Thursday, October 24, 2024

Spend more time on developement and less on politicking – VJ


vj314Parliamentary chief whip, Vernon Mwaanga, says government should to concentrate on developing the country and spend less time politicking.

Mr Mwaanga says national building involves seriousness, hard work and a mythological way of planning in order to achieve programs on economic zones like those of China.

Mr Mwaanga was speaking in Lusaka today upon arrival from the People’s Republic of China where he led a delegation of 22 experts that went to learn China’s experience and achievements in economic and scientific development zones which have seen that country lead in most developmental areas in the world.

He said the delegation learnt a lot from China’s experience which involves a lot of concentration on income-generating and wealth creation by engaging all the citizens into progressive ventures.

He praised the Peoples Republic of China for improving the lives of many of its citizens through economic activities such as better schools, roads, telecommunications, networking, Information Technology (IT), infrastructural development and employment creation.

Mr Mwanga said during their stay in China, the delegates received a lot of lectures in the major towns where they visited, such as Shanghai, Chezeng and Chengin which are very advanced in the area of technology.

He said the delegates, who included most senior government officials,learnt that the Chinese did not talk about politics, but spent time talking about development. Among the delegates were members of parliament, the Director General of ZRA, town clerks from the Copperbelt and a representative from the Ministry of Finance among other delegates.

Mr Mwaanga pointed out that economic emancipation needs people who are focused on issues of development, adding that the Chinese people have increased and developed talents among the citizens, a situation which he said has led to improvement of their lives.

He said Chinese lessons are very important for the Zambian’s because that is the only way people’s lives would be uplifted.

Mr Mwaanga noted that recently, many people in China were living in abject poverty but have since been lifted from poverty to wealthy people.

He commended China for making steady progress, such as moving from 12 to 14 per cent above national progress growth.

Mr Mwanga emphasised that Chinese people have moved forward over the years because of their work culture, saying people can only improve if they change their mind set.

He further said the government should move to the middle-income level through development if the 2030 vision has to be attained.



  1. #1 Sean ,VJ has said something sensible for once and all you can talk about is his health?
    #2 Livingstone we will all grow old someday!
    However I’m impressed that that something positive has been said by the govt or is it MMD.I think there is too much politiking in Zed.Instead of coming up with strategies for wealth creation we are busy talking about Dora Siliya, Kapoko( the scapegoat),the UPNDs 4 vice presidents,Satas education,how Thandiwe is dressing, how beautiful Post editor Chansa is,the monkey that peed on the president,how crap teta is, when shikapwaha will stop bootlicking,how RB should reduce his cabinet etc.
    Now my list for developement strategies in Zambia isn’t that long…hmmmmm

  2. LT Why have you given me a Nigerian Flag when i am in Germany ?!!!!! Its bad formy image you know ?

  3. Sensible, though its something that Zambians already know. Its just lack of serious poltical will. Why didnt they also get implementors of development programmes instead of senior officials who r not even involved in the actual implementation?

  4. Iwe ka Dr Maureen can having a Nigerian flag dent somebody’s image?Just bcoz u r squarting in Germany doesnt mean you even have an image at all!!!

  5. Who is surppoting vj the man has been in government 4 along time wat has he done coZ wat vj is doing is lip service dont just tok tok do something lets hope the next presid wont employ vj

  6. Dont just coment think thats y u daul and u cant vote wisely coz u dont look at perfoman but lip service think twice

  7. so you saw shenzen in guandong should have visited the museum so that you would have seen the differnce of that city during mao’s time and today.that is what can happen to any country when it’s leaders have got vision and respect for public resources.there is no much politicking in china because the goverment delivers but here you are busy cutting deals at the expense of the poor.manda manda’s,RB or is it RP capital.and then you are the same guys rotating in goverment stealing.your friend mabenga has again bounced back.what a shame.

  8. I think this is directed towards his colleagues in MMD. Made some sense though. When will he visit the USA?

  9. Bwafya … are they even going to get a chance to implement what they learn from their lectures in china? For when are they going to get chances of enjoying themselves at the expense of a poor Zambian. Akaso kabaleke????

    Moreover, I really doubt the credibility of the sentiments off this chap’s mouth – one you call VJ.

