fine if your view is the same as that held by God regarding Pentecostals.

      And remember that only God sees the hearts of men.

  4. The clown has come out of hiding to jostle for power with GBV now that UPND has no leader. Nevers Mumbwe is a failed life project with nothing to show for his existence.
    This nincopmooop has finally been initiated by Kaponya (HH) into the Satamic Free Masson Lodge by Akainde.
    The Useless Ponyio Nyio Dogs are so disoriented after Kaponya (HH) was clamped, so disoriented they can’t even see Nalumango, Malya Bwammba and Mumbwe taking over UPND. UPND is finished.

  5. “Zambians are expecting more from us but we are failing to call our political leaders to account. We have chosen silence when our people are being oppressed every day.”
    Really Mr Mumba! You are not part of the clergy for you for 30 pieces of silver sold your soul to the devil.
    You should have advised HH that the path he was taking would bring chaos to our country. Did you do that NO instead you decided to join HH.

  6. Tell them Dr Mumba; Zambia needs people like you and not these Christians for Lungu bishops, they’re a shame to Zambia; the Catholics have spoken the truth which Lungu and his PF minions need to hear.

  7. How come all the people appeared worrisome? The manager is in jail no more food at home. Ask the man of God to pray, manner will fall. Pentecostals are an embarrassment, say bishop Nevers Mumba.

    • Adults with imaginary friends are not exactly sane.
      All the death-cults are a danger as well as an embarrassment to all humanity.
      Gods are delusions in the minds of the mentally ill.
      You need treatment.

  8. Hello? Say again “pastor”? The boy is broke and his only source of income is behind bars, the other source is also almost broke and has run away to India fearing aba nkongole. Just ignore this ka fake pastor life is hard. If he was appointed DC he would jump at it but Lungu has enough material to choose from.

    The trial should starts next month after the dates are set. But knowing his lawyers this may be felayed by preliminaries, and I dont care how many they raise, the important thing is that the lawyers ensure that he remains behind bars for a long long time before wwe know whether he is huilty or not guilty. Yes I mean the underfive donkey of course.

  9. The “pastor” is equally guilty of the present situation of underfive, he encouraged him to do wrong things instead of practising his “calling” which is to counsel the boy who had strayed from God. Instead he just watched him transform from underfive to donkey.

  10. “Build that wall against the shameful pentecostals ” .Dr Mumba is that the ugly Donald Trump’s wall behind you?

  11. Former vp Dr Banda has been vindicated. He precisely predicted what has become of hh today. If some of you may recall Banda once said he handled hh and helped him stay out of trouble. Am sure Banda is smiling and possibly saying I told him. For those of you who have deliberately forgotten about banda, he was the right guy who controlled hh until he got sacrificed for gbm. HH wouldn’t ‘ve been behind bars today if he maintained Banda.

    • That wako Banda was a snitch, in UPND to feed his fellow wako, Lungu, with what was going on. He jumped ship when he got found out.

  12. Dr Mumba!!! You too you have affiliated yourself with UPND and president of MMD and you the overseer of victory Bible Church which is a pentecostal too, you left church and said God instructed you to be the president so you formed your party, whatever the name was which later you abandoned and joined MMD I wonder if also God told you so, and you call the other clergymen your juniors I guess they’re following in their senior’s footsteps…

  13. What did you expect Mumba? They are your cousins and when you put these two proverbs together, you will know why: “Umodzi kumawa” and “Chiwamila galu kuluma mbuzi”. See, these chaps are called Ndlovu, Banda and of course SelaWikute Pukuta Mwanza will naturally support a Lungu. This is all the tribal bigotry you Bembas started.

    • Wako-ni-wako in full play, even in churches. Bembas should be celebrating that their ideology of discrimination on basis of tribe is taking over Zambia.

  14. Nevers could be right but its only God who knows who is an embarrassment, the rest of you all are just making noise

  15. It is an embarrassment when an embarrassment tells you that you are an embarrassment.
    Never Wisekwila Mumba is an embarrassment to Zambia and to the Church

  16. Why is the Ministry of Religion quiet about the Catholic Bishops’ stance on the on-going atrocities in the country? This is why we say the formation of this Ministry was wrong in almost every sense. Obviously the Minster in charge of Religion condemned the way HH’s residence was raided but could not come out in the open to condemn for obvious resons:fearing for her job.

