Friday, March 7, 2025

ERB announces the reduction of fuel prices


ERB Building
ERB Building


The Energy Regulation board ERB  has announced the reduction of fuel effective from midnight. In a statement released to the media today, ERB attributed the reduction to the drop in the price of crude on the international market and the sustained strengthening of the Kwacha.


Below is the full statement



    • I use a scooter and bike to move around to and from and often use the bus.

      What is the point of my sad statement ? I’m saying to you, it’s not about fuel etal – use other means of transport. This world is polluted as it sounds. My Nisan Micra is only 13,000 miles yet I have had t for 7 years. This is what you call effective living and caring about your environment.

      I know I’m in Europe and my thinking is slightly more modern but you could adopt this approach too.

      I have a PhD.



    • When the opposition in Zimbabwe failed to remove mugabe they rushed to the foreigners to slap economic sunctions on Zimbabwe hoping that they will fix him and bow to pressure. The result was that mugabe continued living happily and enjoying his life while them and their families were suffering. Mugabe continued winning elections to date.
      Similar situation is happening in Zambia. Upnd has gone to donors telling them to punish ecl by not releasing funds. What we see is that ecl is winning elections and living comfortable while them and their families are suffering.
      This one for@spakalinyo. The more you go to donors discrediting Zambia the lesser the impact it’s having on your desired results because eck whom you dislike will never suffer but the people whom you want to vote for…

    • ….and these people will never give you a vote. Practice mature and modern politics ba under5.
      @ mushota reduction in fuel prices does not only benefit the commuters. The cost of doing business equally reduces thereby giving a positive benefit to the consumer because goods and services will reach them cheaply. You will notice that the Under5s willhave nothing to say apart from insults. Just check their comments.

    • You HH “no engine” oval head

      If you are trying to compare Zambia and Zimbabwe you will be disappointed.. .Mugabe has weathered sanctions because Zimbabwe was potentially one of the richest countries in Africa with a well trained workforce and advanced industries with abundant mineral wealth…..lungu only has copper….he can not survive 1 year without western hand outs.. ..keep dreaming

    • Another positive move by a hard working govt!
      Well done to ba Kateka!

      Next move we anticipate the maize floor price to be increased so as to assist the many farmers clear their debts! Ba kateka keep performing above the expectations of the naysayers.

      Well done but let’s have the maize floor price increased up to K1.5 per kg to improve on the performance!

      Come 2021 we are voting PF again!

    • Hmmm bakahamba, K11pin (old)? Patali.
      Then pa states fi gas fyali chipa. Because a gallon (Akakunkubiti) is $2 average.

    • Iwe ulimbushi $2 ati fwalichipa. Convert $2 to zmk and tell us which is cheaper.

      @spakalinyo sunctions will never make the ecl suffer. It’s you and you relatives who will be suffering. Where did you learn that lungu only has copper. What I know is that Zambia has vast mineral resources apart from copper exploited and non. Apart from minerals Zambia has other natural resources developed and non. Your being un under5 will never win you any support. Stop wearing diapers first maybe thinking will change but only slightly about 0.001% if you are lucky.

    • ECL giving HH a heart attack since the Treason trail is taking long! Next on the reduction list, mealie meal, Hule per hour charge

    • What is ZMW?

      Why do organizations always abbreviate Zambian Kwacha as ZMW? What is the W for? I always thought it’s ZMK! ZMW is best suited for Zimbabwe cos of the W link not Zambia.
      Anyone with an idea why it’s so?

    • @ 1.7 HH ‘small engine ‘ oval head

      That is why women on LT think you have issues with your manhood….

      We don’t lie in our petitions.. ..all incidences are verifiable….all we say to western investors is look what lungu could use your money for….it is up to them to give lungu money

      Why do you want to hide what lungu does ?? Are we now north Korea???

    • ECL giving HH a heart attack since the Treason trail is taking long! Next on the reduction list, mealie meal, THOT per hour charge

    • @ 1.9 ndanje

      Why is telling the truth wanting to see you suffer ???
      In all our petitions we don’t tell lies or make things up, all incidences listed are verifiable….what do you want to hide ??

      All we say to the western tax payers is this is what happens in Zambia under lungu and your money could be used to do the same.

      How is that making you suffer ??
      So even doubling our efforts to invite international coverage of the treason trial is wanting to make you suffer ?????

    • HH oval pf head, is that your pf maths? Do you even know what a gallon is? That 1 gallon = 3.7litre, if according to Nostra a gallon is $2 in USA, that means a gallon in Zambia is almost K40, now covert that K40 in US Dollar, you Pringle head.

