Friday, March 14, 2025

PF most politically intolerant government since 1991-TIZ


Transparency International Zambia has described the PF government as the most politically intolerant government Zambia has ever seen since the reintroduction of multi-party politics.

In a statement, TIZ Acting Executive Director Wesley Chibamba accused the PF of clamping down democratic space adding that anyone who says something they are uncomfortable with is attacked.

Mr Chibamba has since reminded the PF that Zambia is still a democratic state where freedom of expression is a right that has to be enjoyed and protected as such.

He said the organisation is dismayed at what it called the unwarranted attacks it has received from the Patriotic Front (PF) through its Provincial Youth Chairperson Kennedy Kaamba.

“TIZ is a professional organization whose responsibility among others, is to provide checks and balances to the government. It is rather shocking that simple advice can be taken with such venom and hostility as to warrant direct attacks on the organization and its leadership. We will not be drawn into a media brawl with the Mr Kaamba or the PF. The PF needs to learn to take advice and constructive criticism. That is what happens in a democratic dispensation,” Mr Chibamba said.

He added, “We find it interesting that when we say something that praises the PF, TIZ is labelled to be PF. When we say something that they are not comfortable with, we are labelled to be UPND. This is very unfortunate, as TIZ is an apolitical organization. In striving to promote good governance, we are alive to the fact that some things we may say maybe uncomfortable for any ruling party. But we will not neglect our responsibilities simply because our statements will make people uncomfortable”

“TIZ has desisted from issuing statements on the arrest of the opposition leader, TIZ has indeed desisted from making political comments. The comment that has angered the PF provincial youth chairperson was advice for the PF to use someone who is an authority in interpreting legal issues when making statements bordering on the subject,” he said.

He said, “TIZ will continue with its work of promoting good governance, which entails respect for the rule of law, democracy, protection of human rights, transparency, accountability, justice and equality among others. So when there is an exhibit of poor governance by virtue of abrogating any of these good governance principles, TIZ will be there to criticize and provide guidance. TIZ will not be silenced by political party cadres.”


  1. Its hard to survive on donor funds. These NGO’s are trying to impress their donors yet they are becoming more and more irrelevant in Zambia.
    PF promotes the rule of law – if you have a problem with that go to Jupiter or Mars because all countries have laws and prisons for law breakers.

    • TIZ seems to be behaving exactly what it condemns.

      Is TIZ a king (dictatorship) or is a democratic institution?

      If TIZ is democratic itself, then TIZ aught to be open to criticism.

      How is it that TIZ who want to be free to criticism wishes to have an immunity against criticism?

      TIZ wants to enjoy democracy to criticise others but the are angered when they receive criticism.

      What example will TIZ show by exhibiting dictatorial tendencies when it involves their organisation?

      The government has the right to answer back when they are criticised in a manner they do not agree.

      TIZ aught to know that this is common practice if the are following Trump’s comments on the media and those who criticize him and his government.

    • Here is the TRUTH PF and Government should not be used interchangeably.

      Government supersedes PF.

      ANC is not Government in SA.

      PF is not Government

      Government should act and refuse UPND a licence to operate. The majority will be fine.



    • What do you expect when the majority of those in government are mediocre and cannot debate issues. This is one of the disasters Sata left: a group of illiterate thugs who never thought thatt they could one day control resources, now they have tested power. Anyone who doesnt agree with PF is either labled either as tribal or bitter, to shut the debate close!

    • @ munone…that sounds true. Only problem is… rules are to be obeyed by everyone, and no one should be above the law. Otherwise you have animal farm kind of society where some animals feel to be above other animals. You claim PF has been promoting the rule of law. If the law was to be applied equally many PF leaders would be in prison by now for corruption.


  2. Senior PF officials must control cadres such as Kennedy Kamba.indeed Zambia is a democracy so all parties must be given space.its us Zambia who decide who should be our president.for now we gave it to ECL,at another time we will vote for another Zambian!!

