Sunday, September 8, 2024

Nurses will not be paid – RB


Some striking health workers at the University Teaching Hospital heckling Labour minister Austin Liato when he addressed them in Lusaka during the strike.
Some striking health workers at the University Teaching Hospital heckling Labour minister Austin Liato when he addressed them in Lusaka during the strike.
President Rupiah Banda said he will not dismiss the health

workers who defied the directive but they will not be paid for the month of June in which they did not work.

Speaking in Ndola today President Banda said he has pardoned the health workers who did not report for work after government gave them an ultimatum to report for work on Monday last week or face dismissal.

He said paying them will make them repeat going on such illegal strikes.

Mr Banda said he has pardoned the health workers because he understands that they have families to look after.

The President urged the workers not to listen to politicians who encourage them to go on strike as it was not the best way of resolving their grievances.

He also condemned labour union leaders who encourage workers to go on strike because such actions will not help build the country.

President Banda noted that it was regrettable that many lives were lost during the strike by the health workers.

Health workers went on strike for the whole month of June demanding improved conditions of service.

They have since called off their strike following government’s assurance that it will attend to their demands.



  1. thats the way! i mean they denied to pay them from the beginning..this shows powerful leadership.. and not been forced to curve just because majority says so and so.. People should learn that running a country also means making unpopular decisions..sorry nurses but thats life

  2. Iwe chi RB, Just pay these nurses. The amount they are asking is not even 2% of what you spend global trotting for your useless reasons. No wonder the monkey’s are peeing on you. Tawakwata amano

  3. now please get back to work or my zimbabwean mates will come in to replace you.. I mean come on guys..times are hard internationally economically,.. just today BT(british telecomunications) here in the Uk has given people an option to go on one years holiday with a 75 percent reduction in salaries, because they simply cant afford to pay every one.So please people dont think this is just RB and his government who are being evil or bad.. things are rough everywhere.. Nurses need to start reading and follwoing international issues also..this is what happens when you are locked up in your own local thoughts without taking an initiative to learn about global issues which affect you in this ever increasing globalising world
    walai and sons co

  4. We understand there is a global economic situation, if people like Kapoko can steal such amounts, it means the money is there. It’s just mismanagement that’s why they don’t have money to pay the civil servants. What do you make of RB giving Zimbabwe $400m and yet his own citizens are living on $1 a day. This is ridiculous, you can’t compare the living conditions of these nurses to the people working for BT. What am trying to say is BT is such situation because of the impact of the global recession and Zambians are suffering mostly because of mismanagement ! Even monkeys know that.

  5. Indeed a leader should be able to make unpopular decisions but that leader should not be a globe trotter,should not have a very large cabinet, his govt officials should not be seen to be flying to SA for medical treatment etc the ministry of health has money how else were people able to steal K27billion without anyone missing it? and you expect these nurses to be giving us injections properly? I don’t get your strategy Mr.President. Your other minister is busy dishing out K1m to the wrong people- so you chaps don’t even have systems?

  6. This retarded butt-f#cking Rooftop Barman is not being fair on those poor nurses. The citizens have also asked him to tighten his damn belt. He should be the one leading by example. In the month that the healthworkers were striking he was quiet. So what the hell is this rubb!sh about the nurses not getting paid?Anyway serves you MMD lovers right, after all you voted in this slimy maggot.

  7. The President in Zambia has too much power, what right does he have to say nurses won’t get paid? isn’t there a medical council and ministry of health etc.doctors are striking here in SA and I haven’t heard Zuma saying anything. I doubt Obama can wake up one day and say such and such a person won’t get paid!

  8. What powers has he got to ‘Pardon’ them instead of making ammends to their plight as it involves poor Zambians and not him with his oversized cabinet. Its us Zambians to pardon them or whatever term you want us to use ! ala

  9. I’m tired of the global Financial financial crisis excuse. Anyone who has been to school and does some descent reading knows that what is going on in Zambia is more about bad management and corruption than it is about the financial crisis. Availability of credit in Zambia has never been there except for the usual donation. Luck of industrial innovation, snobish lifestlyles and utter disregard for doing things the right way is why we find ourselves in this mess, coupled with a that so 60’s leadership.

  10. Nurses are Key workers and their appeals and sentiments should be seriously taken into consideration. You see without nurses lives are lost, but without RB no lives will be lost.
    So who is superior?

  11. my dear friend the credit side of things of the credit crunch was the cause of the credit crunch itself. The crisis has now given rise to other effects which are affecting almost every nation one way or the some research even pa youtube it will tell you how this crisis has affected copper on which Zambia gets most of its revenue you should learn also that the theft of that 27 billion was not even goverment money as per se.. it was in fact more like donor money to me.. and if anything what which ever minister stole should not be automatically related or summed up to have been nurses’ salaries. you dont even know that money was probably planned to be used for other issues within the health sector.. dont think that nurses are the only factor within the health sector

  12. my dear friend the credit side of things of the credit crunch was the cause of the credit crunch itself. The crisis has now given rise to other effects which are affecting almost every nation one way or the other.Do some research even pa youtube it will tell you how this crisis has affected copper on which Zambia gets most of its revenue you should learn also that the theft of that 27 billion was not even goverment money per se.

