Monday, September 16, 2024

Zambia Police will soon arrest a named Chief for Acts of Terrorism-Kampyongo


Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo and Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kangaja following the Parade proceedings during the 2015-2016 Pass out Parade in Geoffrey Mukuma Training School or called Sondela in Kafue District
Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo and Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kangaja following the Parade proceedings during the 2015-2016 Pass out Parade in Geoffrey Mukuma Training School or called Sondela in Kafue District

MINISTER of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo says police will soon arrest a certain chief for allegedly sponsoring acts of terrorism in the country.

Mr Kampyongo says the public should not be surprised when such a chief is arrested and that the State is closely monitoring the activities of the traditional leader, whose name he withheld.

The minister was speaking in an interview yesterday.

“There is a chief who is involved in clandestine activities. He is sponsoring terrorist activities but I wish to warn that chief that no one is above the law,” Mr Kampyongo said.

He said Government will be very aggressive when dealing with cases of illegal activities in the country.

“We will not treat this chief with kid gloves. He knows himself, so he should stop using the youth to cause anarchy in the country,” Mr Kampyongo said.

He said this time around, Government will go beyond perpetrators and deal with the masterminds of crime.

And President Lungu has condemned the continued sabotage of public infrastructure such as Zesco installations and has warned that those perpetrating the illegality will face the wrath of the law.

There was disruption of power on the Copperbelt yesterday and in Lusaka a few days ago after unknown people vandalised some Zesco installations.

He was speaking to journalists at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport yesterday before he left for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to attend the 28th African Union Summit.

President Lungu appealed to Zambians to be patriotic and responsible by reporting to law enforcement agencies individuals bent on damaging public infrastructure.

“When you destroy the infrastructure that supports our economic growth and productivity, you are not destroying Edgar Lungu. You are destroying the future of this country and putting taxpayers’ money to waste because we keep repairing the damaged infrastructure,” he said.

The President urged Zambians to put the country first and find out who are committing sabotage because those who suffer are innocent people and not himself as head of State.

“Let them wait for 2021 when we will have another election, people will then choose again the best person to lead this country. Those who think they will bring me down on my knees by killing innocent people and destroying the infrastructure are wasting their time. Why should one be so hard-hearted just because they want to become President?” he wondered.

And Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja has warned crimminal-minded people who have resorted to acts of sabotage that police will not spare them when found wanting.

Police have since offered a reward of K100,000 to anyone who may have information that will lead to the arrest of people behind such acts.

Meanwhile, some parts of Ndola were in the early hours of yesterday plunged into darkness after unknown people burnt two strategic power supply cables.

And Zesco has described the act as sabotage while Government says it will not rest until the people behind the vandalism of Zesco installations are brought to book.

Vandals burnt the two power supply cables in Hillcrest township near Levy Mwanawasa Stadium using motor vehicle tyres and charcoal, resulting in parts of Ndola losing power around 02:00 hours.

Zesco spokesperson Henry Kapata said after inspecting the vandalised cables that the damage to the cables should be condemned by all patriotic Zambians.

“What was tampered with are two cables that supply power from the Pamodzi sub-station to Mushili, Kansenshi and surrounding areas. This is being done at a time we are having foreign visitors coming for the international trade fair,” he said.

The power disruption also affected Levy Mwanawasa Stadium.

Mr Katapa wondered what the motive is for vandalising Zesco installations and warned that people behind the crime will be visited by the law.

He said Zesco is spending millions of Kwacha on replacing installations that are being vandalised.

And Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo, who was also at the power supply cables vandalism site, said the act was politically motivated.

“I am very angry and disappointed with this type of lawlessness. We know who are doing this, this infrastructure is not for PF, it’s for all Zambians,” he said.


  1. You are so predictable! Terrorism in Zambia? The greatest terror organisation in Zambia is PF. They are well known and soon time will run out. Try and you will see what we do with terrorists in Zambia.

    • The vandals are PF cadres who think they can do anything. Yes Lusambo you know them because you sent them.

