The Zambia Correctional Service has said that incarcerated UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema is being treated fairly like any other remandee. Zambia Correctional Service Public relations Officer Brian Mooya says Mr Hichilema is being looked after in accordance with available facilities at Mukobeko Maximum Correctional Centre in Kabwe.
Mr Mooya said that the Correctional Service does not discriminate persons detained in its facilities based on their social class, religion, tribe or any other status. He has assured the UPND and other concerned people that Mr. Hichilema is in safe custody like any other incarcerated person at Mukobeko Maximum Security Correctional Centre.
Mr Mooya, however, said that the Correctional Service is disappointed that the UPND through its spokesperson Charles Kakoma is claiming that Mr Hichilema is being dehumanized in his cell at Mukobeko.
Mr. Mooya said that the decision to transfer Mr. Hichilema from Lusaka Central Correctional Centre to Mukobeko was made in accordance with the law. Mr. Mooya has advised the UPND to adhere to the rules for visitation as stipulated in section 132 part 1 and 2. He said all visits to the correctional facility shall take place during such hours as officer-in-charge may direct.
Yesterday UPND Spokesman Charles Kakoma penned an emotional account of his trip to Mukobeko Maximum Prison to visit incarcerated opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema.
In his account, Mr Kakoma has confirmed that all the reports emerging about the deplorable conditions in which Mr Hichilema is being held are true.
He had since challenged prison authorities to allow family members, lawyers, the media and human rights organisations to tour the section where Mr. Hichilema is being detained.
Below is Mr Kakoma’s account posted on his Facebook page
I visited President Hakainde Hichilema in Mukobeko Maximum Prison in Kabwe
It was a traumatic experience.
Before I stepped foot in Mukobeko, I was doubting some of the horrifying stories circulating on social media about the inhuman and degrading treatment Hakainde Hichilema was going through.
From what I saw and heard, I can now inform you that the conditions under which Hakainde Hichilema is being kept are cruel and unfit for human habitation.
This is not even a new finding. Many Parliamentary and human rights investigations have concluded the same and recommended for reforms.
On the day when government decided to use maximum force to transfer him from Lusaka Central Prison to Mukobeko, they made him spend a night in an overcrowded cell of about 179 people.
Some of these people had chronic chest infections as they were coughing throughout the night. Common chest infections of this nature include tuberculosis. Why was it found necessary to expose Hakainde Hichilema to this risk?
The following day, Hakainde Hichilema (fondly known as HH) was transferred to a tiny cell measuring about 2 metres by 2.5 metres.
There is no toilet in the room but the authorities have provided a bucket to be used as a toilet.
The bucket can only be emptied in a colonial type toilet (without a sitting pan like a pit latrine) outside the cell.
During the night, at around 20.00 hours, the authorities switch off power to HH’s cell. There is no switch inside the cell.
He stays in the dark the whole night. The motive is not known.
Can you imagine a situation where the accused person develops diarrhoea and can’t find the bucket because of darkness?
There is no water in the cell. No sink, no bathtub, no shower.
The accused person is expected to go outside his cell and draw water from a common tap and bath in full view of other inmates. This is degrading and dehumanizing.
There is no mattress provided by the authorities.
However, HH managed to get hold of his private mattress he was using at Lusaka Central Prison.
His cellmate is sleeping on the cold floor.
When I entered the section where HH is being detained, I was looking forward to shaking his hand. It never happened!
Not because HH did not want to greet me but that the reception area, which looked ancient and designed by colonial rulers to punish freedom fighters, has a physical barrier which prevents contact between the visitor and the accused. It reminded me of the colour bar during the colonial days when Africans could only buy meat from a butchery through a window to prevent the African from having contact with the white members of staff and the meat.
The physical barrier basically consists of glass and wire mesh.
At this reception, most people “shake hands” by placing their palms on either side of the glass and wire mesh without any warmth of physical contact.
I felt dehumanized. In Lusaka Central Prison, visitors and accused persons could great each other by shaking hands and symbolised human dignity.
My revolutionary solution is to do away with these degrading practices.
