Sunday, September 8, 2024

Zambian breweries builds 28 houses for families in Ndola


Itawa Springs in Ndola, being conserved by Zambian Breweries

Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognises the right to housing as part of the right to an adequate standard of living. And indeed good quality housing is a fundamental starting point for well-being.
The importance of this is also enshrined in Zambian Breweries’ (ZBL) Better World strategy to doing business, under which it strives to create a cleaner, healthier and growing world.
ZBL dream is to make a real difference tin society through partnership, collaboration and deepening the company’s reach in local sourcing initiatives. This philosophy has been put into practice to dramatic effect in Ndola Mapalo community where the company has joined with the German development fund Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to fund the recently completed Itawa Water Spring Protection Project (ISPP). Almost K4 million has been spent since the project was launched in November 2015.
Under the project Habitat for Humanity Zambia (HFHZ) has built 28 houses for the affected families in Mapalo community, who have been resettled from the edge of the spring, where growing population numbers started to cause problems by encroaching on the land hosting the water springs..
The Itawa Springs is an important tributary to the Kafubu River, which accounts for between 50 and 60 percent of the water supply for both domestic and industrial use for the cities of Ndola, Luanshya and Masaiti. Despite its huge importance, this precious source of water had been under significant threat due to land degradation and pollution caused by brick-making and unregulated effluent discharge.
The Springs is of great importance to many people and companies. Many people who include small-scale farmers and brick-makers among others depend on it to meet their general domestic and economic needs.
Zambian Breweries benefits from the Itawa Springs as it uses the water from this source for its Ndola plant. The encroachment of the area was of such concern to the company that it decided to partner with others including the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and public sector and community stakeholders to find a solution and ensure that the area was protected from pollution and degradation. The medium-cost houses have been constructed according to the modern standards and as prescribed by the Ndola City Council (NCC).
The two-bedroomed houses have a kitchen and living room with provisions for water and sanitation facilities (an interior bathroom and toilet).  Zambian Breweries corporate affairs director Ezekiel Sekele said the final phase, which include plastering, painting and installation of the basic needs like toilets, is under way and will be completed by October this year.
“The 28 housing units are completed according to the initial plan and agreement, but we decided that they are fully completed by painting them and having the toilets and bathroom inside. So, the phase two has already began and will be completed by October this year. We are delighted that the affected households are happy with the houses. We only hope they will look after the property,” he said. “We also hope that there will no longer be encroachment at the Itawa water springs area.”
HFHZ with the financial support from , now, Zambian Breweries ‘s parent company AB InBev, provided its technical expertise to relocate families and construct 28 house units. In line with its additional services, HFHZ trained the beneficiaries in house maintenance, Succession Planning and Will writing, HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care and Group Savings Loans among others.
Zambian Breweries is a long-standing contributor to Ndola’s economy and provides employment, supports agriculture, and generates revenue for the national budget. It has relied on the spring for water supply. With the progress made so far, over 55,000 households in the Chipulukusu and Mapalo areas of Ndola have benefited from improved  water supply. Zambian Breweries’ sustainability strategy is embedded throughout its business and across its supply chain
And Mr Sekele said that the company under its empowerment programme has also decided to help the youths that were operating around the springs with practical skills training and tools to help them earn a living. The company has spent  a total of $, 15,000 on the youth empowerment program for Mapalo community.

Zambian Breweries’ Ndola plant


    • Those Match box houses are a joke in this age and time!!!
      I have visited farms where pigs and dogs have better “houses” than the ones built for Zambian Breweries workers.

    • Imisakuta ati houses. I bet you there’s no plumbing there! You get people addicted to alcohol and try to appease them with Rubbish!

  1. Is this a late APRIL FOOLS DAY joke? I was thinking of real houses not these pretend houses – what do you call it – ukubuta?

  2. The native house appears better than ZBL house. The native house installed on what appear to be well-raised foundation so can stand heavy floods while the ZBL house built on top of the sand-loamy soil, likely to be washed away by a mild flood. very embarrassing for a corporate member of SABMiller/InBev showcasing stupid housing structures. awe kwena kwati fye fitele fya nkumba!

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