    • Just do it.

      There was no red for this statement. This should also come from the police.

      This strikes me as more of a threat.



    • The Shiwangandu terror cell. The Boko Wa Shiwangandu. Or the Shiwa-Al-Shabab-Ngangu who use stones to terrorise the citizens.

    • “I am very angry and disappointed with this type of lawlessness. We know who are doing this, this infrastructure is not for PF, it’s for all Zambians,” he said.

      Lusambo, tell your cadres to stop. The infrastructure is surely not for PF so tell your cadres to desist from privatising cables and other GRZ things. GRZ is not equal to PF. Now since you know them, tell them.

    • PF are the biggest terrorist organization in Zambia. So, why are police wasting their time especially that they openly attacked innocent people not too long ago?

    • The minute this former currency dealer fooool states this, it becomes a Political matter…is he the spokesperson for ZP.

    • Ba Pf this problem is growing by the day. If you think adding a chief to Mukobeko Maximum Prison is the right direction, I say try.

    • PF thugs hacking people at a funeral are above the law. Kapiypngo, stop the nonsense of threatening our beloved chief. Your part is the one behind madness ask Lusambo he will tell you the whole story. You things with only criminal record to show for.

    • Why in the world would you support people who are damaging public infrastructure? How much HH coolaid have you drunk?

    • Fishing for a state of emergency……… PF is fishing too much or what is called witch hunting. Mwaliteta is in Chimbokaila when the state witness said he was not there where an armed robbery took place. HH is in Chimbokaila for treason when the arresting officer said he did not even investigate but just felt that HH committed treason. Now they want to arrest Chief Mukuni for sabotage which they themselves PF cadres are commiting. Then later their arresting officer will say he does not even know how Chief Mukuni is involved in that case. It is just dictatorship. But the good thing about the circle of life is that one day they will pay for all this. It doesn’t need HH to revenge. Someone else will come up who will make them pay for all this.

    • Just like I saw in a dream,Some evil spirit is behind the arresting of HH.Many more will brutally arrested and some blood will spill in jail,but all in jail will be protected.Lungu will not listen to any good advice to release HH.Soon Lungu will be no more and country will be at peace again.that was my dream in 2016.

    • Nono, Lusambo is on recording mention one of your party official has being behind the sabotage going on, on the belt. So please spare us the foolishness.

    • President “ingulu” inspector general “Makanja” Steven Kapyango have destroyed Zambia with this dictatorship style of management.
      Is it because they have cancelled their traditional ceremony that you now target them fake charges to harass them.

    • Why are Zambians so blinded even to the fact that the dogs masquerading as leaders are envious of the achievements of certain citizens of this country who have never dipped their fingers in the treasury of the poor Zambians like themselves are doing? What kind of intelligence reports do they receive that are inconclusive and only worthy to be used a threats? This is why such impostors are only fit to be katondo boys and not ministers or leaders as they masquerade.

    • Is he sponsoring tu ma youth (like ka Mwanakatwe Sikasula) to vandalise the country? If “yes”, then yup, he’s going down. Tongas need a new strategy and for heavens sake a new leader.

    • Iwe ka 2017VX
      Just look at the statement your PF dull leaders are making…. Hahaha. Not so long they were arresting people without empty containers which were smelling petrol ati terrorists…. Hahaha…

    • Threats for breakfast, threats for lunch, threats for dinner and treats for super. lol Lol, SUPER DICTATORSHIP bane.

  2. It’s obviously Chief Mukuni. The arson boys have been talking.
    Cage that perverted bunjee shiiting terrorist.
    UPND almost became a terrorist cell but we have tamed them after caging Kaili #1

  3. Its either the Open Defecator of the Toka Leya, or the Thug Chief of the Lundas of Mwinilunga or who else????

    The open defecator Mukuni encouraged the post election violence last year and is a known lowlife who wanted to sell his subjects land to Chinese during MMD so he could be more rich.