There is no privacy by the way. Prison warders stand next to you to hear your conversation with the accused persons.
After saying all this, your question is: how is HH?
He was the first one to ask me the same question. I replied in the affirmative even if I was not fine. I’m sick because of his incarceration.
The word affirmative loosely means ” positive, yes, ok, etc” I asked him the same question and he equally replied in the affirmative but I did not believe him.
It is like asking a person involved in an accident whether he is fine or not.
Oftentimes, they would say they are fine when infact not. Put yourself in HH’s position. In what condition would you be without bathing for one week, It would take doctors to determine the bill of health.
Who knows HH’S current state of health? I don’t know. I don’t want biased government doctors to do that. HH’S personal doctors should examine him.
1. Hitherto, family members, lawyers and human rights organisations have been denied access to the cell and environment where HH is being detained. As UPND, we demand that family members, lawyers, the media and human rights organisations be given the opportunity to tour the section where HH is being detained.
2. We also demand that HH should be taken back to Lusaka Central Prison as per directive of the magistrate court. It’s a terrible break down in the rule of law for central government to ignore a court order.
3 HH’S personal doctors should examine him regularly .
visitation rights as ruled by the Lusaka magistrates court should be adhered to.
4. Finally, and the most important, HH must be released unconditionally and the election petition should be heard to bring peace, unity and political stability to Zambia.
But he has said he is ready to die. Why then should we give him 5 star hotel standards instead of an enducement for the death he so longs for? Power of the tongue.
This is funny that now you notice that facilities at correctional services need urgent correction when you are in parliament all you think about are increased allowances, new cars and building a new parliament motel!
These are the same sentiments expressed when chiluba sent Kaunda to mukobeko.
My worry is the clamping down on people’s liberties especially those with opposing views.
This country is retrogressing under PF a very sad and worrying development.
The likes of Dean Namulya Mung’omba took it, let him take it too. Did you see Mukuni camp at the prison gates? The civil people of Zambia allowed laws of the land to be applied accordingly. We cannot be customizing criminal and justice systems based on tribal rantings. All the way with justice.
Kakoma, it is really so sad. But why only sympathizing for HH? why not other people with no voice? you are selfish. You guys it’s all about HH,pttition, UPND, it seems to me even when you get in power it will be all about yourselves. I can not give you my vote, I would rather give it to peter sinkamba or Chipimo.
@Zambia First:
Since it is expected that HH is being treated unfairly then it should be so! Thank You Mukobeko
Who really cares about the LT toilet sh.it online gossip PLATFORM for PF?
Prison just like death should be an equalizer. No special treatment should be entertained here, otherwise, we may not be helping the imprisoned.
Kids, alot of kids on LT, playing with mama’s laptops. Good cold evening kids.
Find space in your heart to be human for once!
These kids are humanely challenged.
Kakoma is a liar. He is contradicting himself. How can he claim all those things when he talked with HH, the bitterman through the window? Stop being cry babies you ba UPND, HH is in a better place.
He shouldn’t be in there in the 1st place. Cooking up non-bailable offences like treason & motor-vehicle theft & infecting them with TB has been used by evil Zambian presidents to fix opponents.
– FTJ slapped treason & motor vehicle charges on Dean Mungomba & Mactribouy & infected them with drug resistant TB. They died within 1 year of leaving prison.
– Lungu won’t survive 2 weeks in Jail when his turn comes up
The British High Commissioner advised HH that, respect for a sitting head of state and adherence to the rule of law are ‘key elements in international relations’
In short he told him that the international community does not support law breakers. You have to behave to win the support of the international community.
That is why HH has only attracted Maimane and the mine workers Union leader in South Africa. Even Malena was disappointed with HH’s behaviour in Mongu – actually he was embarrassed since he is also opposition.
He felt alesebanya the name of opposition.
Cruel you. A witch has a slightly better altitude to human life than you.
Our own fellow blacks, the ones we call brothers, who have been given a priviledge by us to rule us, are much worse than the whites who at one time had colonised us. Please stop the dictatorship. Zambia belongs to all of us. Free HH. HH IS A ZAMBIAN AND A POLITICAL LEADER FOR MILLIONS OF ZAMBIANS.