    But TIZ’s statement is not correct.things under PF are not bad.statements from some few PF cadres cant make TIZ to make this statement!!BE REAL TIZ.

    • @njimbu,things under pf are bad,people make conclusion after comparisons,in this case if we compare the democratic trends under pf to those under mmd,be by RB,MWANAWASA and CHILUBA,one will conclude that the LUNGU administration is bad,so TIZ statement holds water.

    • TIZ are spot on. Zambia is not a democratic state anymore under PF. These supersensitive skunks cannot bear any criticism or negative comment. That’s why they want to kill HH and have already killed Mapenzi and Choongwa.

  3. To the contrary PF government is the most politically tolerant government otherwise some should have been killed or jailed a long time ago.

  4. TIZ seems to be behaving exactly what it condemns.

    Is TIZ a king (dictatorship) or is it a democratic institution?

    If TIZ is democratic itself, then TIZ aught to be open to criticism.

    How is it that TIZ who want to be free to criticise others wishes to have an immunity against criticism?

    TIZ wants to enjoy democracy to criticise others but they are angered when they receive criticism.

    What example will TIZ show by exhibiting dictatorial tendencies by refusing to be criticized?

    The government has the right to answer back when they are criticised in a manner they do not agree.

    TIZ aught to know that this is common practice if at all they are following Trump’s comments on the media and those who criticize him and his government.

  5. TIZ is spot on! The facts are there. Even the international community have been able to observe the intolerance by PF.We don’t hate the PF.Infact we love them. When someone really loves you they should be able to point out your wrongs. You cannot watch somebody you love falling into a deep pit with your arms folded.

    • It may not be PF being intolerantt but the ability of the opposition parties, especially one, to nag and complain.

      I have known of parents that are very hard on their own children yet deemed very good parents.

      I have also known of parents who are extremely moderate on children but because under them is one child who is a step or dependent child who may not have his/her parents living, this kid manages to slander and dent the image of these parents completely.

      The child causes the entire community (including international community) to believe the couple is bad.

      So is the case with UPND and the Post news paper. The post painted the late Sata a bad man until they reached an understanding with him; he became a great man.

      When he disappointed Kabimba and appointed Lungu, they…

    • When he disappointed Kabimba and appointed Lungu, they began to label him bad man again.

      So the image us fictitious, because if you only had parties like NAREP and green party, no such perceptions would arise.

      You may also wish to know that the behaviour of the UPND and their leader HH is extraordinary.

      No party or any opposition leader has ever called for people to rise and find government since independence.

      No party or opposition leader has ever blocked presidential motorcade since independence.

      So PF does not operate in a vacuum; the behaviour and character of the opposition has an impact on public perceptions.

      Most of these perceptions are fictitious.

  6. Pf has a leadership vacuum,crisis n identity. The President of PF no-one should issuing statements on certain issues but they have continued in total disregard to the directive. They want UPND to recognize him yet they(pf) have no respect for him

    • You think he is PF Republican President?

      Why do you want HH to recognise him only after of members show what you perceive as respect?

      Does the Republican presidency have to depend on the ‘behaviour’ of PF?

      Let me ask you one question:

      If HH is convicted and President Lungu decides to pardon him through prerogative of mercy, is HH going to refuse saying, “I don’t regnise him as president, and of members are not showing him respect’?

      Some behaviours tend to exhibit negative logic.

    • Stoopid question: Lungu would only pardon HH because he would know that HH would be barred from 2021 elections. Lungu would have achieved his objective of barring the only credible opposition leader in Zambia. HH does not have to be thankful for such vindictive and vengeful treatment. Wake up!

    • @ 8.2 Buck Teeth Lungu,

      You are answering a stoopid question; are you stoopid yourself?

      Only a foo.l will see foo.lishness and go to play around it but a Wiseman will not start interacting with it.

  7. No its not the govt its the people who have become very docile over the years…today a Bum like Lungu can find his way to State House by simply stating he is visionless and he is good dancer..