  13. The reason we are paid in arrears and not in advance is to ensure that we have worked for what we get. The nurses did not work. Period!

    it was in fact more like donor money to me. and if anything what which ever minister stole should not be automatically related or summed up to have been nurses’ salaries. you dont even know that money was probably planned to be used for other issues within the health sector.. dont think that nurses are the only factor within the health sector equation. What was stolen from the health ministry is been sorted out by the courts so hopefully there we will see the law take its course. All what the president did here was to restate clearly the fact that nurses wont get paid.. which has already been decided even by the ministry of finance.. so its for all those who have hearing problems among the nurses.

  15. What a country! How does RB even have powers to fire nurses- this is quite nonsensical. One would think that should be left to a lower branch of govt.

  16. ok, i bet its fair that they still keep their jobs but will there be a change in thier working conditions? whats their motivation?

  17. Mwandi RB, don’t pay them; it’s only you who needs money, they don’t. Iwe uli mukali, uli nshimbi!!!! Should they continue giving you problems, plz go by Shikapwasha’s suggestion; there is alot of VERY CHEAP labour in Zimbabwe!!!!

  18. # 17 in case u did not know, all civil servants are appointed in the name and on behalf of the President. So, to me the President is very very right to say he has pardoned them (nurses) bcoz he approves or disapproves. Yes i again agree with RB not to pay them June salary on the basis that they didn’t work. They r paid for the service which in this case they didn’t provide thereby falling off fiscal discipline.

  19. Great call from RB for the first time. They never worked and should not be paid -full stop! For folks in the diaspora, can you get paid for not going to work? Just be honest! The Zambian culture sucks and it all starts from Universities and colleges and this should stop. All students should be able to find part time jobs or wor on farms to finance their education if they can’t find student loans.

  20. Iwe Right back @ ya #23 bushe uli mutuntulu?
    Are you Zambian?
    In the diaspora we have minimum pay and all agreed allowances / payments are paid as they fall due and not ‘as and when’ or not at all. So everyone knows the rate of pay per hour of their labour, overtime etc which eliminates the need for an industrial strike. But this does not mean that there are no strikes by workers.
    And where will the students find part time employment when more than 80% of the population is out of formal employment for lack of employers?
    So, mune Right back @ ya, gather your thoughts before releasing your venom.

  21. VJ Mawaanga (Oxford and Hunter College Grad., UK and USA), 66 yrs, for 2011 Zambian President under the MMD as presidential candidate.

    On “President Rupiah Banda said he will not dismiss the health workers who defied the directive but they will not be paid for the month of June in which they did not work“, I hope he will not also be paid for being operated in South Africa when nurses and others were striking without being attended to him.

    Meanwhile MMD National Chairman Michael Mabenga who comes from Western Province has been appointed as Deputy Minister according to Zambian Watch Dog on Veep pressure. This shows that 2011 campaigns are now in full swing after the formation of the PF-UPND PACT.

    I will thus keep watching and waiting.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible.

  22. #s 2, 16, 21, 22, and 23 Spot on. I think we have to be realistic here. And in all fairness, why should they get umuchanga uwo taba bazhile. Tefyo caba iyo.

  23. you guys are just talking,ku diaspora ama contions are better,these guys go for months no and survive pa nkongole,when their little money comes after many months it pays of and back to nkongole.its unfair that we allown our fellow zambians to taken for granted by govt like are the first to critisize andyet the many zambians are suffering at the expense of 150 realistc. police officers,teachers and health workers have the worsed condition of service.thats why you find nurses and teachers dirty,hungry and not motivated.

  24. Ba Maestro naimwe, how do you say “I hope he will not also be paid for being operated in South Africa when nurses and others were striking without being attended to him.”?. Was he on strike? Honestly, should the President stop falling sick, or going to international meetings just because nurses are on strike?Does he not have ministers to take care of whatever falls under their respective ministries? In any case, he is back and he has not acted on the issue & it is just like he left it. Meaning that if he wanted to act, even if he had gone to the moon, he would have sent a message (I am sure you being a space scientist can agree that communication is not an issue therefore the decision can be made and communicated from anywhere even in hell)

  25. #27 what is your point? in case you did not get us (#2, 16, 21, 23 and myself) right, we said the president is right not to allow June payment to the nurses bcoz they provided no service ( work) during the said period. This is a very great decision RB has made and i personally congratulate him.

  26. President Rupiah Banda said he will not dismiss the health

    workers who defied the directive but they will not be paid for the month of June in which they did not work.