Mooyo, that statement was forced through your throat to suit Chota and his followers.
Chisenga I am disappointed with your comment. Those are sentiments of hatred, we all have choices to choose what is best for ourselves. How much has HH been insulted by PF and his suppoters? Not a day will pass without refering to him with negative sentiments starting from the top to the lowest of member of PF. For you when that is done it’s ok but when the same is used agsinst the PF and its leadership, it becomes treasonable and people have to be locked up. If MMD did this to PF would they have been where they are today? I loved PF before but the path that it has taken has made me change my opinion about it. There is no democracy anymore in the party, anyone with a different view is viewed an enermy of PF. There is need to go back to the orinal ideals of the party that believes in the…
@ CHISENGA: i AGREE WITH YOU 100%. THE BEST THESE MPs SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING IS TO PASS MOTIONS ON HOW TO IMPROVE THE STATE OF PRISONS IN THE COUNTRY, alsa, the guys never use their brains, only sitting idle waiting for allowances, good morning.
According to the information clause, citizens have a right to access government information. Furthermore, access to information is subject to controls imposed by the custodian (state institutions) of the information. Irrespective of the said, information collected through intelligence has to be verified so as to exclude exaggerated information and falsehoods. That said, arresting citizens or any persons within a given jurisdiction based on the possibilities or fear is deemed as persecution or explicit kidnapping undertaken by corruptible state institutions. This has become the norm in rogue states like Zambia which has been captured by a gang of villains. Leave all UPND MPs alone and stop being suggestive of crimes which do not even have a slightest possibility of happening.
Maybe Kakoma should ask the state to sit in for HH. He is still thinking it is a game. Kakoma grow up. Dont make something as serious as it is worse off for HH. From this kind of expression from UPND spokesperson one start wondering whether he wants further punishment for HH. Stop playing to the gallery when you are going to have a comfortable bed a comfortable toilet and a delicious meal when your friend HH is incarcerated. This is not time for politics time for ensuring or securing a release for HH. So your verbal diarrhoea Kakoma should stop and let the due process of the law to take place.You are just concerned about HH. What the five others? What about Mwaliteta? Kakoma please grow up and stop politics at this stage. The Bible says even a fool when his mouth is closed appears wise…
Mukongo wanyoko.
@ Chilyata- For once you should grow up and stop this nonsense! Why cant you just debate issues and avoid derogatory language? Can some one hunt this pseudo Chilyata and bring him to book. You are the people tarnishing UPND and the tonga speaking clan. For once please behave. You are embarrassing the human race and Africans i particular.
This is when he is realising conditions are appalling and colonial in prison…you go to Parliament debating expenditure and increases of MP allowances without a thought for correctional services. The selfsame people in govt today will complain about these conditions in 5 years time…that the stupidity of Zambian leaders!!
@ Jay Jay:
What kind and breed of a chimpanzee are you? What do you in the diaspora – selling cheeseburgers and cleaning toilets? Do you think using your head or your behind?
For your own civic education, get it in your head that Kakoma is an opposition MP and budget allocations are done by PF Ministry of Finance (where I worked before) and there is nothing Kakoma can do with budget allocations.
Yes he can debate in parliament BUT he can’t change anything – only Mutati and Lungu are legally responsible for budget proposals and allocations and that is a fact. Don’t you ever think all those MPs yapping in parliament are making inputs to the blue book and it is out total ignorance for you to be saying what you said!!
@Chilyata, thank you for stating the obvious. There’s an inane culture that is coming out of people of Zambian extraction of blaming victims and people with no real effect on how govt works. Any idyot who thinks that Parliament develops a country by talking all day long needs his head examined after a thorough wash in a sewer. Parliament is overwhelmingly PF and the numbskulls pass legislation without even understanding it, including the National Budget and Lungu’s Constitution.