    • At least Lungu knows that:

      1) you don’t get to state house by calling on people to rise and fight government.

      2) you don’t get to state house by blocking presidential motorcades

      3) you don’t get to statehouse by stepoing your MPs from representing their electorate when there is presidential address at parliament.

  8. From the most educated to the least. PF cadres are all the same. They seem to think everyone should think alike. If you don’t want to be judged please don’t seek public office go to the farm like RB.when other nations are reducing budgets on their defence that’s when zambia is doing the opposite. Ba of we are in a democracy not a kingdom.

    • Your advice is meant for TIZ who are openly protesting and refusing to be criticized.

      As a civil activist, or indeed NGO, you are under public scrutiny too just like government.

      You can’t want to be criticizing others and yet complain and protest when you are criticised.

      TIZ should show good example of democracy and freedoms by the manner they respond to criticism.

      Not advocating for what they don’t like done to them.

      This is where I question logic. Especially when signs indicate that there is reverse logic.

  9. Lungu death can but you will not hide.the clock is ticking fast.Kaizer watch your steps.Shakafuswa don’t sleep in case a snake enters your bed. RB watch out for what is coming.

  10. Just not clear what the mandate of Transparency International Zambia is. It should have addressed itself more to the issue of respect for the rule of law than talk more generally about intolerance. It should also have given a comparison of the performance of PF in government with that of other parties that have been there before for people to better appreciate what they are saying. Otherwise, this kind of “analysis” is shallow.

  11. TIZ please tell off and continue educating these tribal clever fools from the north and east who have divided the nation Zambia. God show these fools that tribe does not supersede human . If we say monkeys and rats are useless are we being fair? Rats and monkeys know they know who they are. in Zambia and now monk and rats have become problematic to Zambia. Mind u there is a time frame to everything.

  12. Now when nez says that pf has taken us back to unip days people here here will sasay nyo nyo nyo


  14. TIZ, to me does not stand for transparent as per say as it in itself is not transparent. I say this in light of what seems to be obtaining internally. When one hears the tone of Mcdonald chipenzi, it’s former president, there is some semblance of between the two. Now, knowing that chipenzi is a upnd carder, one wonders how TIZ is transparent in its dealings as it’s most likely to be under the influence of upnd through chipenzi? Could this be the reason why people doesn’t seem to be taking them serious, sending fears of lose of confidence from donors

  15. .TIZ or rather Wesley Chibamba, your intentions are thinly veiled and you give yourself away. Tell me, is Kennedy Kaamba the PF government or is he a government minister? I thought the PF has been in power since 2011, i.e. for the past six years, or did you just wake up? Tell me what would have happened had HH blocked Eagle One with President Sata in it? ……. kikikikikikiki..
    Chibamba, if you are joining the list of donkeys on LT, too late because we have lined up all of them to join HH for correction, starting with NEZ and Spaka my good and harmless donkey friends…the rest like Chilyata and GBM are arsonists fit for hanging by the b.a.lls.

  16. Michael “Mugabe” Sata and Edgar “Museveni”Lungu have brought this PF culture of political intolerance.Birds of a feather always flock together.

    • HH is the first and only opposition leader to bring the culture of refusing to accept elections.

      HH is the only opposition leader who has ever refused to respect a duly elected president of the nation, a culture brought only by HH.

      HH is the only person who has ever refused to give way to presidential motorcade in the history of the nation.

  17. This is a childish NGO! You watch the missteps of Hazaluza Hagain Party and Namwala thugs and you did nothing or said nothing! You are kilezi!

  18. The fact that most of PF are thieves even their president is a fraud convict says and goes a long way in how they govern.

    With lungu expect stealing and kiezer zulu type of public display as normal….even a senior PF official davis mwila calling for caders to steal plots and take over public spaces is a normal thing.

    Morality and displine will only come when there is a change of GRZ .

    • If you are not careful with PF zambia will end up like congo where corruption, stealing and moral decay is seen as part of the African life.