    Speaking in Ndola today President Banda said he has pardoned the health workers who did not report for work after government gave them an ultimatum to report for work on Monday last week or face dismissal.

    He said paying them will make them repeat going on such illegal strikes.

    Banda said he has pardoned the health workers because he understands that they have families to look after.

    I am surprised no one has notice this president has got his “knickers” twisted. How does he say he is not going to fire them because they have families and yet he is saying he is not going to pay them?

  27. #30 1st Commandant, sorry I might have used a language you do not understand. Otherwise I am in agreement & I mean you are 100% correct because they have not worked for the period in question so they should not get paid likewise.

  28. #31, 3rqu “I am surprised no one has notice this president has got his “knickers” twisted. How does he say he is not going to fire them because they have families and yet he is saying he is not going to pay them?”. Where you are, would you be paid for the period you have not worked for? I think we have to ask for responsibility even on the other side as well (nurses’ side). Why should they be paid for allowing some precious lives to be lost? In any case, are they not back to work minus having gotten whatever they were asking for?

  29. # 31 I know you as one of very intellegent analysts on this blog but i think you have lost it today. Tell me which one of the two is heavier, to be fired or not to receive a month’s pay?

  30. Cut down the powers of the president. I see he has talked about trade unions when he knows they are as corrupt as they come. I can only see the sufferings of Zambians continueing for a few more decades to come. Today these nurses are not paid. Tomorrow we will be told villagers have voted for RB. Naya kuma pint nomba. What a country we come from!

  31. #6 Zambia has its own issue, Britain and its cooperate world have their own issues too, lets not look at Britain and say “because they having issues then we should also deal with them the way the are dealing with theirs”. Yes there is an global economic melt down, but that shouldn’t be an excuse for failing to pay nurses, while the government is spending money on other useless things like RB’s trips and holidays. Money at the ministry of health is stole and no one notices, that means there is more from where its coming from. Let the poor nurses have a decent pay check, if you talk about understanding that there is a recession then let the government lead by example, let them not pay themselves their mid term gratuities, then the nurses will understand also.

  32. Why has he restrained himself from firing them … the chap knows they where right! Ati kateka? Zambia has NO prezdo!

  33. Just to beef up “Meanwhile MMD National Chairman Michael Mabenga who comes from Western Province has been appointed as Deputy Minister according to Zambian Watch Dog on Veep pressure. This shows that 2011 campaigns are now in full swing after the formation of the PF-UPND PACT. The POST reported:

    “”I don’t see any problem with Western Province coming up with a position to field a vice-president at the convention. They have credible people, not thieves, who can be vice-president,” said Tetamashimba.”

    On 29th June 2009.

    29 Dongo Na Sundu greetings, the President RB Banda did not address the striking works and hence the inciting statements that followed which intrn encouraged them to continue striking. I hope this is clearer.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV…

  34. Maestro Hikucincha did you listern to HH on zambiablogtalk radion today? you can listern to him and previous programs on the same home page.


  35. 43 supergirl greetings and thanks for the gesture “Maestro Hikucincha did you listern to HH on zambiablogtalk radion today? you can listern to him and previous programs on the same home page.“. Firstly, I did not listen to president HH firstly because I didnt know about it but more importantly that I was on a Sabbath Day Recess – which starts around 21:30 on Friday (Sunset) and end at about the exact time on Saturday here in Stuttgart, Germany. This is because I am a practising Seventh Day Adventist Christian.

    I will hence forth look at the said blog and make relevent comments about you other issues later.

    Have a blessed new week.

    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible.

  36. iwe chi #2, nzelu kuchepa!I guess u grew up in the colonial era.I even think u r a grandpa,ndimwe mubweza ziko pansi with ur retarted low levels of reasoning,as though u could reason like a thinking homo sapiens …. Go back to ur farm.

  37. 43 supergirl,who is Titus Nataala? He seems to be my relative for my mum comes from Monze rural and I believe she hinted on such names that hail from there.

    Anyhow, what is annoying is that the interviewer was terribly mispronouncing the Hichilema name as Hachilema and I am wondering what the Zambian journalists learn at their school or is it colleges.

    I will make a comprehensive statement later on.

    Continuing on 42, the appointment of MP Mabenga gives hope to MMD National Secretary Katele Kalumba (PhD, USA?) and former President FTJ Chiluba (Hon. Doc.,Malawi). It may be nice to read that my distant uncle VJ Mwaanga becomes MMD presidential candidate for 2011 if my support for him yields sympathy from President RB Banda.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible.

  38. #25 Am very much Zambian…What’s the cost of labor? To demostrate when they have unions doing the negotiations for them. That is why Unions are an obstruction to the general genuine cause for workers’ happiness. If companies or the GRZ can implement simple wage increment guidelines by avoiding the union, there could be less confusion and blind leadership at the expense of attening to the sick, for example.