    Anyway, its them to lose … after all the government is changing soon. remember, we are on the count down stream to a major Change from the evils of MMD!

  10. Nihao ma welcome bak, am sure u aprieciatd the diference ,we are 2 centuries apart. I even wonder why these chinese guys agree to come to this huge village. They have almost everythn in abundance. Its like moving from lusaka to shangombo or nabwalya.

  11. Kalos2020 @ 13, VJ cannot travel to the US. He’ll be arrested on arrival. He is still a wanted drug trafficker in this country.

  12. Politicking is what has made VJ who he is today and there are a lot of people who would like to see theselves in his shoes. That is why somebody said talk is cheap

  13. VJ the Chief Rigger has blurted out something worth reading for the very first time. Too bad this is when he’s realizing what politicians are really supposed to be engaged in. Instead of silly squabbles and fighting over who should be sh!tting from state house headquarters, these leaders are supposed to be cracking the whip on laborers to move this lazy nation forward.

  14. Hope these comments are not coming from the termianal stage of his……..what ever efyobalwala aba ba tata


  16. To sum it up. VJ has been vindicated just going by the comments above. Instead of seeing the positive side of his comments, you are busy as usual politiking. I woneder what differentiates those of us in the diaspora from VJ coz we, just like him, are not any better otherwise we could have gone back to build Zambia instead of being in a comfort zone yapping about how bad the countr is being run. Go back to zed we see whatever your being in the diaspora can do for Zambia and whether you would be any better, you unpatriotic sick, diasporans.

  17. # 10 Aristoto, its bloggers with childish behaviour that have forced most mature bloggers to other sites like ZWD. Grow up and most of all, mind your own business. Sw1ne !

  18. Impressive on everything and thus VJ Mawaanga (Oxford and Hunter College Grad., UK and USA), 66 yrs, for 2011 Zambian President under MMD as presidential candidate.

    On “Mr Mwaanga was speaking in Lusaka today upon arrival from the People’s Republic of China where he led a delegation of 22 experts that went to learn China’s experience and achievements in economic and scientific development zones which have seen that country lead in most developmental areas in the world“, these are real politics for Copperbelt Province councils are run by PF councillors and Mayor and so what were the Town Clerks doing in China? 2011 elections campaigns have taken a new turn after the PF-UPND PACT came to life.

    I will thus keep watching and waiting.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible.

  19. Viva VJ,
    20 yrs ago, my friend met James Miles’s group taking random thoughts of the future of China 2 days after TM massacre. He told him PRC was going to be a supper power in less than 30yrs. How could he have foreseen this on the same day the liberal Zhao Ziyang was put under house arrest? The answer is just what VJ is saying. De-politicization of pipo began by Deng came with benevolence dictatorship where the state taught pipo that the first human right is to work hard and find food. Not demonstrating for a popular vote. PRC has dynamic scientists, but our only one Chirwa, just wants to be president even when he has shown no clue of how to mount a cohesive political & social persuasion of citizens! Miles’s pipo thought my friend crazy when he said infact the much hated Li Peng…

  20. continued…
    had just rescued the country from a destructive path contemplated by late Hu Yao Bang and his proxy Zhao. Just like Gorby’s activities did not add to Russia’s poverty emancipation. Hope you also came with a lesson for RB. Be tough but also inspire by fighting corruption. Although PRC politburo has what I just called benevolent dictatorship, it hates corruption and its leaders live basic. Aware of a Beijing mayor who hit the gallows only recently? It too late now to go for draconian Mao/Deng measures. But here are practical steps: Ensure public media dwells more on developmental issues, e.g. major road works, infructure development, issues of self sacrifice and brevity of our pipo. Live broadcast of constitution should be replaced by broadcasts of pipo labouring to…

  21. BIG MULE
    I have admired your analysis on china but demeaning of prof clive chirwa is out of context.among all the comedians who are clamouring to be presidents he stands out.his cv is too rich to be trashed.china today is bn led hu jintao an engineer by proffesion.deputised by wen jiabao another engineer.why can’t zambia be led by it’s world acclaimed engineer.the man who offers advise to th EU and the american senate in his field.he is the hope of rebuilding this ruin called zambia

  22. # 24, Is it this ironic that some self proclaimed holy and God fearing bloggers here glorify this sinner and drug trafficking scam bug? I did not know that drug dealing is not a sin in some tribes and churches. Drug trafficking good, eating some kind fish is a sin or unholy. How wonderful? This God my friends, ala akocha bamambala aba.