  19. I sometimes doubt whether mushota is a woman or a man and I very much doubt if she’s educated, she/he sounds more like a kaponya on a payroll and I don’t think she’s that well read or traveled as she claims. She/he’s not objective and not mature in her/his reasoning

  20. The title should have been, “UPND, the most violent and Immature party since 1991… TIZ.” Alas! TIZ goes to bed with UPND and LAZ so all they can write is Namwala.

  21. It is ironic that TIZ’s Wesley Chibamba is claiming, publicly and freely without being harassed or arrested, that the PF government is the most intolerant of all governments since 1991!

  22. The International Community has ceased recognizing Zambia as a beacon of peace and Constitutional Democracy with PF in power. Lack of Respect for the Rule of Law,poor Governance and the Violation of Human Rights started when Sata came into power in 2011. Under illegitimate Lungu the situation is a worse. Zambia under Lungu is now a failed Police State where the Loser of the 2016 Election is illegally in Power while the Winner of that Election is now languishing in Prison jailed by the Election Loser. Under Lungu Zambia is now a fully fledged Dictatorship and that is why Lungu is associating with Dictators like Mugabe,Mu7,Gnassingbe etc. The Treason Charges on HH are politically motivated and trumped up to eliminate HH as the main opponent to Lungu’s One Man Party Dictatorship. #…

  23. Planzo – have you ever asked yourself why you think the Lungu administration is bad? Most of you have taken democracy wrongly, you think that you can say anything, insult the head of state, break rules and no one should ask you that is your democracy. Every country has got rules to follow, so you mistook ECL to be dull that every jim and jack took the law in their hands like one said you are trying to turn Zambia into an animal farm, so if the law takes its course you complain, just follow the rule and everything will be well with you.

  24. Kagame has developed Rwanda because he doesn’t entertain nonsense from useless opposition parties. The Upnd even sends its youth to remove road markers at night. They want to distract government from development so that at the end of five yrs there won’t be development.

  25. Kagame has developed Rwanda because he doesn’t entertain nonsense from useless opposition parties. The Upnd even sends its youth to remove road markers at night. They want to distract government from development so that at the end of five yrs there won’t be development.

  26. Buck Teeth Lungu – why was Mapenzi killed, someone broke the lawe by not following orders by the police, what about HH and Mwalieta, HH broke the law which everyone knows, as for Mwaliteta who is a murderer and criminal why shouldn’t he be in prison? You call arsonists and murderers as political prisoners are you normal? You call tax invaders as saints, are you being fair to other tax payers including yourself?
    NEZ (new educated Zambia UPND ) – it is people like you who are taking us back to Unip days where they used to through stones burning bridges and houses off course for them it was for a good cause but not yr donkeys who are busy destroying properties just for to please one person .

    Spaka like lilo – How did HH acquire his billions?

    • Better question is how did Lungu acquire his billions? HH acquired his as a private businessman. His track record is clear. But when it comes to your dull Lungu, he only became a billionaire after being given access to the treasury, is that not true?

  27. What a beautiful country that is being destroyed. Very sad. With all this that is happening, sadly some people still say all is well in Zambia. Zambia my world. Why? Why? Why?

  28. Before you know it this visionless masquerades will be asking any one who wants to go into a public toilet to obtain a permit for using public toilets and tissues.

  29. Proverbs 22 vs 1 a good name is better than riches. Pf and Edgar Lungu should earn themselves a good name than riches.and Edgar Lungu should not hide himself in the name of a Christian when his characteristics are of a pargan who is hungry for power fighting against the rule of role. he should know that what ever is spoken in secret shall be revealed in public and what ever he does in private shall be proclaimed in public a day is coming and that day is at hand he can’t serve two masters at a time it’s either he serves his stomach or the people

  30. Jack – ECL has already earned a good name, why?

    1. He waited until the court cases were over before being sorn in

    2. He prevented disaster from happening – the Mongu saga.

    3. He is a very hard working President

    4. He is a listening President

    5. He respects the rule of law
    The list is endless.

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