  39. 43 supergirl,on the PF-UPND PACT criteria of choosing MP candidates which is based the so-called Stronghold hold is useless. My suggestion is let UPND and PF sponsor one candidate each who can compete to be the PACT candidate before the actual ECZ bye-election for any Parliamentary Constituency. This way democracy will prevail and the oneness of the grassroots will be tested before a single 2011 presidential candidate can be attempted for the Presidency of Zambia.

    Similarly the issue of the PACT’s losing presidential candidacy bid to become Vice President is senseless. In my view, honourable Sata MC (Grade 2/6), PF leader, has a serious dented image due to his past dealings and should never be allowed anywhere near the Zed Presidency of Vice.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible.

  40. The nurses need to be paid RB, whats wrong with this man? Those nurses deserved to be heard, thats why they went on strike. Mr Prez you gave yourself and the ministers gigantic raises. What are you doing for the civil servants?

  41. 43 supergirl, should the PACT make a mistake of fielding Mr Sata MC (Sub B/Standard 4) as presidential candidate I will support whoever the MMD will field as its presidential candidate. I have made this known now so that you do not get confused at my possible future position, if I will be alive then by God’s grace.

    Time frame of PACT presidential candidate release is has been handled properly for MMD has to be kept guessing until probably the actual day of presidential noninations in 2011 or any other time when elections may be held sooner.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible.

  42. Following “He said paying them will make them repeat going on such illegal strikes“, do President RB Banda think he is dealing with kid nurses? Does President RB Banda know that inciting people to continue defying orders is caused by reckless statements?

    Please, advisors to President RB Banda, do you job properly as foreigners may be laughing at us here and elsewhere with behaviour.

    To nurses please do what you have to do when it is time and all the very best.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible

  43. 43 supergirl, president HH’s “give us correct advice“, I will only write that let democracy rule in the PACT.

    As the issue of the UPND and PF not attacking each other in Parliament and elsewhere, let honourable Sata MC (Grade 2/6, unknown) desist from saying that the NCC must be stopped for UPND people are at the NCC to help us Zambians get a better constitution though irregularities are expected during election time.

    Matthew 6:33 + KJV…

  44. the man is just inflaming the situation.these nurses wont be cowed and again the’ll down tools and definately the’ll receive solidarity from the masses and there is potential of civil disobedience as the ordinary citizenry wont just stomach another work stoppage by paramedics.and forget about those nurses from zimbabwe they’ll be burnt alive before they even set foot in the wards.and these are situations chancers like sata take advantage of.wait and see.

  45. 43 supergirl, thank you very much for the link and anything more just shout.

    This “Health workers went on strike for the whole month of June demanding improved conditions of service. They have since called off their strike following government’s assurance that it will attend to their demands.” is a fair conclusion over the Nurses’ strike.

    I hope GRZ will honour its part.

    Having written all the above, I am off to sleep now. Until the next time.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible

  46. The Nurses should not be paid by the Government for going on strike! Let the Union pay its striking members. That way, next time they want to go on strike, they will think again.

    The Union did not declare a strike, no vote was taken to go on strike. However the Union did not seem to restrain its members.

    Please there is need to have order unless you want to promote disorganization. If Sata or HH are kind enough, let them pay the nurses.

  47. Do not be fooled. RB has not pardoned the nurses. Logicaly speaking you can not pardon and punish somebody the same case (strike in this sense). RB was supposed to thank the nurses for ending the strike, apologise on behalf the Nation over the negative effects the strike caused and sort out those who failed the nation solving the simple issue i.e. If he thinks its political – fire the Minister, if he thinks otherwise then his negotiators were incompetent. Let us be objective and not praise blindly.

  48. As much as I dont agree with RB and his methods, I have to support him on this one, there is no way in their right minds the nurse should expect to be paid after going on strike. These are conditions they should have thought about before going on strike. It is not that I dont understand their complaints but there is procedure to follow when you are dealing with pipo’s lives. A lot of lives were lost as a result of their strike and this should not be taken lightly. Simple maths is if you dont get paid when you dont work…… Next time try discussions before going on strike as it is the common man who suffers

  49. this is so cruel on our wonder they are going on strike because they are not being appreciated.number 2,you are trully a mputi.

  50. among all the great achievements of LPM(r.i.p),choosing RB as vice president stands out as the worst decision he made.

  51. Some of you who are supporting RB for not paying Nurses are missing a point of labour laws regarding strike. Strikes are born out of not the employer fulfilling her/his obligations to provide good conditions of service through negotiation with unions. For this simple reason it is evident that negotiations betweeen the govt and the unions have failed and the last resort is to go on strike to force the govt to sit down with the union. Not paying nurses will be illegal and will only inflame mistrust between the govt and the unions (workers). Nurses work in unspeakable conditions and more likely to die from infectious diseases due to govt lack of providing necessary equipment. RB has lost plot here. If he wants to employ fellow Zimbabweans good for him but tensions, anarchy and divisions will

  52. Those who want to thrive on impunity and illegality must resign from the people’s government, congregate and serve their impunity in the make Zambia ungovernable club.Paying people who deserted their jobs defying the civil service order of 15 days absence will be rewarding impunity and insulting selfless citizens that have shown service above self.

