Friday, March 14, 2025

Savior Chishimba in one-man protest at State House


Dr Savior Chishimba at Supreme Court grounds
Dr Savior Chishimba at Supreme Court grounds

UPP leader Dr Savior Chishimba on Monday staged a one-man protest at State House where he urged Zambians to wake up and resist President Edgar Lungu’s rising dictatorship.

Dr Chishimba who also extended his protest to Supreme Court, Lusaka City Council Mayor’s Parlour and Luburma Market, said it was unfortunate that under President Lungu, the country’s governance was over a glass of Whiskey.

The walk-by protest at State House started at 10:30 in the morning where he was protesting against alleged corruption and economic hardships under the PF leadership.

Dr Chishimba also called for government action in support of the evicted marketeers at Luburma Market.

The moment he reached the Presidential entrance overlooking Arakan Barracks, State House security personnel came out in their numbers – they included plain clothes and uniformed officers and walked with him close by until he reached Brentwood Drive.

After State House, Dr Chishimba proceeded to Supreme Court to demand that the maizegate tribunal be set up and he also demand for the release of incarcerated opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema.

He said the scheme to shut down critical media was carefully calculated to get rid of institutions and individuals who were exposing the massive corruption in the PF government.

“It’s very unfortunate, the people of Zambia be wary that this dictatorship and transformation of Zambia from a functional democracy to a dysfunctional one and a rogue state is a deliberate scheme,” Dr. Chishimba said.

“Mr Lungu knew that he and his ministers have (done a lot of wrongs) over the past years of the PF reign together with recycled ministers serving in PF government. So knowing that their corrupt activities would be brought out, they had a scheme to cover that up.”

He said the destruction of a free press in Zambia was meant to cover the wrongdoing in the ruling party and government.

Dr Chishimba also charged that there was so much destruction of the Zambian economy through financial looting.

He said the PF had now resorted to getting rid of all whistle-blowers, including the international community. 

The UPP leader said President Lungu would go in history as a leader who defended corruption and the corrupt.

Dr Chishimba said it was unfortunate that State House had been turned into a haven for corruption and drinking Whiskey.

“Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu has lived up to his true prophetic meaning of his name. The prophetic interpretation of his name ‘Chagwa’ has had its fulfilment in the way he has mismanaged the country. He touched the presidency, yoga, anagwesa the dignity of the Presidency; he touched the judiciary, judiciary nayo yagwa; everything the man has touched has fallen, true to his name,” Dr Chishimba said.

“Our economy also Chagwa agwesa economy, Chagwa futi agwesa Zambia’s reputation in the African and international community. Everything that this man is touching is crumbling. Zambia is in practice a dictatorship under Chagwa, he has presided over corruption. There is no President in the history of Zambia who will be remembered for being a defender and promoter of corruption like Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

He claimed that State House has become the centre of corruption and a centre to defend the corrupt in Zambia.
“If you look at what is happening now, it is governance over a glass of Whiskey. Whiskey mates are the ones deciding the fate of close to 20 million Zambian,” he said.
Dr Chishimba’s protest started at 10:30 hours with a solo walk to State House in protest against Chinese corruption in Zambia before staging another one at the Supreme Court at 10:45 where he demanded the setting up of a tribunal to probe Dora Siliya for suspected corruption in the Malawi maizegate scandal.

Around 11:00 hours, the UPP leader mounted another protest at Lusaka City Council Mayor’s Parlour against China Heinan’s 65-year lease of Luburma Market.

He later moved to Luburma Market where he mourned the woman who died as a result of pressure from China Heinan as well as protest against the eviction of affected marketeers at China Heinan Lubarma Market offices and met the Chinese management at the market.

He inspected the Market before meeting with the China Hainan Manager and made it clear that Zambia has been sold by the MMD and PF, put together adding that the deal is horrible and in conflict with the law.

Dr Chishimba told Journalists that one Zambian female who works for a Chinese had just been fired without benefits today after working for two years.

She had a shortage of K149 in cashing and her Chinese employer had initially confiscated her cell phone over the same shortage.

Dr Savior Chishimba adddresses media at Luburma Market as some traders look on
Dr Savior Chishimba adddresses media at Luburma Market as some traders look on

Dr Savior Chishimba staging a lone protest near State House
Dr Savior Chishimba staging a lone protest near State House
Dr Savior Chishimba at Luburma Market
Dr Savior Chishimba at Luburma Market
Dr Savior Chishimba approaching State House where he staged a lone protest
Dr Savior Chishimba approaching State House where he staged a lone protest
Dr Savior Chishimba meets management of Luburma Market
Dr Savior Chishimba meets management of Luburma Market



  2. Thank you very much Dr. Savior for protesting that’s the only way people will wake up…we need more people like you….
    Lungu let HH go…you are causing problems for your self…today it’s only one person protesting tomorrow it will be 30000….think about it…I know you read these posts….