Mwefipuba mwe, bakoswe na Bakolwe mwabafye cimo cine. Banyandule ba kabwa abashaishiba Lesa. Mwatucusha pafula Lesa akamukanda pa lu****** mwakwata kubantu banenu. Bible ilanda shani?
One of the most dullest and ignorant opposition parties to grace the corridors of power in Zambia led by leader of the Namwala Party, Hazaluza Hagain Under Five Card Three Mansions. They don’t know how to debate issues in parliament or organize and convince people to vote for them on the basis of what they can do better than the incumbent government. Illiteracy can be seen even from their bloggers!
So, you know ho to debate. Just look at your argumentation, it is just full of idiocy. Go back to school to learn critical thinking. It will be very helpful to you.
Sharon fula niker and look between your legs what do you see now shut up
Reality check.
Kaponya (HH) sounds more suicidal in his recent rantings. Please allow him conjugal visits otherwise his right hand will have more muscles.
UPND thought the nation would burn but we are enjoying peace more than ever before. They are just alone in their misery.
Costen and Mutinta 10 HH and the hand 0
UPND leaders together with Gay Scott thought they could make the country ungovernable. President Lungu amidst this hostility and aggression has steered the boat to calmer waters. Bitter minions have been silenced by our humble leader. (HH) thought he had friends. Little does he know the Masebo’s, Maureens, Mulenga Sata are begging and lobbying PF to accept them again.
Nevers is plotting to take over UPND.
Kakoma seems so shocked and traumatised. Were we going to elect proud Elitist people like Kakoma to rule Zambia? People who have no idea about how pathetic our prisons are?
Finally, and the most important, HH must be released unconditionally and the election petition should be heard to bring peace, unity and political stability to Zambia.
This is utter stuipdity from pillock Kakoma. The petition was unsuccessful. You are still an Under 5.
Others are asking on this Blog: in which world is Kakoma living?
As far as Zambians on planet earth are concerned, we are witnessing more peace, love and unity ever since Kaponya (HH) was incarcerated
“they made him spend a night in an overcrowded cell of about 179 people.
Some of these people had chronic chest infections as they were coughing throughout the night. Common chest infections of this nature include tuberculosis.”
Kakoma pilock is (HH) more special than the chronic sufferers of TB?
You people are too proud and pompous. You don’t connect with the common man
This were i find Africans so humanely challenged, the acceptance of mediocrity as the normal, everyone goes through that, so it’s fine for me to go through that too. What a sick d ick life.
“but that the reception area, which looked ancient and designed by colonial rulers to punish freedom fighters, has a physical barrier which prevents contact between the visitor and the accused”
Yet these are the same colonial rulers you run to like toddlers, all the time hoping for the colonial masters to come and ‘kick out’ President Lungu. Such sly, calculating Satamist people these UPND
“His cellmate is sleeping on the cold floor”
What type of a leader leaves the common man sleeping on the floor?
“I asked him the same question and he equally replied in the affirmative but I did not believe him”
This speaks volumes of the many lies that Kakoma doesn’t believe in, like the failed petition.
Truth be told, (HH) is in anguish.
What a joke that was, Kaponya (HH) trying to reach out to an imaginary following in 3 provinces.
Kakoma, Nalumango, GBM the crop of clowns left in UPND Mutinta wannabe Winnie Mandela
UPND has been relegated to UNIP status.
Credit raters refer to such as ‘junk’
(HH) Hang Him / #BeheadHH
@muna kalenga, but why is HH sponsoring the worst issults on Zambianeagle and zambiawatchdog. HH through his press agents is insulting President Lungu and other PF leaders from other tribes. We know him better, the sponsor of hatred in this country. Tell him to repent and stop pretending in public.
“…they made him spend a night in an overcrowded cell of about 179 people.”
“He stays in the dark the whole night. The motive is not known.”
Your hatred for other tribes beggars belief, what kind of thinking produces this vile thought process, you have a flag of another country if your Zambia is so good under your PF rule why don’t you go back and spit your venom there? Is it that life has been so unkind to you that all you can wish others is hate and suffering? I hope no injustice has ever been inflicted on you, do you believe in the principle of “innocent until proven guilty. I pray the God we believe in forgives you for this level of hatred for another human being just because he belongs to another tribe or party. Be blessed in your evil thoughts.