  23. Talkime in Zed aboud. Just ask your dependants down there in Zed what they have done today. Answer TALKING ABOUT MAN U (soccer), political parties etc. No plans for adding value to their lives. VJ has said correct things but he is a wrong messenger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I salute Hon.Mwaanga for his patriotic and wise counsel to the nation panting for social progress and common development. Straight from an enriching trip to China for the common good of the homeland, VJ jas just thown the challenge on every citizen for a Great leap forward we collectively need to unshacle poverty.Everything has seasons and this is a season of a great leap forward to end poverty. There is no need to keep politick ing needlessly at the expense of personal and collective development when MMD is here to rule and develop irrespective of hyperventillations democratic space offers every citizen to dream.

  25. Fundamental questions you ought to ask yourselves is the Ichilema’s make Zambia ungovernable or Sata’s ndeku bruiser panga totting projects going to create economic value for me or the for my neighbor? Ask yourselves if insults or blogging hate rubbish going got any propensity for personal or collective economic value.Ask yourselves quantitatively how much value you could have added to your life if deed for a change something responsible or gained another skill? Ask yourselves how the monkey talk will elevate you. Its time for serious introspection. Build and buy your future now by smart and tactical engagements.

  26. VJ Mawaanga (Oxford and Hunter College Grad., UK and USA), 66 yrs, for 2011 Zambian President under the MMD as presidential candidate.
    38 Kalos2020 Sick man, following your “# 24, Is it this ironic that some self proclaimed holy and God fearing bloggers here glorify this sinner and drug trafficking scam bug? I did not know that drug dealing is not a sin in some tribes and churches.“, Firstly nice that you are coward now. I hope you are not trying hard to cheat yourself, lest anyone, by using two blognames: 24 DEA Spokesman and 38 Kalos2020 for such is sickness of the mind.

    Last time I lectured you on the position that the Seventh-day Adventist church takes over people’s choices, I wrote that I support you in them.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible.

  27. VJ Mawaanga (Oxford and Hunter College Grad., UK and USA), 66 yrs, for 2011 Zambian President under the MMD as presidential candidate.

    Following on from Last time I lectured you on the position that the Seventh-day Adventist church takes over people’s choices, I wrote that I support you in them. I do not care how much sins or non-sins VJ Mwaanga has for I am a sinner, may Chief Sinner, only saved by the grace of God. Remember when I wrote to you that it is a pity that you do not know the Holy Scriptures and I will continue teaching you peradventure you will give up you extremist behaviour.

    To start with, following the encounter Jesus Christ had with characters that harboured similar behaviour as your below:

    John 8 + KJV Bible.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible.

  28. VJ Mawaanga (Oxford and Hunter College Grad., UK and USA), 66 yrs, for 2011 Zambian President under the MMD as presidential candidate.

    John 8 + KJV Bible.
    8:3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
    4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
    5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
    6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with [his] finger wrote on the ground, [as though he heard them not].
    7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
    Mathew 6:33 + KJV Bible

  29. VJ Mawaanga (Oxford and Hunter College Grad., UK and USA), 66 yrs, for 2011 Zambian President under the MMD as presidential candidate.

    John 8 + KJV Bible.
    7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
    8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
    9 And they which heard [it], being convicted by [their own] conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, [even] unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
    10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible

  30. VJ Mawaanga (Oxford and Hunter College Grad., UK and USA), 66 yrs, for 2011 Zambian President under the MMD as presidential candidate.

    John 8 + KJV Bible.
    10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
    11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
    12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

    What more do you need deluded man 38 Kalos2020. If I were you, I would serious consider having myself checked at a hospital and meet counsellors.

    Be blest.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV…

  31. How ironic, are you telling me VJ Mwanga has only realized/learnt this lesson in the twilight of his life?! This guy has been in govt, in one capacity or another, since the age of 25 when he was the youngest person to ever represent Zambia as an Ambassador??? Isn’t this the reason why Zambia is where she is today—–too much preoccupation with SELF than COLLECTIVE GOOD.

