Monday, January 20, 2025

Government calls for speedy works on Nkana mall construction works in Kitwe


Government has expressed its concern at the slow pace at which Flame the contractor working on Nkana Mall located in Kitwe’s Central Business District(CBD) has taken long to complete the project.

Kitwe District Commissioner Binwell Mpundu says it’s regrettable that works of the multi- million kwacha mall have taken long to be completed considering that works commenced in August 2012.

Mr Mpundu says it is worrying that the project might not be completed by December this year.

He however commended the developer for the quality works done so far adding that the slow pace the project is moving is worrying to government.

He has hence directed the contractor to speed up the works and ensure that they are completed on time.

And developer of the mall Akrasi properties Managing Director Steven Voyiatzis says attributed the delay to some financial and human resource challenges faced by his company.

Mr Voyiatzis assured the District Commissioner that construction of the ultra-modern mall will be completed by December 2017.

Meanwhile Project Manager Yasser Elsheshr has revealed that his company has engaged local people to work on the project.

Mr Elsheshr said foreign expertise will needed to work on selected fields like electrification owing to the new technology that has been installed.


    • What do you eat? don’t you have bumper harvest? should the government always concentrate on food and neglect infrastructure development?… the voices above (by jay jay, nshindi and panda) are voices of empty tins.

    • Who owns this building? Shopping mall is not infrastructure development when are you going to get through your thick skulls.

    • Still showing how empty you are.. the following is the definition from internet economics dictionary

      Infrastructure is (Economics) the stock of fixed capital equipment in a country, including factories, roads, schools, etc, considered as a determinant of economic growth.

    • People will get jobs at the mall. From these jobs, they will feed their families. Is that difficult to understand?

    • What jobs? You mean casual low paying jobs whilst the foreign owner makes off with the profits and tenants of these places are all foreign as well… foreign goods. There is no value addition whatsoever but to a someone like you who have never seen escalator you call it develooment.
      Wake up!!

    • This is the problem with this country…. its called UNIP hangover. They simply do not know what their job is.

  1. Ba DC, you are concerned about the Nkana mall, what about the land in the CBD which is just in front of shoprite, the area is an eyesore for sure.

  2. Bwana DC – Mr. Mpundu, shouldn’t you be more worried at the rate Government developmental projects are going at? What is the reason you take the press and media to a private sector project when you are concerned at the rate of works. Would you have not gotten the same answers if you left the press behind? I assume all Government projects in your district are on time and you are happy with delivery, that is why you find free time to bully the private sector.
    You will note that Flame is a major Government contractor that has delivered the Robert Kapasa Makasa University in Muchinga province that is operational since last September and to date your colleagues in Government have not finalised the final account nor have they paid for work done. So in your spirit to see development, why…

  3. why don’t you start by paying contractors rather than bullying the private sector and bringing their reputations to disrepute.
    We thank God that Akrasi is honorable enough to take up responsibility on financial and human resource problems and we equally take responsibility towards our shortcomings. However, I strongly believe that does not concern you Mr. DC.
    Please consider the consequences of your actions before you take camera’s and the press to people’s businesses. If you tarnish our reputation without justification just because as DC you have the power to do so, then we shall go out of business and hope you will provide employment to the hundreds of people we employ.

  4. What is the correct position and facts between DC & Flame company: Someone to enlighten me before i further my comments. 1) Is the mall property of government to have the DC issue statement on behalf of GRZ? (2) is it a true and fair statement to say there are specialized entities in Zambia to do the so called specialized electrical works?

  5. The thick skulls are the tribal ones! They will never get it! Nothing will ever be good! UPND is a spirit. An evil spirit! Three Mansions!

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