    These illegal strikers must not take pay for what they never worked for.Doing so is rewarding impunity. Unless they were on paid vacation, disability leave,PTO,Sick or legally binding absence, they should not be paid.They have abrogated their social contract.Pay must be for what one has worked for.

  53. Let them go ask for a one month pay from the Haka-Sata Joint Make Zambia ungovernable Presidency account that told them to extend the illegal strike. Alternatively,they should wait until their promised early election Government materialization.

  54. spread through Zambia such that it will be like South Africa. A leader should show humulity to his own people but he is becoming mr open your mouth anyhow. Does he has advisors to advice him? How does the Unions, church and Ngos who helped to end this strike feel about this decision? Betrayal or shame for their effort. How many hospitals and health centres in zambia. There is money to pay Zim nurses in US$ .There health sector is crippled and whatever drugs they will come across will be heading to Zim. UK zims buy panadols for sending home in big quantities. So Banda reverse your dictatorship statement.

  55. Pafwenamwine,

    I hate attacking individuals but their ideas.Your zealousness to peddle lies on things you keep proving a total retard on without commanding knowledge is not only embarrassing, but dangerous to the PF that has enlisted you to make noise on their behalf.You do not understand the civil service order, public service management, labor laws and contract law yet you have the passion to prove the kind of retard you are.You are the same cadres misleading lazy heads who when trapped, you have no solution for them.You told them to go on abrogating the collective agreement of 15% their representatives signed in consensus.Thet went over 15 days in line with the 15 days civil service standing orders.Didn’t they take the mandatory civil service exams to risk this far?

  56. MMD will serve Zambians as Government beyond 2011.The forthcoming election will be the easiest ever to vanquish dreamers.

  57. Senior citizen your days at the Zambian embassy in USA are number as a shushushu. HH and Sata have got nothing to do with teachers, nurses and doctors striking. It is their rights under the labour laws to strike. Stop your propaganda and character assassination of oposition leaders. You can say anything without a thought. imagine your sister or brother is paid K7000, 000. You are supporting RB a failed leader. No timing for making statement especially that nurses have agreed with their unions to start work. Your support of visionless and brainless govt shows how navy and heartless you are. It is true you can take a villager to town but will remain a villager. MMD govt and leadership stinks. Wait and see, nurses will not circum to intimidations and visionless govt.

  58. Pafwenamwine,

    I do not know how your daily insults and all cadres hullabaloos here will manufacture miracle winning votes when public policy, social progress and ideological dialectics are unheard of in all your hyperventilation.MMD has the easiest job in the 2011 to seal an easy election victory.

  59. Senior fimofimo, I do believe the truth pains and I know you very well. I don’t mind whether this brainless govt will win through rigging the elections or Villagers will respect the same mistake. All I care is about treating people with respect and humility. You can use any language to show as if you know what you are talking about. You always repudiate sensible criticism of your brainless mmd govt why because you are part of the political system that is visionless and has lost touch with reality. MMD govt is now like Pollomyelites disease . The likelihood of what it will leave is a black skull of a failed govt compounded with corruptions in every sector. I will never shudder from your imperioues comments that are born out a cadre from Evelyn Hon College who happen tbootlick someone.

  60. Ba LT pliz twapapta. Ifibantu like walai nthwenu block their blogs! He has nothing sensible to say, and his other name is an insult and yet you condone it. Where are your morals, eh? Don’t be shallow minded like RB

  61. RB u ar at again. Don’t pay them and in 2011 don’t ask them for their votes. Nurses remember to register as voters so that we teach him the hard way.

  62. Iwe senior somebody, the problem with some of you when you are given a job by the power that be and you now live comfortably, you forget about the what suffering zambians are going through the rest of the country. these mmd guys are not doing good things for Zambia. look at that one who was dishing out K1000,000-00 to wrong pipo as others have put it above. even if the so called right pipo were to receive that money, this is not the correct way of solving pipo’s problems at national level. this what chiluba was doing, and there was no accountability for such transactions. the end results everyone will be organising a match to go and receive money. what about tomorrow? we have to think of where we will
    be tomorrow and focus on developing our mother zambia. unless you are not a Zambian.

  63. The President is right. Just think of it. Those nurses had vowed to serve the people like Florence Nightgale, the pioneer of the profession unselfishly. Work first and wages last. Bravo Mr President.