    Kakoma is a thug who encouraged violence against Luvales and Kaondes in Mwinilunga way back in the 90s and wanted to create violence against PF members after the last elections

    Both of these chaps are blood thirsty animals/ cretins

    • Comrade 2020vision UPND only needed to use STRATEGY between now and 2021, not SABOTAGE.
      Surely with 48 MPs in Parliament, how dull is their party? With so much parliamentary muscle they could have steered their ship to victory in 2021.
      Comrade where is Katondo Boys by the way?

    • You talk the talk, and it’s time to substantiate your claims in court you lose your tongues and claim that the defense lawyers are using juju, styopet.

    • Is this what your dad, who is a thug, told you? You are not a human being. Was there problems between Lundas on the one hand Luvales and Kaondes on the other in Mwinilunga? Does Chief Kakoma’s area share boundaries with the two ethnic groups you have mentioned? Do not talk create stories, you jackass.

  4. One really has to wonder just how much Kaponya (HH), Nevers, GBM and Gay Scott Mmembe borrowed prior to 2016 elections from South African Boer mercenaries, Anglo American neo Colonialists, local chiefs and Zambian businessmen.
    One really has to wonder what they promised them in return.
    UPND almost became a terrorist cell trying to wrestle power from a duly elected government. But we tamed them afyer caging chief Kaponya (HH)

    • I like your hallucinations Mr Kudos AKA Lusambo Bowoman. You are trying to divert attention to something so fictitious only a grade 3 would be thrilled.

    • Kudos, have a life beyond the free contracts easily given to you based on your tribal alliance.

    • Why do people like you Mr Kudos like to say what doesn’t make sense? Let us be serious with our country. Let us run our country responsibly. There is no need for wild allegations that can fuel people’s emotions. Statements from leaders must always calm the people and give the nation hope. Threats don’t build. They’re divisive.

  5. It’s no wonder Jack Mwiimbu is out to finish the last few coins UPND salvaged from the lost election.
    The UPND has been relegated to UNIP status.
    Imagine they are now begging for money to pay for (HH) legal fees

    • You wish! All the court issues put together cannot amount to USD$2 Million. In fact more money is pouring in as many companies and agencies would like to over whelm the Judiciary with so many legal issues the Judiciary will put to its knees and the fake corrupt judges brought to shame. UPND will sue and keep on suing all those doing injustices. UPND shall parade you all and see how the Judiciary will defend evil and and lawlessness. UPND has the money and much more will keep on pouring in.

    • Mama you are living in dreamland. Come back here from Canada and see how finished the UPND is. Junk status like Haiti or Malawi

    • The only finished item is your empty skull. You think HH is UPND like the way PF finished at the demise of MCL? Today MMD is back in power and they are calling the shots. PF is long dead. Read the article above and the MMD die-hard Bowoman is leading the CB (aka PF stronghold). The empty shell PF is reflected in your hate for UPND. But we are never phased by your empty skull. Watch this space. No recognition until thieves are brought to the bare for all to see. What a cry baby PF has turned into. Booohoooo, please recognise me!

  6. I have never heard of the Police announcing that they will arrest a certain person for committing a crime. Why should they give you the courtesy? I am surprised that your telling the public not to be surprised. It’s customary to declare enemies on social media now simply to seek out recognition. PF party officials announced the arrest of HH, why should we be surprised? It’s your modus oparandi

  7. Misuse of words is dangerous! First it was Treason which became difficult to substantiate in the courts of law. Now it is terrorism. It is dangerous to rush to make conclusions before investing the facts. We know how PF has been itching to frame the entire SP as bad. If you have never lived with Southerners, please don’t pass baseless harsh judgement on hospitable and peaceful people. We all know that when the economy gets tough, Copper cable thefts become the order of the day. That is pure copper which sells well to the Chinese you have allowed into the country carelessly. I don’t know how old Kampyongo was when we last experienced such acts towards the end of the UNIP era when the economy was at its knees. Deal with real criminals like those armed robbers who took over Levy Mall…