    • Quote of the day and i quote ““Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu has lived up to his true prophetic meaning of his name”. The prophetic interpretation of his name ‘Chagwa’ has had its fulfilment in the way he has mismanaged the country.

    • Such political spasms are normal in a functional democracy only. You never find such political theatrics n the Saudi Kingdom, or North Korea. Zambia remains a burgeoning democracy despite some ills that ought to be discard like yesterday the menance of corription being one of them. Never forget that change can be a spasmodic process. Lets guard our national values for civil politics with a sense of responsibility.

    • Corruption is a clear and present danger to our national state. Besides poverty and unemployment, the Lungu administration must reset the button of anti corruption because this vice has permented society at every level. Everyone wants to be rich overnight sweat free. Poverty and unemployment are the cataclysm of national crisis. Prevention is better than cure. Some ills must not only be disdained, but urgently discarded to develop the country. All the best mother Zambia.

    • Zambians have to wake up, we cannot let dictatorship infiltrate our country. Issue is that as citizens of a beautiful country we are complacent and allow politicians to take advantage of poor people.

    • True, Senior Citizen. Anti-corruption must be restarted. Although we must take into account of our blunders that happened during Mwanawasa’s anti-corruption crusade. We must not individualise the anti-corruption drive but work to make it an effective institution that will not be affected by change of politicians. Just look at the blunders our police are making?? I feel the anti-corruption excercise should start by upgrading ZP itself, reorganise impotent bodies like ACC and DEC into an effective unit while utilising the best legal brains this country has to offer. ECL and the PF must lay a strong foundation for anti-corruption, a foundation free from manipulation like what Nchito and his hyenas did. They must work to build a strong institution as the Americans did with the FBI.

    • This chap is mentally unstable…!
      …destruction of a free press in Zambia: does tax evasion (Post newspaper) stand for free press?
      …Zambia be wary that this dictatorship: Can someone define what dictatorship is?
      …State House had been turned into a haven for corruption and drinking Whiskey: If ECL was a dictator, can someone survive this ranting?
      …destruction of the Zambian economy through financial looting: He is forgetting that in fact it’s HH with his business partners who are looting Zambia – recently the pension funds HH is trying to take out of Zambia.

    • Perfect analysts brother Savior Chishimba. What else can I say? Country men and women, we are duped here. Criminals are running the affairs of our country. We all need to rise up and join hands to stop these cruel greedy men and women in power in PF government from ravaging our country.

  3. Hmmml….it’s good to stage a lone protest. The message was loud and clear. If there were many protesters they could have been denied the permit and the message would not have been gotten.

  4. Every dog has its own day in hell. When a father fends for his family, children become happy and praise the father for working hard. However, in a situation whereby a father fails to undertake his traditional role, the same children turn against their father and chews even his shoes. I concur with the previous blogger that a million journey steps begins with one step. Simply put, one brave person openly protested today, tomorrow millions will stand together and face the tyranny. What goes around, comes back around. The community is greater than any strongest military on earth. A most dangerous person is not a person with a powerful weapon, but, it is a person who is prepared to die for a cause. Similarly, when people are deprived of their resources or means of survival, as an oppressor…

  5. What goes around, comes back around. The community is greater than any strongest military on earth. A most dangerous person is not a person with a powerful weapon, but, it is a person who is prepared to die for a cause. Similarly, when people are deprived of their resources or means of survival, as an oppressor you equally provide them with a cause.

    • To leave my daily activities that feed my children and join a cause that is meant to benefit a lone, selfish, tribal and unruly politician who would rather see his country burn lest he has power, is a crime to humanity in itself!! The utopian tyranny that upnd and the tribalists from the bantustans have created is but a blemish on our history as it seeks to hoodwink the majority into believing they made a fatal error in voting for a candidate of their choice but instead should have heeded the cowardly, egocentric and evil calls of the minority to vote for the narrow minded candidate of their call. If people really believed this dictatorship hulabaloo, there would have been thousands to escort the b.u.f.f.oon chishimba yesterday,but the majority (IF NOT ALL) of people chose to support…


