Thursday, March 13, 2025

Dual citizenship clause for Zambians in the diaspora has been implemented


File: Zambians in Atlanta

The Government of the Republic of Zambia has implemented the dual citizenship clause for Zambians in the diaspora who acquired citizenship of another country.

The Citizenship Board will now register within six months a person who ceased to be a citizen of Zambia as a result of acquiring the citizenship of another country upon notification to the Citizenship Board of Zambia.

Foreign Affairs acting Permanent Secretary Sylvester Mundanda has confirmed the development in a circular issued to Heads of Zambian Missions abroad.

According to Statutory Instrument (SI) Number 50, The Citizenship of Zambia Regulation, 2017, now provides for a person who ceased to be a citizen as a result of acquiring the citizenship of another country to apply to the Board for restoration of the Zambian citizenship.

“The Board shall cause to be entered in the register of citizens who hold dual citizenship, the names of a citizen who acquires the citizenship of another country.

“A person who ceased to be a citizen as a result of acquiring the citizenship of another country may apply to the Board for bestowal of the citizenship in Form VII set out in the First Schedule,” SI No. 50 Clause 10 section 1 and 2 states.

The SI further states that applicants for bestowal of citizenship, where the applicant is abroad may lodge the application with the Zambian mission in the country of that applicant’s residence or the nearest country where there is a Zambian mission.

Mr. Mundanda has since directed diplomats in various missions to be conversant with the provisions of SI Number 50, Citizenship of Zambia Regulation, 2017 for the purpose of sensitizing Zambians in the diaspora.

And Zambia’s Charge’ D’Affaires in Washington D.C Joseph Chilaizya has urged people in the United States of America who ceased to be Zambian citizens as a result of acquiring citizenship of another country to apply as soon as the mission receives all the required forms for bestowal of the Zambian citizenship.

Mr. Chilaizya says the Embassy of Zambia in Washington D.C will in due course conduct sensitization programmes to increase awareness about the new piece of legislation.


  1. That’s PF at work. Not only are they building infrastructure back in Zambia, but they ar also taking care of us in diaspora. Viva PF viva President Lungu. Man of action just like the founding father President Sata. MHSRIP.

    • Everybody sing! Mu-sho-ta! Mu-sho-ta! Musho! Musho! Muuuu-shoooo-taaaaa!!!!

      Musota woye! WOYE!!!!!!!

    • This is Wisdom 101 in leadership period. Now our children and Grand children who remained in the Diaspora can gain appetite to frequently visit us their parents in retirement and eventually consider the Zambian opportunities with a high sense of belonging this law gives. We got to learn from the South Korean Generals who post war saw the country’s diaspora as veritable development partners than threats. See where SK is today. Good policies if consistent, do attract people to move in with unparalleled skills and some critical resource pool. Bwana Lungu, and all responsible legislators that voted this bill wisely, Bravo as this law makes Zambia win again.

    • That is a progressive govt at work!


      Well done ba PF, well done OUR PRESIDENT ONE ECL!!!!

      All Zambians will benefit from this even the ones that were insulting PF! You see how this govt cares for all, even those that wish the govt bad you are also loved!

    • Sata was against dual citizenship you ignorant man. Do not embarrass yourself here.

    • Why is lungu implementing dual citizenship along side state of emergency… Just asking???? he Should have legalized Marijuana along side state of emergency first… Better.. not this

    • All because of president Lungu.

      We are trying for a baby and this is the best news I have heard.

      As I have said today and many a times – you want good things for your country ?

      Let President Lungu preside legally ine more time.

      Saying that I will apply for the British passport soon.

      I still have my Blck passport from zambia – hope it is still valid.



    • @Nez ati kikikikiki.. are you talking about the Late Great MCS that you blood thirsty cretins are on record of wishing death and celebrating after our late Father Bashi Chilu passed on?

