Wednesday, March 19, 2025

ACC formally lodges appeal against Silvia Masebo acquittal


Tourism and Arts Minister Sylvia Masebo
Former Tourism and Arts Minister Sylvia Masebo


The Anti-Corruption Commission has appealed against the Lusaka Magistrate court’s acquittal of former Minister of Tourism, Silvia Masebo.

This is in a matter in which Ms. Masebo was charged with Abusive of Authority of Office contrary to section 21(1) of the Anti-Corruption ACT NO. 3 of 2012, when she allegedly directed the then Zambia Wildlife Authority -ZAWA- to cancel the tender for the hunting blocks.

The Commission has since filed in an Appeal to the High court.

The grounds of appeal being that:

1. The trial court erred in law when it made final assessment as to witnesses’ credibility especially as to their truthfulness at no case to answer stage.
2. The trial court erred in law when it acquitted the Respondent at no case to answer, in count one (1) when there was proof of one ingredient of the offence charged.
3. The trial court erred in law when it considered a benefit as one of the ingredients of the offence of Abuse of authority of office.
4. The trial court erred in law when it held that the actions by the Respondent of directing ZAWA to cancel the tender process did not amount to Abuse of Authority of Office.
5. The lower court misdirected itself at law when it gave an unbalanced evaluation of the evidence where only the flaws and not strengths of the case of the state where considered.
6. The trial court erred in law when it accepted the hearsay evidence of DW2.



  1. Kikiki this is very embarrassing for pf. Surely who advises these people. Is their strategist max chongo because these are silly decisions. Why haven’t they appealed dora case and all those pf officials who have been let off. Stop mis using our tax payers money u pf dogs

  2. ba ACC nabo bwafya.can u also apeal against Dora and Mwale.Some women don’t even feel ashemed.Where is your intengrity madam ACC.These istitutions indeed need to be banned.Total selective justice.What about RB?

  3. Under5s are truly amazing. In lozi we say ishuko lyamunobe taba pusukilamo. Just because so and so were promoted I also need a promotion. Just because my friends were forgiven I also need to be forgiven.

    Was Dora or max charged with the same case of corruption? You guys acts like kids for real.

  4. Iam not a lawyer but what mounts to abuse of authority in the case at hand? My little understanding means using my position to get undue advantage over others but in this case I dont see Masebo being anywhere near that position. So the ACC are appealing not necessarily that it has anything to do with tribe but fearing the powers that be who are after her. This brings the independence of the commission into disrepute.

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