    • Zambian Citizen(4.1 &4.2) I do not normally respond to reactionary forces such as yourself. That said, I must do justice to angry and excited persons such as yourself. In my response I intend to exclude the labeling theory as a demonstration of my nature and extent of maturity. The point of reference is that when your heroes (Lungu & others) arrested HH, they intended to arrest his ideas (a cause), thus, I mentioned a cause as a justification of my contention. That said, the cardinal point which you and your Lungus are missing is that arresting HH is not as good as arresting his ideas (a cause). Hence, others are exhibiting the ideas of HH whilst he is currently under false imprisonment after he was kidnapped by Lungu. Think critically opposed to lamenting. Viva HH

    • So you call insulting Judges, The Speaker, The President and the unruly behavior in Mongu a cause (hh’s idea of democratic freedom)???? The matter hh has been arrested for BY POLICE AND NOT “LUNGU” is before the courts yet you call it false imprisonment and further call it a kidnapping by “Lungu”, so you are wiser than all the people and the ZP who have seen hh’s actions as provocative and irresponsible??? You see, the problem I have with you upnd people is that you shout out loud of President Lungu being a dictator yet you fail to respect the voice of the majority who spoke louder than you in August 2016; This is a prerequisite of DEMOCRACY. Secondly, you have since 2006 never gone for a convention and anybody who speaks of it is quickly silenced, most recently Canicius Banda: YOUR…

    • …POLITICS HAS EVERY TENET OF A DICTATORSHIP AS NO ONE CAN SPEAK CONTRARY TO hh AND HE HAS HELD ON TO THE LEADERSHIP OF YOUR PARTY UNCONVENTIONALLY; hh also has strong support that is based on tribe as elections since 2006 have shown (even Mwanawasa you praise so much today lost elections terribly in Southern Province!!) and this has a very dangerous precedence which can destroy the country if he weer to assume power; \leaders who enjoy acceptance from a wider aspect of the country have since united the country, such as KK and now ECL.

    • Zambian Citizen (4.5 &4.6) Your comments strongly indicate to me that you are touching on legal matters which you barely understand. Let me feel the blanks on my part. I am very eloquent in 27 major languages across the world because there are pertinent to my profession as a senior legal practitioner. If the basics of the Zambian law are correctly applied, HH is not guilty of any criminal offence. Thus, your language is equivalent to allegations until such time that all relevant arguments have been tried and tested beyond reasonable doubts by an appointed and competent presiding officer in a court of law. According to hard facts before court, there were no preliminary investigations prior to the arrest of HH. According to the law of evidence and law of arrest, when your freedom is…

    • If the basics of the Zambian law are correctly applied, HH is not guilty of any criminal offence. Thus, your language is equivalent to allegations until such time that all relevant arguments have been tried and tested beyond reasonable doubts by an appointed and competent presiding officer in a court of law. According to hard facts before court, there were no preliminary investigations prior to the arrest of HH. According to the law of evidence and law of arrest, when your freedom is illegally terminated, such an act constitutes kidnapping or false arrest.

    • Zambian Citizen (4.5 &4.6) I herein urge you to familiarise yourself with the laws of arrest and evidence. Alternatively, it is imperative and compelling for you to seek non-deceptive and exhaustive legal advice in reference to brother HH’s legal bruising battles. Legally speaking and with all the due respect, it is a crime to be ignorant and uneducated. I further urge you to desist from narrowly concluding and commenting on matters which are currently before court. Viva UPND & brother HH.

    • One moment you are supporting a cause (ideas), the next instance, you are lecturing me in a law crash course??? There is too much ambiguity in your comments!!! Your first comment centered on a cause and chishimba fighting for a cause (idea) from a supposedly oppressive regime, true?? My first answer was to clarify that most, if not all Zambians haven’t bought into your idea and utopia of a tyranny (oppressive regime), hence chishimba looking like a mad man while everyone concentrates on their mobile devices in the second picture. My second response was to remind you that it is actually the upnd that exhibits DICTATORSHIP characteristics not the current government and I explained why!! My comments are according to what the majority of Zambians feel and see, I only responded to you because…

    • …I did not agree with you painting the current government as a tyrannical one, NO!!!! So your law lecture is irrelevant right now as I am fully aware of the civic matters happening around me, and I will not agree to accept falsities that are suitable to fool weak minded people!!!

    • Zambian Citizen (4.9) There is a simple proverb in Tonga, which is as follows: “uyanda kunyikila”. It is explicit that you are determined to drown, therefore, I must just as well let you drown. Please, complete your act and reconcile with the unfavourable outcomes. My explanations are contextual clarifications, as such they do not consist of ambiguities. Thank you.

