Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Vincent Mwale contradicts State House- says cause of city market fire not established


Vincent Mwale (right) and Presidential Special Assistant
for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda

Local government Minister Vincent Mwale has told parliament that the cause of the fire that gutted City market is not yet established, contrary to Edgar Lungu’s Press Aide Amos Chanda who claimed that arson was the cause.

And Mwale has stated that the market will take over a year to rebuild and not six weeks as earlier reported.

Mwale said in a Ministerial Statement today that investigations on the cause of the fire are still ongoing by a joint team of investigative wings.

Amos Chanda recently issued a statement that preliminary investigations had established that the cause of the fire was arson.

And Mwale has stated that the market will take over a year to rebuild and not six weeks as reported by the PF controlled ZNBC.

He said 20 million US dollars will be needed to reconstruct the market, the same amount that the government wants to spend on building a new State House.


  1. Edith Nawakwi warned the PF that this MMD you are embracing, one day they’ll take over. Rupiah Banda will one day bounce back as President. Follow closely what Mutati, Siliya, Lusambo and all RB people say. Mark my words.

    • Nawakwi should just step aside, she has demonstrated devilish evil of the waste kind; she been corrupting state police and other security wings to silence genuine FDD members who speak on her 3rd term bid against the party constitution. She is a criminal hypocrite

  2. Clearly the SEO is targeted at HH and UPND and all those critical of Lungu’s Dictatorship. The investigations are not yet complete and yet Lungu has already branded the Arson Attack as a UPND Terrorist attack. It was all planned and fire was an inside job directed at punishing and destroying HH and his Party UPND. The SOE will adversely affect many people including all those who support Lungu’s Dictatorship.

  3. Once someone is brave enough and telling the truth.
    Honestly, I was surprised how fast the cause of the fire was determined. From press conference held a few days ago, it was apparent that opposition was the one behind the fires. Yesterday and Today, the LT was full of PF comments directly accusing the opposition of being behind the fires. The more objective people have questioned this hastily reaching out to the conclusion, which in itself interferes with the ongoing investigations. I posted the question yesterday, as to what was there now for the police to investigate if HE ECL has indicated who could be behind the fires as the opposition. If this goes on like this, the general and objective people will tend to be suspicious and incline to the opinion that this whole arson case could…

  4. where are the PF green shi.t flies Kudos, HH oveal head, Terrible, onenation , njimbu , Kahkis ?

    You will only see them buzzing around when they hope HH does a number 2.

    • @4.0 You left out peter and uncle Charles, I blog and visit many sites world wide and have not seen a bunch of retarded ediots such as these.

    • Instead of focusing on the article, you are busy focusing on personalities – that is your type. Isn’t it democracy when people like these can contradict each other?

  5. I am currently in London and met Larry today. I also toured the grenfall tower which was a sombre mood .however so proud of how the UK has already made headway in establishing an inquiry. Meanwhile there in Zambia we have paralegal hippos contradicting themselves. Kikiki

    Firstly I would like to inform you that Aldof Hitler was democratically elected the chancellor of Germany . However he was still not satisfied with the power he had as his laws and policies were subjected to opposition or approval from the Reichstag ( Germany Parliament) .
    In 1933 ,he therefore started a fire which burned down the Reichstag and he accused the communists (Germany’s strongest opposition party ) to have started the fire and banned the Communist party . Subsequent to this , Aldof Hitler declared a state of emergency in Germany which suppressed most of the Rights of the people , this marked the start of Hitler’s dictatorial reign . He went on and pass the Nuremberg laws and the Enabling laws which gave him the power to rule Germany as a…

    • Nope, check properly, amos chanda as Goebbels fits historical facts 100%!!!
      When is scheduled pretext for “Chrystal Night” ? After IMF deal?

  7. He went on and pass the Nuremberg laws and the Enabling laws which gave him the power to rule Germany as a dictator for three years .
    Before the Germany people knew it , their democratically elected president had become a dictator.
    Also note that ,in the beginning the people supported the aggressive acts of Adolf Hitler like arresting opposition leaders, destabilizing the Reichstag (Parliament ), declaring the state of emergency, passing the Nuremberg laws and Enabling laws.
    When the time came when Adolf Hitler started to carry out inhumane aggressive acts that the Germany people didn’t like Adolf Hitler was too strong to be opposed . #QUICKY LOOK IN HISTORY LANE??

  8. This is amateur govt full nothing but contradictions and confusions.One day they will fight among themselves because of not knowing what is at stake.

  9. @Fight-For-Zambia
    Point of correction. Aldof Hitler was not democratically elected as chancellor of Germany. He wormed his way to power just like Lungu did. He did not win the election although the Nazi party became the largest party in the Reichstag. The president at the time was , Gen Hindenburg , who was 84 years old and in poor health, but had to run for re-election in 1932 as the only candidate who could defeat Adolf Hitler. He tried to stop the Nazi Party’s rise to power and hated the idea of Hitler as Chancellor, but under pressure from Meißner, von Papen and Oskar ,had to appoint Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933, . In March he signed the Enabling Act of 1933 which gave special powers to Hitler’s government. Hindenburg died the next year, after which Hitler declared the…

  10. “Lies don’t fix things. They don’t even make things easier, at least not in the long run. Best to tell the truth and then clean up an honest mess.”
    P.C. CAST & KRISTIN CAST, Chosen

  11. This is pure GHETTO journalism I DONT SEE any contradictions these noble leaders have , why show as though their is one? MWALE is saying the same thing like chanda cause not established yet. tHE BOY IS ONCE RIGHT on market construction , how on earth could a banana republic like zambia construct a market in 6weeks, please these styopet engineers ammamama..20million is very much reasonable ah the boy is simply the best

  12. If anyone believes the story above, then you are a DONKEY!!! Amos Chanda’s statement was that the initial report given to state house indicated that it was not an electrical fault and that a full report will be given to the nation once police conclude their investigations, he didn’t mention arson. So Vincent Mwale is just echoing what Amos said.
    “And Mwale has stated that the market will take over a year to rebuild and not six weeks as reported by the PF controlled ZNBC.”-FAKE NEWS ONLY DONKEYS CAN BELIEVE!!!!

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