Am very disappointed with upnd.You only cry about HH.what of other zambians in jail such as Mwaliteta,Mukobela,etc?is HH the only Zambian in jail today?Zambian voters open your eyes!!these politicians are the same.they only care about themselves and not about us poor voters!!MPs never talk about improving the prisons.all they allow is increasing their allowances.
CHARLES KAKOMA,PRISON CONDITIONS ARE BAD IN ZAMBIA AND NOTHING WILL IMPROVE NOW SIMPLY BECAUSE YOUR HH IS THERE!!!This is the reason why any wise Zambian tries by all means to avoid committing crimes!!
Njimbu you are just another mandingo living a sick d ick life, who treats mediocrity as the new normal.
All dictators, including Hitler, claimed to be following the law! Saddists do not see anything wrong with cruelty. HH IS NOT A CRIMINAL BUT A POLITICAL PRISONER! No amount of deceit will change this fact!
If you can’t change the situation don’t complain. If you decide to complain about the situation do something about.
“Lol ati ” authorities have provided a bucket to be used as a toilet” ….that means HH is being treated to live in worse than slaughter animal conditions.
If only HH had listened when he was warned against bringing in well-known kaponyas like GBM, Judge Ngoma and William Banda. He was adamant like a pubical louse. Now see what has happened ? GBM fled at the first instance, Nevers is fighting with Milupi over leadership of UPND. HH, this is NOT the UPND that Mazoka left us with ! Where is out ‘intellectual UPND’, our decent UPND that condemned acts of babarism ? Why did you allow GBM to bring panga-tactics to UPND why ?
Look around you and ask yourself where all those leaches you used to parade at Chainama Hotel are. You were even chanting ‘Izula bayangana’.
HH, you have to reshape this UPND of ours. Remove GBM, abandon the ill-fated court process because even yourself you know that the ‘PF Judges’ wont decide in your favour. Lets…
…Lets get our MPs back to Parliament so that we offer the best quality of checks and balances ! Without this, kaleza uzalila anso 2021
HH, you have to reshape this UPND of ours. Remove GBM, abandon the ill-fated court process because even yourself you know that the ‘PF Judges’ wont decide in your favour.
The problem with Kakoma and zALL UPNDonkeys is that they saw U5 living in luxury in his home and in commanding position ordering everyone ofvthem around. Now they cannot reconcile that with the new HH that they see. But they will get used very soon and when they do they will realise that HH is a human being after all, not a god, and that is when they will lose respect for him when they see him as the same as them or same as those common criminals sharing a bucket with him.
Look here UPNDonkeys, this is a prison and U5 is a remandee. In prison they use buckets for various purposes, so did you want U5 to sh.it on the floor?
Now coming to parliament.
UPNDonkeys miscalculated this one. They never imagined that the Speaker could expel them. Look at it this way, which decent opposition party in the whole world would want to lose such a large number of seats in parliament and give free reign to their opponents? Which opposition does not recognise the importance of their numbers in parliament? Look now PF can do literary anything in parliament and UPNDonkeys will only look but no opposing views. If PF wants to introduce one party state they can do it now; if they want to manipulate the constitution who will stop them? If they did not care about this, ask yourselves WHY the suspended “MPs” have challenged their suspension in court if they have not felt the pinch, and if they are not so scared of the now real…
? If they did not care about this, ask yourselves WHY the suspended “MPs” have challenged their suspension in court if they have not felt the pinch, and if they are not so scared of the now real possibility of their UPNDonkey Party going into oblivion for that is how opposition parties die in Zambia. Remember when UNIP boycotted elections in 2006, where are they now?
Wrt representation, the electorates in the suspended constituencies have themselves to blame for letting loose the so called reps of the people. They could have reigned in their donkeys early enough.
Why go to court? Why why why if the UPNDonkeys didnt care about being in parliament? Why? They know that this is the end of UPND. Now this is a very big uncalculated risk.