  17. WTF……..Is this scumbag for real? There is a difference between him and the people he is condemning. The truth is that unlike him, those he is condemning are still working for the Lord unlike him who has abandoned his flock for a few pieces of bloodied silver. Sata clearly stated that Nevers Mumbai has cheated God. Bet that’s more than true.

  18. Mumba is the first embarrassment to himself and to his former church because he is NO LONGER a man of God. Let him tell us the path that he took to join politics and the dirty games he has played in the political arena. He has called other pastors as junior pastors! Is it by birth or may be he already knows that in God’s Kingdom he occupies the higher position? Dr. Mumba should refer to the story in the Bible where the farm owner engaged workers some early in the morning, some mid-morning and others in the evening and how the farm owner paid them. Dr. Mumba is showing that he is more knowledgeable than all those he mentioned by names, which I feel is NOT fair. We know he is a UPND supporter without proper direction!!!!!

  19. I heard with delight yesterday when NAREP president Elias Chipimo set up a conference where they want to propose to parliament a bill that will make it mandatory for government to award 30% of all contracts to Zambian youths and MSMEs exclusively. Now that is what opposition should be doing, no wonder I blogged earlier that the government should not dialogue with upnd as it is full of clowns like the one above who have no idea on the development of this country except how they will line up their pockets. My appeal to the Govt. and the PF: ignore these i.d.iots like Nevers, VJ and the upnd horde of failures and connect with the fresh minds of the likes of Chipimo, Andiford Banda etc.

    • If Narep is so good how come they don’t have a single MP or Councillor? Who is going to support their bill in Parliament, PF maybe?

  20. I will respect this man of God. A thing I know is, he is a great man with a vision that people are yet to understand. Because many people don’t even know what a vision is. But they can make a comment. It’s sad to say that most Zambians choose leaders like choosing a soccer team. One thing is God choose the righteous and not drunken masters?. When the righteous are in authority, people rejoice, but when a wicked person rules poeple groan. It is written in the law of the Wise. Wisdom is a principal thing.

  21. Hypocrit and parasite Nevers Mumba is what you are! Do you really have a memory iwe Mumba?
    Just look at the party and person yourself has aligned with, HH and GBM of all the people, silly. GBM was insulting the entire PF in that vulgar video clip and you kept mute, when HH was behaving like a maggot committing serious crimes to the extent of treason, you were quite, now what can one possibly describe you? Everything has time and it’s time you realised that you are expired including HH you pretend to support because of hunger. UPND IS HISTORY JUST LIKE UNIP.

  22. Dr. Nevers Mumba,

    May is ask you a few questions?

    Where have you got that ranking you have used by saying “my junior colleagues in ministry?”

    At what point and by what criteria did you become their senior? Is it by age or start of service?

    Remember that care and caution must be observed the dealing with the work of God because the Bible says the “first shall be last”.

    You say they have aligned themselves with PF, how have they done so?

    And how have they failed to condemn wrongs? You as a “Senior Minister” have you been condemning wrongs?

    When HH refused to give way to the presidential motorcade was he right or wrong? If he was wrong, did you condemn the wrong?

    • Do you want the said men of God (“your juniors”) to join you in calling on Zambians to rise and fight?

      How do you compare yourself in attitude and conduct to David with regard to his conduct and attitude towards Saul?

      What is your approach towards authority and how does that tie with the word if God?

      Do you think God has recognised the leadership of Edgar Lungu or, like the UPND and yourself, He has not?

      Assume God ass recognised it, don’t you think you are in error by disregarding, disrespecting and dishomouring it?

      These are mere questions I am asking; I cannot condemn you because I respect you so much as a man of God.

      I may not agree with what you do as a politician because you are doing so as a politician, but as a man of God I still respect you.

      I may be wrong…

    • I may be wrong but I am still waiting for a day you will function as a man of God because, there I believe, you will function correctly.