  8. These days you really have to think twice about being a career criminal in Zambia.
    The police are alert. Don’t sponsor violence. It won’t take you anywhere.
    You can now see how Nevers Mumbwe has been tamed like a school boy. The former pastor can’t even visit Mukobeko to see (HH).
    He knows the ZNBC trespass case is leading him to Mukobeko

  9. yesterday. Sinkamba’s advice should be taken seriously. We should expect more crime with the worsening economic situation. Expect more armed robberies! Instead of alarming the nation, concentrate on fixing the bad economy! That is the root cause! Moreover, we are in the season of bush fires. Anything is possible! The trouble we have today in Zambia is we have leaders in power who don’t understand what it takes to build a peaceful, successful and prosperous nation. They are just full of negativity! Shame!

  10. Stupid kampyongo you have just failed to run the economy. Don’t involve the Chiefs in your dirty games. I know you are talking about our royal highness mukuni, so he can go all the way to ndola and sabotage Zesco cables, come on kampyongo and your IG be factual. This is all about hunger in the country, people have nothing to do. So they go into stealing. Fix the economy and you will see things will normalize. Leave the Chiefs alone

    • …if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it: Loadshedding finished, exchange rate stable since 2016 and getting stronger, bumper harvest, copper production increase, mining investors to spend more, ZRA exceeding collection targets…which economy are you talking about?? Chiefs as elders of the nation must be neutral and behave themselves, if they start becoming cadres, then we shall all forget that they are elders and treat them like thugs!!!

  11. Arrest the kachema Thief mukuni Achilamo Charge the fo.ool with treason so he can join his god mudende.
    then go for chi gbm….before he disappears into hiding like ka mmembe…basopo bafik.ala ba Upnddonkeys!!!!Edgar for life.

    • A successful economy requires good security. That incident where ZESCO pylons where brought down were first suspected to be vandalism but after investigations where no part of the pylon was removed, it amounted to sabotage and TERRORISM!! These donkeys have underestimated and undermined ECL’s PF from day one. Spot on, honorable Kampyongo. Hunt them down and put them where they belong: in the dungeons!!!!


  13. This is not a theft issue but sabotage or terror. If it was theft the conductors would’ve been taken without Igniting a fire. How can one say it’s theft when tyres were used to burn down the infrastructure. ??$% . This is purely sabotage. And why are pro unip not supporting govt to bring to book these criminals. We condemned our mps who yesterday for tabling the construction of a new state but you can’t condemn your acts of terrorism.

    • The PF jarebos know they have to sabotage the power before they take the copper cables or they will be electrocuted.

  14. Dirty PF failing to provide jobs to their dancing sontapo youth who are now stealing copper cables then you have the arsonist planners trying to blame UPND.

    Just like the fires PF were starting country wide to try to blame UPND. The quickly ordered a stop to those fires when investors were asking safety questions.

    Now we have their youth raiding copper mines and burning zesco to steal copper after lungus empty promises of 500,000 jobs.

    • It’s the watermelon pf who are doing this. They are the ones who were burning buildings that’s why a youth chairperson of watermelon pf in lusaka was arrested. He is still in cells just go and bail him out.

    • No one from UPND was arrested. It was PF starting the fires to justify the incarceration of HH.

  15. PF thugs including Lusambo, Kapyongo and Lungu are part of the most useless people Zambia has ever known. Mukuni is a chief who is above your f00lisness and thugary; you go ahead and arrest an innocent chief and fire will come upon you. Even then Lungu and Kapyongo, Lusambo and Kanganja have brought a curse upon themselves.

  16. Just arrest that tonga chief.almost all Zambians know who is behind those crimes(its upnd supporters who are upset for the arrest of their tonga god hh)!!!!
    The chief in question is a known business partner of just arrest the f00l and put him behind bars.the public properties they are destroying are not for Edgar Lungu but for us all Zambians!!

