Tuesday, February 4, 2025

91st Agricultural and commercial show in pictures


Zambia Army used the show to interact with the members of the public
Zambia Army used the show to interact with the members of the public
Visiting South Africa President Jacob Zuma receiving a gift after officially opening the 91st ACSZ
TEAM ZESCO which emerged overall winner
Team ZESCO celebration double win Overall winner and best theme interpretation
Team ZESCO celebration double win Overall winner and best theme interpretation
Team Zambia Police brass band
President Edgar Lungu greeting his ministers
Missing children inside the show police station and parents and guardians waiting patiently for anyone who could bring a lost but child
Missing children inside the show police station and parents and guardians waiting patiently for anyone who could bring a lost but child
Hone band performing
First lady Esther Lungu spotted at FQM stand
Correction facilities Commissioner Percy Chato visiting the stand
Correction facilities Commissioner Percy Chato visiting the stand
Cadette on duty
Botswana cultural troop was part of Cultural panorama
Botswana cultural troop was part of Cultural panorama
A zambia police woman on duty
a ride in the train
a painter in making Mambilima G7 pupil Theresa Mwanza at Zambia scouts stand

Pictures Courtesy of Jean Mandela


  1. I have a problem here, I can’t see photos depicting ‘Agricultural’. Maybe it should have been branded ‘GRZ and Commercial Show’

  2. Looking at that police woman with an AK i can see that she is carrying the new AK 47 model.
    That train still exists ..

  3. For sure I also can’t see anything Agricultural being shown apart from people and govt officials having a good time. If we cant explain things in simple understandable way, then we surely don’t
    understand or know what is supposed to be going on. Just rename the event as a 4 days holiday or as they say LONG WEEKEND!!!!!

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