There are too many stoopid Tongas like Mooya who think by talking I’ll of their tribesmen, they think they will be liked by the Bemba supporters of sly easterners. Even HH realized that his own are his worst enemies. Also if HH was from the Northeastern Rhodesia, he would have long formed government. There is this unwritten rule that Northeasterners have that all rulers must come from their region even if it means recruiting their cousins across borders to vote in ethnocentric electoral processes. It just tells you what a tribal country Zambia has always been. Kapwepwe and Nkumbula had to be pushed out of the way by tribal KK loyalists from the Northeast. Kapwepwe was sidelined for being too sympathetic to Northwesterners. The silly Barotseland King then also did a stoopid thing by…
You are a fool who doesn’t think that Tongas have common sense. Whenever a Tonga says something that is contrally to Tonga Tribalists expectations, he is stoopid(your English)
I pity you and rest my case.
The silly Barotseland King then also did a stoopid thing by selling his kingdom to manyuku nyuku in the mistaken belief of expanding his territory, big mistake! Northwestern Rhodesia should never have been married to the other ones. It was a very big mistake! Unitary state on paper only but not in reality. Let’s face it! Deeply divided we stand!
The British High Commissioner advised HH that, respect for a sitting head of state and adherence to the rule of law are ‘key elements in international relations’
In short he told him that the international community does not support law breakers. You have to behave to win the support of the international community.
That is why HH has only attracted Maimane and the mine workers Union leader in South Africa. Even Malena was disappointed with HH’s behaviour in Mongu – actually he was embarrassed since he is also opposition.
He felt alesebanya the name of opposition.
You PF cadres will be complaining if your Changwa who came from Chawama similar to Mukobeko was taken there; Mukobeko treatment is not not fit for HH because he is an innocent man; shame on you and your Lungu
this imbecile called Mooya should not lie..time will tell..you will pay
Why should you be paid as a blogger please I beg find a better job.
Zambians need to realize that PF is using platforms like Lusaka Times to influence Public Opinion towards their WICKED SCHEMES. So they have employed many people, especially young ones (ICT Terrorists) to render support to their WICKEDNESS. What PF is doing is not different from what ISIS is doing. PF are just using another version of the same thing meant to harm humanity, starting with politicians such as HH. When they are done with HH they will pick another one they will view as a threat!
The majority of Zambians love HH and are crying inside of what is happening to him. Now the day that what happening to HH start happening to you people will jubilate and merry. You can kill him but remember that we shall revenge on his behalf. The clock is ticking. Killing him will not help you hang on power. Things change bane. Its a pity that the majority PF Supporters are illiterate.
I don’t think there is anyone who hates HH unless they have quarreled and differed on an individual basis.
What we are talking about is law breaking. Do you think only hated law breakers are arrested and tried, and are you saying loved law breakers should not be arrested?
This forum never runs short of jokers.
What’s so special about being Bemba or Easterner?Because as far as I am concerned Being Bemba is a taboo,sickness,stinking,rubbish and worst of inhuman. Bemba’s in their nature are dull and lazy. No two ways about it.They can not much with Tonga’s and their tribal cousins.Bemba’s are a puke of a skunk.
So those of you that think being Bemba is something special you lie *****s.
I don’t think there is anyone who hates HH unless they have quarreled and differed on an individual basis.
What we are talking about is law breaking. Do you think only hated law breakers are arrested and tried, and are you saying loved law breakers should not be arrested?
This forum never runs short of jokers.
JOHANNESBURG – Zambia’s Conference of Catholic Bishops has warned that the country “is slipping towards dictatorship”.
This follows the suspension of 48 Zambian MPs for 30 days after they boycotted Zambian President Edgar Lungu’s state of the nation address in March, arguing that Lungu was not the legitimate winner of last year’s election.
The suspended 48 MPs represent nearly the entire parliamentary party of 58.
READ: 11 dead, 900 escape after DRC jail attack
Parliament speaker Patrick Matibini labelled the MPs’ boycott as “gross misconduct”.