    • @ Prober, ZMW is the short form of the Zambian Kwacha after rebasing…The old un rebased Zambian Kwacha was abbreviated by ZMK that is ZM from Zambian and K from the first letter of the Kwacha… Now after rebasing it is abbreviated as ZMW indicating ZM from Zambian and W from the second letter of the Kwacha thereby indicating that it’s not the original kwacha…The bank of Zambia informs the international banking systems when rebasing is done so that they adjust the abbreviations accordingly…Hence, in future hopefully not in my life time should there be another rebasing of the Kwacha, they will pick a third letter from the Kwacha and it will be abbreviated as ZMA…Why this is done is to distinguish the same currency for comparisons sake…Hope it’s clear…

      K116.7 gives me 10 litres for starters. Fili ukotuya!!

    • Divide and rule

      HH no engine is thinking about PF borrowing…….they don’t understand any current world markets….

    • @Zakeyo

      Thanx for the clarity.

      Some !di0ts have decided to mark me down instead of enlightening as to why ZMW not ZMK. I was always in the dark about this.

  1. Dununa Dununa iwe…..ayeeeeeeeeeee Dununa iwe…Dununa reverse…Ala Bambi balimuchibe..ala bambi bola naikosa x2 via singing laughing and dancing

    2021 ERB says vote PF (Edgar )

    I thank you

  2. This is how its supposed to be when price of crude drops the price at the pump should also drop…why are you praising for something that should be the norm.
    Just imagine those years not long ago when they were stealing from us…let’s not forget!!

    • @Jay Jay
      Naiwe chimbwi we know you can’t afford anything and worse still you are just a bitter quid like your Kachema. Your postings and those of UPND are all but cramblings of ungrateful servant.

  3. @ Spaka like lilo
    you are just a smelly scavenger(Hynae) which only survives by stealing what others have worked for so hard but one day you will carry a left over bone and go to the well, look in it and see its reflection and let go of the real bone. You are not far from being tracked and exposed.

    • Malinso

      Tracked and exposed for what? For telling the truth about lungus assault on democracy ??

      Track your true father if you need some one to track , your mum lied to you…

      You are a parasitic idiyoote PF rat sucking poor Zambians with your looting …..

  4. I think its safe to say this new Ministry of Energy is the best performing ministry so far!

    Well done to the entire team, we have less blackouts even with the increased demand from the mines as they push up production! The reduction in the prices of fuel indeed is a reflection of what is happening on the global market however the sincere manner in the way the govt has passed this reduction on is well received and I know most of my fellow Zambians appreciate!

    Well done guys!

    • How you forget the outcry from NGOs, honest Zambians who pressed these PF crooks who were more than happy to keep the price at the pump high whilst crude was at an all time low for 4 years….remember BUFFOON CK stating that it was global. What ever happened to cheap Saudi crude…they were obtaining cheap crude and then creaming off the everything at the top to fund PF campaign machine last year.

  5. So it’s normal for the price of fuel to drop when the prices on the market go down and not the price of maize to go down as well when the price go down in our natural markets, guys be real,the who sale fuel have not come to Zambia to tell us to continue buying at a higher price but we want govt to pay a high price even when the price of maize is not good in the regional markets, does it make any business sense.

  6. Smelly Scavenger Spaka the hyena.
    @Malinso nicely said. (HH) Oval Head is correct. These UPND don’t realise that the people they want to punish through sanctions are the ones whose vote they need.
    ERB good positive move. His Excellency the President is too smart for the Under 5.
    Greetings to the Mukobeko crew.

    • Senior Bloggers are on LT today. It’s a rare occasion. Take advantage. 2020Vision and Katondo Boys, teach these young Under 5 bloggers some mature politics.

    • @ Mr Kudos
      Cheers brother. These UPNDonkeys will be struck badly in 2021 because we have known all our weaknesses in PF and we are seriously working on them. 2021 will be won by PF not on propaganda but on strategy based on facts, accelerated development, trickle down effects and more.
      Our strongholds will have tripled by 2021 and the secret of retaining our President Lungu is a privilege of us in the silent think tank.

    • You kudos, you are still misbehaving on LT??

      Ati senior bloggers ?? You think every where is like in pf where corruption is fought selectivley ?? You are just an embarrassment of a blogger on LT

  7. @HH Oval Head our campaign message in 2021 will be very simple:
    “The Umser 5 people who sold the mines and wanted donors to impose sanctions, today they want your vote!”

    • Hehehe

      Ati people who wanted to impose sanctions ??
      It’s more like people who want to expose lungus dictatorship and corruption to the west….the PF rats want yo brutalize and jail people in secrecy……

  8. The trouble maker (HH) in Zambia must be caged in mukobeko longer for mother Zambia to keep on enjoying nice things like this fuel reduction.
    With HH is circulation such good things never happens!!PF IS INDEED ON RIGHT TRACK!!ITS FAVOUR AFTER FAVOUR FOR ECL AND PF!!
    Though small,bravo to ERB.its better than nothing!!ECL should advise ERB to reduce fuel further!!its be below K10 per litre for petrol and less than k8 per litre for PF Govnt must quicken up the Saudi-Arabia fuel deal for us to be enjoy cheap fuel in next years!!