    Nonetheless, there is some sense in what he said—-I only wish he learnt this lesson earlier.

  32. does it take 23 people to go and attend “lectures” in china to figure out what the chinese are doing ? we have a flippin embassy in china what intelligence does it gather? couldnt a group of diplomats write a paper and then deliver it to zambia. this is how we waste money as a country.

  33. # 50 torontonian from zed,

    In your pretense of wanting to look like you know what is best for Zambia, you instead exhibit ignorance and detachment from how Governments work.Such intergovernmental delegation study group visits are not only resourceful but ideal and necessary opportunities Governments moot social progress.They are usually sponsored 100% by the hosting nation or sister cities.They facilitate education, trade, investment and technology transfer opportunity.Late JFK and Chairman Mao’s Zedong were very instrumental on this.May be you don’t know how JFK came up with the Peace Corps and flooded third world countries with scholarships.

  34. When Katele issues show up the same that preach forgiveness on VJ become the rope holders to hang him. If this holiness can culminate in deeds and verbal, this blog can be the best were people not divided by motives and failure to blank out their silly and petty hatred of some mystical powerful tribe that they have worked all their lives put Bembas in shadows. Someone is a dreamer who thinks the bible or knowing which verse to link to every topic will save them. Brother, saying it so, doesn’t make it so. Jesus saved that poor woman because she also confessed and faced up to her sins. I don’t remember VJ doing so. Probably God is punishing him hence the slow death. So, using Jesus’ name is vain could be a sin too. I love this pulpit. Even sinners can stand on it openly.

  35. #44, maestro, sorry DEA and Kalos2020 are two different people. USA is big. So it is your belief that only Kalos2020 can discuss your hero VJ? No other people have their views too. So, thank you for not seeing that reality. By the way I gave up on your silly arguments

  36. 52/3 Kalos2020, you just have a serious sickness and this is why you keep jumping around like a headless chicken. I have always maintained that I support anyone in whatever he wants to do and I do not condemn anyone be it Katele Kalumba, Chiluba FTJ or Mabenga. However, I do not support insulting, stealing and whatever evil activities for my aim is to see to it that we all make it to heaven by God’s grace.

    Your failure to understand Holy Scriptures or your Koran is why you have a hostile attitude which is not working. On “USA is big“, some Zambian based blogs have USA flags also.
    “We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ” (1 John1:3, NIV)

  37. 52/3 Kalos2020, on your “So, thank you for not seeing that reality. By the way I gave up on your silly arguments“, very good for wasanga nde teya (you found me playing great) to your detriment though you have tried to use a dirty smear campaign with tribal statements that have failed to yield any results thus far.

    My advice to you is that join me in normalcy before it is too late for you. God, our Creator, can change you too if only you allow him. I am available to teach you more scriptures if you will need lessons – don’t hesitate!

    Have a blessed day and keep well.
    “We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ” (1 John1:3,…

  38. Politicians are the same, the all have the same language. Today VJ sounds very positive and innocent as though if he is a clean politician, come election time every dirty politician will be busy sorting for his services, and he will gladly accept their offers. Rubbish!!. For those of us in the diaspora we should just work hard, probably we might have to go and redeem our country some day.

  39. Thank God mental illness is not contagious. One good finding is that those with mental illness always accuse others as being sick. In fact they see the normal as sick not knowing that they the ones who are sick. One time I was told that mental illness signs are seeing a person who was wearing shoes start walking bare foot. The other one is one talking too much. And we all that person. He his illness he thinks it a sign of being smart. Remember even mental cases think they are smarter than others. So, next time you blog, have time to go and look in the mirror and ask yourself, why do I behave the way I behave? Probably that will help you. Bbambo.

  40. #43 Senior Citizen . The amount of venom you spew on Hichilema, perhaps you refer to him as Ichilema because of your mother tongue interference, and Sata is blood curdling. It does not matter what subject is under discussion. For example while I agreed with you that the health workers should not be paid for the period they were on strike somehow you saw the hands of HH and Sata just like in VJ’s trip to China. Have you been rattled by the UPND/PF pact? If not why talk about HH and Sata in every breath you make. Some of us would like a mad person to rule us to rein in the endemic corruption that has permeated our country.

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