      Late Great MCS (MHSRIEP) said the matter should be debated in parliament and allowed for the process to begin even though it may appear to mangwams like you that he was personally against it- however being a democrat he is on record of stating on one of his visits to London when asked by a disaporan that the subject is up to the Zambian people! The truth is its United Dunderheads that have been against dual citizenship and the records are there in parliament to confirm this..Check your facts you dull cretin…ati kikikiki..

    • As one of the people in diaspora, we send a lot of cash in Zambia through Western Union. Born and bred in Zambia and still speak my tribal languages fluently in town, pubs and shopping centers here. At many times I have spoken bemba in my work place when explaining things. And they go like what!

    • Charles Musonda Jr apply fast fast you start playing for Zambia to Russia 2018. This is the only chance you can to show case your skills at that level.

    • The finalisation of the dual nationality clause is highly welcome.
      What the missions must tell us now is if a Zambian is travelling on a foreign passport does s/he need to apply for a visa?

    • Twalya again! Chilazya doesn’t know what he is doing. When is he leaving DC Kanshi? We need a real diplomat there!

    • @Nubian, This is an old article. Joe Chilaizya is back to Chibolya. He has been back since kaya. L.T. picks and publishes without verification.

    • In 1991 MMD came to power saying the Hour Has Come…! Then later announced that NO DUAL NATIONALITY was allowed in Zambia. Where is this clause in the currently law? Where has this been amended? People were arrested in the past for having two passports even though they were born in Zambia and were automatically for life, Zambian Citizens and Zambian Nationals. As Zambians citizenship cannot be withdrawal or taken away from you, but under MMD Zambians were punished…1 Is the government going to say sorry to those people whose rights were taken from them?
      To us this seems like a ploy to arrest Zambians living abroad. Under KK people travelled and were never bothered, but now Zambians living abroad must register with embassies, one wants to know why?

  2. That is PF at work. Not only are they building without adequate consultation, they are celebrating the production of half baked policies for Diaspora. This Lungu and this administration is not a deep thinker.

    What about our children who already are not citizens?

    • Sensitization to us, making money over nothing? We are not dull to understand that issue. I meet so many Zambians who have American citizenship, but NONE of them has turned white. They are Zambians from looks, just SELL them damn Zambian passports.
      How much are you selling, still same $100, charge them $700.

    • Awe kwena ! This has made Mushota to publicise that alecita sana . I thought walifyala kale because walilembele ati bali kucita kuli Nic and walikwata ifumo

  3. Zambian citizenship is still just a safety valve if Trump turns nasty.What I always see on my returns at Kulima Tower and Misisi is not inspiring.

    • And things will get nasty. When that happens, the first casualties will be second class citizens / foreigners who become easy scape goats. The animal in man is so unpredictable. Worse when you are in countries where they use strange tongues. They will be making fun of you while you think you are having fun with them. This duo thing does not only enable Zambians to get citizenship in another country but opens the floodgates for foreign rogue elements to come and infest our land. While this may initially be exciting, it may be the last nail in the Zambian coffin. Brain drain will definitely be another issue. Previous presidents had similar requests and there was always a good reason why this request was never granted. Let’s see how the whole game plays out.

  4. Good morning underfive. Your treason trial commences this month. Incidentally this is also the month of the first anniversary of your painful defeat at the polls. 47% for you and 50%+1 for ECL. Chibaba! But for me its wide enough to accept rather than start a new career as prisoner. Problem is that you did not psychologically prepare for defeat.

    You thinking of a doctorate in your new profession or your existing one? Its your choice just send your profile to Commonwealth university, GBM can give you the email address.

  5. Kiki people abroad will only do this not because it is attractive to be zambisn citizen because the reason they left has not changed. It is just for esse of travelling when they travel back to visit their poor relatives

    • Since you the under5s are against this can you forward your details so that we don’t process your application. It’s simple and no one is forcing you to apply. If you are not interested just say all upnd is against and we will do the needy thing.
      I already applied for the dual are you?

    • Unlike you I have always been Zambian and will always remain Zambian. I am based in Zambia and don’t the need to relocate. It is funny that a staunch pf cadre like yourself who claims things are really good in Zambia is actually an economic refugee abroad. Why did you run away kikiki

    • Iwe kat bukalar kobe there is no zambian who is an economic refugee because Zambia has never been bad. I relocated because I just wanted to get a feeling of working overseas. I still run my business in Zambia and employ a lot of your relatives.