  23. One can’t go wrong with the Catholic Church. They have been on this earth too long to be deceived by a few pieces of silver. You can see PF has no ‘insulting’ reply to them except to ask them to speak to HH. They command respect and even PF knows it.


  25. This was uncalled for. You accepted a political appointment, left your own congregants in shambles for political expediency. Judge not others.

    We the Bembas say “Ukutangila tekufika” Even in the matters of God, when Mumba was preaching, he sounded holier than us. Alas, “inshiku shalingenye nina nomwana”. Isn’t it amazing? Amazing that once a supposedly peace maker, lover of God and a true worshiper can turn around and accuse the church for holding their position for God, for the people of Zambia, for Peace. Mumba’s dented image says it all. He now dines with Lucifer.

  27. dr mumba, what is wrong with you are not even ashamed of you r deeds as a man of god ai? leave those man of god alone, they are not like you who is after HHs money and mind you are not in position to tell them what they shod or what they shod not. wat a bleariness head dr mumba, kuwayawayafye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  29. If you bloggers were President of Zambia, I would pray for your salvation. Your tone is full of hate for each other. Are we Christians?
    GOD loves us all whether Nevers, Lungu, HH , catholics, Pukuta, Ndhlovu , or Banda.
    By hating each other does not increase an inch to our existence.
    Your support for Lungu or HH is vanity…..
    GOD is powerful and these two men(HH and LUNGU) are nothing before GOD….
    You love for HH or LUNGU must not cause you to demean any person created by GOD.
    Power come from GOD…… not from LUNGU or HH……

  30. ROMANS 13:1-14
    Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience. …
    HEBREWS 13:17
    Obey your leaders and…

    • @-Wrong interpreting of Rom.13:1-14.(KJV):Read vs.1″-Every soul has to submit to higher powers”.Higher powers is NOT physical,but spiritual.In this case ,the earthly governing authority should submit either to God’s Power or something else.God’s governing authority is distinguished in vs.4;In that the God ordained authority is NOT A TERROR to it’s people,but a terror to evil/injustice.So please,NOT every governing authority is from God perse,but God removes His covering/protection(due to sin or disobedience/rebellion) as punishemrnt and the devil brings in his governing authotity of terror.The genuine christians have to reflect on their conduct why this should happen and calls for repentance-(2Chron.7:14)

    • @-Wrong interpreting of Rom.13:1-14.(KJV):Read vs.1″-Every soul has to submit to higher powers”.Higher powers is NOT physical,but spiritual.In this case ,the earthly governing authority should submit either to God’s Power or something else.God’s governing authority is distinguished in vs.4;In that the God ordained authority is NOT A TERROR to it’s people,but a terror to evil/injustice.So please,NOT every governing authority is from God perse,but God removes His covering/protection(due to sin or disobedience/rebellion) as punishemrnt and the devil brings in his governing authotity of terror.The genuine christians have to reflect on their conduct why this should happen and calls for repentance-(2Chron.7:14)

  31. 1 PETER 2:11-17
    Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. …

  32. Nerves Mumbais right on this one. These men of “gold” have been highly compromised. Its the more reason they cannot stop ECL from building an idol worship center. Surely when Zambians are suffering you can embark on such a useless venture. Sadly these men are not interested in ECL’S perishing soul but what they will benefit from him

    What is the preoccupation of leaders of the church in matters of Governance and Politics? Should they remove the robe and take up arms in words and weaponry to attack earthly authority? Should they be so blind to the facts on the ground and overlook the real issues and undermine governments. John 18:36-37 NKJV Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the.

  34. What injustices? One person gets arrested for putting the life of the head of state and many other people at risk and he calls that injustice? The bafoon is quite on his new found friends burning courts and the ethnic clensing they started after loosing last years elections

    Daniel 2:21, NKJV. “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”
    God is still in control over the powers that rise and fall. It’s in the Bible, Daniel 2:21, NKJV. “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”

    • Cont’d
      We should obey the governmental authorities that God has placed in power. It’s in the Bible, Romans 13:1-4, TLB. “Obey the government , for God is the one who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow. For the policeman does not frighten people who are doing right; but those doing evil will always fear him. So if you don’t want to be afraid, keep the laws and you will get along well. The policeman is sent by God to help you. But if you are doing something wrong, of course you should be afraid, for he will have you punished. He is sent by God for that very purpose.”