    • Do your maths and tell us if it happened or not.
      Look @spakalinyo you are the only one sounding off tangent. You are too petty and childish. Donors don’t give funds to presidents but to line organisations. Lungu is not the recipient if any funds that come into zambia. If you think you’ll be punishing ecl you must be 1diots. Remove ecl from your equation and replace him with Zambians tongas inclusive and you’re going to see who will suffer. Ubwaiche bubi.

    • Where do you think lungu gets money to pay police and pf thugs to brutalise citizens and the opposition ???

      As far as we can tell western bailouts and aid only means Mr lungu and PF will have more money to brutalize citizens and further erode democracy…..

    • I don’t even know where to start from. It’s like you want to teach caculus to a grade 2. My boy you are too backwards.

    • If you think our efforts are backwards no one needs to worry as western tax payers will think the same……..again we tell no lies we only list verifiable incidences like the brutal PF attack on mourners at a UPND funeral.

      Recent Examples in new peitions of police brutalisation are also listed like the threat of police brutalisation at a proposed UPND peace march for HH while a PF solidarity march for lungu is allowed in kitwe…

      We are only telling the truth of what goes on, there are no lies let the western tax payers who give PF government aid and bailouts see for them selves……

  9. In case UPNDonkeys don’t know what’s hitting them, just a small hint. August 2017 is the first anniversary of the 2016 general elections. Anniversaries normally come with good things. Hence you see the following
    1. Strengthening kwacha
    2. Fuel price reduction
    3. Higher copper prices
    4. More investor confidence
    5. President General Obasanjo visiting Zambia and underfive and adding his voice to the politics and emphasising that the elected President of Zambia is ECL
    6. Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland visiting Zambia and announcing on behalf of the international community that the 2016 elections were free and fair and elected ECL as President
    7. President Zuma visiting Zambia and announcing fraternal relations with Zambia contrary to Malema and Maimane donkeys…

    • I bet the common wealth secretary did not know who HH is….now everyone wants to see him….the PF rats are eating them selves inside….

  10. Actually the drop for Fuel are quick significant. if you have done any economics. We are talking about drops the size of the inflation rate and that is real money in people’s pockets.

    If PF can keep inflation where it is , i.e stable, then people will start eating and appreciating low and stable inflation rate. Something that eluded us under MMD, but again you know who is in charge of the economy, don’t you? And you know where this re-loaded economic plan that is yielding results came from, don’t you?

  11. The petrol price is being reduced to keep HH in prison. Lungu made 35 million Kwacha in one year. How posiible is that?

  12. By the way UPNDonkeys, Maimane and Malema are not the international community that we talk about. For your information UPNDonkeys, in RSA the party with majority representation in parliament appoints the President of the country, so even Maimane and Malema are surprised at the demands of underfive since they did not read the constitution of Zambia at all.

  13. Why why why

    Is nobody making big noises about the exchange rate stability ???

    When it was crashing we were all economics professors. Not listening to boma telling us it was Globo.

    Now when its appreciated and boma wants credit we say shut up, its wasnt boma that must get the credit, its Globo

  14. Yes it’s a good thing energy prices are dropping from some of the highest in the region after 3 years of global price drops….

    • What equation when you id iots don’t even know the difference between a gallon and litre. Congratulations mupopo for qualifying to final, she doing fine at the world athletics championships, unlike Sharon.

  15. One gallon equals 4.55 litres therefor we are paying 53.0985kr per gallonmor onntodays exchange rate of 9.11 to us $ equals us $5.83 per gallon. HH head you are in Australia where the average wage is us $1200 the averagemprice of petrol pwr gallon is us $4.49.
    HH head as you said mugabe and his family were ok living lavishly the same as ECL is but the rest of the pipo were suffering. Is that how a PRO POOR regime is supposed to GOVERN for all pipo.
    Again your thinking is illogical. Do australians defecate in a hole in the ground, use candles to light their houses. guests house have hot and cold running water, no cadre call boys , suburban train and tram services. You are adreamer pushing propaganda

  16. 85 ngwee reduction and you are dancing and parting yourselves on the back???? What country of full of morons is this?! You will die in your poverty… ALONE!
    I don’t care who is in power, but I think Zambians should grow up and see things for what they are not just praising just because you support a particular party. Go and see how staunch ANC supporters are criticising Zuma in South Africa…and today he will face a vote-of-no-confidence in parliament. I personally don’t think Zuma will lose the vote, however the principle will have been set. That is what we call mature politics. Not being mocked by your own government by reducing pump price of petrol and dieasel by less than K1. By the way, K1 = 11 US Cents….in America there would be demonstrations! Monkeys deserve peanuts,…

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