    • @Njimba, you are one dull individual who can’t read between the lines. Sabotage by the state itself is a well known tactic used world over to justify subsequent clampdowns on human liberties. Chiluba used these same tactics in the 1990s under the Black Mamba/Zero Option to victimise UNIP members. Don’t believe everything you hear from a dictatorial regime. The way I see it, it’s state actors planning and organising this chaos. Grow a brain. You will know when they government is manipulating you.

    • Only foreigners like yourself can sound explicitly about the tongas. If you have nothing to say, mute your foolishness by closing your thinking for the betterment of your God-given life

  17. Its clear that its Chief Mukuni they are planning on arresting because of his support for HH. Anyway, I know Lungu does not read much but even the little he has come accross, he must at least have heard of Robert Southey’s “The Curse of Kehama, 1810”: i.e. “Curses are like young chicken, they always come home to roost.” All this terrorism he is sending is to visit on other people will one day come back to take a juicy chunk piece from his backside where it never shines and stinks. He must ask KK and how he languished in Mukobeko where he sent so many opponents to suffer and die. Godfrey Miyanda too was in power with Chiluba when so many people died mysteriously and look where he is now, was he not the one who excreted stinky & stickt “brown chocolat”e in his combat after Brig. Gen…

  18. All these are things that await Lungu. And if Mukuni is arrested, there will be a revolt among the Tongas, enough is enough. Further, Mukuni is basically a Tonga/Lozi chief, his arrest will provoke them all.

    • …let the tongas revolt, who cares??? We have a capable security apparatus to contain a feeble threat from cattle herders and donkeys!!! Ba ka ponoka!!!

  19. @Mwansa Mulenga:
    You are 100% not Mwansa Mulenga but a tonga but as usual you are not pride of your tribe and want to associate yourself with a majority tribe to give HH a fake image that he is supported by those from the north when in fact not!!kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.your gbm is crying,saying that he wont attend any ceremonie in the North because all chiefs from there are quiet about the arrest of thing GBM forgets is that Northerners do not support nonsense.who in the North is happy about HH’s behaviour in Mongu?Nobody!!!
    whether its Mukuni or Hamusonde sponsoring those evil things,we shall know soon.BUT ITS CLEAR…

  20. This PF regime is really running out of ideas. Now they plan on setting their own country on fire and blaming others to justify further brutality. We know these state tactics. Our greatest tragedy is that the enemy of the State resides in State House.

  21. Lungu with your PF spare Zambians. If you and your evil pf members have failed to rule Zambia step down we beg you in the name of Jesus. You found Zambia and you will leave it one day. Do not destroy our beloved country because of your selfishness. Zambia belongs to all Zambians and not pf members only. Twatendwa nefyabupuba daily.

  22. Lungu is trying to find a scapegoat for declaring a State of Emergency and keep HH in Jail for a long time and destroy his Political career. Lungu is fighting HH and UPND, Churches,Chiefs and all those with opposing views to Lungu and PF. An arrest of one Chief is an arrest of all chiefs. Let them arrest Chiefs Mukuni and Hamusonde and see the Tonga Anger. Lungu and his Criminal Advisers are pushing matters too far.

  23. Please ZP do not fear and do not hesitate, please arrest the wicked chief if facts are there.

  24. Using terminologies wrongly. Please read the meaning of Terrorism and Sabotage rather than embarrassing yourself Kapyongo. Note that terrorism in Zambia as of today, does not exist. However, the menace that is going on across Zambia is caused by PF. The entire Cabinet has no clue how to run the Country. For them wearing skin tight suits is what leadership entails. There are not even ashamed to see how people are struggling to survive. Even Lungu who was a poor man yesterday, has totally forgotten where he is coming from, kwena, umuntu, kuti wapapa, how they change!!!!


  26. President “ingulu” inspector general “Makanja” Steven Kapyango have destroyed Zambia with this dictatorship style of management.
    Is it because they have cancelled their traditional ceremony that you now target them fake charges to harass them.

  27. What kind of police procedure is that? Making a public statement like that. Just arrest like a normal policeman without media statements then allow the news to be reported. Threats are childish and an embarrassment to the nation as a whole

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