  64. What law is RB following here? So the nurses are living and surviving at the mercy of RB! So if tomorrow RB wakes up and says all nurses should not be paid for two months, it will be done! what a mess!!! So it is the ‘president’ who decides what should be done with the nurses! This is the Idi Amin way of leadership!

  65. Sorry Guys but reading some of your comments makes me sad. Just Because you are enjoying in those Countries which are not yours doesnt make you have the right to suport the idea of nurses not getting paid. Nway ni time yabo

  66. (Salary) certainly is one point of dissatisfaction with teachers and although money is not why someone enters the profession, it is an issue. Teachers need to be able to pay their bills and support their families.

  67. Most of these nurses are single parents,Where do you expect them to get the money to sustain their families for a month?Let us be realistic and learn to appreciate the services that these people provide.

  68. #35 Dongo na Sundu. To start with where I am I can never go on strike. There is no need for it. Statistics will show you that other than may be for stupid reasons, there is no need for people to strike in the West. Stupid really to compare Zambia to the west but if we are not going to, then, I do not know how we are going to develop. The difference is we do not learn from past experience. Most strikes in Zambia are illegal but workers still decide to take a chance. Doesn`t that tell a story? These are people who already can not afford and are saying 15% is not enough, yet you tell them they are not going to be paid and you won`t fire them because they have families? Where is ubuntu here?

    I said this a few days ago. RB and his government should ask themselves a few questions.


  69. Contd. 1. What have we learnt from this strike?
    2. What caused people to strike?
    3. How do we prevent this from happening again?
    4. What price has the government paid?

    Chances are the government will not be bothered at all, hence the threats from the president himself already. And, yes, because Zambia belongs to him who are we to question.

    A “few” economists and senior citizens have come on here and said these strikes were there since 1964! Yeah right! So they should be here even when my great grand children are born! What nonsense.

  70. The statement by RB not to pay the nurses for a month is both careless and unrealistic. Sometimes I wonder if this man has advisors, if he has, he should fire them, because they advise him wrongly almost all the time. In the spirit of reconcilliation and moving forward, RB should withdraw the statement.

  71. Contd. MPs have had their salaries increased. Probably the one and only good thing RB has ever done for our country since those villagers voted for him. These MPs were already getting a lot more than these sorry workers.

    The fact that workers are saying 15% was not enough should get a certain president asking himslef questions. God I wish I could be given even a 5% rise! Do you see what I mean?

  72. #76 and #83 Disgruntled. Unfortunately Zambia belongs to RB. Sad but true. What hurts is we are not showing signs of addressing the scurge.

    People are busy including stupid clauses in the constitution instead of looking at cutting down the powers of the president.

    I will fire them on Youtube is hilarious and a very good example!

  73. #85 3Rqu
    Those chaps reviewing the constitution have no enough guts and morals to include what would benefit the ordinary zambian in the constitution. You will see what they will do to the 50+1% clause.

  74. Miss Daisy you look cool maybe to elect you as an MP can bring some sun shine & hope .#86 this constitution will target people like Sata not to stand based on Degree issue and 50+1 % will never be included because most of those attended are brided to hell.
    What we have to ask ourselves is , are the people who are not educated at a degree level not part of the political, social, cultural and economy of their birth rights of our Zambia? Does education mean wisdom or knowledge or gives a person leadership? Is targeting sustain individuals through this constitution not abuse of our basic and foundament rights of the rights to participate freely in the principles of democratic processes of our justy and impertial laws of our land? The same goes to if a person was born outside Zambia

  75. but has lived in zambian for along can they put a clause? Discrimination or targeting individuals will only see this constitution being challeged in the courts of law like it happened to Chiluba and Kaunda where Chief Justice become globetrotter to seek advice from other people and his verdict we all know it. This constitution could look at strengthening the rule of law by reduce the president’s power also curb on unnecessary borrowing and spending

  76. If this MMD has overwhelming support like some people say here, then let them include the 50+1% clause.
    All of you politicians actually know little about democracy. The people complaining today are the same ones that will f00lishly vote all these slimy maggots back into power.

  77. #86 Disgruntled Zedian. The people reviewing the constituon dont have morals and guts you are right. Very intelligient people but unfortunately they are appointed by the president. The fact that we are softies makes it worse, and, to be fair on them the system makes it just impossible to say anything against.

    What hurts is we know we have to start from somewhere whether we like it or not or we put up with it. African presidents are just too powerful.

  78. And we thought Kaunda and his lot were bad! With VJ about, even chula stood a bigger chance of wining shuwa kaleza kaningambe! Naya mayo.