    • @HH Oval Head, you are a liar. Remember when most of us doctors (and Teachers) left for Botswana? What was the reason? Be truthful…..

    • @NEZ 5.2 What a lying dink. The blasted sod claims he is located in Zambia. Yours is to give the impression that you on the ground speaking for the UPNDonkeys without fear. You lying coward.

  6. As usual the up and down party members get disturbed to hear such good news. The PF govt is on course regarding the development agenda for Zambia and they deserve commendation from all patriotic Zambians.

  7. The government has performed its role, created an enabling environment. The initiative to use the exposure and contacts gained abroad to develop home and make the most of opportunities presented now lies with you in the diaspora. Make your move.

  8. People in diaspora did not renounce their Zambian citizenship; they just acquired another citizenship and they still have their Zambian passports; no need for restoration;

    • @10, KK Airport Cabinet, Yes they COULD HAVE DONE THAT BUT THEY HAD BROKEN THE ZAMBIAN LAWS WHICH REQUIRED THEM TO RENOUNCE. Legally, if any one wished and they had proof they could have taken such people to task, THEY ARE LAW BREAKERS!!

  9. I have never renounced my Zambian citizenship. What’s there to restore? You have more chances of restoring Mumbi Phiri’s virginity than my Zambian citizenship. I am a Zambian. 100 percent.,

    • Kikiki.. I still feel Zambian, has and will always be Zambian. You are right, no need to restore what you have not lost…

    • There is nothing to restore because most people I know never renounced their Zambian citizenship. On this one issue very few will cooperate with the Zambian government unless they clearly explain why they need personal details. Secondly how secure is this information once given to Zambian authorities?

  10. I will never understand Zambians…..Is this something we should so get excited about and go and insult each other. Is implementing dual citizenship such an achievement as to go wild in celebration and praising Lungu. Equally surprising is the fact that even people in the Diaspora who one would think are exposed to how other countries operate get on the insulting bandwagon. Understandably more of these people in the Diaspora especially in UK are either street sweepers, bar/restuarant glass washers, toilet cleaners, mail delivery persons and those luck work in old age homes cleaning up feaces, urine and vomits. One ex deputy minister who migrated to UK some time back committed suicide when he found himself doing such jobs

    • Ala mwandini ba brother mulalanda yet you do not know what we do over here. I can see you in Saube joberg in particular. Well tell us if you even free in Saube?

    • Which one??? But yes you are right. Even in the USA, most of the Zambians in the Atlanta and especially Dallas communities work in Nursing (Old-age)homes, highest achievement is RN license for a few. Though there are a few who have excelled higher, but they are a FEW.. Are these the people who claim they can invest back in Zambia when they are living pay-check to pay-check in America? Kikikikikikiki .

    • You are the people giving President Lungu false praise in the hope that he gives your uncle a job. Absolute BS. I pity your ignorance and lack of exposure. Did you know that the UK has Zambian medical professionals that can radically change service delivery in Zambia? I have met and mingled with heart surgeons, dialysis experts etc. They left Zambia because its leaders have no respect for human capital. We welcome this dual nationality legislation but we don’t understand why we must register with the government? In the UK for example, there are citizens with several passports, they are not required to register with the home office.

  11. Makes it easy to runaway to your other country when you are facing corruption charges. And makes it easy to avoid conscription into the armed forces God forbid if Zambia was to fight a war. Sorry I am British. It would be difficult to raise an army.Favours the indian community where most of them are Canadians.

  12. people, careful with the databases that the government is creating, they may come to hount you. Remember the Sim registration and how it is currently used to monitor people on social media? We appreciate the dual citizenship, but no need to creat a database list of those who are, in the name of restoring what you did not when lose..just a warning, but your choices…

    • GRZ is threatened with diasporans and therefore seeks to create a register. Again this is the BS that makes this exercise stink.