    • @Spaka do you know why there those daily bombing, maiming and killing of innocent people in UK and USA? It’s because of unfettered freedom. We’re not those countries and any responsible government will endeavour to inconvenience a few disgruntled elements in order to protect the majority. There’s no room for complacency in our fledgling democracies. I doubt if HH had become president was going to fold his arms and allow looters, arsonists etc express their “freedoms “.

  6. they is too much dirty in this country under the leadership of Chagwa Akolwa nafuti and the entire pf regime.even pastors and reverends have become corrupt.We need deliverance from these pf immoral(criminals) people…

    • And we wait retribution for lungus amassing $2.3 million after just 10 months in state house.. ……

  7. This guy is campaigning for 2021,come 2020 he will have gained so much momentum such that he will be unstoppable. Many people are now giving him respect because of his politicking style of bringing out facts rather than just shooting at everything without any proper facts!!Kudos Dr Chishimba!!!

  8. Indeed what goes around comes around and and he who laughs last lauggs the best. HH was the only one who came out smiling after the corrupt privatization and today is his time to cry. Zambians are laughing and he is paying back the loot again in a smart way.

  9. How do you sell Luburma Market to tu ma chinese?
    How do you sell DeadNBC to tu ma chinese?
    How do you release tu ma chinese who are illegal immigrants & operating smelters without permits?

    lungu will go straight from plot 1 to jail.

    • The lawns/gardens in front of State House are an embarrassment/eye-sore. Get a professional landscaper to revamp them.

      I bet they water using a big hose-pipe.

  10. The Zambia Qualification Authority made it categorically and unambiguously clear that those with honorary doctorates shouldn’t be be addressed as Dr. Saviour Chishimba has a questionable honorary doctorate of obscure origin after failing to complete his clinical officers program at Chainama College of Health Sciences. Why does the media persist in referring to him as Dr. Chishimba?

  11. Well done Dr Chishimba. The economy has been driven to a complete mess, even the damage control called social transfer cash is just reaching 0.0000000000 of the population. Nalema now banthu aba ba PF, kulibe vamene vichitika

  12. Why can’t the law start with Chishimba who is also questionable of what he did when he was in the government? Mr. Chishimba first remove the log in your eye before removing from your friend’s eye. Was ECL there when the Chines build those shops at the market? Actually they did well because now the place looks clean and business is being conducted in a better and conducive place than before. 3/4s of the shops are being used by Zambians who has employed others. As for the employee who was sucked why don’t you ask your friends HH and GBM how they treat their workers who are their fellow Zambians. You and your millionaire friends what have you done to better the Zambians’ life?

  13. Zambia is a dictatorship? UPNDonkeys just use English words without understanding them. How would anyone set foot near State House to mount such a protest if Zambia was a dictatorship? How would HH be alive today if Zambia was a dictatorship? So far the only thing that UPNDonkeys and other breeds of donkeys have proved is that Zambia and Zambians are enjoying a healthy democracy. The big donkey aka U5 is facing the law, that can only happen in a democracy.

    • You fail to make use of the will to argue and reason. Read articles about various schools of thought because they will enlighten you and shape your thoughts. Nothing is cast on stones, hence everything is fluid. You were schooled in insults, yet, you do not understand the implications of your derogatory language. Think, think too much and react in a brilliant manner. Be extremely smart as opposed to your current manifestation of idiocy. Viva UNPD

  14. Sincerely speaking, there is true democracy in Zambia as show cased by Saviour Chishimba. You can’t match to State House and everywhere and express your opinion freely if there is no democracy.

    • Killing the media and hand picking and harassing certain people in society is not democracy – Watch Up
      Kanene was made Ambassador after commiting a dreadful. Zambians didn’t see it until the outside world told PF they couldn’t appoint a criminal to such a high post. Zambia has gone to the dogs. Dr Chishimba is not a threat to Lungu – so he can do and say what he likes and police will look the other way. Even you can go and have a say, PF will look the other way. Bad democracies like to pick the popular people from the crowd. People with clout – and use them as a lesson to ALL.. that is NOT democracy pure idiocy.

  15. This man is trying to come-out like a messianic figure of some kind and the name Saviour sums it up… I hope he wont end up in some facility on Great East road.

  16. The man has protested and held meetings with marketeers freely, without being hindered by anyone, yet he calls ECL a dictator. This is so hypocritical!

  17. This Bemba chap he’s now a hero before some tribes which hurts Bembas. As long as it suits them it’s OK. This is where we differ in reasoning. I personally don’t care where one comes from as long as their reasoning is balanced. I believe we can all unite and change our only Zambia if we agreed on the latter.

  18. some of you people you don’t even now why you are alive in this world ai, to hell with your UPND

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