    • *Believers should cooperate with the authorities wherever possible. It’s in the Bible, Titus 3:1, TLB. “Remind your people to obey the government and its officers, and always to be obedient and ready for any honest work.”
      *Sometimes obedience to God and His law may require disobedience of earthly powers. It’s in the Bible, Acts 5:29, NIV. “We must obey God rather than men!”
      *Those in authority are ultimately responsible to God. It’s in the Bible, Deuteronomy 17:18-19, TLB. “And when he has been crowned and sits upon his throne as king, then he must copy these laws from the book kept by the Levite-priests. That copy of the laws shall be his constant companion. He must read from it every day of his life so that he will learn to respect the Lord his God by obeying all of His…

    • I cannot agree more.

      In fact the men of God whom Dr. Nevers Mumba has castigated are actually living according to the word of God.

      He, Nevers Mumba, is living in disobedience to authority.

      Is Nevers sure that God has rejected Edgar Lungu? And even then, as long as he is in authority God recognises his authority and anoints him for authority.

      Saul was in fact clearly rejected by God, but what dit David say regarding Saul?

      Even when he had every opportunity to harm him or disregard him, David said touch not the anointed.

      David recognised, respected, and honoured Saul for as long as he was still on the throne.

      What would Nevers have done if he were David??

  36. Just a few months ago, Catholic Bishops went to State House to meet ECL. UPND condemned the move of the Bishops aligning themselves with the PF Government. How come now they are being applauded? Nevers was in the forefront condemning the same Catholic Bishops. The simple logic is that these people of God are not partisan, they stand for the truth.

    • Truthfully, if you should read the catholic Bishops’ response, you’ll understand that they are not siding with ANY specific political party but with all parties. To lower political tension, ALL parties MUST shiw restraint. hakainde must stop riding on any stoopid pride that he is president nor should Lungu let power go to his head. And Never must be escorted back to Zambia Shall Be Saved.

  37. What injustices? One man gets arrested for deliberately putting the life of the Head of Sate in danger (as well as 100s of other people) and he calls that injustice? Did he want him to go scott free? No! There are laws that must be followed and applied.
    Why is he silent on the violent path his friends have taken after loosing elections? They started tribal cleansing in southern province, they are now burning courts and he is mute

  38. how do measure juniorship with the things of God because its not about age, popularity, miracles, wealth; its about the deep relationship with God which is invisible to mans eyes. am very sure Dr mumba didnt say that, if he did then its unfortunate and very very unfortunate. they have not attacked him in public, so as their brother he needed to meet them in person and consult among themselves. am sure he didnot say that.

  39. How can they be an embarrassment when God Himself has opened their eyes to see the political leaders who are walking the christian life? It’s Doctor Nevers Mumba himself who remains in the dark and can not see that ECL is the chosen one.

  40. @ 39.1 Thorn in the Flesh

    I cannot agree more.

    In fact the men of God whom Dr. Nevers Mumba has castigated are actually living according to the word of God.

    He, Nevers Mumba, is living in disobedience to authority.

    Is Nevers sure that God has rejected Edgar Lungu? And even then, as long as he is in authority God recognises his authority and anoints him for authority.

    Saul was in fact clearly rejected by God, but what dit David say regarding Saul?

    Even when he had every opportunity to harm him or disregard him, David said touch not the anointed.

    David recognised, respected, and honoured Saul for as long as he was still on the throne.

    What would Nevers have done if he were David??

  41. Even the catholic bishops are equally useless like Nevers.They liked PF when Sata was president.Is it because he was catholic and ECL is not.We have noticed that the catholics started talking ill of PF when ECL took over.They are failing to condemn HH’s refusal to recognise ECL as president.The bible says give ‘ceaser what belongs to him and God what belongs to God.So give what belongs to ECL what belongs to ECL and that is recognition.You will be at peace with yourselves and everyboby.If people refuse you to be their servant,you dont force.Actually it is a relief to you.Rest.If you force then it is you who need a service.To enrich your businesses and pay back what you owe outsiders who assisted with compaigns.Sorry wait.