  79. #22 Ministers are not doing anything constructive apart from showing their incapabilty to resolve problems, e.g., by suggesting that nurses get fired and bringing in Zimbabweans. It means they’ve not been working all along. Why do they still get paid? Including RB, he has not been doing anything apart from making money by touring other countries. All of them don’t deserve a salary as opposed to the nurses who have been working under terrible conditions. You are talking faster than you can think.

    it was in fact more like donor money to me. and if anything what which ever minister stole should not be automatically related or summed up to have been nurses’ salaries. you dont even know dat money was probably planned to be used for other issues within the health sector.. dont think that nurses are the only factor within the health sector equation. What was stolen from the health ministry is been sorted out by the courts so hopefully there we will see the law take its course. All what the president did here was to restate clearly the fact that nurses wont get paid.. which has already been decided even by the ministry of finance.. so its for all those who have hearing problems among the nurses.

  81. Ala Lesa ni mnyotola. Ba senior Citizen ( BK) at The US embassy you are bemba and know what this saying means. Ubushiku bumu mukaba panshi and we will see you languishing. Its your time now and let ama nurses na ma teachers babe abasalukwa kuli iwe. Kabalechula fye , abana babo aba nsala, aba mamina, awe ubushiku bumo lesa akabalangulukako. Remember we are all human and equall in the eyes of Jehovah God. Again remember LESA NIMANYOTOLA .

  82. The whole decision not to pay these nurses sucks and stinks!!!!

    Its not fair… why did RB beg them to go to work and trick them in such a way?

  83. Hi bloggers, Is there any body who should be paid for not working? The presidents decision is fair though unpopular, especially that he paid millions to people in wheelchairs.Its a real circus pa Zed.

  84. You can not just decide that you will not pay the nurses and or teachers. Come on thats leadership from the very old school. They have bills to pay and unlike RB and his croonies who do not pay rent, nurses and teachers do pay rent, have bills to pay and dependants to feed. WHAT A FLOP STATEMENT TO MAKE. AWE TULEKEKWA NENKOKO

  85. have worked as nurse in zed and i know what they are going through. some of you bloggers left zed for greener pastures and now that things are better for you, you start supporting RB. ululumbi lwa mulanda kukakata. I really feel sorry for the nurses who are never paid on time and the money they get is just peanuts.

  86. 3rqu, “The difference is we don’t learn from past experience. Most strikes in Zambia are illegal but workers still decide to take a chance” So why bother take another chance if you know the end result?Zambia’s at full throttle rewarding laziness & I’m not surprised that people want to legitimize laziness thru an excuse of a strike. If we had a system of loging in, you’d be surprised to see how much each person is putting in at work. Sometimes we have to evaluate ourselves, reflect on what we’re demanding 2 c whether it matches our input. See the vigour the same nurses have at private hopitals, it is high. And why they do not permantly switch to private clinics nobody knows. That tells you that they wouldn’t cope because it is too demanding, thus they’d want to continue with…

  87. continued …….That tells you that they wouldn’t cope because it is too demanding, thus they’d want to continue with GRZ conditions since they are much better in a sense as suiting their laziness.

  88. ola..hope u all went to church… i understand that most nurses got so broke and they are now in debt..but as a discplinary measure, i suport big cheese on his decision…. the way they behaved letting people die and gve birth palwelwelwe is unacceptable, un ethical…infact, they shoukd have been fired….they are more graduating….people are getting retrenched bena baleya pa prolonged strike…


  90. LOL.. I WANNA C THEM MOS DEF BAYBAY.. U CAN SEND EM AT: walaimputi (at)

  91. What a load of boll-ocks. Surely, RB you must have at least one relative or family friend that is a nurse. If not, can’t you send someone to one of the clinics to do some fact finding for you. Are these the same nurses (and their families and aged dependant relatives) that you expect to vote for you in the next election. It is a shame and a disgrace!!

  92. It is interesting that a good number of bloggers here feel that nurses should be paid for not working. This is a wrong mindset. I am wondering whether this is the caliber of the well-informed people who should help direct our destiny as a nation (I am assuming the majority of the people here constitute the intelligentsia). Why should you be paid for a job you did not do? Isn’t this the same complaint we have against people who get Govt. contracts but do not execute the jobs? This is the gamble the nurses took – any salary adjustments negotiated for will be effective from the day they started work. Let’s get real.


  94. #116 – I agree that the nurses should not be paid for the period they were on strike. What I find ridiculous is that they were threatened with dismissal if they didn’t return to work and told that Zimbabwean nurses would be employed. When the nurses called their bluff, government did not dismiss them or employ foreign nurses. So the attempt to show this generosity is meaningless. The truth of the matter is that we are grossly understaffed as a nation if you look at acceptable nurse-to-bed ratios. Government should be real and acknowledge the problems instead of bullying people into submission.