    • GRZ is threatened with diasporans and therefore seeks to create a register. Again this is the BS that makes this exercise stink.

    • @14Manb, IT IS JUST THAT GOVT is NOT ORGANIZED, If you have not renounced your citizenship and you need a new passport later, how are you going to get it ?? IF THEY WERE ORGANIZED, THEY WOULD CERTAINLY ASK YOU AT THE EMBASSY OR HIGH COMMISSION YOU ARE APPLY HOW YOU HAVE BEEN LIVING IN FOREIGN COUNTRY ALL ALONG AS ZAMBIAN WITHOUT RESIDENCE PERMITS. Even if you travel to Zambia they exit and return stamps can show that you live outside much longer but with no residence permits which would mean that you have foreign citizen and thus you need to declare you other citizenship too!!

  13. Look at the PF rats on this blog dancing to lungu……as if lungu is the first to give dual nationality……things you expect a government to do the PF rats 2020munelo, terrible and HH small underpants oval head want you to kiss and dance to lungu…..silly rats.

  14. Meanwhile……..

    Lungu is directing potential investors to que for him through Sunday chanda bypassing the investment board to facilitate his corruption…


  15. The rationale was that during the 1990’s the economic situation in Zambia was such that many people migrated abroad simply for financial reasons. They were not political exiles, it was purely to earn more money abroad than what one was earning locally.

    Those who emigrated, and their children, may at some stage wish to return back to Zambia. Especially for retirement, or sometimes after acquiring capital they wish to invest it back in Zambia. Many wish to build houses in Zambia and eventually come back to their families someday.

    Boma has tried to create an enabling environment, a legal route for investment to flow back from the diaspora, and for a right of return to those carrying Zambian blood.

    Lets commend the Govt instead of politicising everything. They’ve done the right…

  16. I’m good with US citizenship.
    Now all West African women who smuggle drugs to India are happy. All Somalians will now be Zambians. Zambians will lose jobs to Chinese and Indian people. That’s why SATA was against this nonsense.

    • There is a board that will look at the applications, this is for natural Zambians and not the fake ones. Those that are fake will be weeded out.


  17. No man can serve two masters at the same time. As the late Sata said when he came to Uk, you can’t be a Catholic and Protestant at the same time. You can’t be a citizen in both heaven and hell. Renounce one. That is being double minded. The bible says a double minded person is unstable in all his /her ways. Is it not our broken and backward Zambia that causes citizens to want to leave and achieve their full potential in more civilized societies? Why can’t we just make our Zambia the marvel of the world? Then those who are in the diaspora would flock back. We saw how this happened during Mwanawasa’s regime. A lot of Zambians flocked back home. Home is home. The big truth about this enactment is a more sinister and deceptive one. Those that have stolen and stashed their loot in their…

  18. Yes ba pf, we have seen the forms you are talking about. But you are not telling the people here that to get back our citizenship will cost us about K20,000.

    • Everything comes at a cost just as you PAID to get the Zambian or the foreign passport, to get a visa to go to ZAMBIA with your FOREIGN PASSPORT or to the UK with your ZAMBIAN passport.

  19. Those that have stolen and stashed their loot in their new found home will destroy Zambia with impunity because they know they will have somewhere to escape to. In other words, this will benefit the corrupt politicians who know they have stolen. Dual citizenship only makes sense for corrupt free societies!

  20. ECL ECL BRAVO I’ve always known you are a PERFORMER.


    • ECL is just finishing a job Sata started…. the law was written by others already. K33,330 for dual citizenship. In 1991 MMD came to power saying the Hour Has Come…! Then later announced that NO DUAL NATIONALITY was allowed in Zambia. Where is this clause in the currently law? Where has this been amended? People were arrested in the past for having two passports even though they were born in Zambia and were automatically for life, Zambian Citizens and Zambian Nationals. As Zambians citizenship cannot be withdrawal or taken away from you, but under MMD Zambians were punished…1 Is the government going to say sorry to those people whose rights were taken from them?
      To us this seems like a ploy to arrest Zambians living abroad. Under KK people travelled and were never bothered, but now…

