Sunday, September 8, 2024

FRA’s Maize price is a mockery to farmers- Kayula


The National Union for Small-scale Farmers of Zambia (NUSFAZ) has described the maize price of K60 per 50 kg bag that  Food Reserve Agency (FRA)  will be paying  as a mockery to farmers.

Union Director General Dr. Frank Kayula says government should have instead maintained last year’s price of K85 per 50kg to enable farmers realize a profit.

Dr. Kayula says it is sad to note that the Food Reserve Agency has gone the private sector way by offering a low price of K60.

He stated that being a government agency, the FRA is supposed to support small scale farmers who are losing out.

Dr. Kayula has since called on the Food Reserve Agency to reconsider the price its offering.


  1. Low Supply, high demand resulting in prices going up, which was the case last year: the opposite is also true, which is the case this year.

  2. Dr kayula why are complaining when market forces are at play now so just sell more of your maize or export to realise your profits kwasila.

  3. The last time the president increased the maize floor price to K85, some learned Economist opposition leader condemned him and laughed out louder that this is Chipantepante-he stated that ‘How do you expect to reduce the mealie meal with the increased floor price?’ today the same people are crying foul. a human is a very complex animal. we just love to complain.

  4. This government wants to kill people of this country. You said no exportation of mukula or taking it to Lusaka but you have license why? You put army guys on the road as you head that there is Lenamo or Congolese protesting.coming to FRA k 60 bag of maize are you dreaming or what?or you want everyone in Zambia to join government.think about it.

  5. If FRA genuinely wanted the market forces to be at play, they shouldn’t have announced the price for a bag of maize.

  6. Your maize, my money so lets meet somewhere of cause I cannot eat the paper neither can I mill air. Please farmer bargain harder or sell elsewhere. Its an open market.

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