  95. Walai…lol.. engaged daddy…will send u the function ones mailo….its freezing here.. am even scared of getting my hands off the blankets to typ

  96. engaged..mmmm mummy dont break my heart.. yaya here its hot my friend.. i even have my shirt off apa. too hot to even cook.. will just order, if anything i just usually burn the kitchen so i myt aswell order haha.. iwe be serious about this engagement…

  97. huh… burn the kitchen… even when u sober…….i think u need a wife daddy…. just go to the village at home and get a ka nice looking chick and polish her … long as shes got potential..potential…lol.listening to dat ka song,,,miss home

  98. #118 Very true. My post did not mention the problems the nurses are facing right now. Neither did I talk about the inefficiencies of the Govt. in providing Zambians with decent medical care. I only focused on the subject of paying nurses for a job they did not do. This would set a bad precedent that the Govt. would not comprehend – but I strongly believe that the Govt. has the capacity to do much more for our people – and right now it is not. Under the conditions of service you dismiss yourself after you abscond work for a number of days. Is it practical to dismiss all nurses at once – most likely not. However, the Govt. can attempt to do anything to ensure that it continues to run the hospitals. There is a good number of retired medical personnel rather Zimbabwean nurses.

  99. Blah blah….so much to say,join Koffi and do something in rememberance of Micheal Jackson.
    Politics ain´t politricks…………try the above sir


    Those who want to thrive on impunity and illegality must resign from the people’s government, congregate and serve their impunity in the make Zambia ungovernable club. Paying people who deserted their jobs defying their calling, natural justice and existing civil service standing order of 15 days absence without clearance as ground for dismissal would be fanning illegality.

  101. Paying them would be rewarding impunity and insulting selfless citizens that have shown service above self. I challenge any public policy administrators, labor law, and economics of labor scholars to take me on this one. This communist mentality must be rejected. Employee remuneration must be based on good, fair and manageable responsible economic practices.

  102. Mischievous hired guns now soliciting that illegal strike must be rewarded are heartless anarchist belaboring to promote a cultural war against responsibility and labor contract law in the country. If they didn’t advocate for the dead and sick left helplessly at the eve of this illegality, they better be ignored and classified as callous anarchists in contract with the devil to mount death of helpless Zambians.

  103. True moralists could have been seen in calling for an end of this illegal strike that has costed human life. Thus, these illegal strikers must not take pay from tax payers turned victims for what they never worked for.

    Doing so is appeasing impunity with underserved reward which would be a very bad precedence. Unless they were on paid vacation, disability leave, using PTO, Sick or legally binding absence, they should not be paid. They have abrogated their social contract and calling of noble citizen for noble people only.Pay must be for what one has worked for.

  104. Let them go ask for a one month pay from the Haka-Sata Joint Make Zambia ungovernable Presidency account that told them to extend the illegal strike and pledged untruncated protection and support for any consequences deserting their jobs was to bring on them.

    Alternatively, they should wait until their promised early election Government materialize if it will ever under the Zambian sun. Under consensus, their representatives signed a binding labor bill contract but the make Zambia ungovernable rubbish brain washed them.

  105. They bought the rubbish that deserting sick Zambians triggering death toll would expedite a new Haka-Sata joint Presidential Government of 2 Presidents, 8 vice Presidents, 2 full cabinet ministers and deputies from each camp by July 2009.this irresponsible move and social negligence was anchored on the misconception that compliance would give them American healthcare level wages as part of more miracle money in the pocket. They believed everyone would become enumerated the doctors pay and drive new SUVs with mansions within 90 days.

  106. In this time of need, they must now make a distress call on the Haka-Sata Joint Presidency of the Make Zambia ungovernable to pay them from the ungovernable project account. The two recently announced that they now have some business houses sustaining their make Zambia ungovernable programs. From that account, let them pay illegal strikers a one month pay they didn’t work for to deserve tax payers’ money. Leadership is measured by its commitment to promise given and the Haka-Sata Joint Presidency must be put to task bearing responsibility now.

  107. Whatever Government decides, I’m of the view that illegal strikers must not be rewarded for deserting human life creating death toll for the sake of appealing to doomsday political demagoguery of making Zambia ungovernable if they have to land on miraculous more money in the pocket rubbish.

  108. You get paid for working. RIGHT?

    If you do not work, do not expect to be paid. In this case, the nurses did not work. They defied the employer and their union which agreed and signed the new conditions service. No politics here unless from the beginning HH+ Sata thought they would use it to bring down the government. Please the principal is very simple. I do not understand why we can even argue over such. So the UNION will pay the nurses. How many of you have ever bothered to find out how many people died, were denied treatment during the strike period?

  109. He is very right.These disgraced nurses were on illegal strike despite them being on oath.There is no way they can be paid for services they did not render.Nice move

  110. malamulo ni malamulo. the instigators of that strike hh, cobra, membe can pay the workers for the lost days. hh come on, show your professed concern for the nurses. just share a bit from your wallet, it would not put a dent in your wealth would it?

  111. Let him not pay his mistresses and sit in state house for at least a week. The man is a travelling salesman – well selling his relatives and bootlickers. If he does not pay the nurses, he will walk to South Africa for his operation with an attendant. Let him face facts and sell the hearses to pay nurses.

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