  42. UPND watch this space. The clown has come out of hiding to jostle for power with GBV now that UPND has no leader. Nevers Mumbwe is a failed life project with nothing to show for his existence.
    This nincopmooop has finally been initiated by Kaponya (HH) into the Satamic Free Masson Lodge by Akainde.
    The Useless Ponyio Nyio Dogs are so disoriented after Kaponya (HH) was clamped, so disoriented they can’t even see Nalumango, Malya Bwammba and Mumbwe taking over UPND. UPND is finished.

  43. People you cannot have God without people. If you don’t value people there is no way you can value God. All churches are flawed because they are run by human beings. However on the issue at hand the Catholic Bishops are right. Dr Mumba has had the best reasons to be in politics and in MY understanding he has been consistent. I disagreed with him when he opposed late President Chiluba but he was right because that’s where Zambia lost it. If Dr Chiluba had not tried to stand for a third term and allowed General Tembo, General Miyanda, M C Sata, Mazoka and others to compete for MMD presidency fairly, we probably would have been a great democratic country by today. The way I see it we still need somebody to exorcise the African political nonsense demon in order to rise to greater heights.

  44. I believe liberal democracy, since it has little with interfering in other people’s affairs. If Edgar is really using the police to silence opposition, I can’t support that. Those political cadres, whether of the ruling party or opposition UPND (not sure whether MMD and UNIP have their wreckless own) have to be incacerated and tried by courts in the spirit of bringing sanity to the country.

    I don’t agree with Hichilema’s democratic principles: he refuses to honour Edgar and instigates coerces his MPs to boycot national functions and parliament. Is this the democracy he wants for Zambia? Maybe, if UPND had a liberal not a populist leader, I would support anyone who would bring national interests before politics.

  45. Dr. Mumba or what ever you are called…….Judgement is for God and not you who has failed the christian.

  46. it speak volumes that your stance is not of general populous. sit down and think through what you perceive as brutal. people not aligning with you doesn’t mean that pf has them in its pockets. most Zambians can’t fall for Judas Iscariot behavior.

  47. Nevers Mumba is right and that’s 100% true but he was in the same boat. Church leaders should stand for the truth and stop using the church in politics.

  48. …26“What is written in the Law?” Jesus replied. “How do you read it?” 27He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” 28“You have answered correctly,” Jesus said. “Do this and you will live.”…
    Brethren, this is what matters most, not how Pastor Mumba addressed who and who. With Love, we will conquer all the barriers of enmity that causes us to take sides and battle it out!
    I salute the men of the color that the Lord has placed upon this land ZAMBIA. We do not want to compare who is greater than the other. Let us all work for the Peace of this Nation.
    God bless Zambia

    • Ecclesiastes 9:5 shows that religion is a scam so your gods are all phoney.No heaven and no hell either, just fairy tales.



  50. If appearing to appease powers that be and parroting illegality is being patriotic then I’m really scared for our country. Nevers is entitled to his opinion and has the right to air is views. Whether you like them or not that is your right too. The most important aspect of any discussion is not the emotions, politics and carderism that goes with any discussion but rather the objectivity with which discussants take the matter, judging it within its own merits taking into account the background and other related circumstances.

    Everybody knows the Pulpit in Zambia has been politicized. Those that beg to provide an alternative view from the script of government are labeled government malcontents or sympathetic to the opposition. To sing to government is to be seen to be objective. That…

  51. You chose politics over religion. Wondering what the angels are saying on you. Now you want all religious leaders to follow your evil ways just because you were there earlier. Kutangila tekufika.

  52. One mentally ill fool is embarrassed by the actions or inactions of other mentally ill fools?Let them fight it out.While they are pre-occupied with their squabble,they are less able to inflict their religious evil on the world.

  53. Judge not so that you too will not be judged. Stop it right now. How can a Pastor attack other Pastors openly like that. Do they have no closets? Stop it in Jesus’ name.