Matibini further stated that the suspension took effect immediately and challenged the suspended MPs to resign.
“I therefore challenge the UPND members that if they still maintain that they do not recognise the president, they…
Father Bwalya was expelled by the Catholic Bishops
Milingo was expelled by the Catholic Bishops.
Nigerian Bishops have been threatened with expulsion if they do not honour the Pope.
Is Catholic slipping towards dictatorship?
Don’t deny. Who doesn’t know that you Bemba’s hate HH.Even Easterners are following blindly. The problem is that you ethnic groups don’t know the importance and values of core-existence.
You guys aint seen anything hmmmm. Visit KIRIKIRI prison in Nigeria – you will then realise Mukobeko is a 3 star hotel
You talk like you are very tribal. How did you detect that Bembas hate HH?
Suppose I told you that Tongas hate HH, what will be you defence, if any?
Father Bwalya was expelled by the Catholic Bishops
@ 30 Mutale
Milingo was expelled by the Catholic Bishops.
Nigerian Bishops have been threatened with expulsion if they do not honour the Pope.
Is Catholic slipping towards dictatorship?
Mr Kakoma is not a wise publicist! Kaunda was incarcerated under similar conditions. we never heard the dehumanizing details of his incarceration. You mean he did not need sympathy? But he also knew that somethings are better kept private. How do you start telling us how HH is defecating in a bucket?
You advice aren’t seeing anything wrong to the current situation in the country because of your loyalty to the pf. How can you say that I think in tribal lines . I am simply stating the truth here and you know it.You people are tribal. How I detected is simple. From your own loose mouths and comments. Am sure you don’t expect us to just sit back and relax while you continue misbehaving.
There is so much hatred for one another in our country. The devil is at work, we need serious prayers.
Did you see anything wrong with what HH did in Mongu?
Or because of being we engrossed in UPND support you simply clapped for him?
The questions are, why was HH transferred to Mukobeko before even his trial for ‘treason’ started? Why was the magistrate’s order to keep HH at the Lusaka prison overruled? We are aware that Mumbi Phiri publicly said, ‘HH will be dealt with the Zambian way’. Now we can all see what she meant, which is, complete disregard of the law by Mr Lungu a ‘lawyer and his fellow criminals. They mean to slowly and inhumanely kill HH. They also aim to kill the UPND using their puppet ‘speaker’ Matibini.
As others have said time is ticking and soon these monsters will find themselves facing same treatment or even worse. They should know this.
HH was transfered to Maximum prison because PF government was expecting HH supporters to RIOT so he can call for State of Emergency, Curfew and the lot. It did not happen/ Next step WAITS….!
IF Zambians have learnt anything, they should not fall for tactics and gimmick strategies PF are playing on them. Lungu is just playing the Mugabe Game … The Game of Thorns..!
Which law says the courts shall determine which prison or cells a suspect is to be kept?
Let us be fair and be reasonable with the way we comment, Seriously we all know that Prisons in Zambia are in a bad state, but lets face the facts. All human beings are equal regardless of race or religion.
Why should people talk about the condition of service and the infrastructure of prisons just because HH is in there? Be truthful with yourselves-how many people have been in there even before HH?.
So if you think the conditions are bad, what have you done about it as an individual? have u even taken time to visit the prisoners? Shame on you.
HH is in prison. Kakoma should not expect five star hotel conditions.
In prison for what offence?
Hatred,insults,accusations of tribalism,praising the Government for putting a human being in a cell with a bucket toilet 53 years after the colonialists left…
@shu shu shu,
Your comment is irrelevant and shows that you failed to understand Kakoma’s statement. Well, I can’t blame, you are one of the indoctrinated lot.
Mooya, do you know the actual meaning of the word “fairly”? May you need to go back to school to learn the meaning. Do all prisoners bath naked? Do all prisoners sleep in dark room where there is no water and no toilet? Do all prisoners use buckets for their toilet? You are an embarrassment yourself
Do you even have children? How do you think your own children look at you with such a statement coming from you? If you have schooled children, let them help you understand the meaning of the word “fairly.”