  21. Well done PF, I have always not understood how the Zambian law would exclude its worthwhile citizens who are born and bred in Zambian, given good education and when they travel abroad and take up citizenship status in another country Their own country rejects them. Most Zambian that have acquired citizenship abroad are very hard working and have contributed immernesly not only in those countrise but to Zambia as well. Most Zambians including myself have not renounced our natural citizenship.The stituation is that, most Zambians that have taken up citizenship of other countries are the only ones with their nuclear familis abroad and the rest of the family members and siblings are back in Zambia. So thumbs up PF for this move.

  22. Just a ploy to arrest more people by governement just like Chiluba and MMD party did in the 1990s.
    In 1991 MMD came to power saying the Hour Has Come…! Then later announced that NO DUAL NATIONALITY was allowed in Zambia. Where is this clause in the currently law? Where has this been amended? People were arrested in the past for having two passports even though they were born in Zambia and were automatically for life, Zambian Citizens and Zambian Nationals. As Zambians citizenship cannot be withdrawal or taken away from you, but under MMD Zambians were punished…1 Is the government going to say sorry to those people whose rights were taken from them?
    To us this seems like a ploy to arrest Zambians living abroad. Under KK people travelled and were never bothered, but now Zambians…

  23. Nez ? Even your own economic migrates like Larry and UPND Cadres lonely Friday protests at the London Zambian embassy? so funny

  24. @juliet Perth. Yes I know what am talking about having worked in England on technical projects like the channel tunnel and Yorkshire Water reticulation and now in south africa in policy and investment. I am very free in south africa and have travelled worldwide with the likes of former president Thabo mbeki. A lot of us in the diaspora have gained valuable experience that would help develop zambia. Unfortunately all they do in zambia is steal steal and steal…I mean those in leadership

  25. @KK airport – You did not need to renounce your Zambian citizenship when you acquired a new one. You lost it automatically according to the old Constitution after 3 months. I know two persons who acquired another citizenship and travelled to Zambia after a few years on the Zambian passport and were ‘nabbed’ after it was discovered they also had another citizenship. So before today, you could be arrested for having two passports.
    Its a good move but its nothing to be overly excited about. Other countries that knew its benefits implemented this a long time ago. Its still a personal choice by the way. I know there are more benefits – but for some countries, if you have dual citizenship, you won’t be a priority if something happens while you are in the country of origin.

  26. @NEZ, you are a “racist” if you know what I mean! Your opposition to this government goes beyond policy and I am sure you know what I mean! Your evil spirits will never be allowed to destroy Zambia! God bless Zambia! Thank you GRZ!

  27. We’ll done PF! Hip hip hooray for a Great Leader, His Excellency President Lungu.

    For all those trouble makers abroad who spend every waking moment talking down Zambia and it’s govn’t; remember, you were criminals now legalised! Ok. A lot were holding on to Zambian citizenship trying to hoodwink Zambian immigration that they hadn’t naturalised. Effectively your crime has been wiped out with no punishment and allowed to return to your natural gene pool, instead of being the lost tribe members of Zambia. We expect you to give up your violence and Fake News So ill Media.

    • This is going to cause processing queues at immigration offices in embassies abroad. I was due to renew my passport next year; I expect it will be delayed because if all the ingrates now rushing to re-zambianise themselves.

  28. Zambian Embassy in China, Japan, korea has no applicants cos these countries never give citizenship but green card that u never dennounce u ka useless zambian citizenship. What about Kalusha’s daughters are they eligible to be Zambians? Can they even try ? what of my japanes kid that i produced whilst studying, the chap just speaks japanese and english never speaks my mother tongue TONGA eish pipo advise? cos. i tell him soon we are forming government and being TONGA will definately be in governmnet key position but the chap just laughs that zambia u are their praising white people but get money from china and japan

  29. Comment: can I apply for Zambian citizenship since my mum is a Zambian citizen. citizen by descent. what’s the procedure?

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