  54. Harsh Headline bashi mapepo. I expect you to just name the culprits unlike such a collective term as “Pentecostals.” We still have uncompromised Christians in the Pentecostal churches.

    That said, I think Dr. Mumba has a good point which even himself has failed to observe. The names of Pastors mentioned and many others are on the side of ruling party. Not long from now, we even had Christians for Lungu. On the other hand, we have Pastors on the side of Opposition party and as long as we take such a stance, it becomes difficult to correct the party one affiliates to.

    I guess it is the reason Dr. Mumba kept quiet on many occasions HH and UPND acted badly. Likewise, Christians for Lungu would not want to pinpoint the wrongs of EL and ruling PF.

    As Christians, we all ought to…


  56. Dr Nevers Mumba set up Victory Ministries International from the scratch. Joshua Banda, Pukuta Mwanza are just employees at established churches.

  57. Fact now is Zambia is not a Christian Country anymore. It’s a country of vengeance and political oppression.
    The Men of Gold, the BIgshops have been compromised by the politicians.

  58. Please let us pray for Nevers Mumba. Let us pray for HH and Lungu. Let us pray for our mother Zambia. From statements coming from our eminent personalities, our nation has lost direction and we are in trouble. This is no longer an issue of who is wrong and who is right- it is now about the well being of our nation. The truth is both sides have done something wrong and they are being unchristian for being blind to their wrongs and only pointing at others. Please we only have one Zambia and silly egos wont feed us and and ensure our security. Can those who think they are leaders rise above pettiness and hatrade and embrace the love that God requires of us who claim to be Christians. In Christ’s paraphrased words- you can be the senior most Bishop and Pope of Zambia but if you have no love,…

  59. The once former decorated pastor Mr. Nevers Mumba who holds a Diploma in theology and a honourary degree is more than confused himself. He has been quick to mxs politics and religion. Democracy demands that people will have different views so the pastors who have a different views from yours are no less than you. You have even the audacity to mention your colleagues by name, You are really shameless. Remember that Zambia is a democracy, you chose to align yourself with UPND in search of a position, that is your political right. But for your fellow Zambians to have a different view you want to embarrass them. We thank God your aligned part did not take the day.

    • You are right dear brother, the guy has what in America is called an associate degree, an equivalent of a diploma in the rest of world. MR NEVERS MUMBA or maybe Revd Nevers Mumba!!!! And he flaunts around calling himself Dr Mumba Oh Pleeeeeease….!!

  60. Nevers Mumba Sekwila some of us think you have fallen from grace. Your battles in the political arena do not suit you, Go back to the pulpit if that was your call.

  61. Ati “my junior colleagues in the church” awe kwena Nevers!!! By the way, when and where did you defend your doctoral thesis?

  62. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
    For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
    I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
    Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

  63. It is actually PRIDE which has made Mumba fall like Lucifer. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
    For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
    I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
    Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

  64. Actually, by just listening to Mumba and looking at him, you see an emblem of PRIDE, STUBBONNES and REBELLION. Such leaders always go nowhere, they will remain hallucinating against good the rest of their lives.

  65. There is no need for those Dr Mumba is calling juniors in ministry to respond. First he(Dr Mumba) is trying to draw a wedge between the Catholic bishops and the pentacostal leaders. Secondly between HH and those pentecostal leaders. He should instead engage those (juniors) in private. Dr Mumba is a very inexperienced leader both at his ministry and in politics. off course these leaders know each other from Hill Crest secondary, Dr Mumba, Bishop Banda, Dr Pule etc. Dr Mumba has killed MMD. He is an embarrassment himself. comes to america and preaches in some churches claiming he is the next president.

    The once upon a time formidable Movement For Multi-Party Democracy(MMD) has been reduced to a pile of comedy. Off course whats wrong in politics should be condemned but Dr Mumba has done…

  66. Chuundu Chaitwa:secretary general
    According to your bible your religion is a scam with no heaven or hell and no rewards.
    Ecclesiastes 9:5 “For the living know that they will die,but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward;but the memory of them is lost.”

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